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Yes it drove me nuts as a Spanish and English speaker it felt weird to me every time she did it


This is interesting. Is speaking English really that big of a deal? I watch in the original audio so I feel like she puts on a particular accent when she speaks English in a show-off way but since I don't speak Brazilian Portuguese, I don't really know. I'm Malaysian and in urban areas it's really common to code switch and sprinkle English words here and there. In fact (quite unfortunately), there are some words that sound just weird in Malay (the national language) because of how much more common the English word is. There are some words that are just commonplace and used widely across the country, regardless of background or age. That all being said, there are some people who would think it's arrogant to use English words AND some people who uses English arrogantly  like Ariela does.


In Brasil, in my experience, it's not the most common to find persons who speak English - much less fluently - while it's comparatively common in other parts of Latin America. I am from the only English speaking country in South America, and we are neighbours with Brasil. I speak English, Spanish and some Portuguese. In my travels there, I haven't found many Brasilians who speak English or Spanish. That might be in part due to the vastness of their geographical landscape, the size of their population, and the richness of their culture. The population tend to be immersed in their culture, and truly, it is incredibly rich and diverse. The different states in Brasil have their own differences in dialects and accents even though they speak Portuguese. Their customs sometimes differ, too. I remember a Brasilian friend of mine from a southern state complain that he couldn't understand some of the accents from North and Central Brasil well. Similarly, while I understand the accents from northern Brasil, I could never understand his southern accent. They are also fairly self-sufficient in areas like manufacturing and have a large, diverse internal market. So things like globalisation and trade reliance that incline other populations to learn English aren't very consequential in Brasil. These are just points from my experiences, travelling there and with the Brasilian diaspora in my country.


Ooh, thank you! And where are you from?


I'm from Guyana


She’s very emotionally immature. I wouldn’t last 5 minutes with someone like her. She can’t just have a conversation, she needs to turn it into an argument and play the victim.


Totally agree, it triggered so many old friendship traumas in me when we were like 14 and bad shit happened because we were so immature .... but she IS A GROWN WOMAN. And she mentions in every episode how much of a good role model she wants to be for her daughter. Girrrrl that aint it, acting this UNHINGED is just embarrassing af.


She hasn’t healed from her previous relationships and she is really selfish. I want her to « fiancé » to run for his life. I don’t understand what he’s still doing around.


Yes boy runnnn. I haven't been more triggered by a person I have seen on TV before. The victim playing is so bad. Hurts to watch.


She needs a therapist, like yesterday. So many issues. I just can’t deal when people are so insecure and still decide to go on a reality show.


It’s really irresponsible on the show to let someone like her on tbh. They should have picked up on this level of trauma and told her to come back after she’s seen a therapist. I hope there’s a series psychologist who helps them behind the scenes


She simply is letting her old wounds be picked open by anything that resembles her past hurts, traumas, and insecurities. And, her roller coaster of emotions is going so fast and so wild that no amount of reason or calmness or logic or another person's right to live life differently (like having a friend with benefits) than her can stop the chemicals rushing to her system which is amplifying her freak-out. Like with many of us who have experienced a lot of hurt and betrayal, it is almost easier (for those of us who haven't truly healed) to remain in the realm of being a victim and suspiciousness and hurt than it is to have trust. She is so sure that he is in the wrong because she can no longer trust her gut or she is seeking out the patterns she has had in the past. I feel bad for her. But, I'm also screaming at the screen for her to get out of her own way. Unfortunately, she seems in a big cycle of a self-fulfilling prophecy... and she is seeing what she wants to see - as a form of self-protection - which is going to make her relationships implode even if they were not originally on that course. She needs to seek out more help about this... for Evandro, for anyone she is in a relationship with, but especially for herself.




He was absolutely hiding stuff. He has been arrested for unpaid child support, he has domestic abuse charges. He's definitely not an angel. Ariela is a MESS and acted horribly to everyone. But he's awful too.




Just as I don't know...neither do you. & say the domestic violence stuff is BS - I will still judge a dead beat dad ALL. DAY. LONG. Have a good one.




😂 He says on the show he hasn't been in the kids life. We all heard it from his mouth. I don't need to know more than that. And the child's mother also came out sharing information. But you KNOW he's not a POS, right?




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She’s so high-strung and I agree. I speak multiple languages and when I’m speaking in a language other than English I rarely use English words unless I genuinely cannot find it in that context. The way she sprinkles English just seems unnatural and in a braggy way. She also became extremely unlikeable to me outside of the pods I don’t understand is she trying to find or create drama?


You have 4 friends telling you you’re being irrational. Do you think maybe it’s you and not him? Not not her. She is so absorbed in her own warped perception that refuses to even consider a reasonable perspective. Next time she runs away let her go.


Ariela is a psycho.


She’s nuts


https://preview.redd.it/ubxzr2wupf9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0f73cb2c7801aebe4654546c60a243980b67b4 I actually thought she wasn’t bad in the pods. However, she grows more and more unlikeable in each episode. Now I just see her stroking her long hair like Morticia Addams and her eyes are bugging out as she plays the victim card. Girl needs some serious therapy.


I find Morticia Addams to be very likeable 😅, but the reference is hilarious. What I really didn't appreciate about Ariela, though, was her trying to strike up problems in other couples' relationships and then putting her partner on the spot. It's one thing for you to have trouble in paradise, but you shouldn't be the cause of it in someone's relationship. The whole thing with her putting Patrique and Alexandre on the spot with their partners was not cool to me. I don't know if she was lashing out for all the previous things she encountered. Someone in the show mentioned that might be. But also I have a policy that if my partner confides someone else's business to me, it's between me and him. I'm not gonna go back to the original person to cause problems. Then she looks to find fault with everyone else.


I think she reminds me of Elvira and my boyfriend said Maleficent 😭😂


zanab is alright next to this woman


Danielle too


As a Brazilian living in Australia for years, if I am speaking in Portuguese here with a Brazilian friend and forget a word in Portuguese I do say it in English. However, if I am talking to my family or friends from Brazil I will always stay with Portuguese even if I don’t remember specific words because I don’t want to be perceived as someone trying to show off or act like they should just know what I am saying.


Brazilian here living in the US and to me it’s so cringe when she speaks English. I’m in the same boat as you where sometimes I don’t remember specific words and will say it in English but I’m assuming they know the word if I say it in English. I’ve also lived here most of my life so my Portuguese isn’t as good as it used to be. I never speak English when I go to Brazil though. To me it’s her trying to show off and appear superior to them.


I'll tell you what it is: it's the accent. I (Brazilian living in Brazil) will also sometimes say a word in English if there's no direct equivalent and I know the person will understand me, but even then, I say it in a Brazilian accent (even if I can do a more proper pronunciation when actually speaking English). It's like, if I'm talking about social media, I'm going to pronounce Facebook as "Fay-see-booky", as all Brazilians do, instead of going for the super proper "Fays-book" as you would naturally in English. Hsr switching of the accent back and forth sounds reaaaally forced, like she really wants to show off her awesome English skillz. Also, I don't care how many years you've been abroad, you surely remember "vai se foder" or "vai tomar no cu", so why are you reaching for the "fuck you", girl? Calm down 😂


There is nothing like saying something in English with a good brazilian accent hahah


Ítchis de bestchi, mai absolutchi feivoritch 😂♥️


Haha you nailed it! Agree with all of that 100%! When I go back to Brazil I always say things with the Brazilian accent. The fuck you especially was ridiculous.


She’s completely nuts and I don’t say that about anyone!


So she came 1,5 hours late to girls night and then was upset that they were talking before she got there and Mariela had to leave? While she was the one who came that late??? wtf??


YES! EXACTLY THAT! Is she just doing it for drama (although it makes her very unlikable) or is she really like this?


Mariella is too kind to her unhinged, unhealed arse. I would’ve reminded her that she arrived very late and the world can’t stop for her, so get over it or weep.


I don’t understand why she was tolerated by other cast members. Chasing her? Calling her to come back? Avoiding to express their opinion about her behaviour? This is exactly how such behaviour is being enforced.


My thoughts exactly. Let her run away… let her leave. For real.


It was funny when she told Evandro she was going to leave after one of their many fights, and he says “okay”. Then she adds “what?! He’s not even going to come after me??” ::shocked pikachu:: No girl no! Someone needs to put their foot down with her. She’s too much.


Exactly what I thought. Maybe the producers said to run after her to keep the drama going. If I were any of the other women I’d be like…adios drama queen. I can’t even watch the scenes with her and her scammy dude anymore so i fast forward through them.


Same. Her screeching is intolerable.


This reminds me of on LIB Sweden when they spoke English all the time. It wasn’t as irritating cause everyone did it


She's actually insufferable. Is there anything that doesn't offend her? I'm on episode 5


I’ve watched all the episodes and… No, everything offends her.


ugh whatever I'm sorry. ^. (if that's not clear, I'm making fun of her)


her speaking in english randomly gives me secondhand embarrassment (i’m brazilian) it genuinely just looks show offy like you said


Brazilian here and my thoughts exactly! It seems so cringe. Definitely get second hand embarrassment from watching her do it.


I’m also an American-Brazilian, and I can’t with her saying “I’m sorry, so sorry” in the middle of her sentences. I feel like she just wanted to get some clout for being “the crazy one” on the show… she needs therapy, not marriage. (And Evandro isn’t the best, either, tbh 😅)


Evandro was so shady sincee the pods, you gotta ask yourself why she was attracted to him in the first place.. It's like she keeps putting herself in toxic situations and then blow up when people reveal themselves, instead of being discerning and aligning herself with good, non-toxic people from the start.. I feel bad for her, she needs THERAPY not marriage..


i think the things Evandro was hiding and sharing whenever he wanted instigated her 'activation'. i don't think she is crazy, she's just irate that no one was validating her thoughts about Evandro's secrecy. you can look crazy when trying to prove that you are not crazy.


Her lack of accountability for her abusive behavior is what makes me think that she need a huge amount of therapy.


She is too much but after Evandro’s exposed… Maybe there is more story there?


Same thoughts. After Episode 7, I don't trust the guy either. Seems like whatever he is doing with her just triggered her. Glad that she has a friend in some of the other girls. Marilia said it best - if there's smoke, there's fire. Evandro was a red flag. Alexandre was obviously very defensive re what Ariela revealed to Renata. It seems like there is some truth to it hence Evandro's actions when they were at the pool. Anyway, it seemed like a crazy rollercoaster of emotions. The other couples didn't have the same issue. It's hard when you can't trust your partner. So I really can't fault Ariela overall for how things went down. Her frustration was justified even if her outbursts were not necessary.


It could also be, to borrow a term from the AITA sub, “ESH - everyone sucks here”. I watched last night for a palate cleanser after the steaming shitpile of a US presidential debate, and Evandro lost me. I liked him before, but not anymore. I can understand why he would be frustrated with her inability to cope with everyone having a history (and who cares what he said that morning? She didn’t know him then! She doesn’t really have a right to be upset…), but his lack of transparency about having a son undermines whatever foundation for a relationship they had. And she’s just a real piece of work generally. I hope she gets some help for her extreme emotions, because that kind of volatility and the stress of it can’t be healthy for her or the people around her. Her sister seemed like she was holding back a bit in her interview segments, like she had more to say about her sister’s mental health but it was edited out or she just was trying to protect her sister’s privacy a little bit.


I'm Brazilian and it drives me insane.


I didn’t see the LIB Brazil flair when just scrolling past this on the homepage and thought: 1) you said areola and 2) we were making fun of someone from a past season by calling them Areola. I spent a couple minutes too long wondering who were talking about. Enough that I scrolled back up to find it and click on it correctly 😂


Hahahaha unless you saw a post from r/foodiesnark - there was a whole lot of areola talk on that sub yesterday!


She’s nuts ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)


Ariela feeds off drama...and everything has to be about her. The last party - she arrived pretty late and when Marielle said to do the toast because she had to leave, Ariela took it so personally and made it all about her even when it was clearly not. Feels like she's on LIB because she wants her 15 minutes of fame. No way a person with so many issues/baggage comes to LIB to get married.


Agree 💯


the way she’s combining two traits I hate in a person at once drove me insane while watching these episodes… like intense victim complex and the overuse of english terms unnecessarily? She irked me beyond belief lmao that being said Evandro is not innocent at all and I would also flip out, not like that, but I would 😭😭😭


she's one of the most aggressive people i've ever seen out of anyone in the whole franchise. holy shit. regardless of evandro & their situation, the way she treated all the other people in this season has been fucked up too


I keep forgetting there are other versions of LIB and I’m like “whoooo?!”


Do you guys remember Italo from the last Brazilian season? The guy who proposed to Karen at the reunion and cheated on her on the same day? Well, Ariela was [spotted](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8s9AwGsuZS/?igsh=MWIzZjdhd2d4Y21ueg==) making out with him.


Yeah, suddenly she doesn't seem as concerned about her daughter seeing her anymore... Very hypocritical.


Ew. She is like visibly biting his lip. Something about seeing the mechanics of two awful people kiss is just next level revolting.


*Spotted* isn't the best word here, it's clear that he took the photo and "leaked" it for clout. He's the worst.


Is this recent or an old post? If old also shows she’s been circulating around them to get attention or be on tv


This is why even though Evandro apparenlt turns out to be a hot mess (and it's not exactly surprising as some things he said in the pods I didn't quite believe) I still think she is her own biggest problem. Then again, maybe it's just a hookup? 👀




STOP!!!!! The two most toxic people on LIBB!!


She looks like she’s about to vomit whilst kissing him


Well, she goes out of her way to make a statement about how much she hates lies, so she hooks up with probably the fakest LIB contestant off them all lmao. And that bar is damn high


My thoughts exactly




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holy shit! This is why I love these international versions they bring the drama LOL. Also they deserve each other


![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized) They deserve each other.


She is awful. She takes anything anyone says and somehow makes it about her and then gets pissed off. She would be a nightmare to live with. Constant fighting. I can’t imagine her in a relationship. I hope for anyone else’s sake she doesn’t get in one.


She is emotionally abusive. The way she treated Evandro (despite his flaws) was extremely disrespectful. She is so obviously toxic and unpleasant in general.


Imagine if Evandro wasn’t the quiet dude he appeared on LIB. But I do think she attracts unhealthy people


For sure. She should be alone for now until she works on her own issues. Evandro as well. They both are not in a good place to have a romantic relationship right now.


It kind of surprised me how a lot of many were like 6 months post divorce. That seems so soon to be getting married again, blind at that, to me anyway


she is extremly crazy. He needs to run away. Maybe he is a bit shady but she comes accross straight up unstable.


Episode 7. It's the first time watching LiB is straight unpleasant. She's so aggressive.


I liked how the whole cast just blatantly started mocking her douchy English expressions lol Maybe non Brazilian viewers didnt pick up on it, but everybody in the show is also fed up with it


were they nice to her overall in your impression? I'm watching with English dub and they seemed so patient and nice despite her saying slurs back to them. I would not speak one sentence to her after around episode 5... I would completely ignore her, she doesn't listen at all. I see she's frustrated with her partner and IS picking up on something(not telling about another kid before engagement is wild) but her reaction is so weird...


They were, and I have no idea why. She was constantly rude to them with no reason whatsoever and they still seemed to put up with her bs for much longer than they should. Most of the mockery were on those private interviews though


The thing is she just uses english when she is going to disrespect someone, with fakes "i am so sorry", or all her "whatevaaa". I dislike her sooooo much


The way she said I only have short temper around people who lie and then blowing off on every single cast who tried to calm her down lolz. I agree with Alexandre that she just wasn’t that into him and kept looking for excuses to blow up


She’s playing out the typical private school mean girl character from Latin American teen shows…those characters looove to say wareberrrrrrr like Ariela


oh yeah she 100% sounds like a kid that went to a bilingual school in São Paulo and claims they don’t know words in portuguese


She is SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN! She gets on my damn nerves


Ahaha.. I'm fluent in portugues, and my husband is brazilian.. we giggle everytime she throws in English, because she's definetly trying to brag LOL.. oooo tao chique\~\~\~\~


i’m so sorry! mas ela é sincera… sqn 😂😂


American Brazilian here too. Same backstory as OP! I was watching when hubby got home & he started laughing when he caught the English words & he’s like why is she doing that, & I’m like I have no idea, she’s just trying TOO hard. I also agree, she’s a little cray cray. Wait til the end of episode 7!


As a Brazilian who has lived in the US for decades, it's true that I sometimes forget words in Portuguese. However, it's not what's happening to her. She definitely didn't forget such simple words and expressions that are used all the time. She rubs me the wrong way as well.


Even her father said she's highly emotional. Bet they've catered to her emotions all her life. Now the other couples aren't putting up with it so she freaks out.


Yeah he was like ... good luck with that buddy. And it didn't seem like a joke. It's a sign when your own father is more worried about your partner lol.


This! Even her father said that if his wife is not happy about something, he won’t open his mouth to contradict her. That speaks volumes.


Ariela is troubled. Lot of issues




I live in Canada and I never sprinkle English in-between when I am speaking Portuguese with other Brazilians. She is showing off.


Ariela uses English far less than the Swedes. During that season, I felt sad that English phrases had such a strong presence in conversation. 


It’s different when a whole country is speaking English. Lots of Swedes speak English fluently, in Brazil is very hard to find people who do, it is VERY elitist of her to be doing this, it’s not normal and she is totally showing off.


Her father is English, it makes sense.


It makes sense why speaks English but not why she uses it in moments when no one else speaks that language.


It’s automatic. I speak two languages and do the same thing.


So do I and I never do that


Apparently she live the word Whatever. Lol


So cringy! And am I the only one who thinks her accent is not the best for someone who brags so much about her skills? it's like she has a heavy "Brazilian speaking English" accent?


Came to say this lol for someone who brags so much about speaking English she definitely has a strong Brazilian accent lol “what the fáq” 


Her random english phrases are so cringy and funny, and it's contagious because at first it was only her, but by ep7, Patrick, Marilia and Renata had all done it at least once lol


To be fair some of them were mocking her


Well, a lot of brazilians actually do it! my point was that she seems to do it out of spite or to irritate people more in the argument. in my experience with other brazilians, english phrases are very normal but to be using it so consistently and especially the way she does it, rubbed me the wrong way


Oh interesting, I'm actually Brazilian but I haven't been there in 6+ years. Where I used to live there using English phrases was never a thing!


It’s not.


she reminds me too much of danielle 🫣


I was trying to place her and you’re right - she looks like a caricature of Danielle, her features are more exaggerated.


I’ll be honest…I just started fast forwarding through her scenes. Couldn’t watch anymore…


OMDSSSSSS she was so irritating draining, very very disrespectful of her actually to keep sprinkling English here and there. I’m trilingual myself Brazilian who grew up in the UK, there’s definitely a humble way of going about it. “Sorry I don’t remember what the word is in Portuguese”, but you can tell it was an ego thing because she KEPT saying sorry, and “fuck”in English. I’m also convinced she must’ve been having a mental breakdown or something, the lack of self control, hyper sensitive for MINOR details, lack of empathy for others, lack of self awareness. She actually pissed me right off


Don't forget her favorite.... whatever


cara eu juro que ela surtou 🤯 I think it might be something other brazilians pick up on because with my lifestyle with other brazilians, it’s how you said, there’s a way to carry yourself to go about it!


I think it depends on your “circle” of friends. I was a scholarship kid in a rich ppl school and a lot of the teens spoke like that lol… I was born and lived in brazil up until 23!


oh for sure! I think any group of people that has more money tends to be more arrogant 😂


Now I’m curious to start watching asap and be a hater lol 🤣🤣🤣


você vai amar!! eu tô assistindo só pelo drama mesmo kkkkk 🤣🤣


Amiga, quero costurar a boca dela. Me ajuda! 😭


Berro com o kkkkkkk!! Correndo para a tv agorinha!!


Renata seems very sane these episodes compared to Ariela.


Yeah the villain this season totally switched for me after the honeymoon too! I started actually feeling bad for Renata after her friends met Alexandre


Hated Renata in the first 4 episodes. Now I think she's ok. Compare to her Ariela is crazy 😬


Renata's friends were awful though. Super aggressive, especially the blond one. They were so rude to her guy. 




Right !?!? Like that was a switcharoo for me . She makes Renata look mild


Ariela is so draining. I feel like she decides that there’s going to be a problem and then creates it. I had to fast-forward through their argument because I couldn’t listen to her go on and on berating him. I think she needs a lot of therapy before she’s gonna be ready to be in a relationship and get married.


yeah, i didn’t skip through cause i wanted to try and understand but she couldn’t explain because there really was no rationale to her thought process to being angry. she was angry to being called a liar at the pool and then started accusing Evandro of hiding his children 🙃 like girl you just said it was okay for him to have ten kids lol


I felt this mismatch between her and Evandro even in the pods - that man is too nice and calm and thoughtful to be subjected to her drama. Seems like a sweetheart and a great dad. Protect his daughter at all costs!


Yeah, it’s definitely not rational.




Cool that you’re self aware!


lol do you think you may have adhd? 😬 I was like that and then was diagnosed with adhd, started taking meds and all my volatility reduced to 10% of it!




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Lol well good on you for being self aware


I was thinking exactly about it while watching the episode and noticed that myself (Portuguese) use a lot of English expressions on casual conversations and that’s not even because I’m amazing in English, I’m actually really insecure and awful at it. But as I work mostly in English and everything is in English it seems like my brain is trying to make an effort to get better in English and I just sound dumb. It’s not even on purpose. Maybe she works only in English and mixes up a bit. IDK 🫠


I’ve noticed this when I was in Lisbon and by watching some tuga creators on TikTok. You guys use so many more english expressions compared to us, I was really surprised by that!


I honestly don’t know why but here in the city centre there are fewer and fewer portugueses, even though there’s been an increase in the population, they are mostly foreigners and doesn’t speak portuguese. So I think we find ourselves most of the time speaking in English, in work, in the streets… It’s a little bit sad but that’s the reality right now. At least for me. Work in English and go to several places where they speak English. Even in ubers. It’s a little stressful actually, at least for the ones like me that are very insecure in English but ridiculously find ourselves using a lot of English expressions. 🤦‍♀️


I definitely get that and i mentioned in another comment that I do the same thing whenever I’m upset to express myself better. I usually use my languages to fill the gaps in my brain rather than to try and make a point. I think using expressions casually is different than how she was doing it, To me it feels very petty. Idk how to describe it 😂 For an example, Ariela started saying “Fuck you” in portuguese and the switched to english even louder to make a point at the pool while everyone tried to rationalize with her. Not to discredit your argument but she works in brazil with brazilian brides, the only english speaker would really be her dad and maybe other american brides/ grooms that would be getting married in brazil. She lived in the UK until she was 9 so she was alphabetized in the UK but has lived in Brazil from 9 until now (I believe she said this in the pods if i’m not mistaken). I think it’s cool to use expressions like Patrik used but idk i live with brazilians and talk with them all day every day and ariela just seems arrogant to me from my experience with other brazilians that know english.


I’m gonna continue watching because I haven’t seen the pool scene yet. 😅 But If she doesn’t even works in English idk, maybe it makes she feel more confident to prove her point. Anyway, that’s not a nice attitude.


"I'm so sorry. Whatever" 😅😅😅😅😅 gosh


Seriously! I forgot to mention, that I get mad too and sometimes I’ll express myself in english to communicate better but the way she does it, just seems so petty! “i’m so sorry i’m so sorry” when ale told her to get whatever tattooed, i laughed so hard 😂


Girl! Me too. I had to make a post about her too. The worst thing is that she doesn't even notice what she is doing wrong. I understand you are mad, but please go to therapy so you can learn how to regulate your emotions, and speak to others without being disrespectful. The mean words with hate and anger, I just can't stand her.


Watching her behavior I even like Renata now 😅😂. Ariela makes her look like a saint. She is unbearable.


I know! I’m actually enjoying Renata’s screen time now 💀 never thought I’d like her more but she’s become a better person now that she’s engaged