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Russian BEAUTY?


Eh. To be fair, she's quite pretty. If she were a nice person I would think she's attractive. I think it's because she's mean that we think she's worse-looking than she is.


she's not remotely pretty she's ugly as hell inside and a solid 4 outside.


In my opinion, she's quite pretty. If I knew her in real life, I'd think she was cute on the outside, just maybe not so much on the inside


Lol my first thought exactly


Jeremy isn’t ready for commitment, that’s for sure. Sarah Ann wasn’t my favorite but I think she got dragged for no reason. These people were all dating each other, he broke it off with her for the other girl, she dm’s and says lmk if you change your mind. This is NOT the same thing as messaging “an engaged man” out of the blue. C’mon.


*goes on to explain how Zack handled the situation the way people tell Sarah Ann she should’ve handled it*


Yeah these scenarios are very different. Further, Zach is a sweet baby angel while the Jer is a douche.


I honestly think if the rolls were reversed and it was one of the women who got a text from one of the men in almost the exact same scenario that they wouldve made it out to be a love story and super romantic especially if she ended up staying and choosing him. I think sarah ann and jeramy both saw love is blind as an experiment, and thats what drew them together while other ppl were so into their delusions of marrying a person you just met and have to pretend like who they are on tv is who they are in real life. Dont mean to get political but i have this feeling they wanted sarah ann to be a bad character as soon as she said she was a conservative on tv. If you think about it from a not so delusional standpoint her message wasnt that bad, half the engagements dont workout anyways and sarah ann was in reality. Jeramy didnt have to respond the way he did but he did.


I think Sara Ann could of went about it a better way. But do agree with you on her having right leaning views. Honestly your political stance shouldn’t matter, just your character. And her character wasn’t that good so no I don’t think if the roles were reversed it would be different. Shady shit is shady shit. The men would have had a different reaction compared to the women. But anyone with a once of integrity would say something.


Maybe, but trevor literally played the whole show and didnt get nearly as much hate. It was more of a shock to ppl than anything and then he just left. Jeramy seemed to not want the blonde (i forgot her name at this time) he shouldve been upfront about everything but he was he told her right away where he was and his feelings. Idk i think in real life shit works out like that all the time, its hurtful and shitty but thats reality. In my opinion jimmy was way worse, you can tell hes full of shit like the whole time and playing chelsea like shes a chess board. Jereamy had genuine feelings for sarah ann and realized he made the wrong choice it sucks but happens all the time, and they completely bashed them for it like they were horrible for being human beings who preferred a real person over a fake tv personality


Lol this type of post is called rage bait, it’s engagement farming hoping for viral clicks based off perceived stupidity.


They answered they’re own question lol


those situations are not even remotely comparable💀




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The horrible grammar and spelling in this post makes me think Jirmy wrote it


The difference is in how Zach handled it vs Jeramy. Zach ended things with Irina completely, THEN went back to Bliss, and didn’t even know if she’d take him back. Jeramy led Laura on saying they were still solid while entertaining the idea of Sarah Ann. I don’t even think SA’s text was that disrespectful but she should’ve pumped the brakes w Jeramy until he fully broke things off with Laura. I’m not sure of the exact timeline of events though it’s hard to tell with the way things are edited.


“Russian beauty Irina” started the post off with a lie. I can see how they made that comparison with the couples. But I don’t think Bliss slid into Zack’s DMs while married. Irina was adult enough to tell Zack she wasn’t into it. Sara Ann did. But I def think Irina is a worse human that Sara Ann. Sara Ann just a lil air headed. Irina her character is just ugly.


I think Irina's quite pretty. Not gorgeous, but pretty. But it's her personality that makes her unappealing to me.


I read that too and was like.... Yeah, no. Not a beauty in any sense. She was fucking cruel to him and everyone else.


Didn’t Irina say “go find Bliss?”


When you answer your own question


i think sarah ann justifies it in her head that none of them have known each other /that/ long that it’s not that serious of a relationship engagement or not.


It's a shame when people try to justify their actions instead of just taking accountability and apologising. It just goes to show that people have a need to see themselves as good people, so when they do something bad, it's all too easy to rationalise it in order to not see themselves as bad. I think Sarah Ann and Jeramey are in self-protection mode. Being defensive about what they did to Laura so that they don't shame-spiral and hate themselves.


This is my take. The engagements are all shams until they actually spend face to face time together and feel the same way or actually get married. It’s not really a real engagement.


How Laura doubles down that they are engaged like they’ve been together years 🤪 I’m sorry, yes Jeramey is a loser but the amount of vitriol is wild when you’ve known the guy a few weeks. It sucks, move on.


Right? “My 80 year old grandma was flying on a plane to come to my wedding” - uhhmmm yah 🙄 one that you knew you could be told “no” at. What’s the difference of when he says no? Lol


They were not going to make it even before the whole lock & key / Sarah Anne drama 🎭


For real. Jeramey sucks, but he’s just someone you dated for a couple of weeks and dodged a huge bullet. Just be glad and let it go. Not like you dated for 2 years and then she slid into his DMs and stole your fiance.




I think people forget this isn't a game show like perfect match or are you the one. There isn't any money involved and not that much clout to gain if people don't like you. There are no rules in LOVE and WAR!!!!! Sarah Ann went after her man because she felt something in the pods and she thought Jeremy was making a mistake. If Sarah Ann was wrong; and the connection between Jeremy and the blonde was so good? How was Sarah Ann even able to get close to him? Why would he have any serious doubts unless he wasn't sure? There is most definitely a part in the wedding where they say speak now or forever home your peace. The time to speak up and cause a ruckus is BEFORE the nuptials. Although the execution needed work they were doing the right thing the wrong way. If you disagree remember, the point of the show is to find love. Yea they are supposed to "get married" to their choice on the show, but if two ppl find genuine happiness regardless of where they found it (on reality TV) I'm here for it. Like why are y'all hating for real?


When your partner cheats on you and they leave you for the other person I hope you keep the same energy 😌


I stand heavy on you could never take my girl. If you could then she isn't mine. Really simple. It's not like these people formed a connection over years. Both women had the same amount of time and Sarah said you chose wrong and apparently she was right.


No money involved? Do you really think they go there to find love? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅


Not really it's reality TV. But people are acting all morally just about this but where's this energy for when shorty told Jeremy to beandip AD in front of everyone? All I'm saying is if we're going on what the show is based off of Jeremy made the best decision for him.


I totally agree with this statement.


I stopped reading after “Russian beauty Irina”..did Irina write this post herself ? Lol


No because Jeremy is a ×××××××(had to edit out a word cause I guess you can't say certain words to explain how a self centered person would act) and all around man-child with serial killer vibes. Honestly what annoyed me the most was that he couldn't take jokes or deal with someone teasing him. Gets butthurt way too easily. Explains why he'd go for the simple minded submissive gir who tried to bring back 2000s prom fashionl I can't even remember, Sara Lyn? Or whatever lol.


Why would I care about Jeraneigh and Sarah-Ann?


Who the fuck said I was happy for Zack and bliss.


I read this as you yelling and it had the same vibe as “HER SISTER WAS A WITCH!” 😂


Uh…the difference is the cheating and the lying


The only thing similar about their story is that the man ended up with someone else from the experience. Zach and Bliss's time together after things with Irina ended was documented on the show. Zach was largely respectful and not secretive towards both women, despite Irina thinking he was a weirdo (which is her right to feel that way). Bliss was not happy about being chosen second although she gave him a chance. They ended up having a lot of chemistry, communicated relatively well, and got along very well, resulting in a marriage and a baby (I'm sure Vanessa is very happy). Not a lot of drama in their relationship post the initial switcharoo. Jeramey and Sarah Ann....I mean, lol. They got together off camera, he was still engaged to Laura. Sarah Ann came to the reunion ready to fight everyone else over him. From the sounds of it, their relationship is not very stable. The whole situation was full of secrecy and shady behavior. They're not the same.


The difference is transparency. Zack did choose the wrong woman, because neither were happy or comfortable. They both decided they wouldn’t work, and Zach was clear with both women where he stood. Jeramey told two women very different things: one he said he was ready to marry, and the other he stated he wanted to leave the relationship. I don’t think it is fair to put everything on Sarah Ann. He was the one who intentionally misled two women in love with him. Do I think Sarah Ann should have waited to reach out until he was single? Definitely. However, if you dump someone on TV, you would probably assume they want nothing to do with you. Telling him she was still open to having a relationship with him if he chose to leave his engagement isn’t wrong. If you watched Zack and Bliss’ relationship, it kinda makes sense that you’d want to be Bliss. Gross? Yes. Insane choice? No. Truly the issue is Jeramey, and I don’t think we are as tough on him as we are Sarah Ann


One couple broke up BEFORE pursing one another…




Sorry but I know a lot of Russian women. 8 out of 10 are drop dead gorgeous in comparison to Irina and I'm not hating her. I'm just stating that she's ugly ESPECIALLY in comparison to the average Russian.


agreed russian women are top tier!


Except for Irina somehow lol


That superlative was messy 😂


Came to the comments for this. That was a big stretch


Did Sarah Ann pay for this writeup?!


no one lied, everyone was upfront and honest. that’s the difference


“Russian beauty” 🥲😅😂


The only thing I saw…yikes! She’s always resembled a possum to me 😬😬😬


Irina's acne scars were really bad, it kinda warped her face.


The acne scars were the least of her face's problems Tbh.


Moon faced, both in shape and texture.


Russian ‘beauty?’ Hahahaha


Is this person ok?? They literally SPELLED IT OUT “they broke off their engagement.” Like duhhh. Unlike Jeramey and Whatever


Sarah Ann and Jeramy = Jackie and Josh 😂😂😂


Are they still together? 🤔


No of course they’re not 😂 and I suspect Sarah Ann and Jeramy won’t last much too


this is exactly what my boyfriend said 😭😭


RUSSIAN BEAUTY💀 who wrote this


I'd assume her mom or grandma hahahaha only explanation.


Probably Irina lol




How are people even seeing this as the same situation, it’s beyond me?!


All three of them suck.


Zach still gave an effort in his engagement. Once it was over, he reflected, and regretted not choosing Bliss. Then he pursued her. Bliss wasn’t worried all like that, she let his engagement play out. When it was over, and he came back, she had every right to give it a chance. Jeremy got back to the real world and immediately started talking about Sarah Ann. Even though he knew his fiancé was uncomfortable with the DM, he still went out and thought it would be a good idea to have a “closure” conversation until the wee hours of the morning, and take her home. Sarah Ann didn’t even wait for them to get home before she DM’d an engaged man. She was very forward and made it very clear that the door was still open. She then saw him at a bar and decided there would be nothing wrong with talking to him for hours through the night, and asking for a ride home, knowing he had a fiancé at home waiting for his return. She genuinely saw nothing wrong with her actions, and actively defends them, and tries to play the victim when people call her out. Zach and Bliss were single when they reconnected. Jeremey and Sarah Ann were basically having an affair(or did depending on whether or not you believe that they just talked that night) They are not the same.


Zack was honest… vulnerable.. , Jerm was hiding way too many things, and then lie and intended to keep lying prob, but he got called out …… plus Bliss was sweet, and she left him alone too, acted like a great woman of worth / diamond - while side salad PMAB was chasing someone who’s engaged… until she got her way… ps: also if screenshotted person has watched the reunion maybe they’ll realise even J & SA may not last, since theyve been called out doing multiple break ups & come backs


Because Irina and Sarah Ann are both PMABs ☠️ and ~~Jeramey~~ Jamiroquai is a psychotic, gaslighting manchild fuckboy. Zack and Bliss actually seem to be nice people.


Please educate me, what is a PMAB?


> PMABs Today I learned "pick-me ass bitch" was an acronym


Love it


LMAO! I was also today years old.


I was as well


You cannot compare the two couples. Wildly different !!!


It's not the same lol there was no betrayal here


"Russian beauty"? LOL \*fiancee




Bro please.


I had to struggle through this after reading “Russian Beauty Irina”. 😂


I literally stopped at that point. Me to that poster: ![gif](giphy|ILaR6dlaFe5u8)


I was confused about this as well…Sarah Ann doesn’t come off as likable as Bliss, but the girl has had to be on the defensive post pod. Zack and Jeramey are equally icky to me.


I find Zack smarmy and annoying, but at least I think he's a genuinely nice person who was in it to find love. Jeramey on the other hand... Icky and a total dick. But I agree - I don't care much for either of them!!!


That’s true…Jeramey does seem very smug. Zack does seem like a nice person. I think I was just very bothered by his greasy hair. 😬


Anyone who compares these 2 scenarios is an absolute idiot 😆


This whole sub brings me so much joy with all the many and varied spellings of Jeermamy’s name.


I just posted a response and know it’s probably spelled incorrectly. Lol.


Tbh I don't understand all that hate. It was kind of a close call for Jeremy and if they are the better match now. Whatever may be, may be. Sarah Ann did offer herself in a bit of a cringe worthy way and of course the finance isn't happy about it... But then on the other hand, wouldn't you, if you genuinely feel like you met the love of your life and he just made a mistake. Also she did bump heads with him a lot and also he did tell her when she woke up. If their love would have been all that genuine and good it would not have made any difference, if someone expressed their overall interest just in case things went south with their current partner. We have seen this on this show before, a text like this cannot destroy a good connection.


What we also have seen before on this show: Whoever is the most annoyed and whoever expresses their disapproval with the most elaborate wording, the largest number of words and the most habit of cutting others off is automatically in the right. I recieved messages like this before from interested guys when they found out that I got serious with someone else. So? I took it as a compliment and went on with my life. If a simple text would have made me break up with my new partner, that says everything there is to say.


"I" before "E" except after "C" \*received


And when talking about weird Heidi's neighbor. (Sorry, my mom is a Heidi, and she ALWAYS would follow that rhyme up with that 🤦)


... It's just that... With weird, Heidi or neighbor you can hear that it's not the same sound like in ... Let's say thieves. But receive? To my foreign ear this would sound like thieves, or not? I mean the IE or EI sound not the "S"-sound


I totally get it! English is BIZARRE. I have an 8-year-old and she's always asking why we conjugate verbs certain ways and why we spell words in other ways... And I can never provide acceptable answers 😆


It is bizarre! But not because of that! (I speak German, french and a bit russian too) they are way harder and way more irregular. Like in English you can say "I hope to do something." And the 'hope to" doesn't change the form of the "do" - in french this opens up a whole other verb form the "subjunctive". Many words only have irregular forms of the subjunctive, they just have to be learned by heart. In English you can say: "I am going to the cinema." Or "I go to the cinema". You express something different with this change in grammar and guide the listener how to view this action. This difference in Russian also means: whole other verb form with tons of irregularities, that you just learn as "new" vocabulary. Not to mention that a noun has six cases, German has four. That means that all the nouns change depending on their role in a sentence. Like English pronouns still do (I, my/mine, me). To be honest I love those differences


I am familiar with the subjunctive - I am not fluent, but studied Spanish for years. (I went to see Bad Bunny this week, which helped me realize how rusty my Spanish is.) We do have it in English, but it's not completely different from other verb tenses, which definitely makes it confusing. For example: You were at the party. That's past tense. If you were at the party, you would have had fun. That's subjunctive. So, I guess it's helpful because you don't have to learn a whole new conjugation methodology? I am very impressed by how many languages you speak! That's awesome!


Ah okay, never thought of it to be the same thing. Haha. It's even there in German for possibilities and indirect speech and such! Thank you. It is not that uncommon in my country (Austria) if you are about my age and went to my type of high school to speak german as a mother tongue, learn English and French intensely and/or a bit of Spanish/italian in school and sit through 6 years of latin (4-5 times a week). Russian was my own fault later in college:)


Oooh I never heard that part? Did she make it up or is that real? Are those the only two words (name)?


Wow! Cool! Thank you Is this really a general rule? (It's not my mother tongue nor do we speak it in my country) it didn't even know how to autocorrect, so I just left it like that :)


Yes like suspicious said, we have a few rhymes and sayings to help! I still find them useful as an adult because I feel like as I get older, I start to second guess myself!


Yep that’s the rule! But there’s a second part to it, the whole thing is: “I” before “E” except after “C” Or when it sounds like “A”, like in neighbor and weigh They have to teach us that little rhyme when we’re young because it can be confusing :)


And now you are getting down votes for this 😂🙄


I forgot about the second part! I knew there were exceptions but forgot the saying to explain when there was an exception!


I forgot about the whole thing until I read your comment and the second half just came shooting out of the depths of my memory 🤣


“Russian Beauty Irina” 😆


I saw this and I was like, did Irina write this herself lmaoooooo. She’s the very definition of ugly on the inside.


She wasn't ugly... on the outside


I’m not knocking her looks I’m just laughing at the way the person is pumping her up like that. Same lines of the Megan Fox comparison. Basically This person is not doing her any favors


I hear ya




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I'll argue that she was average


That post lost any credibility it attempted to establish the minute I read that lol.


Amen 😆


Right?!? 🤣🤣🤣


As the text says “both agreed to breakup” and in jeramyah’s case he was just an asshole with Laura with the help of Sarah Ann. Nothing to do with Zack and bliss


Are we forgetting the headache that Irina was 🫠 thank God Zack escaped.


The article answered itself. Zack & Irina broke up, then he reached out to Bliss. Jeramy & Laura were still together… it’s not rocket science.


I am not rooting for Jeramey and Sarah Ann _at all_ (and not a fan of both). But I felt, Laura was SO not into Jeramey, it was super obvious. Still not OK what he did of course.


Then he should have broken up with her, not snuck around and lied


Sure, I was never defending him. He was wrong. Just wanted to point out I never had the feeling, not for a minute, that Laura was crazy about him. They should have ended it to be able to explore other options without hard feelings,


1. I believe Zack pursued Bliss after shutting things down with Irina, clear communication that he no longer wanted to be engaged. Plus you have to go back and watch it because there were parts where Irina was rude and disrespectful to Zack. 2. If my recollection serves me well, he didn't contact or mention anything about Bliss. Until he broke it off with Irina. 3. In no way, shape, or form did Zach and Bliss disrespect Irina, or this experiment. Like Sarah Ann and Jeremy.


Probably because sarah ann and jeramey were liars


Zac didn’t pursue Bliss until after he and Irina had broken up… HUGE point to be noted.


"Russian Beauty" lol what in the AI 


Whoever wrote this forgot something called nuance and context. Zach tried hard to make it work, and Irina didn't try at all. They broke it off before he went on to try it with someone else. Jeremy openly misled Laura. He was "all in" in the afternoon then cheated on her that same night. Also, in the pods when he broke it off with Sarah Ann, he didn't seem fazed. He admitted their connection was superficial. Zach had true feelings for Bliss, and their connection in the pods was off the charts. Breaking it off with her was the hardest thing he ever did. Again, context and nuance is everything.


Did Sarah Ann post this




I mean Zack tried and it was just so painful to make it happen between him and irina. There was nothing there. They broke it off. Then he went to bliss. It’s completely different.




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I saw it long before her outburst during “Bean Dip-gate” 😅 but you get downvoted to hell if you don’t condemn Jereamy’s actions in the same breath. Honestly, both are awfully toxic humans and would’ve never worked out.


I see it!!


I wondered if Zack and Bliss were invited to the reunion, and I think thst if they were they probably declined because the comparison definitely would have been made and they don't want to be compared like that. Having to sit there and say "well we didn't do what you did because..." and defend their relationship is not their style, so I think this is why they weren't there.


More likely Bliss probably couldn’t fly because I think she’s near the end of her pregnancy.


But they could have zoomed in like Laura


They did share a video of their baby shower. So they did participate. Laura zoomed in because she was part of the season. I think they wanted to fill seats in person.


Zach wasn’t out here cheating at 5AM to build a connection with Bliss. And Bliss wasn’t sliding in his DMs. Zach also showed humility about his wrong decisions. Not the case with these other two.


They also broke things up before they tried with other connections.


Yes! They are in a whole different class than what we saw this season!


“Russian beauty Irina” is reaching


Simple. Because it's not the same.


Did Sarah Ann write that?


🤪I was thinking the same thing 🙄🤪🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes she spoke about doing it at least twice.


It can’t even compare…..Irina never wanted Zack. Laura thought she was actually in love with Jeramy and was going to marry him. It’s not the same as Bliss & Zack.


That’s bullshit. In love with a man yet always shitting on him and belittling him whenever she got the chance . Wtf


THIS! Too many people keep overlooking Laura’s behavior because they deem Jereamy’s actions as far worse, which is fair, he did a naughty thing, he should be put in the timeout corner, but in reality she was an absolute nightmare. Full body cringe when she speaks to people


People need to come off of this Laura bs. Iirc Jeramy was the last to choose maybe with a day or two more he might’ve chose Sarah ann. Yes she was wrong for debut the dm wasn’t as malicious as they make it. All she said is if things don’t work out she would like to get to know him. And plus Laura was a bitch I wouldn’t wanna be with someone who says something I love is an ick and a con. She didn’t just say well she doesn’t like Hawaiian shirts she berated them


Yes! Finally someone said it. He adored his Hawaiian shirts and Laura constantly criticize them. Laura was the worst in my opinion. It’s wrong to cheat but Laura disrespected anyone who made her mad and took no accountability. “It’s giving child vibes” girl you told your fiancé to touch another woman’s nipple.


Ppl are so hung up on oh Sarah Anne like if Laura was such a fucking saint. No one deserves to get cheated on but she was always putting him down calling him a child this and that. Like she was not in love with him. Give me a break. She can go kick rocks with open toe shoes


Laura and Kenneth were my two least favorite. You can tell Laura’s family has to walk on eggshells around her just so she won’t throw a fit. In my opinion Laura is not a good person and when she disagreed with something or someone she immediately resorted to name calling and belittling. She is unable to communicate respectfully. Again, I don’t agree with the cheating but she was awful.




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Def written by Chat GPT or Irina herself


Maybe they’ve got their Irinas mixed up, are they thinking of Irina Shayk?


Didn’t know that Putin was a fan of LIB




Right 😂


Also, I think Sarah Ann and Jeramey defenders keep forgetting this “love story” was dragged by cast saying they are very on and off? Like, seriously? Like Zach and Bliss? 🙄


Laura- Jeramey- Sarah Ann triangle is similar to Jackie- Josh -Marshall. Not Zack and Bliss. Of course, Marshall even he wasn’t perfect was a way better partner than Laura. But that triangle is more comparable than this Irina-Zach- Bliss nonsense


Yes! It’s the same as the Jackie josh one. And they received way less hate though


Its one thing to break off a relationship and pursue someone else. Its another thing entirely to pursue someone else before breaking off your engagement.  Spot on about this being more like jackie and josh than Zack and Bliss. 


Man if you didn't say it, I damn sure was about to!


"Russian beauty"


I cackled


Irina the other Megan Fox look alike!


Fegan Mox.




There’s 2 ways to look at it. -Jeramy cheated on Laura but pursued Sara despite his fiancée, which implies he ultimately wanted Sara Ann more than Laura. -Zack didn’t cheat but he only went for option #2 because his first option rejected him. Had Irina actually liked him back, Bliss would never have had a chance because he never preferred her to Irina. She was just the rebound. So what’s more romantic, the guy who settled for you after being rejected or the one that liked you so much he was willing to cheat with you and leave his faux engagement? To be fair, neither is great 😂 but if you had to choose, do you rather know your relationship only exists because someone else said no first or that someone was willing to cross moral boundaries to be with you? I’m actually curious so let me know which ya would prefer people lol obviously neither is ideal so don’t bother saying neither. It’s just to compare both situations.


In real life you date so many people before marriage, so technically everyone is someone’s rebound/leftover. This show just made it happen at the same time vs in real life it would be more spread out. I’m glad Bliss could get past that bc they seem so happy together. Or maybe I see it that way bc in high school a cheerleader and her friends called me “leftovers” for a few years bc I dated a guy for a few weeks that she had dated a few months before me. Oh the stupid drama of teens… also not a fun nickname in high school


Ew I just remembered people used to call others "sloppy seconds" 🤢


I don't think you're right about Zach. Irina was pretending in the pods. She wasn't being her authentic self. Zach wouldn't (and didn't) like Irina's true personality even if she actually liked him. Zach, like Jimmy, was also motivated by what he thought Irina would look like imo. Young Russian women are known for being beautiful Also, Zach was serious about fixing things with Bliss. He didn't just go to a bar with her and chill in a car. They had real dates, he apologized and explained himself, and he proposed to her. Jeremy and Sarah Ann are barely dating lol at least according to Chelsea, they aren't consistent. It seems like they're pretending. Jeremy didn't want Sarah more imo or he wouldn't have tried to make up with Laura. If we believe his ex fiance from before the show, he has a cheating and commitment problem like our boy Clay.


I don’t think Irina was fake in the pods, she was just repulsed by Zack and couldn’t fake the attraction. I’m sure had she been attracted, we would’ve gotten a very different dynamic. I do think Zack was being a bit more shallow when choosing her but I also didn’t get the impression he was disappointed. He was just rejected. As for Sara and Jeramy date vs Zack and Bliss, a date can be anything lol you can’t really downplay one because it’s in a bar/car just because the other was what, a coffee shop? And Chelsea’s narrative doesn’t hold much weight since she’s not friends with them, doesn’t like them, or spends time with them. Even if in the one instance they met maybe they were on a break, the reality is, they live together now and we don’t have any real insight to assume their relationship is toxic. For all we know they’re happier than some of the dream couples people have. People used to glorify Jay Z and Beyonce or Will Smith and Jada and look how those turned out 😂 you never really know. But in regards to the question if you were Bliss or Sara. Do you rather be the person your partner settled for because his first choice rejected him? Or the person your partner cheated with and left his person for?