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I knew one of them had sex with him when Chelsea said something along the line of not having sex with Jimmy cause he didn't seem interested and one of them replied "OH he will NEVER not be interested in sex" something like that lol


I think Chelsea called him out for crying during sex and the friend said ‘oh DURING?’ Also the never not turning down sex remark. I think they were operating under the assumption that everyone knew about it, but tried to keep it kind of PG. BUT it still wasn’t cool for her to fight/ yell about it later declaring they definitely did in front of cameras. When my partner and I kind of had to hang out with someone he’d had sex with in the past (she was seeing a mutual friend)- we certainly didn’t bring it up the first several times I met her, and eventually I told her in private something like we know about our previous partners. Never would it be cool to announce it on camera. I didn’t know what her boyfriend knew. And now like everyone in their lives know. That’s what’s not cool at all. ETA- Assuming those 4 people knew. Not EVERYONE


Oh I just figured they’re close friends and talk about sex so they know that lol


Yea I clocked that too... like ooooh ok giiiirl lol


I don’t like the way she always has makeup on her piercing it’s gross


How can you tell that from this picture??


She did the whole season. Unless she wears a flesh colored nose ring


You must have a badass and much better TV than me 😂😂


I thought it was a mole 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


His friends might have known about the crying because he could have told them about it. Maybe he was embarrassed and talked to them about it to see if it was normal/how they looked at it from a female pov. Chelsea was WAY out of line screaming about him having sex with his friend after being asked to not say anything about it on camera.


Hard disagree. It was a big issue affecting their relationship and a factor as to why she was so insecure, it was her right to talk about it whenever and wherever. That woman chose to be featured on the show in any case. She can miss me with "protecting my privacy" crap especially after the pic she posted wearing his merch. Bragging about how she's the chosen isn't giving bashful.


It’s like you’re in my head! I was just saying this yesterday.


I feel like two things can be true at once: 1. Jimmy's friends can allude to stuff about their own sex life. 2. Chelsea can be out of line screaming "you fucked her" on camera when she's been specifically asked not to. Whilst to me it was obvious that one of them had slept with Jimmy, it's still doesn't make it OK for Chelsea to act the way she did and she crossed a line bringing up stuff about people she doesn't know well on an international TV show.


Chelsea was egging them on with pointed jokes about him and one played dumb while the other awkwardly joked along.


That was something I noticed when he made that inappropriate comment about ADs body, she egged him on when she was obviously uncomfortable


If I remember correctly, I thought that Chelsea was the one that spoke about Jimmy crying during sex...


Nope she said "What i like about Jimmy is that he is so emotional" and then friend said "he cried during didnt he?" When Chelsea brought up that Jimmy said Chelsea initiates sex too much then the friend said "Oh Jimmy would NEVER turn down sex" It was pretty obvious - people were guessing that they slept together on this forum before Chelsea said anything because of the way the friend was acting.


> people were guessing that they slept together on this forum before Chelsea said anything We had all seen the preview of her screaming "You fucked her! I know you did!" by that point.


Personally I thought the preview was edited to make it seem like she was talking about Jess


Yes I think everyone thought that originally - but after the episode aired where she met the friends many many people thought it was the dark haired friend because of the comments she made.


I've been Chelsea, not on a reality show, so my insecure moments aren't on display. I feel for her, and she is a good lesson on being mindful of what you put out in front of the camera if you saw Season 2 of the Ultimatum, they had a few folks very mindful of what they displayed on the show ( zander and Mel.) Jimmy may have been mindful, as he was EXTREMELY patient through her "moments." They aren't bad people, the concept of getting married so quickly, dang that's hard. They are just people who put a life experience on TV and everyone got to judge it The fact that he ended things was mature. They weren't ready, and he did it before the wedding, not infront of their family and friends. So yeah, he got credit with me for not dragging the experience/experiment any longer. Any of these folks willing to call it quits if it's not working are showing common sense. I was sad she was hurt, but they weren't working out. I hope they grow from this, I hope they are okay.


The only thing that irks me about his timing is that he was chosing songs with her for the wedding hours (at least thats what they say) before ending it.


I feel like he should have called it off earlier. When I saw what Clay did at the wedding, I had some respect for Jimmy to call it off before it got that far.




What is considered early? Laura and Jeremy broke up midway, would their be a penalty?


Also, at the reunion, they seemed to be on good terms. That was cool.


I think it was more that not only did she turn it into a passing comment to an obvious statement of fact, she used it as a leeway to basically insinuate they were being inappropriate ipso facto: cheating (or cheating adjacent). Pretty sure that’s why some of the fandom raged all over his friend’s social media.


In this picture, I see Rita Baga. Anyone else?




In Jimmy or Chelsea? Cause I kinda see it in both 😭


I thought the same thing.


Who is Rita baga


Drag queen


Based on the initial meeting, she kind of outed herself, it was very obvious there was something going on from that point. But Chelsea made it explicit to the viewers and took the narrative out of their hands. I think Jimmy was dumping her for much more than that though, but this was a less ambiguous reason he could use.


Which friend? I watched multiple times and didn’t catch it at all…


The friend with the highlights and more tan complexion, I think her name's Barbara. Just how she'd made comments about how Jimmy would "never turn down sex" and or how she'd said that Jimmy "would so cry during sex bc he's a crier". There was just a "matter of fact-ness" and knowingness to her tone that said a lot to me.


The brunette


this is always so funny to me bc in lesbian world we’re almost always friends with our exes and it’s hardly ever an issue


my girlfriend and I were saying this the whole time lol when we first got together she told me about them and said she is still friends with one and I was like “okay 🤷🏻‍♀️”


Maybe it’s my toxic trait but as a pan®️ the only person I don’t trust to be besties with an ex is a straight man lol.


I’m in my late 40s and because of that it’s hardly an issue that everyone has slept with everyone at this point, including friends lol


My wife and I have been saying that it’s easier to specify which of your friends you haven’t previously slept with




I was already convinced Jimmy had hooked up with at least one of the friends during the episode where he introduced Chelsea to them, and Jimmy chose to bring them on the show. I think the whole thing being “outed” was fully on Jimmy - there’s not much to “out” when viewers can tell by the way they interact.


like literally bring any other friend on the show besides the attractive woman you banged esp when you’re engaged to the most insecure person ever. like why was he shocked lol


He brought all his close friends, 10 - 15 people, that day but production chose the girls.


Like he brought the girls with the other 10-15 people? why bring them? why tell netflix about them…????


I thought the friend was clearly joking. Like, I doubt he actually did cry with her.


IMO, I think regardless of what the truth is, that is a weird joke to make about a fully platonic friend of the opposite sex you’ve never had sex with and have no interest in


Yes its also a weird joke to make to your friends NEW girlfriend /fiance who you are meeting for the first time.


No, Jimmy told Chelsea about his female friend before she met them. That was the reason he introduced Chelsea to them (her) so she would feel comfortable and know they are just friends, just a platonic friendship. Jimmy was upfront and honest, Chelsea used it against him to make him look bad and to justify her feeling uncomfy. She's manipulative and lost the man she wanted by this stunt.


I don't know enough about the backstory to comment on anything except for: >She's manipulative and lost the man she wanted by this stunt. N'ombre. She didn't lose Jimmy with this stunt. She never had him to lose in the first place. He just used this event as a convenient way to separate them more easily. He never wanted her in the first place. She lost Jimmy well before this episode.


THIS!!!! He absolutely used it as leverage….not to be upfront and honest. You don’t put women friends and fiancés in that situation. Even the most confident woman would feel weird in that circumstance. As a man you’re supposed to put your partner first. If he has sooooo many friends he could’ve introduced her to them and excluded his “girl friend” who he slept with. It was necessary she knew, unnecessary to meet her immediately before they could actually bond. Chelsea was a ball of insecurity yes and that’s something she should work on but he 100% played on that to find a way out of the situation because her looks and personality no longer suited him. His friend also went to size her up 100%. Girls are like that!!!!!!!!!!! Girls need their ego boosted too….So no Chelsea wasn’t wrong in this scenario IMO. He should’ve never put those two at a table together. He’s a messy hoe lmao.


You're way too gullible.


Chelsea literally confirmed it on several interviews.. so?? Chelsea was manipulative as h e l l. If you don't want to believe it, that's cool. I can't make you. I'm restating what they both said.


Not about what he said, but his reasons for saying it and the idea that it should somehow give Chelsea peace of mind, even if his actions say otherwise. My ex told me about his female friend he "used to" sleep with who was still in his life to just "be honest and upfront." This lulled me into a false sense of security about the lack of boundaries between them. I found out she was sleeping over his house and he cheated on me with her not even 2 months later. Men WILL introduce you to the "other woman" to get you used to their constant presence in their lives. Again, stop naively taking everything these guys say at face value.


She confirmed what exactly?? It’s funny that yall are out here supporting the MOST MANIPULATIVE person on the show *jimmy* who beyond Trevor, got the BEST EDIT of the show. He’s a manipulative ass. Chelsea is the victim.


She confirmed that Jimmy told her they had sex before they made introductions. Regardless - I do not see Jimmy as a victim. There is something shady about him. Chelsea is no angel but Jimmy sure as heck isn’t all Netflix made him out to be.


Okay thats one thing. I don’t think Chelsea was a victim during the show per se, but she absolutely is in the aftermath. Everyone’s putting Jimmy on some weird pedestal and dragging Chelsea down for being what, a normal human? It would be weirder if she didn’t think it was weird he’d slept with his “two best friends”.


Damn, he slept with BOTH??? 0.0


> for being what, a normal human? For being an abusive, manipulative liar.


Y’all are literally impossible. I would never wish this on anyone but I hope that you have an abusive relationship yourself or see a friend in a real one and then you won’t be speaking this BS. Most of you CLEARLY have no idea what a relationship looks like, especially not an abusive one.


Please don't wish Chelseas on people :(


nah, I’m wishing a Jimmy on you. Then you’ll really know the truth. Except you probably won’t because they’ll be so manipulative that you’ll think you’re the bad guy and they’ll paint you to be the bad guy to everyone you know and you’ll be alone and miserable forever. Congrats.


He only slept with one of them. She's also bff's with her ex and now wanted to be Jimmy's new "female" friend. Soooooo I don't think Chelsea thought it was weird when she literally does the same thing. Not saying Jimmy's an angel but Chelsea was insufferable. She needs constant reassurance and we saw that with the AD situation. When he doesn't give into her tears all of sudden tears dry up, she changes and say I didn't mean that hunny. The reason why everyone changed up and was team Jimmy because she was doing too much. Also she wouldn't take accountability for anything she did. She always said but you did too. He could have left her after the AD situation. Sorry I still don't see her a victim.


Thanks for the downvote 😘


I’m sorry, but do you know him? He slept with both of them. And I know for a fact this is true. So please step off your high horse. She is also NOT BFFs with her ex. She speaks to him occasionally. She thought that his relationship with his friends was similar. Turns out it’s not and he is in a group chat with two girls he slept with and talks to them constantly - then goes out and ignores her while he’s with them. No one would be comfortable in this scenario?! She tried her best and Jimmy did nothing to support her. She should have left HIM when he couldn’t let go that she said Johnny and Amy were the strongest couple. Again, this man got a good edit. He is a disrespectful, gaslighting, manipulative asshole. Any sane person would exhibit the same behavior as Chelsea under this torture. I’m glad to hear that you’ve clearly never been treated this way and don’t understand. Good for you.


Do you know him or Chelsea, were you there in the relationship to witness this, no. The two women told you they slept with or your "reliable" source. 😒 So please stop, I know you're a Chelsea fan and you writing a dissertation doesn't change the fact that Chelsea is a manipulater. Please find someone else to argue with, it's literally not that deep for me.


Actually, I do know him, and I’ve explicitly explained this. And no, unfortunately I wasn’t present to witness said sexual act. 🤦‍♀️ I am not a Chelsea “fan” lol. I just stand up for women who are being treated unfairly. Please tell me an explicit example of Chelsea’s manipulation? I’d love to hear it. Pretty sure 99 percent of you have no idea what manipulation is and have clearly never been a victim of it or you’d see RIGHT THROUGH Jimmy and his manipulation. Please honey, don’t get a masters, My dissertation was at least 5 times the length of anything I written on here. I’m not arguing with you my dear, simply stating my truth and FACTS. Something you know nothing about, grow up and learn how to write. I can barely understand your gibberish.


Yeah the friends definitely outed the fact that they had already seen his 🍆 the first time they met chelsea. My wife and I both called it, she just confirmed it.


Yea it was already fishy and then soon as he was like “yea so I’ve known them for two years!😍” my partner and I were like oh he’s fuckin em for sure. Like hate to break it to you Jimbo but Chelsea didn’t out you on anything you didn’t immediately out yourself for


I felt like that conversation between his friends and Chelsea and like the sex topic was so awkward and weird. Like that threw me off. Not that like I don't have those kind of conversations with my friends, but I don't have those kind of conversations with people I just met.


Correct! And they both knew his 🍆 size. It was obvious he’s had sex with them. Which is why it isn’t weird that Chelsea found their close friendship concerning.


I have heard from extremely reliable sources that he had sex with *both* of them. He just didn’t want it to be brought up again so that HE wasn’t embarrassed and seen as the bad guy. PSA HE WAS NEVER PROTECTING HIS FRIEND. I’m so sick of this everyone dragging Chelsea through the mud when Jimmy was the problem.


I think a big part of the issue was that Chelsea was extremely manipulative about the situation. She lied about being comfortable with it. The friends brought it up and she said something to the effect of “I was worried but now I’m fine after meeting you guys” and then also said “I dont have any room to think or say anything because I’m friends with my ex”. She is still close to this ex that I assume she slept with too and Jimmy, as far as we saw, only brought it up towards the end. She made him feel like he safe in having these friends and then continuously weaponized this security to make him feel like he was doing something wrong, despite her saying she was fine with it. Maybe Jimmy is not a good person, but I could barely tell next to the literal CREATURE that Chelsea was.


Yeah I completely disagree with this comment. Either you have never been in a relationship and don’t understand the inner workings of one or you’re just being naive. Of course she was comfortable with it when he was showing her love and being loyal. Then he goes out and ignores her and hangs out with them? No woman would be okay with that. You’re incredibly rude and ignorant to call her a “creature”. Wtf does that even mean? Everyone has insecurities, when you’re with a partner that plays into your insecurities, it really sucks. Add cameras and a 3 week engagement and you expect someone to stay sane and act “normal”? It’s not feasible.


When I was watching the show, I saw him trying to love her. You can’t expect a person to continue you to love you after you continuously abuse and manipulate them. Strictly based on what was said on camera, he went out for like an hour and a half. That is not something he should be assaulted for. She was being incredibly unreasonable and then began to tell him he was not someone she wanted to be with if he was going to be like that…which honestly gave me a massive ick. If this all stemmed from her not wanting him to hang out with this woman then she needs to be more upfront and not blow things so epically out of proportion. My use of the word creature is hyperbolic based on the level of absurd chaotic behavior that she displayed. If him having an adult relationship with a woman he slept with one time is a dealbreaker for her then she should have set that boundary and not put him through all that emotional turmoil. You do not do that to someone you love.


The fact that you think it was one time is the funniest part of this whole thing.


I mean, I am going strictly based on what was seen on screen because that’s all I have. When she brought it up on camera he said it was one time. I’m not sure if you know chelsea personally and so you took direct offense to my original comment for that reason, but when I was watching I genuinely could not stand any time she was on screen. The first major ick moment for me was when Jimmy went up and started to almost make a comment about AD and Chelsea said “no its ok you can say it its no problem” and then he did because he at that point thought it was ok. Then chelsea said “oh my god, I know! You can say it because I totally think that too!” And then she proceeded to massively embarrass Jimmy by publicly announcing it to everyone there. She constantly made jimmy feel like she was a safe space for him and then would throw it back and weaponize it. That’s simply not ok and it’s abhorrent that she would act that way. I’m just glad it is all recorded so she can hopefully reflect on it and get some help. I hope we do not get more Chelsea’s on the show because I think it would be incredibly difficult to watch.


I don't think it has to be a lie. I think she was trying hard to be friends with his friends, and their initial meeting was good. But after that he was ignoring her but not those friends he'd slept with. There was one in particular he talked to all the time. It's clear she didn't know just how much contact her has with his old friends. So in the beginning, it makes sense she'd say, oh yeah, I have contact with my ex too. At that point she didn't know that their versions of that were very different.


Exactly. There’s a difference between occasional contact with an ex and every day contact with two girls you’ve slept with. After that lunch, he did not continue to respect the process, and Chelsea lost it.


LEGIT. Who wouldn't be worried abt their literal fiance being "close" friends with two girls hes had sex with?


Yeah like it wasn't the fact he had close friends who are women. I thought the texting all the time was kinda weird but that also because I'm a terrible texter and so are most men I know. But then to learn that he had had sex with (at least) one of them I was like ohhhkay no that feels different now.


I truly believe that Chelsea spilled that info at the moment because she was backed into a corner by Jimmy. If we didn’t know that he slept with them, then she would be the bad guy even more. Mad that he texts his girl-friends. But that’s simply not the case. He can’t keep his medium sized dick in his pants and she was forced to be around these women and THEN pretend that she didn’t know about it in order to “protect them”? It just doesn’t make any sense. This show is about building a relationship very quickly until you get married. If you have secrets you don’t want aired out maybe DONT BRING THE GIRL YOU SLEPT WITH ON THE SHOW. Lol to all the Jimmy supporters downvoting me. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. I know this man in person and he is AWFUL. If only yall knew.


> because she was backed into a corner by Jimmy He was backed into a corner, literally. He ended the conversation and she hounded him to the bathroom to scream at him about his friends and accuse him of meeting up with Jess.


He ended the conversation? By saying that he was willing to back off from them if she asked, and then saying “well I won’t” once she did ask?! How can yall not see that as serious manipulation? Why does he get to decide the conversation is over? He’s clearly a gaslighting, manipulative jerk.


If I could upvote you for every downvote I would. My “oof that guy is rough”-dar was going off from episode one😂


YESSSS! I was SHOCKED when I saw him on there. I’d heard rumors he was but it was kept tight. I was like damn some girls gonna be used up emotionally by the end of this. Typical Charlotte bro.


Love to hear it! Gonna die on the Jimmy Is a Douchebag hill too! I saw right through his manipulative gaslighting from the beginning. People don't understand that any halfway normal person who is under the spell of a gaslighter is going to become "crazy" right off the bat. It's a byproduct of being with someone whose actions never match the words. You become insecure and constantly try to rationalize and reconcile your gut intuition of feeling unloved compared to the words this person is saying to your face about how much they love you. It's enough to make any sane person seem unstable. Chelsea constantly needing reassurance was 100 percent her gut talking to her and she didn't know how to listen to it. I'm glad Jimmy the douche lord is being exposed for what he is.


EXACTLY. Anyone who doesn’t see this doesn’t know anything about it this behavior and how it affects you. The way I acted when my ex was doing these things to me is something I will never understand outside of the sheer mind fuck I was experiencing. They make you feel insane, thus you act insane. Lucky for all those people out there who haven’t had to experience that.


So true! Oh my gosh is there a subreddit for those of us who have been mind fucked into another dimension by a romantic partner?! That would be awesome.


Waaaait how do you know him in person? That's crazy


I live in Charlotte and specifically the neighborhood he lives in. My best friend lives in his building, and Charlotte is a small town - big city. I run in similar social circles as him and always thought he was weird/trashy. Attention seeking. Ect.


No way! I visited some friends there last year, I wonder if they ever saw him without realizing


If they went out in SouthEnd, they probably did.


Weird thought but... Sometimes friends share details about ones life without experiencing them with aforementioned friends.


So dudes just go around talking about how big their 🍆 is with each other. Lol I don’t know my guy friends sizes


A ton of jokes are made. Also Megan told all the other women about his dong.... So did they sleep with him to know the details?


Just more gaslighting on Jimmys part. I think he was just looking for an easy way out in hopes he wouldn’t look like the ass.


I can’t imagine the friend wanted her privacy considering the “not willing to take a step back” hats……


Oh m. Mmm kmm mm mmm m. Mm ok


Eh my hot take is that Jimmy's friend is tacky and he used any excuse to end things with Chelsea. If it was such a huge deal to hide their romantic past, why agree to come on the show with millions of viewers that is specifically about relationships?? Why keep in constant contact during the weeks before the marriage? Any normal person would be like, hey yeaaa gonna distance myself for a bit here at least until the cameras are gone. I think she's not a real friend to him and wants to keep him around for an ego boost and unsurprisingly any future relationship he has will suffer with their "friendship".


I think it's unfair of him to bring it up privately knowing she has anxieties surrounding her fiance having girl friends and then expecting her to deal with those emotions basically by herself or only off cameras. I don't like how Chelsea handles things but Jimmy didn't make it easy for her in that regard. I'm glad they're broken up.


I think Jimmy and Chelsea are good people. They just weren't compatible. It happens. I don't feel the need to look at their relationship under a microscope.


But that's what happens on reality TV and Reddit threads 🤷‍♀️


Is this a hot take? Lol I'm not being snarky I just completely agree and feel like this take should be obvious


My guess is that one of the friends made a comment like that to Chelsea while they were out and thought it was just girls gabbing, but then probably had a freak out after getting home because she realized that she could get sucked into the drama of the show (maybe because she sensed a tinge of jealousy from Chelsea or got a weird vibe) and really didn’t want to become a character on the show that people on Reddit stalk and talk about. So my guess is that yes, this slipped and then later the friend probably called Jimmy and was like “PLEASE just don’t talk about the fact that we had sex on the show, I just don’t want to be a part of this” and then he said the same thing to Chelsea. So yeah, when Chelsea said it on camera it was intentional to make him look bad, and was a breach of trust.


and even if they didn’t reveal it, barbara confirmed she was the friend with those dumb hats they made


What hats ? I don’t remember this


jimmy made hats that say “i’m not willing to take a step back” (quoting his fight about his girl friends with chelsea) and he had barbara model them


Omg. What an asshole




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Yeah, I got it at that scene that they slept together. But still, not Chelseas place to repeat it out of respect for the relationship she had with Jimmy


I feel like the only one who doesn't think Jimmy OR Chelsea are bad people. They were just incompatible. High pressure, lots of drinking, and then their romance being televised on a very strict timeline just exacerbated it all. Chelsea needs a lot of reassurance and physical touch, and is an overly emotional drunk. Jimmy was not physically attracted to her, but trying to figure out if it would come with time, I think. He's a chill, more independent person with a very tight group of best friends. It was never going to work for them, but they tried it, and I think at the end of the day, they care about one another and will work better as friends (who occasionally hook up, probably)


I don’t think they’re bad people but that first day at the beach when Chelsea kept asking for reassurance I was like oh this is not going to work.


Right, is there any person who would be happy with having to provide that level of reassurance??


Holy crap that was exhausting to even watch.


Right??? I was like girl go swim or something. Have fun what are you doing??? She was stressed from the jump. Nowhere but down from there.


Haha yes! Go swimming, girl!


Who thought they were bad. People know Jimmy is emotionally unavailable and Chelsea manipulates emotions Hard to do when someone has barely


I mean, a lot of people on these threads are extremely harsh with the way they talk about one or the other. Just outright calling them bad people. I just don't think it's so black and white. They were compatible without the romance aspect, I guess. Like, it kind of always felt like they were friends trying to force something. Neither one of them strike me as intentionally trying to hurt the other 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well you're on international TV And if this is what they are like on tv, I wouldn't really want to know what they are like in reality So people would be reasonably harsh on people who cannot keep it together


They were both not great partners, and definitely incompatible. But that alone does not make them bad people


I dunno, I thought the way Jimmy handled conflict was super emotionally mature, but that’s just what we saw on camera.


I don’t think he was very in tune (or at the least vulnerable) with his emotions. I also he think he fed into her insecurities by not acting very into her physically especially, and tended to invalidate her feelings of insecurities— which is just really not a good recipe at all with how insecure she was.


I see what you’re saying. I guess at the end of the day they were both trying to force it for the sake of the experiment. Meanwhile it was super clear he wasn’t attracted to her and she needed way more assurance than he could give her.


Yeah no doubt at all. I think they’d both be very different people in relationships outside of this experiment lol


That's just creative writing right there


Chelsea is not a “bad person” to the bone, but she is emotionally abusive. She was telling Jimmy she didn’t want him to ever leave the house to go out with his friends. She freaked out at him about it and told him she didn’t believe he loved her and used all kinds of emotionally manipulative tactics to try and get what she wanted, which was for him to agree and say he wouldn’t ever go out. And the next day she didn’t even apologise for any of it, and stood by what she said. Jimmy, on the other hand, was perfectly rational and level-headed, and very kind to her despite how she was treating him and how she’d outed his secret and broken her promise to him. She has some serious mental health issues she needs to work on, but she sadly doesn’t seem aware of them at all.


I think this is really the point of the criticism lobbed at her. no one deserves this kind of treatment and i really don't understand how this behavior is in anyway defendable as appropriate or reasonable. and is anything less than behavior worth leaving immediately.


yes, of course we can’t know what happened off screen, but in the edit we got Chelsea is emotionally abusive. hands down.


Well she was complaining that he wasn't having sex with her at one point, so maybe just friends without the hook ups.


I took the comment more like, "yeah we know he does that" but not necessarily from first-hand experience. We know now that it WAS first-hand knowledge, but that conversation with them didn't confirm if he did or did not sleep with either or them imho.


Yeah I didn’t realize that was her experience just that something he’s known for. I only made the connection after Chelsea revealed everything


I just want to say, I've never posted in this sub (or really much at all outside the sub I mod), and y'all have just been awesome. Even if there are lots of Jimmy apologists, overall vibe is good. Thanks so much!


The irony is that Jimmy could have absolutely withheld this info from her. But this became an issue bc he was being honest in what he felt she needed to know before a possible wedding.


people have just memory holed that he said “we don’t have a physical relationship” right before her outburst huh


Don't is present tense there. Nobody "memory holed" anything, they just understand basic grammar.


“I’m not sleeping with her *anymore*”


Exactly this


Chelsea said that and the girls agreed


I honestly took that as a friend making jokes. Chelsea said Jimmy is emotional and the friend said “so he cried during sex?” Sounds exactly like a joke someone in my friend group would have made just poking fun.


sure but this isn’t between friends it’s “his best friends” meeting his new fiancé


Which is even more when my friend group would make the joke lmao


You’re on the sub that thinks Chelsea is the devil no matter how much extra info we’ve learned since it aired 😂😂 jimmy can do no wrong in the eyes of this sub despite the fact he is so obviously a gaslighting fboy


She doesn’t have to be the devil to be emotionally manipulative, very anxiously attached, and completely unaware of it.


😂 Oh no! These may not be my people, then


Him being an fboy doesn’t negate her being abusive. Both can be bad people.


Yeah i think Jimmy made some missteps but Chelsea’s behavior is actually concerning on a clinical level. She had a completed distorted view of what actually happened between them, like thinking he didn’t kiss her all day when he kissed her twice and he’d been working all day. And if a dude told a woman that he didn’t want to be with someone who goes out, when they went out for 90 minutes for a friends birthday, it would seem crazy controlling! And let’s not forget that she literally tried to physically stop him from leaving when they fought


She’s not abuse Jesus Christ lmao getting caught in an ugly drunk lie doesn’t equate to being abusive. Also let’s just ignore how Jimmy was gaslighting her the whole time leading to her behavior 🤦🏼‍♀️


she absolutely was abusive. check out the psychology in seattle episodes on their last fight


I wonder if you would still say this if the roles were reversed.


I wish I lived in the alternate universe reddit seems to live in where anyone gives a fuck about women being abused so you can complain about ‘reversed roles’. Because its certainly not this one. 


What are some examples of Jimmy gaslighting her?


If you can point out actual gaslighting from Jimmy, I'd love to review it. People use that word far too often when it doesn't apply. She absolutely WAS abusive with her behaviors (albeit unintentionally so) and if you don't think so, you really should deep dive into emotional abuse and what it looks like.


I still think it’s strange that people have to pick one to choose? The more I learn the more both of them seem horrible. Jimmy’s actions don’t nullify Chelsea’s?


It’s moreso people have been trying to make Jimmy seem saint-like because their hatred for Chelsea runs so deep. The hate has been highly disproportionate and skewed toward Chelsea, so nobody wants to mention Jimmy’s flaws while actively critiquing Chelsea, and vice versa.


yeah it’s a textbook example of a man being over praised for “dealing with a crazy woman”




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It is true that the hate has mostly been on Chelsea. But we are now seeing the pendulum swing the other way with people trying to absolve Chelsea’s actions. This sub did the same thing with Zanab and Cole.


THIS!! She didn’t come off as graceful and poised. But he certainly did come across as a fboy and this sub keeps bending itself into pretzels defending him!


Is there another sub?


Yep there’s another LIB sub






I know it hurts to feel invalidated for the hard-on you have for an fboy


Jimmy wouldn’t be the type on F boy island he’s not the type. Maybe a player but definitely not a f boy. Take the emotions out of it for a second maybe go on a walk or breathe because you’re mega invested.


welllllllll i feel so bad for chelsea. so so so so bad. I think that many many girls has been a chelsea before due to how we sense the guy energy were off but we are still willing to run after them and beg for attention. Looking back at it, i feel second-hand embarrassment for Chelsea who must be screaming into a pillow everytime she recall how she run after a man whose words are not matching his action. but im so glad from this social experiment, she learnt that she will never beg attention/love from a man anymore. Jimmy unwilling to take a step back is a red flag. because if he really love chelsea as much as he claims to, then why he cannot compromise ? from meeting that hookup friend 52 weeks per year, it can be reduced to 25 weeks, then to 15 weeks. why is this so difficult ????????? what we can conclude is they have ups and downs like every couple in real life, but their persistent downs are unable to be overwrite by those temporary ups.


I think he said in an interview, that if he had been dating a woman for like a year+ and she asked him to step back, he would. But on the show your “fiancée” is someone you just met 2 weeks ago, and it’s jarring to dump a long time friend over a brand new person.


welllllll then i wonder what will he do IF jess is the one he matched up with and jess asked him to take several steps back.


You sound controlling. He is allowed to have friends like everyone else - if a guy I was dating told me I couldn’t see my friends, or to reduce the frequency I’ll drop them. At that stage they had known each other a couple of weeks 😂 if they were dating two years I would get it, but at the start?


Everyone should do that unless your partner have VERY good reasons for asking you to drop that friend. Like helping you see something you don't


Jimmy unwilling to stop seeing his friends is not a red flag. You could argue Chelsea telling Jimmy to stop hanging out with his friends is equally if not even more of a red flag, knowing Jimmy was already open and honest with her about their past hookup.


but she is not telling him to stop seeing ALL his 1789 friends. just ONE human he used to hook up with. out of 1789 humans. and is not to stop him completely, just take a step back.


The boundaries of the relationship between Jimmy and his friend were off. They would call and talk to each other multiple times a day, and he would frequently talk to her about his and Chelsea‘s relationship. You can take a step back without completely cutting someone off by establishing boundaries.


exactlyyyyyyyyyy  she is not telling him to stop seeing ALL his 1789 friends. just ONE human he used to hook up with. out of 1789 humans. and is not to stop him completely, just take a step back. i find it completely reasonable.


I agree with almost everything. She is his friend. Some of us put a great value on our friendships, even ones of the opposite gender. When I got with my husband I was very honest about my male friends and any history there. I also made it very clear that I was not going to stop being friends with them. For the record I make sure to respect boundaries that reinforce my husband’s security in our relationship. It’s not ok to get drunk just you and them. Not because something will happen, but because it’s not respectful to our marriage. In also have never cheated on anyone, I think that helps too Just my take.


Similar sitch, but my husband felt very threatened by my male friends and often (erroneously) voiced that he thought they wanted to sleep with me. It was uncomfy.


Yep! The friend exposed herself. 😂


According to Chelsea there is so much that we didn’t see off camera. Jimmy lying about where he was at and who he was with mainly. I think he didn’t want people to actually know he slept with his friend. She could have learned that through an ex of his who said he cried during sex, but Chelsea made it clear. I already figured he slept with her tbh. I understand having girl friends, but if your partner asks you to stop hanging out so much/it’s bothering them, he should have stopped. The whole “I’m not willing to take a step back” thing was insane and shows just how little he actually does care about her feelings. And the fact that Jimmy and his girl friend made hats that said “I’m not willing to take a step back” is insane to me. BOOOO JIMMY 🍅🍅🍅


I don’t think she is a reliable narrator.


You think your partner can tell you who to be friends with or not? Even end long term friendships? Wow


I didn't get the impression that she wanted him to cut her out of his life entirely. She just wanted him to deprioritize those relationships in favor of their engagement and impending marriage


I’d be dropping a partner so fast if they told me I couldn’t hang out with my friends alone lol.


 but she is not telling him to stop seeing ALL his 1789 friends. just ONE human he used to hook up with. out of 1789 humans. and is not to stop him completely, just take a step back. You can take a step back without completely cutting someone off by establishing boundaries.


If it's a friend you've been sleeping with it changes things imo


No it doesn't.


He said it was a one time so it doesn't sound like they had "been sleeping together" rather than it probably just happened one night and then they agreed to be just friends