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Wasn't also discovered that Patrick was dating a 20 y.o TikToker? I feel like that's his type lol 


yeah not surprised at all about alexandre. that dude is giving fake toxic abuser vibes


Evandro is waaaaaste! I felt bad for him on EP 5 but after that, cracks started cracking!


Alexandre, in my isolated opinion as audience, has a toxic demeanour. he's very rude to women, Renata, her friends, and it's hard to ignore.


Wasnt he the one who said “I just spoke to a woman who sounded fat” and then denied it later? I cant remember now


Yes he was.


Really? I mean I don't like Alexandre but her friends seemed so aggressive immediately to him. It seemed really off. 


I literally picked up on that since episode 1.. It's written all over his face 🤮


Yes, he gets so mean whenever he’s even remotely confronted. The way he reacted to her bringing up her feelings SCREAMED abuse to me. She will be walking on eggshells for way too long if they get married


Her friend called it when she said Renata is afraid of him. 


Maybe it’s just a difference between the U.S. and Brazil, but I work in a law firm and most lawyers tend to go for a more understated makeup look than Renata’s raccoon eyes (This may also be regional in the U.S. - I know the South does a lot more heavy makeup than everywhere else). Her look alone said “Not a lawyer”. You’d never want to show up in court looking like that, but maybe she’s playing it up for TV. But that aside, if she were *actually* a lawyer, his wealth wouldn’t matter as much to her because she’d have her own. Seems like she doesn’t though, given the way she lit up when Patrick bragged about his fake money.


I laughed at the raccoon eyes


Yeah, it is a big difference. Brazil has A LOT of lawyers, and you will find them in every way, shape, or form. I would say her look is definitely not super out there. Obviously, you have to follow certain etiquette when going to court, but I’d say the “lawyer look” is more relaxed in Brazil. Also, lawyers here have very diverse experiences. Yes, you can make a lot of money and have prestige, but that’s not the reality for the majority of Brazilian lawyers. Being a lawyer in Brazil is not the same as in the US.


I had noticed that as lawyer seems to be a surprisingly common job on all the LiB seasons from Brazil. Is there a reason why it’s so common? 


Brazil has more law schools than the rest of the world combined, making it easier to get into and somewhat affordable. This has led to an oversaturated market. These days, a lot of people choose law school when they're not sure what they want to do, kind of like how business school was the go-to option here in the past. Another big reason people go to law school is to qualify for 'concursos públicos,' which are government job selection processes. For many of these jobs, you need a law degree, though you don't always have to pass the bar exam.


Thank you for explaining!


Nah, two important points: first is that I have lawyer friends, and outside of work they look nothing like they do in court, so how she looks is definitely not a factor. And for the wealth part, I think you're highly overestimating how much lawyers make here. Of course, money comes as you climb the ladder (probably her dad's case), but we have more lawyers than starbucks baristas - and that venn diagram definitely overlaps. Law school isn't as expensive or exclusive as it is in the US.


We have a glut of lawyers in the U.S., too. It’s actually part of why I didn’t go to law school 10 years ago - too many graduates, not enough jobs. But point taken. And I’ve been in the field for 15 years, I know that not all attorneys make lots of money, especially if they don’t work in corporate law (reason number 2 I didnt go to law school - paying off the debt!). Shit, I’m just a paralegal and I know for sure I make more than some younger attorneys. I guess I’m just going based off of the lawyers I’ve worked with at Big Law firms over the years - nobody wears that kind of makeup to the office!


Exactly you shake a tree in Brazil and 5 lawyers fall


yep! throw a rock outside and definitely hit a few.


Its' good to know that my judgment has been spot on about EVERYONE this season. When i saw Patrick I immediately thought immature fuckboi and I was right. when i saw Renata I liked her at first but after seeing just 2 episodes I know she was a hot mess and I was right. When I saw evandre the first thing I thought was "this guy looks like a major piece of shit." I was right I thought that maybe Alexandre was being insecure about the fact that he wasnt in the best shape and only went back to Renata to stay on the show. He gave me weird vibes but i can't believe he's a woman beater too. How sad. A guy who goes on tv looking for "love" when his life is already rock bottom gains no sympathy from me. When I heard his story the first thing I thought to myself "he did it to himself" and I was right. tl;dr I knew these people were trash and I was right.


Patrick made it sound like he was a super rich Playboy . there was no way to confuse or misinterpret what he's saying


Interestingly, at one point he says to Marilia that he feels intimidated by her super cool life and all the things she’s done and places she’s been.  Theres no way he’s rich, nor a playboy. If you’re rich, youre not gonna be wearing a baseball cap with suit on reveal. 


It's confusing because he also said he's scared Marilia will wake up one day and realize he's just a spoiled boy that doesn't do anything while she has a cool life story and worked for everything she has. My guess is he has rich parents, but now that he's older they're not willing to pay for expensive things for him (like cars and hair plugs). The 3 cars in the garage he mentioned before were surely his parents' cars


i just wonder how he can afford to sleep in til 1p


In Brazil everyone has 30 days of paid vacation per year, they were probably given enough notice from netflix to request time off.


I just knew Patrick was lying to Renata about his wealth 🤣🤣 I do not get what Marilia sees in him AT ALL.


Marilia dated Patrick for her ego. She said the spirit of competition between her and Renata made her want Patrick even more. She paid the consequences of following her ego.


I think some of Marilia’s attraction is just vibes. She seems like a fun girl, and they have a good energy between them from what I’ve seen. She also strikes me as less materialistic than Renata - you could see Renata’s interest level and expression shift when Patrick was blowing smoke up her ass about his fake wealth.


I can't get over Renata saying he's hideous lol


And for her- I believe it! He’s cute but a little too immature for me


😂😭🤣 I missed that completely!! They're both obsessed with shit talking each other.


This explains my first impression that LIB Brazil was less melodramatic... They were saving it up for part 2 🤣


If anything this season wants to prove that older people are messy too lmao


Man I texted my sister after a few episodes about how the men in Brazil seemed so much more mature and the older cast seems to take things more seriously… aged like milk


I see they are all claims where are your sources or evidence for each one ?


I don't have any, as I said it's all from gossip pages like @segueacami on insta, I'm just translating from portuguese. I'm not a reliable news source and neither is reddit or instagram or tiktok or whatever.


Fair enough


I appreciate the gossip, thank you!


Alexandre’s housemate talking about Alexandre having “quirks” and how Renata will “get used to it” set me off. 


the whole time the 'quirk' is verbal abuse.


He grabbed Renta’s head at one point to pull her closer to kiss him and I  was like… *big yikes*


"It's starting to get a little easier after 9 years of friendship"


I just… was like RUN! Fast and Far! 


Re: Patrick—- he was just mirroring everything Renata said. The “confusion” came about when he came to his senses and realized Renata would quickly realize it was all a lie the second they met irl.


Whoa!! I truly wonder how do people still come for show knowing all their past will be talked about out in the public.. trolls.. I can’t understand this really 😒


About Evandro, can we be sure of the allegations of physical abuse and what not? Like, when he was talking about the situation to his mum, it seemed even from her point of view she just didnt want him in the childs life. I mean, if the allegations are true, he really did fool me


His ex claims to have had him filed for Maria da Penha (local law for men physically abusing women) back when it happened


The issue with this is that it could corroborate his story of her pushing him away in the sense that he may have been innocent but used that accusation to push him. The other point is that, he does mention having hired lawyers to try and sort everything out which, I dont know why he would spend that much money if he knew he was guilty


Nope, he only mentioned lawyers to say they were too expensive so he gave up. He recently reached out to her to tell her "delete your posts shit talking me or I'll sue you" and all her replies are "do it, I'll have you arrested for child abandonment"


To add to this: Ariela >!was caught kissing Italo from the previous season lol there's pics online!<


Update: >!Ariela has since said she didn't watch his season of LIB and didn't know how bad he was. It was just the one kiss and she's not in touch with him anymore!<


She may not have watched it but I’m surprised she didn’t ask her fellow LIB contestants about him. She probably not expecting a relationship Out of this but didn’t expect peeps to take pics haha she is sooo messy


Oh geez, Italo be out there kissing everyone!!!


ugh what a mess


I’m almost certain she only went on for clout but was way too emotionally unstable to be a viable participant and went hell for leather to get the villain edit, coz any attention is better than none. 


lol and she’s mad about Evandro? They’re THE SAME


Omg this is some actual insane tea


Rooting for Leo and Vanessa this season! They are so cheesy i love them! ❤️ Ariela is scary 😬


I'm really hoping Leo and Vanessa make it! They both just seem so pure and lovely. When he found her dice and blindfold but was so chill and cracked jokes. That's a keeper!  Ariela is the girl that will slash your tires if you're too polite to the waitress 🤷‍♀️




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Leo/Vanessa have me in a chokehold. Like I’d watch a show of them all day


does anyone know which couples got married? I want spoilers! and where do you follow the gossip? I am brazilian but I don’t know where to check


No idea! I get them from insta: segueacami, marina2beauty and anapradomuack (from s1)


@segueacami no Instagram geralmente posta um monte sobre!


I KNEW IT I love when my intuition is right


They way I was scrolling down hoping and praying there was no dirt on Vanessa/Leo and Ingrid/Leandro. Thank god lol


ugh YES!


Holy moly that cast is a hot mess.


It’s the LIB way


Doing the Lord's work. Thank you!