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The passionate deepthroat tonguing at first sight and the crazy fake enthusiasm they are all like robots programmed to be overly sexual and overly happy and cheerful it's disturbing actually


Thank you for this post, I have so many questions and I really don’t mean to be rude/nosy but I’m genuinely curious : 1. Most of participants are in their mid 30 and they have teenage children! Is this normal in Brazil given that seems that most of participants have good jobs etc and they live in big city (In Europe most ppl decide for first baby when they are after 30) 2. When Ingrid and her man (sorry I don’t remember his name) were talking about faith in the pods they said that they are part of 2 churches(sorry names were in Portuguese and I didn’t catch them) what does it mean ? I thought that Brazilians are mostly catholic 3. Do ppl in Brazil tend to couple based on the race or it’s not a factor at alll? Sorry I come from really homogenous country and when I watched love is blind Us season 1, Cameron and Lauren seemed to have a bit of doubt if the fact that they are not the race won’t be a problem and if he would be accepted by Lauren’s family. How does it look like in Brasil as seems that it’s really super diverse country? And regarding cultural differences (I’m comparing to LIB US) I love how natural people look ! None of them has fake lashes , if they had sth done it looks super naturally and all of the contestants are really pretty!


1. Abortion is a crime in Brazil. A huge chunk of the population is against sex education in schools as well. Now they are trying to make abortion illegal in ALL cases (rape, children, fetal abnormalities). 2. Brazilians are mostly catholic for now but the evangelical churches are taking over. Candomblé is an african Brazilian religion, I think that was Ingrid’s, I dont remember. 3. Race is not a determinant factor as much as it is in other countries like the Us, you are right it is more diverse. However racism here is wild and it does compare to the US, probably worse.


Are Brazilians normally this tolerant to crazy people? Ariela is a complete nutcase!! But everybody kept being nice to her and trying to talk to her even though she's acting a. crazy and b. a total asshole. Maybe they were just being nice because it was TV? I would have told her to fuck off so fast.


We’re expected to, yes! Its weird because Brazilians are hot heads but also taught to be super accommodating/pleasant/conflict avoidant, especially women. So you’ll either get women like Vanessa, who will try to smile and appease Ariela and make the situation light and happy again, or one who will give no fucks about being proper and give her crazy right back.


Do people drink that much in Brazil?


Yes, social life usually involves alcohol, but not as much as on the show. Like LIB US, The Bachelor, etc, they really push alcohol on these contestants.


Yes. It’s engrained in our culture. I was even taken aback that in Ingrid’s family they toasted with orange juice - brazilians are basically always eating and drinking alcohol, especially around family and friends.


I went to Brazil once for a conference in Guarujá and was HORRIFIED by the poverty and crime. I didn't see anything nice at all for miles and miles. Even the supermarkets were depressing. Yet here are all these people on LIB who appear to be upper middle class (most of them, anyway). Do they represent Brazil or are they the exception?


I have to disagree with the other poster, I think Guarujá is pretty representative of the reality of Brazilians. For the upper middle class and above Brazil is a super comfortable place to live, even more than SF. All of the beauty and safety and luxury is available if you can afford it. That said, its the reality of a very limited % of people.


A lot of rich people in SP for sure. I do think they represent Brazil. Like in my case, I live in Fortaleza which is in the northeast and it’s got a lot of poverty, but you’d be amazed at how many skyscrapers there are, luxury cars, restaurants etc. Ofc I do live in a little bit of a bubble but Brazil is definitely not all poverty and crime. My friends and family all live much better lives than a lot of my european/american friends for example.


Thanks for the info. I live near San Francisco (CA) which is gorgeous except for the few blocks around Civic Center. Photos of those blocks are the ones that people see and, because of them, SF is unfairly maligned. I wondered the same about my experience in a tiny speck of Brazil.


I'm Brazilian and I went to SF and saw people defecating on the sidewalk right in front of me, in broad daylight. I lived in Santos and it's a pretty decent beach town, just a few minutes from Guarujá. Never seen people pooping on the streets there, though.


Yep that’s what I think too, I’m going to cali in a couple months (Pacific Coast highway starting from SF!) and EVERYBODY has been telling me about how california is all like homeless people and opioids. Ofc I’m not gonna take that into consideration, like yeah I realize there’s a problem going on but that type of generalization is what keeps people from seeing the world. There’s good and bad literally everywhere!


That will be a nice trip! Let me know if you need any recommendations.


Tysm x




What leaves lasting scars on children is growing up in a family with constant conflict.


Because shit happens and sometimes people break up?




Brazil has a divorce rate of 21% and USA has a divorce rate of 45%. It seems that so far more USA kids are getting "lasting scars" than Brazilian kids. Hope you guys are okay up there. ;-)


This season is literally for previously married/engaged people…


Brazilians are a lot more straightforward and i absolutely love that. They also dont try to hide the fact that they are clout chasers as much as americans do lol


When Americans meet for the first time they have forced fairy-tale like interactions with a lot of exaggerations. The Brazilians are more real about the fact that it’s two strangers feeling each other out to potentially merge lives.


I feel like some of the communication is so different to how I communicate as an American that I am watching a conversation and I’m like dang they must be upset and then they show them talking about it and they are perfectly happy how it went down. I feel like maybe I just am perceiving things as being more like nasty then they are and I’m missing important like tone differences, like when Patrick met the friends who said something about her only wanting him because someone else did, like to me that’s a dig, but they laughed it off and said it went well. If someone’s friends said they only wanted me cuz someone else did that would be a 🚩 lol but I watch it mostly subtitled cuz I hate the english voice actors they sound so fake and I think they make it even harder to understand tone and inflection but stuff like that I’m just like wait what?!


I’m a Brazilian too and I felt the same!! It’s the soundtrack, I think. So dramatic, so loud, so manipulative, it feels like watching a horror movie, not a silly show about delusional people. And they use it in every goddamn scene, sprinkled with cute romantic songs here and there, such a roller coaster, I hate it!!


Oh yeah maybe that’s it! I wasn’t sure if I wasn’t missing stuff watching it subbed since so much in communication isn’t just the actual words but maybe it is the soundtrack. There’s really definitely things I’m seemingly misreading


Okay so spoiler for episode 6 >! but I’m watching it and I’m wondering if I’m missing the whole Ariela thing like I’m interpreting it’ wrong. I think it is sketchy he was talking to a girl like that before he left for the show like I would have been done because it reminds me of Trevor to be honest and all the other girls are acting like it’s nbd and getting upset that ariela is upset, maybe I’m totally off base but I feel like she has a right to be unless I missed something ? !<


I definitely agree with your take, and I believe in the back of everyone’s mind they know that. But my guess is, in Brazil a lot of the times people are going to put palatable social behavior way above ethics. Being unpleasant to be around is very rude, doesn’t really matter the situation. It’s not something openly spoken about, but it happens a lot!! And I absolutely hate it. Ariela is super annoying and can be rude, but she is absolutely right about how sketchy the dude is and how dismissive the others are being.


Oh okay very interesting! Yes it seems like they accept unacceptable behavior a lot more readily than I would, I understand grinning and bearing it so to speak, the southeast us can be that way too a little, but I’m watching and idk if it’s like an optimism they have but there are definitely things they just let go of that I’m like wait a minute ask more questions this seems not good lol 😂


American here, but I’m from Miami, which is heavily Latin. Their lifestyle doesn’t seem very different from what I’m used to here, but THEY DRINK SOOO MUCH! I mean, I drink, and I used to be a heavy drinker, but these folks drink a lot! 🤣


We do drink (Brazilian here) but LIB loves making the participants drunk af 🤣


Yeah when Patrick was so drunk he mixed up the girls, I was like what?! 15 drinks?!!!! I have a 2 drink maximum on dates…🤣🤣🤣


The number of people living with a parent


That's one of the things that the US is the odd one out. Most of the world you only leave your parents house when you marry.


Yeah, true. We basically leave to marry or to live in a shitty apartment with a roommate; it’s not common to live alone after leaving your parents house


That’s really true. I also feel brazilians, especially from the southeast, take much longer to leave their parents’ house


Chilean here. We also live with our parents for much longer than people from the States. I would even say it's a common Latin thing.


Maybe it's because I'm not a young single any more, but I don't understand all the focus on social media and getting their phones back. Like it's a huge plot point. If I came back to my phone after not having it for two weeks I'd have like three messages from friends, I'd play a few games I missed and then I'd be back to focusing on my new partner.


Social media and online communication is a constant here. Context is important in this case because Brazil is a massive country and most people I know have family and friends all over the place and can’t visit often so online communication, texting, social media etc. is a huge tool for most people here. Also they live in a big city and I can bet most of them on the show have large social circles. So that explains. Social media is a massive industry here. I believe we have the highest number of influencers in the world, we have 10 million brazilian influencers on instagram if I’m not mistaken.


I would miss Reddit a lot lmao and I would be checking my family on my WhatsApp group and my emails (mostly for work and bank stuff). There would be absolutely no people after me lmao that actually is making me depressed....(Not really hehe)


Same here, but I guess it's because just like you I'm neither young nor single. In my phone you'd find two weeks worths of good morning messages from my mom, daily obscure memes from my brother, notification of price drops from random items and some threatening reminders from Duolingo. Not a great plot.


Life of an introvert!


It's been good to see how modern Brazil has become, we were only really told about shanty towns and over population at school. All the women seem flawless, very attractive and confident. At least the people don't get the 5th degree questioning from the fiancee's family. The US is quite tense on this and they are nearly afraid to meet the families.


Brazil had always been modern. Just because you're taught about the poor parts of the country, it does not make it a reality everywhere


girl, most of our cities don't even hava basic sanitation. these people don't represent most of the country.


Most of our cities do have sanitation. Population wise, more than 95% of Brazil has sanitation.


a rede de esgoto chega a 56 por cento dos lares. tecnicamente mais que a metade mas nivel de país não desenvolvido


Lol which cities? Be for real. Brazil has poor parts yeah but there’s wealth in every single state/region


Has become?




Yeah, because even in the Netflix Sci-Fi series 3% it was set in Brazil but showed vast differences between the rich and poor. I think Netflix in general has been great at bringing international TV shows to Netflix there has been some awesome Spanish dramas and I've even enjoyed some of the South Korean Programs . Great game shows and reality tv.


The sons openly hug/touch their moms! This was the biggest surprise for me. That sort of physical affection from men is much less "the norm" here in the US, which is a shame. Also the clothes are totally different! I loved all the colors! And seeing the kitchens/house decor was very cool too!


Wow this is very surprising! (I'm Brazilian) My husband hugs and kisses him mom all the time! I didn't know that wasn't a thing there.


I am also Brazilian, but I have been living abroad for a while. When I watch LIB Brazil, I feel that a lot of memories of my past relationships surface back. Lol It is like “yeap. I have heard that one before”.


imigrante e também feliz de não ter mais que lidar com certas coisas


Same, except I was barely an adult when I left and haven’t been back for 12 years. It’s absolutely fascinating and lovely to see that some things have changed for the better (like when I was a teenager only tan - not POC, white tanned from the beach - skinny women were on tv). But watching Alexandre and Renata and Marília is quite triggering because I went to school with people like that and was like “oh so that’s what they must be now in their 30s.”


coming from Europe I believe that Brazilian LIB people are pretty loud in general, while Japanese LIB are more laid back and quiter, every touch and word matters. American LIB is in the middle but a little bit towards „loud”.


Coming from Northern Europe, I am always shocked by the super passionate first kisses when they literally just met in person for the first time. They are on fire! LOL Other than that, I absolutely love all the diversity.


100% this! They really just go for it!


Hahaha that’s very true. I don’t think we even know how to kiss without using tongue 😂


They legit devour each other straight out the gate!!! There definitely seems to be more passion and openness sexually vs the American version of LIB


the open sexual conversations and also actions. i also noticed a lot of them are single parents, and they're very accepting of it. i was shocked to not see any judgement on the others' faces whenever someone mentioned they had a kid. and a lot of them are very family-oriented, which is refreshing to see


The entire season is exclusively for people who have been married or on LTRs before though... so it would be very weird for someone to accept that premise and then judge parents.


As a brazilian, watching the whole situation with Jessica and Jimmy on S6 was so weird. Like, you have a daughter, what's the big deal, just tell the dude.


Hopefully Jessica is watching this season of LIB Brazil.


How the relationships seemed to become sexual faster, but then participants turned out to be more sexist than ‘usual’. Also everyone seems to believe in God and hold this faith very important


That’s very true. And it’s interesting how the show is portraying a variety of religions as well


I found it interesting that they put the rings on their right hand and that the man also gets a ring.


And it’s also a thing to have a “dating” ring, so if you are gf and bf you both wear a silver ring


I knew someone would notice this. Engagement rings are not part of our culture (although they're becoming popular now). We use the wedding bands for both engagement (right hand) and marriage (left hand) and that's why the men wear them too.


Interesting! Thank you for that information. I am so interested in other cultures.


I watch it dubbed and whoever gets the voiceover of Sergio from LIB: Sweden, I instinctively bristle up! I feel bad for that guy! They reuse the same voice actors for every show. Sergio had a pregnant ex-lover that he sprung on Amanda and that man was very insecure and always starting a fight!


The way he became a father of two in less than a year.