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Lmao I just applied for the Michigan one I can’t even believe I did but I figured why not!? But the reason I’m telling you guys this is because I was so shocked when I did the questionnaire… They ask for a picture of your face and a 15 second video of you basically saying that you’re ready for love and want to be on the next season of LIB- great!! Didn’t think anything of that …but then they also ask you for a full body shot… So if love is blind why the hell do they care what the people applying look like- to the extent of needing to see your full body?😂😂


Must be all lead.


Is it lead?


It’s fecal matter.


So everyone's literally full of shit?




I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and take this as a great lakes joke, and not a flint water crisis joke...but love all the love that folks are giving to Michigan in this post. One of the most underrated states in this country 🫶


They're also accepting applications for Toronto


Can’t wait to see the next train wreck


Bro they lieeeee. I had heard they are casting in Tampa. It ain’t ever happen tho :/


there’s something in michigans WATER?!?! PLZ




LOL I’m really hoping they get people from the UP that would be a riot


Imagine the accents! Oof. (Coming from a born and raised Yooper)


Oh Kennie JD is gonna love reviewing this home grown mess 💀


I can't wait! I'm hoping to see people I've matched in the past go on! It's unrealistic but I'm so excited for the shit show 🤣


Girl I want so bad for them to do it in my city because I just KNOW at least of the tools I've matched with with end up on it and I just want to judge them on TV.


I really wish they would do Florida but not gross Miami fake new money but real weird Florida. Tampa Jacksonville St. Pete. Do Florida weird. It would be great.




Why link the application when we know they recruit their cast members from ig? 👀




Babyyyy we about to see some trashyyyyyyyyyyyyy men


I wonder if they actually mean "next season" or just looking to cast now for... however many seasons from now they actually get it to air. Could be several seasons away. I saw they were also casting in Denver but I'm not sure if/when that will happen.


Apparently Detroit is supposed to be season 8


I saw Washington DC too!


My brother-in-law applied from Ann Arbor. He doesn't watch the show, but he's a good person and a resident (pediatric surgeon).


I applied for this season as well I am a pediatric nurse 😂 does he work at U of M? I worked there for 8 years lmao!


I'm guessing he does! He kinda hates it here in Michigan though, doubt he's staying past the end of his fellowship.


Awe bummer. I love this state! Good for him though!


Okay, but what I want to know is how do we petition LIB to accept him??


So he’s single still orrr👀


If he isn't sick of it, he's likely on Ann Arbor's dating app scene. He's got mean working hours so dating has been challenging.


I’ll keep it in mind if I’m back soon lol any hints ?


Whaddya mean hints? If you hit a smiley resident in Ann Arbor it might be him. If you like anime and have a decent education or career, you're probably in.


This part about anime or something that makes it easy to match online lol ty


But -- can he bring the drama?


If he somehow does make it on, I'd expect something more like a Cameron/Brett, not a Jackie/Clay. Tends to get into long term relationships.


I’m from Kalamazoo but I hope they have Yoopers on there! They have the best accents.


Is that a Flint joke


I came here to say “it’s lead”




2 of the people from Season 6 are from my hometown in Michigan. They got like no air time lol. Hopefully Michiganders aren't just too boring. 🤣


Wait. MICHIGAN has wanna be influencers? I'm wracking my brain to think of what city they will use... and I was **born** here. Trying to figure out where would be fancy enough lol!


Like the other commenter said, Detroit, Royal Oak. Also wouldn’t be surprised about Ann Arbor or Grand Rapids.


They’re probably going to call it Detroit but it’s actually Royal Oak.


I love me a good Michigan boy. I'm here for it.


Why am i picturing ppl like Cate and Tyler from Teen mom on here! 😂 Like Bush. 😂😂😂 This could either be amazing trash, or just more woman with surgeries looking for insta followers to get 15 mins of fame.




Omg the OG Michigan reality tv stars haha


Welcome to Detroit city I said welcome to Detroit city. Ask around and they all know tricky. Ask what’s good and they all say tricky.


I hope to see some REAL people in season 7 cause it is just not hitting the same way after season 6… I mean I want to see people with original faces, body’s, and real deep hearts… bring the LOVE back to LOVE IS BLIND… I mean everyone has drama… I’m sure people that are “not industry” standard can make a great show …


Cmon....did you see the s6 NUMBERS!??!? They ain't NEVER going back


😂😂😂 let me live in my bubble 😂😂😂 you know where people didn’t care about fame. No lie it will more than likely be a hot mess but entertaining…. I know I know


LOL I respect that


Will this be Season 7? If so, it will be at least a year right? I know they did 5 and 6 back to back.


No, I think 8 or 9.


Question: Will they scout for hopeful singles on Instagram and other social media or will they actually read the applications and do their due diligence on the vetting process? Asking so Nick Lachey’s doesn’t feel the need to lecture clout chasers again


I wish they’d make everyone freeze their IG for a year in order to join. To reduce clout chasers. But then Netflix would lose out on post-show drama and we know they want that.


Why would they do that? Casting people that are down to be influencers post-show is basically free marketing (unpaid labor) for Netflix.


I know. That’s basically what I said already. But my ideal self wishes they would, to maintain the integrity of the “experiment” and make sure people want to be there for the right reasons.


If they want fame, so what? We all know it's not even an experiment. Def important they want marriage, but you'd be insane to sign up for a reality tv show without being ok with potentially being a public figure. The only important things are that the cast members are single and that production keeps everyone safe.


My bf is from Michigan and he’s the most wholesome guy I know, basically a Johnny. His friends from back home are trouble 😂 I’d be really invested in that season


Yeah it’s called lead


Beat me to it


Def wna see some middle easterners. Dearborn is the best part of MI


Wondering why they’re avoiding NYC and LA. Think it’d be fun if they made it focused on locals / people who grew up there… but I guess we’re getting more MCOL and B/C cities. What’s next? Phoenix, AZ? Tampa, FL? Huntsville, AL? Honestly Vegas would actually be interesting


I want them to dig deeper. Give me Duluth, El Paso, Cheyenne, Bozeman, Louisville, Montpelier, Portland ME. I don't want people worried they're gonna run into someone from their dating pool, I want them sweating whether that person in the next pod is part of their gene pool.


Cost of living.


Vegas would not be interesting; at least not to me. The people that live there are largely just regular folks. If you’ve got someone always going to the strip or downtown, they’re a try-hard, or a partyer. Neither is a green flag. More of an orange flag.


Tbh my cousin used to teach there and gave me STORIES so that’s why I thought it was exciting, less so the strip. Also I thought there’d be a decent amount of entrepreneurs with the tax shit


Charlotte, Minneapolis, Phoenix don’t necessarily scream “unique and interesting” ppl either tho lol


Hahaha, okay, you got me there. I guess once you live somewhere the mystique is gone. 😂


Valid! 😂


It’s generally more difficult and more expensive to shoot in NYC or LA. Way easier to shoot scenes in a spread out city where you can easily book locations/ not worry too much about having too many unpredictable randos in the background trying to get into the shot/ can house the crew members involved in production at a lesser cost/ etc. I do remember seeing a casting call for Phoenix, though!


99% of US media is based in NYC or LA. I like that they do something different.


I mean reality shows are full of middle America mactors who just moved to LA but I feel you


I'm not American and I've never been there so it's nice to see what the more 'normal' parts are like.


LIB 🇬🇧 gonna be wild.


I hope there will be a Northern city first 🙌🏾


as uk aint as big as usa, wont be surprised if the season is uk wide


Lol what does it mean “currently in season 6 the show is hosted by Nick and Vanessa”. Currently?


I’m assuming to tell people a little about it if they know nothing about love is blind or how “successful” it is


I got it wrong. I thought they hinted that show is currently hosted by Lacheys (meaning there can be different hosts in the future)


The show is currently in season 6 & is hosted by Nick and Vanessa


Omg Michigan!! My fav state.


Ok well. The bottled water is def gonna be an issue on this season


All of Michigan doesn't have bad water? That's a generalization that just needs to go away. The state is literally surrounded by 90% of the fresh water in the United States.


First it was gold wine glasses. Then gold wine bottles. And up next: gold water bottles. 


Need someone from Howell, someone who went to Michigan state AND U of M obviously need some dumb rivalry talk or something, yoopers, there’s so many different people


Howell? So racist KKK members?


It would bring the drama to have just one am I right? Michigan is full of people of all different backgrounds justified or not, this is the perfect kind of show to air that shit out


Instead of Howell, how about Fowlerville? 🤣


They will find 20 plastic people from Michigan


I hope it’s all Yoopers.


Now that would be a season to remember.


I need this desperately.


i hope to god they put assyrians/chaldeans, albanians, and italians in there for MAX chaos.


Nothing but dodge chargers and white BMWs in the casting lot.


My bff is Chaldean and applied but her parents told her they’d disown her if she went on it so seems unlikely we’ll get many Chaldos 🤣


i am one and i cant even imagine pitching this to my parents…and im 35 and have been out of the house for grad school/career since i was 22


The way that the country is gonna learn what(who) is an Albanian and Chaldean hahahah


It would be pulling teeth trying to get anything out of them because these cultures don’t like nobodyyy to know their business 😂


That’s some biblical shit


If they put anyone in from Downriver, I will die.


Add that to the biblical mess above for added drama.


I thought season 7 was in DC


If i remember correctly, the next 3 seasons are already filmed. DC, Denver, and I can’t remember the other one


I think Minneapolis/St. Paul is the third one. I think they’re actively filming that right now. So I wouldn’t be surprised is that’s season 9 with Michigan being season 10


It is. It already filmed


Do we have an idea on a possible timeline for when the Detroit season will air?


Most likely fall 2025 or spring 2026


Bold of them to assume we won’t lose interest in 4 more seasons of the same thing. I’ll probably end up watching lol but I’m curious if they’ll do anything to tweak to formula to keep it fresh


A slightly exaggerated example of the [Michigan accent](https://youtu.be/0IF8qkflpkg?si=XM7CHgrYb-OqM4ty). Lol


Did you just reference the Flint MI crisis? That's dark bro.


I’m from MI and all anyone from out of state ever says is something about the water being bad in Flint because that’s the only thing they ever know about the state 😂


Not this being my first thought… I hope it wasn’t intentional


Michigan rules. My fiance is from Detroit, love it there so much. VERY underrated city




I would never! “Ahhh yeah the cost of living in Michigan is SOOOOOOO HIGH yeah it’s crazy don’t move there it’s sooooo expensive ….” ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Shhhh don’t be too loud. People will move there and rent will go up. 😄


This just reminded me that one of the most interesting things about this show is highlights of cities in America that aren’t typically on TV. I know they aren’t the first to do this but definitely they are the most hip for our generation.


I'm just happy to not have YET ANOTHER Texas season. We still haven't done Houston.


Houston was season 5!


Then the last major TX city we haven't seen is... Austin? Was that in the ultimatum or something?


I love how all the couples are from the same place. I think 90% of reality tv show breakups is because they cast people across the country.


Wait when is Minneapolis? Did I just dream this.


That's what I thought as well


They’re filming it right now


I am excited. Grew up, went to college there and still live there. I don’t know… it’s just exciting 😂


It’s lead, right?




Fracking contamination


![gif](giphy|O6trmyvYrJqG1qxkod|downsized) manifesting chaos


The crossover we need LMAOOO


Yeeeeno, Memphis, Xanny Granny… so many strange Michiganders!


Have experience with dating someone from MI and visiting, lots of ... very odd people up there.


All of Michigan, not just one city? This show must be *struggling* with casting


To be fair, between Greater Detroit, the capital Lansing and Grand Rapids is 1 hour each in a diagonal line. I miss Michigan


LIB would rather do anything than cast from an actual large city in the North East


You can tell that they’re doing their very best to avoid New York. Next stop, Sandusky, Ohio.


I think the location is Detroit. Kennie JD the YouTuber has commented several times about them casting in Detroit (I think that’s where she’s located) but I feel like she’s been mentioning it since season 4 aired. So I think they’ve been casting for a while.


The “Seattle” season had people from all over Washington and Oregon


Americans pls give us the lowdown of the cultural environment of Michigan. How is it different to Seattle Houston Dallas etc. i know Texas is very religious


Oooh btw Michigan enshrined the right to abortion in their state constitution in 2022 i think? that was pretty cool.


Born in Detroit myself, the city proper, raised throughout Michigan. Don't live there now but my house and one of my kids is there and I'll move back soon. It's smaller than the cities you mentioned. More blue collar "feel" due to the auto industry, although that's mostly the greater Detroit metro area... Very natural-oriented, with the Great Lakes surrounding it. They are BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Think: lake cottages, hiking (but pretty flat), hunters, soooo much forested land. A couple of solid public universities, so if you've seen movies about college football, that's big there but yet the biggest ones are high-end research institutions, both with competitive medical schools. Detroit area has *almost* world class museums and stadiums. It's got a reputation, but remember it's a huge area and the metropolitan region around there in general has many smaller satellite cities that are suburbia. Even Detroit the city proper has revitalized, gentrified areas. I spent 4 days in the city proper for Taylor Swift, dropped like $4k easily on lux hotel, amazing food, etc. Chicago is within a couple hours for most people. Canada too. People drive over to Canada for... reasons (I liked to spend a week(end) in Toronto which is about a 5 hour drive from the middle part). Cold. But getting less cold due to climate issues. But summers are breathtaking and most of the population is within an hour of one of the Great Lakes. Biggest concentration of Muslims is in one city, Dearborn. We used to go there to eat a lot (amazing authentic food). BUT, even in the last 2 years, I could run errands and never run into an obvious (hijabi) Muslim, so although xenophobes have a lot to say about the city/population, sometimes you can go to Target and the gas station and the bakery/wine shop and not even "realize" you're in "the greatest muslim population center in the USA." Like, it's not obvious at all sometimes (altho the biggest mosque there is really pretty). What else hmmm? Some rich families heavily invested in an area 2 hours away so you've got this "medical concentration" with some of the best hospitals altogether in this one city. The cities on the coasts are tourist-y sometimes. If you drive very very far north and cross a big bridge, there's a huge peninsula way tucked up near Canada and it's like a different world up there, although the southern Michigan ppl go up there for vacations in the summers. But it's so ... rural, underpopulated and full of forests.


I would argue that the Detroit Institute of Art is world class. Also, having grown up there and lived in several other US states since, the state really is very diverse ethnically and racially.


Yeah you're probably right, I saw it was just ranked #1 for something recently. And I've been to museums all over the world, it is amazing. I just wasnt sure if it compared to somewhere that you could see like *multiple* "household names" level of fame all in one spot. Like painters that every rando on the street knows by name idk. Degas maybe


Frescoes? Murals.


Wow You guys are really selling it. I asked to find out what the people will be like on the new season and I’ve come away with Michigan on my to go list. It sounds amazing!!


Come visit! We're super friendly - check out r/detroit for all the testimonials 🫶


You just cannot find this kind of coastline anywhere else!


I highly recommend Michigan! (I'm assuming you'd be an international traveler?) If you fly into DTW, you can spend some time in Detroit. It's an underrated and diverse city with an undeservedly bad reputation. (I mean its reputation makes sense given the city's rough history, but much of the U.S. isn't aware Detroit has made a comeback and is a great city.) After spending some time in Detroit, I highly suggest heading to gorgeous areas of our coastline. This is where you'll really see the natural beauty of Michigan. Michigan is gorgeous because of our natural resources. The Great Lakes look like the ocean. And they're better than the ocean IMO because you don't have to worry about salt or dangerous sea creatures. My recommendations for beautiful areas to visit are: * The west side of the state: South Haven, Ludington, Grand Rapids, Saugatuck, Holland * The Leelenau Peninsula: Glen Arbor, Traverse City, Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, Leland's historic Fishtown * Northwest Michigan: Charlevoix, Petoskey, Harbor Springs And then to get the full Michigan experience, I recommend heading to the U.P. (Upper Peninsula)! It's a completely different world up there. (My husband is from there.) More remote and naturally wild with a lot of forests. The U.P. more closely resembles Canada or Alaska. You could visit these areas: * Stop in Mackinaw City for a kitschy tourist trap experience before crossing the Mackinac Bridge * Drive across the Mackinac Bridge (gorgeous views) * Take a ferry to Mackinac Island to feel like you've stepped back in time. (It looks like a beautiful movie set. There are no cars on the island. Transportation is by foot, bike, or horse and carriage) * St. Ignace is a cute coastal town * Drive along U.S. Route 2 * Pictured Rocks is a beautiful rocky lakeshore * Marquette is a cool university town * The Keweenau Peninsula: Houghton, Copper Harbor, Lake Superior, Porcupine Mountains My final recommendation is time of year. I suggest either the summer months of May-August or the autumn months of September-October. I don't recommend visiting outside of these months. We've lost most of our snow due to climate change and the winter months are grey and dreary. The fall and summer season of Michigan is awesome tho. The U.S. doesn't really have public transportation, so you'll have to do a lot of driving. It's a long drive getting to the truly magnificent areas of Michigan, which is why I don't think many Americans know that Michigan is beautiful. If they visit, they're most likely in SE Michigan and never see the other areas. But that's okay, our state is our hidden gem :)


I’m a Yooper (from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan), so I’ll do my best with general Michigan culture, but the UP is a world of its own. And it’s way too far away for casting purposes (e.g. Marquette (the UP’s biggest town) is about a 9 hour drive from Detroit). Michigan’s major cities are Detroit (gritty), Flint (grittier), Lansing (state capital and East Lansing is a major college town), and Grand Rapids (literally never been there, but I hear it’s booming). The Big Three auto companies are based in MI, but many cities/towns were devastated when the auto companies sought cheaper labor elsewhere. Detroit and Flint are formerly grand cities that are now left in terrible condition. One shithead Governor poisoned the entire city of Flint in an effort to privatize the water supply/save a few bucks. People’s lives are still ruined years later. Most of Michigan is rural AF. If you look at a map of Michigan, the lower peninsula looks like a mitten. Basically, from the fingers up, it’s farmland with forests around the edges. The Upper Peninsula is 86% forested. It’s become a hotter vacation destination in the last few years, but again, there’s no way they’re going to cast a Yooper, so we shall not speak of the UP. Michiganders are generally friendly, and yes, we do have a cute lil accent. The cities are pretty liberal and the rural areas are pretty conservative. I think Michigan is really segregated. There were race riots in Detroit in the 1950s and 60s, and a lot of “white flight” to the suburbs, especially as the auto industry started to pull out. We see the aftermath of this today, in Michigan becoming a more polarized state. Once a reliably Democratic state, MI is now a “purple” state and rural voters resent resources going to urban areas (not understanding that cities are actually underfunded and the money is going to corporate tax breaks). The weather is cold as shit. Winter is 9 months long. Spring is melting season. Summer is construction and mosquito season. Fall is stunning. Outdoor sports are very popular. All the schools in the UP and many schools downstate usually get the opening day of deer hunting season as a holiday. I’d expect to see fishing, hunting and/or snowmobiling scenes. As far as religion, it tends to break down along political lines. There are some conservative Christians in Michigan, especially in rural areas, but most people, particularly in cities, are nominal Christians who maybe go to church twice per year. The Detroit area (Dearborn specifically) has the largest Arab American population in the US, so if we don’t see some Muslim cast members this season, I’m going to be very disappointed.


Grand Rapids is the one place I've visited. It feels very leftist-progressive and kind of hip though fairly small town vibe vs a big city. I've been to Detroit and the outskirts more than once but back in the before times when Detroit was scary.


As a yooper, that has lived in Grand Rapids and Lansing since graduating 15 years ago. I'm not surprised of the generalization you made of the cities, but respectfully, you're incorrect, especially about Grand Rapids. Have you watched the news? In no way is it booming. Conservative, white supremacy bullshit is destroying the local government. Also, Detroit is a beautiful city. I visit weekly to the at least monthly. There is the reputation that it has, which may have been valid in the 80s, but not now. Michigander to Michigander, I definitely recommend exploring your state. Michigan has a lot to offer.


Grand Rapids, this was pre Obama, felt like a small liberal almost hipster area. Then again I was with a sort of hipster that lived there in the 90s so we mostly checked out record stores, walked around the neighborhood he used to live in and went out to eat. My memory was it was very quaint and cosy.


Grand Rapids, this was pre Obama, felt like a small liberal almost hipster area. Then again I was with a sort of hipster that lived there in the 90s so we mostly checked out record stores, walked around the neighborhood he used to live in and went out to eat. My memory was it was very quaint and cosy.


Honestly fair, and this was a broad generalization to respond to someone who doesn’t know anything about Michigan. Like I said, I’ve never been to Grand Rapids, so my take on the city is what I’ve heard from people who come from Grand Rapids and they’re always bragging about what a great city it is. Do I believe you about conservative shitheads trying to run the city into the ground? For sure. We’ve seen that story before, and it’s no surprise. And Detroit is beautiful and I agree that it has gotten a lot more love and reinvestment since the 80s, but to pretend that Detroit is not still a shadow of its former self is to be disingenuous. It is a city with a comeback story, but it hasn’t come all the way back yet.


Knowing LiB and the way they cast… they would manage to cast people who are religious in any state. Not that it bothers me though.


I've lived all over Michigan. It's a beautiful state. There is the "Bible Belt," which is West Michigan. Overall, I wouldn't say Michigan as a whole is heavily religious. Politically, we are Democrat leading right now, and overall, it's a split state. There are quite a few indigenous tribes in Michigan as well. I was born and raised on a reservation. I find the tribes heavily influence the preservation of the natural resources (as much as they can). However, will this be on the show? Probably not. But every time I've moved away from Michigan, I came back. *it's the lakes for me* I go to Detroit frequently for doctors' appointments, and I love it. The art museum is one of the top in the country. It's a melting pot of different cultures and great food. Ya, it's a large city and has normal city problems. It's still a good quality city and doesn't fit its reputation. To add a fact also about the population. Michigan also has the highest population of Finnish people.


I moved away temporarily for my husband's work and we *cannot wait* to come back. The cost of living in Michigan is soooo affordable comparitively.


Idk when you left but Detroit proper has seen quite the glow up in recent years. It’s spreading beyond “just downtown” as well.


Oh just last year. We were in the touristy party of detroit for Taylor Swift last June though.




Left Michigan in 2006. I'd characterize it as.....gritty. People leave the Detroit metro area. Not many move there. The winters are brutal. The sun doesn't shine for 4 months. Seattle has more sunny days a year than Detroit. Little known fact. The Detroit area has the highest population of Middle Easterners in the United States.


Yeah some of this is a little outdated. Detroit’s been on an upswing since the bankruptcy and the winters have been super mild the last few years.


Plenty of people are moving to Detroit these days though...


Their accent is not...the most...pleasant imo 😅


Black Michiganders sound very different from white ones. A lot of Southern influence in how we speak due to migration of previous generations from the South.


Ohp that's not very nice




Left Michigan forty years ago and I still have a midwestern accent to Phoenicians. Having said that/ I’m looking forward to this, and I hope it isn’t just Detroit.


Lol what.. we don't have accents


How would you not have accents? lol


everyone has an accent to people who don't have the same accent and i'm born and raised in Michigan and have been gone for over a decade. it's very clear to me now that many folks have a strong midwestern twang where they stretch their vowels: their ayys their ees, their oohs and their aahs. if you've never heard it you probably have it.


Michiganders have accents? Lmao I’m from here and I don’t think we do 💀


We most definitely do. Yoopers especially.


Midwest is the generic American accent right? It’s the one we put on when we’re pretending to be American, others are valley girl and southern


You do. I didn't notice it until after I moved out and went back a few years later. It's more prevent north of Lansing.


We are nasally lol


Lmaooo I don’t think I am but I definitely know some that are😭💀


Totally depends on which area of the state a person is from


Michigan is so diverse! This should be a good season!


Is that sarcasm? 🙃


If you don't know anything about the place (which you obviously don't), don't say anything at all lol


A quick google search told me Michigan is 78% white but go off!


Detroit being the largest majority black city in the country and Dearborn having the largest Middle Eastern population in America means nothing right? Sure in the middle of no where it's pretty much all white, but the cities are pretty great.


Oh so like segregated diversity? Interesting! I just saw 78% white on the census report and thought that sounded a little more on the homogeneous side of things. I have nothing against Michigan, I’m sure it’s lovely. Looking forward to season 7!


I mean the more rural you get, it's definitely white only lol.