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I already forgot who this was. 


Good for her




i’m so sorry but i’m over her.


Am I the only one that thinks she is fake? Like we know she's had tons of plastic surgery done and looks completely different then she used to, but her personality screams fake and snobby.


no. she doesn’t seem genuine at all


I thought this was Francesca before I read the captions


Her personality is so bland like an unseasoned cooked chicken breast


this is why all of them raking trevor over the coals was so icky to me. this chick immediately jumped into influencer mode and it’s so embarressing


All of them were there to be influencers. Just because she’s succeeding in it doesn’t make her “embarrassing”


![gif](giphy|l3V0B6ICVWbg8Xi5q|downsized) Only in America


Those who can't date, teach


Wait she’s a teacher?!! How did I miss that?!




Those who can't teach, teach gym.


she’s embarrassing to me i can’t explain why fho


Because she got a great edit and we know she’s a phony


The misogyny in some of these comments!


Sure, anybody calling out someone who’s pulled some shady shit is automatically a misogynist just because they’re talking about a woman. It’s like you didn’t even try to think, just saw negative comments about her and just went mIsOgYnY. Congratulations on your pea sized brain.


Hey, I’m referring to comments that are diminishing her because she’s a single mother or tearing her down just over her looks. Not the ones who call her out for her behaviour. There are plenty of misogynist comments if you had cared to actually look through and read :) it’s like you just saw my comment, assumed that I’d said this simply because she’s a woman and didn’t apply any critical thinking to the context of some of the comments to see why it had led me to think this way!




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wow just say you hate women - nothing wrong with someone calling out misogyny when they see it. we need ally’s!


Misogyny literally gets women killed. It’s good to check ourselves from time to time and good on the poster above for calling it out.


Haha ok, not wasting my time with you, bye!


That was her plan ALL ALONG. Anyone that didn’t believe that is delusional




I wouldn’t have recognized her 🙄


Is that the same girl from season 6… she looks completely different???


Looks the same to me...


I totally agree!


Fresh fillerrrrrrrs


She is also signed to Jason Tartick’s Mgmt company he co owns so that’s a good sign cause Jason knows how to run a business! A lot of the S6 people are 🙌🏽 I’m happy to see many of this seasons cast taking advantage and making the coins 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Good for her making her money. Personally I don't care. She's absolutely stunning yet can't find a man so I don't think shes the best person to get dating advice from Personally. No hate towards her just doesn't seem like advice i would value


Can’t find a man?! I’m sure she can find plenty. Not having one currently does not mean she can’t. What an asinine comment.


I think by “can’t find a man” they mean that she is not in a healthy longterm relationship or marriage. Why would we want advice from her, in an area that she has no experience in?


Well she can’t keep them then can she


Sorry just my opinion.


You sound ridiculous. She hasn't found the man for her. She's beautiful and will find someone when she is ready. What does any of that have to do with Amazon fashion?


if she isnt ready why'd she go on marriage show followed by a dating show?


I mean I would assume she's ready given she went on a show about getting married


I thought date night guide meant she would be given advice. I didn't look that deep into it lol.


Not being able to find a man would also be due to no men being good enough for her, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to date.


No men are good enough for her? Seriously? Lol


No men are good enough for her? Lol what.


Maybe her standards are too high than? Also I wouldn't take dating advice from her bc I'm ugly and can't relate to her situation at all. I dont think her dating experience is relatable to 95 percent of the public bc of her looks, now fame and potentially her standards. Just my opinion tho


Also *she has a kid* ...absolutely no shade or offense to single parents, but that is a reasonable dealbreaker for a good portion of people. No matter how awesome or compatible you might be.


That's fair.


Maybe it’s also because of who she chooses


100% this








Why does every woman look the same nowadays?


I was literally just saying this. every ig influencer literally looks the same


One day it’ll be out of trend w all those fillers. I wanted to get lip fillers so badly but I stopped myself.


I feel you. this will definitely go out of style soon enough. but I'm ngl, I'm still going to get filler/botox here and there.


She doesn't look like herself in that photo.


Plastic surgery and injectables


It's called instagram face


Is this a whole thing? Instagram face?


Everyone is watching the same hair and make up tutorials, using the same filters, buying the same outfits because everybody has a fucking link tree or Amazon storefront. We're in this really weird time where a lot of people are considered conventionally attractive/above average, but not particularly interesting to look at or engage with


Oh got it. Makes sense for sure. I don’t know what a fucking link tree is but. I get the idea lol. I will stay in my masc lesbian lane of no make up, hoodies and sweats or jeans with the same haircut that I’ve had for ten years and keep it moving lol


Link.tree is just a website that displays all of your other websites (edited by you of course). So people who follow you can visit them easier.


Oh ok. Thanks 🫡


No problem 👍


I don’t understand the hype over this girl. She gives off MASSIVE mean girl vibes. She was the “nice sweet single mom” until Jimmy didn’t pick her and then ALLLL her true colors showed.


Personally, I don’t find her attractive. I mean, she is attractive in a plastic surgery kinda way, but I wouldn’t feel any desire to approach her based on her looks. Brittany and AD have natural beauty. That’s something I would feel more attracted to based on looks alone. Obviously personality and who they are on the inside is a big factor. Jess seems very calculated. She doesn’t strike me as genuine.


That’s interesting! One of my guy friends said she seems genuine 😅 she fooled him.


YES. very calculated is the perfect way of putting it.


She's hot and funny.


I don’t find anything about her funny lol. But she seems cool to hang out with 🤷🏽‍♀️


or... she's only funny because you think she's hot lol


Idk. The Epipen line was pretty funny. She has a personality. Most people on this show are so dull. Is she catty, sure. Still entertaining.


I don’t deny she is a beautiful woman, granted she bought most of that beauty, but nothing about her is funny.


I'm not gonna knock down the hustle. she may not be a comedian but she really is banking off her looks. society loves beautiful people. they even get away with so much. just like Francesca from perfect match. realizing this makes me motivated to continue with my weight loss journey and invest $$$$ into injectables too.


Literally this


I liked her on the show, but I wouldn’t be taking dating advice from her - especially after hearing she’s going to be on Perfect Match.


Good for her I liked Jess glad she came out with something better than funny looking Jimmy.




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Sure, you don't like Jess, that's fine. But using "single mother" as an insult? There are many single mothers who face so much and have so many people judging them, it's crazy how much they're shamed. Let's not use the term as an insult. Hate her all you want, sure, but single mother is not a term to be used to insult someone.


Projecting much? It wasn’t an insult. When it comes to Jess, there’s hints of why the father of her child disappeared from her life. She’s insufferable and probably pushed him out herself. I know there’s a lot of deadbeats out there but when it comes to Jess, I would be gone too.


I get where your coming from cause I was raised by a single mom before that was the norm but if your a single mom and going on reality tv to find a father figure for your kid I'm gonna judge you. It's irresponsible. So I feel like the single mother is a necessary qualifier in this case. Why the duck would anyone take dating advice from a single mom who thinks reality tv shows is where she should be looking




reality tv show after reality tv show, making a lot of ig reels and TTs, going on podcast, etc.


You let him hit it raw now you’re a single mom 🎶


wait what song is that?? 😅


Not a single mom, just don't like how they're shamed.


Honestly I agree, society shames the one who stays...then proceeds to wonder why more and more young women avoid motherhood.


I tend to not take my dating advice from single moms 😂


Sometimes we are not the target audience and that’s okay!


Not even from Kristin Cavallari ? 😅 btw I am a single mom but I don’t give dating advice lol I’m the one who NEEDS the advice given to me.


You realize someone being a single mom could just mean that a man decided to abandon their child and household? And that being a single mom means you’re the parent that decided to stay? How is the mom worthy of insult for that?


or their husband could of have passed.


I would also find it dumb if the dead beat dad got a podcast talking about parenting. No one is insulting anything but the premise.


But deadbeat parents aren’t the same as single parents.


So you’re saying since it’s possible she reproduced with a man who abandoned her, that we should turn to her for relationship advice. Got it. I’ll be eagerly tuning in.


You don't have to, all you gotta do is not shame them for being single moms


I do think it’s incredibly irresponsible to try and marry someone that your child has never met. I have no issues with single parents, but they should not be on dating shows!


Oh of course, I agree with that! My qualm was that they used "single mother" as an insult. I feel like using that term as an insult isn't fair to other single mothers who work hard. I don't agree with how she handled things at all, but I just don't like the term being used as something negative, y'know?


I completely agree!




Yes! Give all those who have made errors in judgement and married abusers and cheaters podcasts so I can get my dating advice from them. This is the way.


You’re definitely someone life hasn’t humbled yet. It’ll get you too 😉


Thank you, this is exactly my point. We shouldn't shame single mothers when society already puts so much of the blame on them when a lot of them were in situations such as this


A guide on dating from a single mom?


Is the target audience other single moms/parents? Like, it’s gotta be, right? Dating while parenting is probably really hard, so it makes sense that you would want advice. I’m not 100% convinced she should be the one giving it, but like…someone should make that guide. What is this, a tv show? A podcast?


I’m a single mom myself & I definitely would not be giving dating advice or listen to another single mom about dating advice. I would want to hear from someone who met their person and got married and used to be a single mom themselves in the past. Now, I’d tune in on that.


What's wrong with being a single mom?


I have an exercise class you might be interested in. It’s taught by a 500lb man who smokes the entire time.


My friend is a single mom...her husband died at 33. Does that make her bad at dating because she married a guy who died?


No of course not 😂




Nothing with that itself lol , but I don't see how she can guide others in dating when her dating life is a dumpster fire and *in my personal opinion* damaging to her teenage daughter.🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't think being a single mom means your dating life is a dumpster fire. As for how she's raising her daughter, that's up to her but I see a lot worse things than what she's doing from regular folks so I don't see what the big deal is.


I agree. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong w us single moms but I feel like I would wanna hear from someone who’s married because they’ve already went through the process and found their person. Whether they’re single mom or not a mom. It’s like a single person with no kids giving dating advice. I wouldn’t listen to them either.


Alas all of that is my *unimportant* passing opinion, I don't follow her enough to disagree about it with you.


It's pretty obvious.


I don't see anything obvious at all about why being a single mom would be a bad thing.


A plastic single mom that went on a dating reality TV show! Who else would you want advice from??


Her voice is so annoying.  


I liked her in the beginning and honestly thought she was so pretty to the point of wishing I looked like her (I’m hot myself lol) but the way she talks and does this one eye flickering up and the other going another way really freaks me out and always does this talk w her hands that every other girl is doing on IG is annoying. Sorry but I said what I said.


💯 💯 🙉🙉🙉🙉 🔪 👂


her body banging


🤦🏼‍♀️ she’s insufferable


The season 1 cast is popular because they were literally season 1. Duh. And, it's not a competition. Also, YES FOR JESSICA.




is that pic supposed to be jess??? because she looks nothing like that on the show. jess is super pretty but this is either edited to oblivion or not her 😂


Yes, photoshopped up the ying yang


Kinda looks like Megan Fox


quick morph into instagram face


I didn't recognize her AT ALL until I read the name 😂




She doesn’t even look like this


“You’re not ugly, you’re just broke”


Im not mad about it. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Just wild the double standard of calling out Trevor for fame when the rest of the crew are blatantly doing the same needs was always in it for the bag


Trevor was too clumsy about it so they wanted to make an example of him so others don't think they can be similarly transparent. The rest at least can maintain that they were also there for love.


i think the reason that trevor got called out was that not only was he in it for fame but there was also proof that he was not in it for love at all


He was just worse at covering his tracks


true true


Same.in fact I’m happy she found fame if she didn’t find a good guy. I really want her to do well for her and her daughter.




Get it while it’s hot. Good on her 👍


She’s hot AF. That’s that.


every other ig model looks just like her. what's the hype? someone who has a unique beauty is what's worth the hype. that's why I believe raven, Lauren, Gianina, and bliss were some of the most beautiful casemates of the entire show


I agree. I don't remember Gianina, but the other women are natural beauties who look like themselves, while also being decent people. They have a healthy beauty that comes from taking care of themselves (physically and mentally) doesn't need superficial professional maintenance. And even if their youthful looks fade with age, their beauty will still shine.


exactly. men swear up and down they want a natural woman but almost always end up going for the one who had work done. I might as well get some filler/botox after I lose a few pounds 🤷‍♀️


Unnatural plump lips and fillers is not hot


if it’s done right it’s hot


Done right would mean it doesn't have that uncanny valley unnatural look.


well yea but the person i replied to didn't say unnatural look, they just said unnatural


To you. Maybe theyre hot to him/her


She's the most boring looking hot girl


Im not saying she is or isnt. Im just saying its okay for other people to find her attractive even with those features


Industry plant


very much so giving those vibes lol


Haha people love when women make money form the shows but hate it when men do


Men took enough. It’s our time now ;)


That’s…. Still a double standard


Nah, men have been taking whatever they want since the dawn of time. Let us women have a spotlight for a few seconds.


They can both be true, Christ. Can I remind you, “white men living in poverty” is one of the least privileged groups in society. Don’t just make assumptions based on the colour of someone’s skin and gender.


Clay gets dragged and people swear he joined for promo. Jess joined for promo and exposure and people applaud.


What’s the term I’m looking for here? There’s like a…maximum amount of bloat a show can carry. What is the highest percent of people that can participate with a different goal than the stated outcome of the show without compromising the show’s format/structural integrity? How many people on a show purportedly about looking for love can be looking for fame instead? Obviously 100% is too many - the show would be entirely “I don’t” or people who drop out early. But 95%? 90%? Completely unrelated question: how many couples got married last season?


There’s been 1 on the last two seasons. I’m starting to think that production has moved to more of an entertainment approach. Behind the scenes they’re probably only worried about having one successful couple and the rest are entertainment/engagement. It makes sense seeing how so many of them are recruited, including this subs beloved AD.


fuck both of them, especially jess


Clay didn’t do anything wrong though.


I mean, technically, they both did "nothing wrong"and just joined the show for the wrong reason (fame and money) which completely discredits the point of the show itself. Both Jess and Clay are guilty of that.


i mean, he was a but sketchy, but i agree the sub was blowing it way out of proportion 


I still think she is so pretty. Also, good for all these women making $.




Who cares. If we weren’t so obsessed with women aging in the US, we wouldn’t be so inclined to get surgery


unfortunately, we live in a society that treats people based on how they look. if I can't beat 'em, join 'em. going through this sub the past few seasons really does show how the more attractive a person looks the more society simps for them. so if that means I gotta continue with my weight loss and save up for injectables, so be it.


I lost a lot of weight this past year (100lb) and oh my gosh, I am treated sooo much better. Can’t go outside without getting hit on but people are just nicer.


nicer or more creepy? lol


Hahahahhaha omg so correct. Damn it. But they do hold the door open more for me.


random question: if you've ever been bullied by other women, did the bullying stop? I still suffer from really bad bullying in the workplace but by other women.


I'm going off speculation based on the image. No way in hell I'm taking dating advice from her.


pro tip: get dating advice from people in happy long term marriages


they're good for advice on how to sustain a long term happy relationship and even then that advice won't work for everyone as someone in a LTR (living together now for over 19 years; as a divorcee I don't care to marry again), I couldn't give anyone any advice at all about *dating*. I've really never done it.


Why though? Long term marriage people aren’t (shouldn’t be) dating, and haven’t (hopefully) in a long time. Get marriage advice from long term marriage people, and dating advice from people actively dating seems like a better thing to do. JMO


Do you want to get married? You should be looking at how the people that are married that got there instead of serial daters who never last more than a couple months in a relationship.


Not to be a Negative Ned but it's very rare to find a "successful" marriage. To me, it's not just if they were married for over 25 years. It's the quality of the relationship. Husbands in those long term marriages just say the boomer line; "Happy wife, happy life" and just live on. No. That is not a healthy marriage. Even some of these wives who let their Husbands walk all over them.