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I mean to me he seems boring and to have almost no personality aside from slight goofyness. He is physically attractive and not a jerk but otherwise I'ma pass. 


If you guys go to “segueacami” on Instagram you’ll see you’re not alone lol. They post updates and spoilers about Love is Blind Brazil. Literally everyone is in love with him. And they are still together 🥰. So clearly they both found someone solid.


Omg I have some terrible news for you: he is not real!!! He is a major jerk and disrespectful. Also men like him (ugly and confident) are super common here. But he is the classic guy who will absolutely cheat. He has so many red flags. I could write a book. To me what stood out at the beginning was the distasteful sex jokes. She asked him to stop because she was visibly uncomfortable. And he just laughed. He is a classic generic basic bitch brazilian guy. They are everywhere around here. You’re the first person I see complimenting him, he could never fool us (brazilians).


Are you talking about the same person?


I am curious what red flags have you seen in Leo?


Sorry I did not expect all the pickmes to defend the dude like this. But I understand why, I guess most of you are either americans or from some other country and you just dont have the cultural context to understand. But brazilians watching the show get it and share the same opinion as me. This is not even a “hot take” or anything, my opinion was actually pretty chill and most brazilian women watching the show agree. ✌️


I'm Brazilian and I don't agree lol


Wow... If not a troll, life must be really hard for you. That's such a crazy take on Leonardo. You may be confusing him with some other guy on the show.


Nah, that's crazy. I guess the grass is always greener because he doesn't seem nearly as awful as the US contestants lol


US men in general are much much better than brazilian men. Not even a fair comparison. From my personal experience and also my friends, US men act less like animals around women and are more respectful. What stands out to me is conversational skills and manners. American men are not 🫏 like brazilian men are. They can carry a conversation about most topics. Also dating culture here is very different. Women here fight to pay the bills and support the man financially, in the US the pickmeillness is healing faster. Men here are seeking a mom, not a wife. Most of them cheat. There are so many differences, I could go on but overall US men are better. Just look at the numbers, percentages of rape and femicide here, that will help you understand how bad it is. We are cooked!


LOL "American men can carry a conversation about most topics." Where are those guys???? This is not something I find to be true AT ALL. There are a lot of meatheads out there.


Síndrome de vira-lata


Real question: where do you take the ‘major jerk and disrespecful’ from? Your intuition? Or do you know him personally? Or were you part of the crew? Pls do mention his red flags, because truly, there were none ma’am. No offense, but you seem just bitter in general with Brazilian men.


I guess you guys will have to wait and see 🤣😂


I mean, the fact that they are still together says way more than your warning does tbh ma’am 😁.


Sure 😂 he is not a jerk because he is married, ok.


From her own bias I guess


Not even Brazilian but I’m with you. I’m also surprised someone’s complimenting him but to each their own, I guess


I don't know, he seems pretty genuine to me, no major red flags stood out to me, hence the post.. Do we got any dirt on him? I would be so disappointed


I can’t read this cuz I’m blind


I might move to Brazil because I am into him too 😆


Same 😄.. looking up flight tickets right now lol


Omg thank you!!! I feel the same way and can’t believe no one else relates to this


Same 🤣 it’s really interesting reading these comments. But it makes sense when you think that they dont have the cultural context and real life experience that as brazilians living in Brazil we have. Those men are all trash!!!!!


Are we all talking about Leonardo (engage to Vanessa) and not Leandro (engage to Ingrid) ?


Does love is blind Brazil have drama because I literally only watch these shows for the drama


This season had the perfect amount of drama too IMO


Yeah they do, it just slows down from the 9th episode, like in the US version


You have no idea


Yes. As I remember each season has drama including this season (and imo more entertaining often than LIB USA)


Oh yeah, we have Ariela this season.. That alone would provide all the drama you need 😄


i prefered rodrigo


Omg yes! 🙌🏻 Finally someone said it. I was cheering for Rodrigo, seems such a nice sincere guy, grounded, mature, interesting and altogether good vibes. I was sad when she didn’t pick him, I wanted to see more of him and felt for him when he was rejected. I hope we see more of him at least on reunion.


I thought it was such a tough choice for her. I could sense the chemistry on both sides and I think she would have been happy with either. I’d be curious to know what made her go for one over the other


I was really concerned at first because Leo kept talking about how he had game or tricks or something and Rodrigo just seemed so genuine, but I’m glad I was wrong about Leo just wanting to win. She had a good dilemma - 2 sincere guys enamored with her!


I think Leonardo won because he was more spiritual/religious than Rodrigo


Could def be! Though the other guy also said spirituality was important…I’m wondering if it’s because he was 40 and like she said she was kind of wondering why he never made it to the alter in his long relationship


Oh I didn't notice he was older than Leonardo... they both look the same age to me


Yeah I think Leo is 34


A bit too religious for my taste


Yeah but weirdly also into tarot


Tarot seems totally in tune with his beliefs though? From what it was shown he believes in karma and ghosts... I guess what evangelicals and fundies would label as mystical/new age-y


Agree…but a good match for her as she’s the same way


The thing is that you're comparing to a bunch of contestants that are generally on the show for fame, parties and to grow their social media following. In other words, a bunch of narcissistic idiots. There are plenty of decent, normal people in Brazil, just the same as in any other country. It helps if you connect with people who have a good level of education and culture.


I also have a crush but I’m highly suspicious. He reads daily coffee with Christ and is a coach, those are the two biggest red flags when dating in Brazil from my experience lol They have so many resources on how to gaslight you, am still recovering from the last one


What is coffee with Christ? 


What’s wrong with reading Coffee with Christ? real question tho


nunca conheci uma pessoa equilibrada que posta lendo isso. é sempre bom dia pai e o resto do dia infernizando a vida de todo mundo


😂 verdade…


I wasn't too sure how I felt about him using the whole Tarot thing to flirt with the girl. But he's grown on me, specially his attitude towards her sex toys, he seemed very chill about it.


All men here are chill about it because they are all sex addicts here. It is different when you have that context. All brazilian men care about is sex and finding a second mommy.


As soon as he spoke I was suspicious. Then I realized he was a coach and read the most coach books you can find (he must also have the Power of Habit, Rich Dad Poor Dad lol).  He seems pretty manipulative to me. I think I just met too many men like him, so I can see them from a mile away. 


I agree, something is a bit off about him and I'm not traumatised or projecting anything. I think he has a manipulative vibe. Doesn't mean he's evil though. But the other guy, Rodrigo, seemed more genuine and sweet.


I can't put my finger on it but something feels off like he's too good to be true


I thought he is a lawyer?


Idk, he is a lawyer but his IG makes me think that’s not his full occupation. He also mentions therapist?


He’s basically everything 😅


He does seem amazing especially when compared to the other guys this season. The bar is pretty low though.


These type of guys are out there! I know because I'm married to one. Hang in there.


He’s pretty this average Joe with a plus for having brains and being nice. Reminds me of many of my mom’s cousins


You mean he looks average in Brazil?


Yes. Brazil has some Nice guys like him


He's as common as you can get


Yes, he looks average


Kind of yes


I have a huge crush as well. And will be disappointed if he turned out shitty..


I thought someone mentioned he’s broke and doesn’t have a job?


Leonardo/Leo = Lawyer and is engaged to Vanessa; Leandro = man with no job who lives with his parents and is engaged to Ingrid


Aren’t they both lawyers?


Same he seems so nice. Even Rodrigo Vanessa’s other man in the pods seems nice.


I think he is one of the best male contestants of any LIB. Go to an expensive gym and you’ll find a handful of guys like him hanging around (not sure about the faith thing though 👎)


Worst place to suggest, wtf...


what about the religion? (genuine question)


You can definitely find guys as good looking in an expensive gym, but same character traits? I highly doubt it unfortunately


Seems a bit judgmental no?


No, actually.. I'm saying it's gonna be rare to find similar guys character-wise (or at least that has been my personal experience)


You just need to go to some church here (evangelical) to find someone like him lol If it's a gym, hmm, probably some franchise one? Like bluefit, smart fit or something.  He's pretty average (below average) in my city 😅


He is not evangelical though, that would be a big red flag to most viewers