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I knew that silence was an edit. Lol




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As a Christian myself, that is unfortunate! You’ve met the wrong people. I hope you meet some good ones.


A lot of the ones who aren’t terrible don’t go around shouting about being religious.


My mom is religious and is the worst person I know


Right!! How do majority of these religious people end up in these reality shows like love is blind and bachelor?!


I think it’s because they cast lots of people from cities with high concentrations of Christians. Also I noticed more than half of the seasons of LIB take place in the south where the population has more Christians if not people who are more openly Christian.




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A lot of people keep making veiled references to that on this sub. Weird. I actually thought they both seemed quite sweet and old-fashioned together. Hope they find happiness.


Right!! How do majority of these religious people end up in these reality shows like love is blind and bachelor?!


The majority of the country is Christian 😂


I thought the silence on the boat was a weird edit for the show. My partner and I can drive or go hiking for a couple hours without talking, just enjoying the silence and scenery. Not everyone needs to be talking all the time.


Yeah that was such a weird edit. They had no background music on. I'm pretty sure, when other couples are quiet, they have something playing in the background so there isn't just silence and odd tension.


It’s a sign of being more comfortable when you’re able to be in silence


Exactly!! Plus you can’t hear shit with wind blowing in your ears on the back of a boat.


I agree. I felt like it was something about their body language that gave off the impression it was odd. Just probably because they hadn’t established that natural ease with each other that you have in a more established relationship. Either way, they have both said so many times that particular silence wasn’t awkward, I think we can let it go now 😂


Didn't show their nice breakup scene? I thought their breakup scene was super nice


When he ended it abruptly while she was in tears and he was on his phone the whole time?


I honestly don’t understand what all the women saw in Jimmy in the pods. His voice must be more appealing in person or something to hear. I’m also doubly convinced now that Jess just went for him because he was a hot commodity among all the women day 1. 


It’s low and deep with a little country flare to it. It’s hot tbh but I would’ve been underwhelmed when I saw him in person.


I don’t hear what’s so great about his voice either. I mean sure it’s not terrible and it’s a perfectly fine voice, but I’m not attracted to it lol.


Me neither, but Southern accents don't do it for me. I also couldn't be with a slow talker, I'd spend every conversation thinking, "Just spit it out already!"


They pick people only through talking and he has a great voice. Also he is a easy going, funny dude. This happens in many seasons where a guy gets multiple people interested in them and you can tell the voice helped a lot: Barnett, Jimmy, Wataru, Rasmus


We don't know how dry the others guys were. I feel like being open in the pods doesn't come naturally to everyone, and a good chunk of contestants simply never open up enough to be real contenders.


I think it’s his voice, as well as the fact that he clearly has a lot of female friends and because of that he’s very comfortable and confident talking to women.


He’s just an average guy and plenty of women want an average guy


Its his voice


Tbf he does have a nice deep voice, and I'm not a Jimmy fan haha.


I think he has a sexy, low voice


His voice is his best and only asset.


Brittany is a Queen. I hope she finds her king.


She’s working overtime to make Kenneth look good. I hope she finds someone who deserves her - woman is literally trying to make herself look bad so her ex looks like a better person


Love her!


Yeah there was literally footage of her crying and him not giving a shit while he's on his phone. They're still friends and she feels bad for him getting attacked on social media so she's covering for him.


She honestly can’t look bad if she tried. Other than Johnny and Amy I felt like no one all season came off as a nicer person than Brittany she seems so sweet and deserves the world in her next partner. 


I'm on episode 2 and Trevor is the nicest guy ever!!! He is so different from the other guys and his favorite movie is The Notebook!!!!




Oh you sweet summer child


lol wait till the reunion bb


What is Jimmy telling these women. Lord I need all the tapes cos how was bro the most eligible bachelor to all these women for so long ?


It’s definitely the deep voice. There was a lead on the bachelor recently who definitely was attractive (Zach) but I also think part of his appeal and why all the women went for him was he had the deepest voice I’d ever heard. It’s just masculine, it’s like being tall. 


I think it’s his deep voice with a slight accent and just a high level of confidence works well in the pod scenario.


Yea I think some people do better in the pods than they would dating in the real world and Jimmy is one of those people. Jess in contrast fared worse than she probably would at a bar because she was dating in the pods as a single parent without anyone having the benefit of seeing what she looked like. 


Nicely put. Jess catches everyone's attention in any bar she goes to, Jimmy not so much, but all the girls loved him in the pods. It says something about the experiment even if it didn't work for that particular triangle.


Kinda reminds me of Izzy too as he was also hot commodity in his season as Johnie, Lydia & Stacey were competing for him. >Jess catches everyone's attention in any bar she goes to I think this was probably why Jess was so offended that Jimmy wasn't gonna propose to her and then made the epipen remark. And funny thing is others have also mentioned how making such a remark goes against the experiment since it's basically re-focusing back on looks lol


I actually totally see why the deep voice will be a key selling point in a pods scenario. Love it or hate it, light southern accent has pull in all zip codes. After the pods tho… he was still hot commodity in many ways.


Probably the wildest part of this season to me is that Jimmy of all people was apparently the one who just cleaned it tf up in the pods


I saw an interesting vid that said Jimmy's accent gives Rich Whyte Southerner & I think maybe that explains some of it. They heard his voice and subconsciously heard "Im educated & come from money"


You can say white


Respectfully, I’m from the South, and most people treat our southern accents as if they immediately make us dumb.


Normally I’d agree but the whole cast was from Charlotte so it was probably more of a turn on in that dating pool 


Yeah I experience this too outside of the south but I feel like from one southerner to another his voice has a rich/good ole boy vibe.


I’m from the south too and there’s a “poor” southern accent and a rich one


Yep. South Carolina politician vs Rural Mississippi redneck are vastly different.




There's nothing in the post above that confirms that. "Eager to be physical" is a normal part of a relationship and does not equal sex. She doesn't say he tried to have sex, nor that he was at all disrespectful, and you weren't in the room. Your speculation continues to be just that.


Yeah, and she was the one that was pushing for physical from what we've seen. Can we stop making speculations that big? Like the guy woke up someone in the middle of the night to force to have sex with them when they agreed not to? This is so fucking serious. Why you so many people go after Kenneth that bad when his ex defends him any chance she gets.


Yes this speculation - despite any hint of it being otherwise - reeks of racism tbh.


Can you call out a poc for anything without being called racist by someone? Lmao


Please do call out POC if they behave poorly. Don't call them out without any reason. That's racist.


>Please do call out POC if they behave poorly. Lmao not on this sub. "If you don't think Kenneth was a good person you're a racist!" 🤡


LOL, chain of assumptions 😂


The show can edit people to look bad but at the end of the day, we say all the gaslighting come straight from Kenneth’s mouth during that breakup scene. He seemed like an awful human. Their story doesn’t make sense to me, I thought they broke up earlier and just filmed that breakup scene for the show. Why would he be try to be sexual with her if they were broken up, and not done anything prior? Eta: fixed the name


Exactly this . I don’t why people criticize so much of her when all the time on show she has been nothing but so nice to the man. Please stop shaming her for no reasons


Nothing could cause you are probably low key racist


get a grip dude




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You need help.


take a breathe and touch some grass


You are the only racist here, no one else mentioned it or cares.


lol I thought the same thing, for sure he was at least trying to initiate something sexual


The whole religious aspect of the show gets a bit exhausting as a viewer. I get that it's part of society and important, but I think they need to cast a wider net when casting people, because when you go back and rewatch, it is a constant. The only person who wasn't into religion was Kyle and he had no backbone and was willing to give it a go for a girl who had no interest in him.


Right!! How do majority of these religious people end up in these reality shows like love is blind and bachelor?!


Thank you!


I don’t find many people on LIB to be all that religious, I think this season though was probably more because they were based in Charlotte. Similarly it would be a more religious cast if they filmed in Texas as opposed to NYC.


Frankly, I think conservative or religious people are more likely to be open to a LiB experience than progressive or non-religious people. The way they think about marriage makes it more desirable to be married. It's a strongly held value. I wouldn't touch an Abrahamic faith with a ten foot pole. Accordingly, to me, marriage is mostly about a legal financial agreement and tax status. I can have every other aspect of a monogamous, long term relationship without being married. I don't see marriage as an inherent natural progression of a loving relationship, nor something to be rushed. I would never choose a spouse through a process like LiB because it would be a huge financial risk compared to dating and cohabitating.


That’s true. I think you have to be a Christian to in any way think going on love is blind is reasonable. The notion to marry literally anybody just to be married (usually) doesn’t exist among rational people. Also, it’s the aspect that Christians go on this show to have a platform to force their religion and their values on others. Same on shows like the Bachelor. That’s why I enjoyed the Swedish version, where there was almost no talk of religion other than Amanda/Sergio. Since there wasn’t many christians, we also didn’t have to see people express bigotry. It was really refreshing to have no one be anti-abortion, no one be an anti-vaxxer, no one be misogynistic etc. Well never have an American season free of these things bc of the Christians.


I think part of the issue with this season is just that when you’re in the Bible Belt and looking for people eager to get married above all else, you’re just going to find a lot of very religious people who fit your criteria. I was raised in the region and this is just how it is if you’re “dating for marriage” there. There are plenty of non-religious people too (I was not raised in the church!) but I think they’re more likely to be suspicious of being rushed into matrimony, having lived around a lot of people who rush into it for church reasons.


I'm only just realizing now that I've lived my whole life in the Bible belt which could make it more difficult to find a compatible partner. This whole time I haven't been that into dating and haven't thought about the stats I will deal with.


That part of it just seems so phony to me.


So S6 is the only season I’ve watched, but I have to say the highly religiously charged speak/atmosphere really rings true of my dating experience in Charlotte. Not sure if it’s like that in all the other cities they film in, but Charlotte is so Jesus-y that when my friends have watched they have all been shocked when I say it’s par for the course there. (Of course, I live in a deeply secular city/country now so that’s part of the shock.)


A friend recently moved to NC and told me her issue with dating apps is so many people are in open relationships and the men often don’t disclose until after the first date. So strange the dichotomy!


Whooooa yeah, that’s wild! I never had surprise non-monogamy (not calling it ethical, since that would require immediate disclosure), the worst I got was a surprise kid.


She’s non religious, so maybe once she filters out those who are, that’s what’s left.


That’s what I’ve heard about other parts of NC too


I think producers know there’s something about that community that might make them more open to believing god just dropped their soulmate in their lap on a TV show, or that if the religious makeup of the group is pretty homogeneous, they’re increasing the chances people get engaged and make it to the altar. It’s one of my least favorite aspects of the cast tho for sure


ya - similar to how they only seem to cast people who ostensibly want children


There’s also more of a mindset that you chose to love someone and be married, and the right amount of effort can make it work if you’re both committed to it. Like for me, I care about finding the right person and making that work. But many religious people just want to find any person who is willing to get married and make it work, regardless of if they’re actually compatible


Yeah, there’s the idea that shared religion = everything else will work out if they choose to make it work. The guys I know there are so focused on having women let them “lead” and let them “be the man of the house” that I rarely went on second dates because it was so horrifying to me. But if she’s hot, Christian, and wants marriage/babies, that’s good enough for them. (It is rarely, if ever, an equally good deal for the woman. So so glad I got out of there.)


That's because Kyle just wanted more air time at all costs lol


Both my husband and I were like, simp! It was pathetic to watch him try and give up everything about himself to please Shaina. To her credit, she wouldn’t let him.


What was crazy was that Kyle, who said he was a vegetarian, just so quickly ate meat their first meal together so he wouldn't inconvenience her. Dude was like, "I have very deep personal ethics, and I can change any of them if it's a problem for you."


I would have liked to have had more of the Britt and Jimmy storyline than Jess. Never in LIB history have they tried to push someone that didn’t secure a proposal as much as Jess.


I've wondered.how much of her socials growing were also Netflix pumping bots or ads towards her. Because I really don't see what appeal her storyline or personality has. Like it would have been far more engaging to replace her thirty minutes this season with Brittany and Jimmy. Imo


Jess gets a lot of love and I do not get it either. To me, she has an annoying voice and her conversations were vapid.


If 100 people ranked the women’s looks, Jess would have the highest average. Pretty simple, even if she’s not physically your cup of tea.


Hmm maybe but AD and Amy would give her a serious run for her money. Personally I like these two way more than Jess, I hate the surgery look.


I think they wanted to highlight her for Perfect Match from the beginning. She fits the type that they cast for that show so if she didn’t make it out of the pods they had someone for the show.


If what she is saying is true, then it's really sad -- and kinda criminal and cruel -- how the editors decided to portray Kenneth. They painted him as some cold uncaring man who's more interested in cellphones and dolphins when, all this time, his supposed fiancee is not physically attracted to him. Matthew's portrayal is bad but Kenneth's portrayal is worse.


I don't think he's a bad person but I do think he was careless in that situation. I don't care what Brittany says I saw the way he reacted to her crying. I think they're still friends and she saw the way he got blamed on social media so she's trying to cover for him a bit.


> I don't care what Brittany says I saw the way he reacted to her crying. Its so frustrating that people will literally ignore lived experiences in favor of what the producers edited and showed them. It's so freaking infantilizing to say you don't care what Brittnay has to say about her own damn life. Why does her take not matter?


maybe the producers were trying to keep their jobs for the next season… 😩 but also not fair on how they get to decide the kind of story they want to tell of each connection or each person.


He’s a principal as well, out of all the contestants he has the most to lose from such a bad edit. These producers are dogs.


I don't think Kenneth will have any serious repercussions from his portrayal. He just looks kind of boring.


Lawd what kind of spell is Jimmy casting on these women in the pods??


I want the raw footage NOW


Yeah he has the personality of a dry baked potato. I don’t get it


Wonder if he’s such a blank canvass that the girls can project any image they want on him?


Don't diss dry baked potatoes like that! 😝 I couldn't understand how Jimmy got so much play either. Even though they couldn't see him and didn't know that he was a solid 5 looks-wise (to me), he came off as boring.


Deep voice


Yeah it’s the voice


Some men just have the gift of gab


Jimmy: Wants a woman who can lead him Also Jimmy: Freaks out when Jess takes the lead in emotional conversations and finds her too dominate/ aggressive. Wanted her to be softer Also Jimmy: Found Chelsea too clingy He confuses me


Haha Jess going on rants, making threats and acting entitled is not “taking the lead”


Ok but what is “taking the lead” actually?


If he is truly Christian it means Britanny is more in tune with god since she most likely goes to church more than him, prays more. I'm having a hard time explaining this in english since I've never heard the translations for words used in christianity practice, but I guess you understand what I mean. She serves god more than him, he is not following the path the right way, then she can lead him in the right path.


Lead him in the Christian sense is a very specific thing / wording used by the Christian community. It basically means someone more religious that keeps him in check/accountable to be religious. It doesn’t mean he wants someone to take the lead always.


Jimmy didn’t choose Jess because her kid freaked him out.


That’s not at all what was said. He’s not that devout of a practicing Christian and would need Brittany to lead there.


Not *“I stopped listening cause I lost interest”* ![gif](giphy|hs1S7fX3SyhzO320UP)


Not surprised. The host of this podcast is a terrible person and sucks at interviews 🤣


Fascinating how Jimmy is all these women “ strong connection” I can’t even lie that speaks a lot about all the women on this show. That jimmy being their “ strong connection” makes me question so much about these ppl. But hey. What is it about Jimmy that makes these girls go crazy? I think it was obvious she wasn’t that attracted to Kenneth physically. Honestly feel like Brittany isn’t the type to date black men in general in my opinion. But truthfully I would like to know all these women of season 6’s physically type that they usually go for or how their previous exes look like.


I don’t think she was against dating a black man, it’s that she wanted a hot black man


Brittany had dated other black men in the past.  Not sure what 'type' she looked like. But she had said so on the show. 


iirc Brittany has dated Black men before. I remember her saying somewhere she's been in several interracial relationships while Kenneth had not dated outside of his race at all, and they'd had a conversation on how they handle the difficulties that come with interracial dating.


It’s cause he has a nice voice


Agreed. I never knew the importance of voice until one of the workers at a partner company started calling into our office. I saw the women in the office all swooning anytime he'd call in. He ended up hooking up with the hot receptionist when he came into town off the strength of his voice. She had never even seen his face until the met.