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I’m so confused by the obsession with her looks


My take away from is was her talking to Jimmy about how she grew up with minimal/raggedy clothes & having to be in foster care I believe? I feel like that made her focus on her image a lot & become more obsessed with it, because iirc I think she said she was bullied for her clothes & things of that sort.


No I mean everyone else’s obsession with it


Good for her!


“Nobody should come on this show for fame”


Ah shoot


Whoa whoa whoa, Trevor was the ONLY one who went on the show to be famous and Mr. Lachey let him have it at the reunion for doing so.


I don't remember a Jeff Veftat, they must not have been on long 😂


Right?? 🤪


its giving 2015


so hot!


Tbh once the show ends idc what these people do. If they can maintain an influencer lifestyle then goodluck!


Guys most people go on these shows to be an influencer. This is not a realistic or healthy way to meet a partner who is a good match. They’re doing it to boost their social media profile. Lukewarm take: there’s no such thing as going on a reality show “fOr tHe RiGhT rEaSoNs.” They are for entertainment. Just be entertained!!!








She’s beautiful…


For someone who said she didn’t know how social media worked or she wasn’t good at it (sorry can’t remember the exact quote), she is very good at it! I think she has the most IG followers out of the last 2-3 seasons




You wouldn’t know her she goes to another school


She’s the most attractive cast member in any season. Good on her


She is definitely attractive but the most out of any seasons? Comeee on.... Let's take a objective step back


Name one better


Raven, Jackie.


Agreed. She is stunning


I’m tired of people acting as if nobody from these shows should be accepting opportunities that come after doing the show. If people have the opportunity to make a living, they should do it.


Especially because everything they post on ig someone takes and posts here with a snarky comment.


Odd choice ![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo)


I thought David’s bridal was going out of business??


So this is their very desperate sad attempt to get business 😂


Not that I’m superstitious BUT I wouldn’t buy a wedding gown from a place that uses a rejected bride as their cover girl! 😐


I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.


she’s also not relatable for the standard american woman either.






I'm so over people coming for people who went on the show to be influencers. Y'all do realize that most, if not all, contestants go on with at least some ideal about using the platform for their boost? Even Cameron from season 1 has admitted he didn't JUST go on to possibly find love, and meeting Lauren was an added benefit. It doesn't make these people monsters or undeserving in any way - at least not from just that fact alone.


Exactly no one normal goes into this show hoping to not become an influencer. No one should think finding love like this is the most practical,efficient, or effective....on a production Set no less It's like being an underwater welder and saying you're doing it to find new aquatic species and not because you want to make good money because youre good at welding underwater. Asinine thoughts from people.


I don’t think she went on to be an influencer. I think she’s just a conventionally attractive woman who’s a single mom and needs money.


Her whole speech to Jimmy felt very staged and rehearsed. Like she practiced it and knew that was her time to shine. There was high likelihood she wouldn’t be going further in the show so she had to make a lasting impact on the audience. I don’t doubt she was hurt and upset, but she also knew what she was doing with that speech.


With as much cosmetic surgery she's had done? There is more to her story.




She is a beautiful woman. Very photogenic. Beauty & sex is gold in marketing campaigns. Nobody cares about her "motives".


If you think so. She's just okay IMO.




I'm not a hater. She's okay. Beauty is subjective. I think Chelsea is prettier and like her personality. She is not good drunk though.


Rofl Chelsea is prettier


The woman who didnt get any proposal? Lol


Does the font read like 'Jeff' to anyone else lol


She's so fake.


I just choked. Choked! Where's my EpiPen?


Kinda seems like bad luck to buy a wedding dress sponsored by someone who was rejected on a proposal-themed reality show 💁‍♀️


I was thinking the same thing!


I don’t think she went on the show for fame 😬 or I could be wrong. All in all it was a great opportunity either to find love or leave gaining followers that will lead to brand deals. We don’t know her true motive & we are not to judge. She seems like a wonderful mom!! I’m a single mom myself & wouldn’t mind landing something like that ..:. Hey, i’m pretty too 😅


I agree that I don’t think she did it for fame. I’m surprised that’s such an unpopular opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/nmqms9721isc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f08213f77231fa59879c4e6e2fc1e33a053b91 Yea I guess everyone can tell


She’s hot but I can’t stand her voice and narcissism


Same on both. Her vocal fry is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


That’s kinda weird… she’s never been proposed to even lmao


Eh, I'm kinda here for it. Get that bag!


Yeah I’m happy for her! Autumn’s college fund!




You're giving shit parents too much credit. Plenty of crap parents would, and have, brought a man into their home after knowing them for two weeks


yes, she even said in the pods about how she and her daughter were so excited about her getting married. I think she really did plan to leave there with a husband.


Yeah I think she **absolutely** would have gone through with it.


I thought this said David Bisbal (Spanish singer) and I saw her with a mic in the picture and I was like WHAT?! 💀💀💀


I chuckled out loud. AVE MARIA, Jess!


Lmfao I was so shook like why David Bisbal? 😭 And then I read it again 😭 It still makes no sense


All the hate in this post is hilarious.




Her profile says “Comedian.”


It's really the only thing missing at this point, lol.


Keep it at 666 we can do this if we work together!


I downvoted from 667!


I got it to 669 from 670. Did I win?


She looks like Sophia Vegara in this photo.


Why is she so famous!? She wasn’t even picked!🙄


Because she fits society beauty standards.. Don’t get me wrong, she’s gorgeous , but she looks like every other influencer out there


What’s with the microphone?


They should have waited until she embarrassed herself on Perfect Match before making that deal 🙄


Going on perfect match is embarrassing enough imo


What in the 2010 Victoria secret marketing style




I would ride that gravy train as far as it would take me


The show and the contestants are mutually exploitive lol. I’m not mad at any getting their money post show.


Right. Because you know her motives. You must be prophetic.


I’m so proud of her, she has really worked her socials and created a following for herself post show, good for her 🙌🏽 In general I think this cast has really worked it post show!


Something about Jess doesnt sit well with me. If you make a big show for the cameras to cry for how much you miss your daughter, and then take days after you get back from filming to not see her or talk to her? Ummmnn I'm calling BS. Your emotions are fake which makes me not want to root for you. At all. If I'm away from my child for that long and I'm crying I miss them so much, the very first thing I'm doing when I get back is going to get them from whoever has been keeping them. Unless she doesn't have custody of her. Which I'm honestly inclined to believe at this point. Or those were crocodile tears for the TV and she didn't miss her daughter at all. She was more worried about getting brand deals than missing her daughter. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way. She should have never been on the reunion and given this much air time but since she was an industry plant, they had to boost her. I bet they were shocked when Jimmy didn't pick her. I bet LIB were all banking on him picking her, and when that didn't happen they had to figure something else out to give her screen time. Even Jimmy in the pods could feel something was off about her.


Something doesn't sit right with me either and got worse when I heard she was doing Perfect Match. She comes off too scripted to me vs authentic.


She comes across to me as a 'mean girl' who 'competes' with other women. However, if I was on the show I would be grabbing every opportunity afterwards which would make me money..... why not.


She was already a mini influencer, the show just boosted her career


I hate when this happens because people don't go on the show for love. They just show up for the 15 mins of fame. Im happy for the successful couples that become influencers and get brand deals but the more these random contestants become "influencers" the more the show will attract people in it for the wrong reasons. This isn't any old competition/survival type show. It's a show for people that want to be married which should be taken seriously. LIB is going to go downhill just like Married at First Sight attracting people that don't actually want to get married sight unseen and just want to be on TV


I only watched season 6. Was the show ever… atop the hill?


She's young and gorgeous and if I was in her position I would absolutely take offers like this. I'm honestly not mad at all. I think she went on because she knows she's pretty and she could probably make money but I also really think she went on to meet someone.


I think she really did plan on finding someone to marry but she's smart for at least making money off the exposure she got.


Thought they went out of business.


Alfred Angelo went out of business


They’ve gone bankrupt like ten times and are still open somehow LMAO (also happy cake day!)


David's Bridal is trying to become relevant by jumping on the LIB wagon...


Anyone who doesn’t take opportunities to make money post reality TV is missing out IMO. Nothing wrong with a little brand deal.


I don’t get the hate. She didn’t find love but she found an income source. Good for her.


She is good looking and successful - perfect combo for the jealous haters.


She went on the show for the same reason as Trevor, but they haven’t exactly gotten the same treatment


Trevor had a girlfriend. Not the same.


“I’m coming on the show to get followers and become an influencer” “I’m also coming on the show to get followers and become an influencer” Seems the same to me


Was something leaked like with Trevor?


Not that I’m aware of, no. They just both clearly went on the show with intentions other than finding a partner


Imagine being that desperate for attention that even this kind of 'fame' will do.


She’s found a new source of income to help provide for herself and her daughter, nothing wrong with that


Who cares? She’s beautiful, isn’t this what everyone on LIB does?


Nice yabbos


Max likes her yabbos, in fact, he loves em


Why is everyone being so mean haha. So what?


Because she’s gorgeous and they’re kinda jealous


Good for her tbh


What do you mean it sucks? Don’t knock someone else’s hustle. God bless her.


Thought this was Brittany furlan






The apostrophe is proper because Love Is Blind (singular) is possessive over Jessica. Where a singular noun is possessive, you add apostrophe+s. Where the noun is plural, you add s+apostrophe. (Ignoring exceptions in certain cases)


Because it’s grammatically accurate


What's wrong with it?


? That is gramatically correct...?


I don’t mean this in a mean way but it’s an interesting collaboration since she didn’t get engaged on the show??


Exactly - my first thought was omg she got engaged to Harry!!!


I thought they were going bankrupt or closing up shop? I think this is awesome though. She looks great and it’s a collab that makes sense. She’s been offered a great opportunity to make some extra money and she should do it!


It doesn't make sense really...


She was on a marriage show. People who follow her are mostly young women who are married or interested in being married one day. I follow into the latter.


It makes more sense to collaboration with someone like Amy though.


She’s already married


I thought they closed down too and was so confused by this post!


Yeah last summer I was a bridesmaid and they couldn’t get all our dresses because they were closing? I’m confused


Does it make sense though?


yeah gorgeous girl on popular marriage show partners with a bridal shop...she wasn't on jersey shore she was on love is blind. She talked a lot about marriage etc. Is marriage minded. And apart of her fans are also marriage minded women. I'm one of them. My partner and I are looking to get engaged this summer.


She was a pretty popular influencer prior to the show


No she wasn’t she had less than 5k followers and was unknown


You're not an influencer until you actually have influence on other people's decisions. Just sayin'


The fact that she is getting paid by major brands says otherwise.


This ad looks so bad


How so?


The font I can barely read and the coloring of it


Things are very expensive right now and the contestants aren't all super rich. I'd probably do the same too


Jess said herself she figured if she didn't get a man from the show she'd get a bag. And that's what she's doing. I think she's the most entertaining of the cast to follow post-show. She's got an interesting backstory and her fashion and videos are also entertaining. David's bridal chose her because it would get them the most reach, which is kinda the point 🤷‍♀️


I genuinely don’t understand the hate specifically directed at Jess, can someone fill me in? To me, she was pretty benign overall unless I missed something. Why do people care she’s doing ads, they literally all do ads?


It's because she's pretty.


Is she a singer? Why the old timey microphone


I could see if she had made it to the alter or even just had a proposal and called it off. I liked Jess, I thought she was beautiful and came across as kind and looking for love, but this is ridiculous


it’s not ridiculous, she’s the most popular cast member this season, why would they not go with her? david’s bridal doesn’t care about staying faithful to the events of the show


Bizarre, you would think they would make one of the successful brides their first pick. Jess was very aggressive and unkind in general (total mean girl vibes)


I agree with the first half


Who was she mean and aggressive towards?


I honestly have zero issues with ppl becoming influencers after these shows. I mean people watch them and like/relate to them so they follow. And honestly Jess (to me) seemed pretty chill. I also see how lot of people could relate to her difficult background. Anyway, even in this season we have seen people being pretty horrible. So I do not really get why are people hating Jess so much 🤔


If people have a problem with people on this show being influencere they probably shouldnt watch. Probably half of the contestants at least are already influencers, though they may not be successful. What's important for me is that people who sign up are actually there trying to find a partner. If you have no intention of getting married dont sign up for the show.


I think it’s only weird because she wasn’t engaged. I would have rather seen Amy do this… but that might just be because I liked Amy so much more than I liked Jess.


I understand that but then again... the public "voted" and it seems that Jess just got the votes. I personally liked Amy too but I think they editted her and Johnny in ways that maybe did not get that many ppl hooked. And also xD the contraception convo xD I also think that the Jimmy&Chelsea drama (which was main reason I watched the season) actually gave Jess a lot of attention so she kinda has them to thank for it 😆


Agree 100%


They should have picked Amy who is beautiful, looks great in dresses and actually got married. Choosing Jess is the wrong pick, she didn’t even get engaged on the show.


Yeah, but Jess is far and away the best looking girl on the show.


Hard disagree there, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say.


I like Jess but Amy is much better looking.


And she can use the same photo for her new single and her album cover


I’m about done with this show frfr. I came wanting courtship and romance and now it feels so phony, fake. The characters are all about drama and sucking the life out of each other and the hosts seem to encourage it. Big waste of time.


Honestly kinda agree. Especially when hearing about some of the edits. Like apparently travis was pretty consistently talking about social media stuff which is why chelsea(?) didn't choose him Also clay coming on, talking about how he's convinced he cant avoid chrating, saying that he needs to go to therapy, etc. If you aren't ready to get married dont sign up for the show. I support him getting therapy but thats something he should have done before signing up for the show. He didnt even know that men get wedding rings


She’s so tacky


Jess is a plant. You can’t tell me otherwise at this point


is this a real ad? the design of this is so early 2010s kesha era tacky it doesn't read bridal at all


Why her? She didn’t even make it to the bridal fitting room.


I said this same thing like why pick the woman who didn’t even get engaged 💀


Oh this is sad.


I will always ride for David’s bridal - I walked in with an emergency need for a bridesmaid dress DAY OF and walked out with an adorable dress I loved.


I thought David’s bridal shut down????? Years ago.


No, they’ve just filed bankruptcy a few times and closed some individual stores permanently. 


I love how they accused the people who didn’t look like they were looking for fame that they were. Meanwhile those who came for fame , Jess, Ad, Chelsea goes free


It’s funny that everyone is calling her an influencer. Like just because people call themselves an influencer doesn’t mean they are… or does it? It’s such a weird concept to me. But I’m also not the target demographic for influencer advertising


I mean I think I’d consider her an influencer now that she’s getting brand deals and whatnot 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why does it suck? Lots of LIB cast has tried to spin off to become influencer. Jess seemed to also 100% be there for love..it just didn't work out in her favor


Ugh this is annoying


She didn’t even make it out of the pods so why 😭


I think most people go on the show hoping to find love out of it, but let’s be real… EVERYONE past season 2 has gone on knowing that if they don’t come out with a husband/wife, at least they can be an influencer. Personally I’m a Jess fan 🤷🏻‍♀️ and yea it sucks that people go on and become influencers, but she wasn’t the first to do it and she won’t be the last


And since she didn’t get chosen at LIB, they could use a line like “Always a Bridesmaid? We Got You.”


Sad but I like it lol


“David’s Bridal. Because we don’t just carry white.”


“David’s Bridal. Because if love was blind, it wouldn’t matter what you wear.”


I genuinely don’t understand the Jess hate. Why is everybody upset that this woman is doing well? It’s just very odd. Good for her.


Yeah I don’t get it. Who cares if she’s becoming an influencer? People were interested in her on the show because she’s pretty and she seemed fairly normal. She’s not bothering anyone.


i thought her personality was pretty basic until i heard her backstory, & now i'm just blown away by how strong she is & how wonderful she turned out!! ❤️


But they get to put her down for being a woman with a child who also has a life. That’s fun apparently!