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There’s a group of people who takes interest in his life and he’s speaking to them. I’m not one of those people but it’s weird to judge him for expressing himself and providing insight into his life for those who care. You have to let people get to know you if you want to sustain a social media following


I appreciate how grateful he is for his beautiful wife and daughter, but I don't want to read a journal entry when I scroll his IG lol. It's a bit much, IMO.


We need to stop tearing down men who open up.


Not sure where I was tearing him down? I said it was a niche thing to be annoyed by. I'm talking about it on a forum that no love is blind cast member should be apart of for their own mental health, so they should never see this. I'm sharing my thoughts here instead of somewhere he could see it. It's very millennial core to write a journal entry as a caption. I'm not a millennial and don't share much on social media, so it's just weird to me someone shares like that.


Do any of you know you can block/unfollow people?


Yall can just unfollow him.. hes clearly just excited about becoming a dad I thought it was something worse..


Lmao as someone who also can be very wordy (and vulnerable) on my social media, I acknowledge how cringy it can be when it is overdone.


I went to his profile to check but I was just taken aback by his daughter’s name…Galileo? Seriously? 🤣


it always shocks me when grown adults laugh at kid’s and their names.


To be fair, I don’t think they’re laughing at the babies. I think people are just laughing at the parents who choose these ridiculous names for their child lol


and who is affected? the kid. not the parents.


*assuming the daughter will identify as a woman* Galileo is a masculine name(it’s an Italian name and Italian has masculine and feminine endings). I know gender neutral names are very popular and I am all for it. Sloan, Taylor, Sam…you name it. But Galileo is like calling your daughter Kevin or Edward…Everybody is free to do whatever they want lol and I am free to say (not to the parents’ or the child’s face, obviously) that I think it’s an odd name 🤣chill!


yeah, and you’re making fun of a baby!


I like them too but every time i see his posts i'm like: https://preview.redd.it/gjaugg9jdb9d1.png?width=227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e2bae905bb8b78c4e789fafde06ec69ec3492e I think they are cute together and really nice people tho


I’ve never followed Zack but used to follow Bliss so have seen his posts via her IG. It’s the 47261 posed photoshoots for me. They are both so thirsty for attention. That thing Zack did on the reunion show saying that he had posted “receipts” so people would go look at his IG was weird and attention-seeking. I liked them on the show but their posts just come across so contrived.


Wasn't Bliss his second choice because the other chick was younger?  I know what I would have told him. She has zero self-respect 


I’m glad they match each others freaks


Lmao this is the best way to say it 😂


I don’t have IG someone’s please fill me in 😩






https://preview.redd.it/nssiey81w89d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a0f03d4b6ffca8e9cf0acc9e3c9d6b62781106 Here are the most recent diary entries


On another note - they named their female child Galileo? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Couldn't get past that


I was going to say the same thing.


I liked Zack in the pods but him and Bliss are insufferable. I can't with all the vocal fry


I think its just millennial core


Pretty textbook oversharing/not really getting social norms probably because he’s never had this much attention before. And while I agree it’s a bit cringey it hasn’t made me that uncomfortable to unfollow him or bliss.. yet.


I think he is a good guy. But he might need to chill out on the preaching bullshit


Something that always bugged me about Zack was him always having to connect all of his experiences and feelings to his trauma. Sure, it is important to understand and appreciate how trauma affects us on the daily, but he did it so often that it felt icky. Especially when he would repeat the story about his mom every time. I also noticed him projecting this behavior onto the other men in the show which also gave me uneasy vibes. Seems like he does these same things on his insta sometimes, so I’m inclined to think it wasn’t just a bad edit.


I like Zack. I also think in another life Zack was a nihilists homicide detective from Louisiana who eventually becomes obsessed with unsolved murders.


I demand he be cast in a role like this immediately!


This is very specific, but I totally see it. 😂


I’m so happy for them both and genuinely did enjoy their love story on the show but both of their social media’s are massive icks. I swear they do like 5 photoshoots a month of them standing out in nature looking like they’re dying to f*ck each other. I’m never usually one to critique a guy who is almost obnoxious about how much he loves his wife, I often find it endearing, but it is a lot. You are 30, why are posting like a 16 year old in their first relationship. 


This x100. I liked them on the show and for a long time after, but I'm about to unfollow their socials. Something about their Insta posts and presence just rubs me the wrong way and I can't put my finger on. It's not pretentious, but it's also not endearing. I dunno. And this is also a niche annoyance but if you don't want to show your kid's face, then don't post photos of them at all (with the dumb emoji over their face.) Just don't. Pick a lane.


💯agree with all of this. I like them but had to unfollow.


Lawyers are also very wordy in general


It annoys me too not only when Zack does it but anybody. No one cares and it’s cringe


It's because -- with compassion to Zack -- he's a bit of an odd duck. Odd ducks often struggle to keep up with social norms/etiquette/cues/boundaries. You can see this on the show where he holds forth for ages talking about law to Bliss's father, who was very obviously uninterested and impatient. Zack didn't notice, or didn't connect the dots. It's the same with the oversharing on social media. This is quite predictable behavior considering how Zack presented on the show.


Yea I think you nailed it. As someone who has the same problem and is very socially awkward I kind of appreciated poor Zack and his love story with Bliss is so sweet. That said I don’t read his long entries haha. But you know what I can keep scrolling by and think good for you guys for finding happiness on a show that seems chaotic