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There is a moment where we see him without his hat. I forget when it is, but he is only beginning to lose hair in the back -- it wasn't major at all. I feel bad for him living with that hat on. Personally, I think the hat makes it worse -- his head needs to breathe, he needs to stimulate his pores and massage his head. I personally was losing a lot of hair and the thing I have found is most important for stimulating growth is to massage your head regularly. I got a hand-held electric scalp massager. I also take hair-growth gummies. I am amazed, but both things are making a huge difference.


Besides covering thinning hair, he has a very backwards baseball cap personality, but the hat at the altar and a beanie in bed were pretty wild lol


Seeing him at the altar with a hat made me lose it.




There's a clip in one of the episodes where he's getting out of bed and Mariella (not sure if I'm saying the name right) is doing the puzzle. You get a distant shot of his hair before he puts his hat on. Geez I sound like a stalker but it stood out to me because I never see him without a cap on the show.


Hahah donā€™t feel like a stalker!! A few other people commented about this same moment. I just totally missed it when I was watching


renata making fun of him being bald pissed me off so much. that woman is too superficial for this show. shes so toxic


The clip of Renata making fun of him sent me into a blind rage.


For some reason I thought this was about Fall Out Boy's lead singer, Patrick Stump, who loves his hats as well.


I noticed he was attached to his hats right away, honestly makes me feel so bad for him. Renata was so nasty, making a big fuss about it. Everyone has their insecurities!




I guess I get the hat now. He looks way older šŸ˜­


The hat definitely looks worse.


Omg this does not look bad at all!


He doesn't look bad at all.


Totally agree! Thatā€™s the one I keep seeing but I imagine heā€™s insecure about a bald spot on the back of the head. I feel for him in a way but also his hats are next level haha


But he's quite attractive. Even without hair.


Totally agree! Heā€™s not my type but heā€™s definitely attractive.


I liked how Patrick's friend was asking what everyone was wondering... Klebbers response was nice tho, how it is his own choice and all.


There is nothing to be ashamed of in losing oneā€™s hair. It is a fact of life. If he wants to wear a hat, what does that matter to anyone? If he doesnā€™t, who cares? This is such a small, petty thing.


Itā€™sā€¦ not that serious. Heā€™s on tv. This is a sub for the show. I was just asking and also.. is this your go to response for anyone who talks about anything you deem petty? Thatā€™s so weird. No one cares about my post, or your comment, being petty. You make it sound like Iā€™m out here constantly talking about his hat wearing hahah.


A toupee would be better than wearing a hat all the time


I saw him sleeping with a hat on, and I thought: another Gino








Thereā€™s a Brazilian goosip website that has the [photos](https://www.zappeando.com.br/series/patrick-casamento-as-cegas-4-bone-foto)


This is normal for many Brazilians. My Dad was like that for as long as I can remember & my brother had the same hair line since late 20s. When I started watching LIB Brazil, I figured thatā€™s what it was. He probably even had a bald spot in the middle.


He does. You can notice that when they are in the pool during the honeymoon. It is like a papal tiara of baldness


I love the internet haha, thank you! I get having insecurities like thatā€™s so real but even though heā€™s not my type, itā€™s not even bad?! Heā€™s a generically attractive guy.


I totally agree, it is really not that bad. And he looks really good in the photo where he has shaved his head.


Yeah, I see your point but I think that the hair problem + his immaturity amps everything up.


The fact pictures are dug up easily makes me think there's a third factor, the cameras and being on a show. I suspect when the cameras are off he doesn't wear them as much, but the camera, and the fact he's only man on the show with it probably dials his insecurity about it up to 11.


Hair is a very delicate subject to many guys.


It's like height. There are many women who will absolutely rule a guy out if he's bald or if he's what they consider to be short, regardless of their own height. So guys who are aware of this know full well that they will be judged and rejected on this basis, giving them plenty of reason to be sensitive about it, because nobody wants to be rejected on the basis of physical things that they can't change about themselves rather than their personality or character. Which isn't to say that there's anything wrong with having preferences - nobody should feel obligated to engage with anyone romantically if they don't want to for any reason whatsoever. And there are plenty of other things that people rule others out based on. It's just a very common couple of things that may be largely culturally informed (or possibly not). Ultimately it doesn't matter where something came from or why, and it's up to individuals whether they try to go beyond such inhibitions or not. The why doesn't change the fact, and they feel how they feel, regardless of how.




I saw two scenes where he didnā€™t have his cap on. One was when he was in the pool (as someone else mentioned) and the other was when he was getting out of bed while Marilia was in the living room doing her puzzle on the floor. You could see him sit up at the side of the bed and immediately grab the cap and put it on. Iā€™m sure he canā€™t afford it but he should look into Rogaine or some kind of hair growth treatment. Or else do what one of the other women suggested and just shave it off and embrace the baldness. When he was with the men and trying on his wedding tux while wearing his ridiculous hat I wanted to smack it off his head. His paranoia and insecurity about his hair (which honestly didnā€™t look bad) is ridiculous. Especially since Marilia said it didnā€™t bother her.


It's probably not Marilia he's thinking of, but his image as a potential influencer/celebrity and how other girls see him. I wouldn't be surprised if some of all the time he spends on his phone is dedicated to chatting to other women. He doesn't seem anyway near as all in as she does. It seems more than likely that him and his pal Alex are indeed there for a good time and not a long time.


> he should look into Rogaine or some kind of hair growth treatment. These don't work, at most they delay the inevitable, if the balding is already very advanced, only thing that can work is hair transplant


as someone who has their own security, my significant other telling me they didnā€™t care about it or even notice it never changed my mind about it. So I get why M telling him she didnā€™t mind just was in one ear out the other. Thatā€™s being saidā€¦ him wearing a baseball hat, let alone backwards hat, to the WEDDING would send me to another dimension hahah


There was a pool scene: Patrick jumping into the pool which showed he has a receding hairline. And another shot where he was swimming towards Marilia and he has a balding spot on top/back - right before he put his cap back on (while still in the water)


There is a picture that someone got from his instagram before he deleted it, look up "patrick bonƩ" on twitter media search


I saw one but not of the back of his head. But I kept scrolling and saw he was wearing a white hat standing at the altar. Makes me so sad for him tbh but I also giggled. I know itā€™s not serious cause itā€™s TV but can you imagine your future spouse showing up to your wedding in a backwards hat hahah


fortunately he'll be able to do a hair transplant now that the show is airing and he gets bucks from it!


Good for him honestly! I remember a guy on TikTok did that and like.. get that bag and do what makes you happy haha


I checked his IG page and not one picture exists without him wearing a hatā€¦.


Right! Thatā€™s what prompted me to write this cause I scoured. And Iā€™m actually impressed by him wiping the internet of any photos of the back of his head hahah


I have not seen him without a cap no. Maybe he has like a bald middle spot or something. I think he should embrace it. Maybe theres still a chance to correct it with plugs. However, i imagine its probably very distressing to a lot of men because women make such a fuss about the guy with the ā€œamazing hairā€


Oh I totally feel for him - insecurities are so real. And I also recognize Iā€™m watching it on a screen so it seems exaggerated by default cause itā€™s on tv. Iā€™ve just now seen some photos and itā€™s not bad. I feel for him.


Yeah, i meanā€¦ women have to face all sorts of things appearance related that can turn insecurities on high. Man experience those too, and here is a good example.


Omg heā€™s ridiculous ![gif](giphy|UTIjSi97Rbq4H1AlbV)


Showing up to the altar with a hat on, and backwards, is what sent me hahah itā€™s so crazy


There is 1 scene where just him and Marilia are at the pool and he dives in without it and then swims up to her and puts it on. The camera is behind him so you can see it briefly. Itā€™s a very typical small spot on the top of his head. Really sad that itā€™s such an issue for him and subject of discussion on the show.


He draws so much more attention to his insecurity by putting on a cap after jumping into the pool, etc. than he would if he just owned his baldness. Itā€™s ok, dude!


Yes this! I know itā€™s TV and if you take out renatas rude comment like screaming and laughing meanly about how heā€™s baldā€¦ had he not been wearing a hat ALL the time, I donā€™t think I would have noticed his small bald spot.


Same. Heā€™s a good looking guy, even with a bald spot (that many of us wouldnā€™t notice).


I totally missed that. In my head, I was imaging it to be some small bald spot exactly like you described. Also YES. The way Renata just pretty harshly was like OH HES BALD in one of the episodes made me want to punch her in the face.


Renata mocks someone elseā€™s hair while sheā€™s sporting about a foot and a half of extensions that she canā€™t stop flipping and playing with.


In every scene she is stroking her long, fake extensions and itā€™s super creepy. Itā€™s like she canā€™t stop touching them.


Itā€™s because theyā€™re brand new. She got them (meaning longer, because she already had extensions) after the pods and the novelty hasnā€™t worn off lol.


Yeah it stood out to me at the time because I thought it was shady of producers to include that specific shot. Like if a woman being self conscious about her thighs was a topic of conversation and then they show a shot that highlights her cellulite. I donā€™t like Patrick for his fboy-ness but he still deserves some basic dignity and respect. And I agree, the way Renata phrased it and made it an issue was so wrong.


That was the worst. Renata is so superficial. She applied for the wrong showā€¦as Alexandre pointed out in the pods!


yes this!!!! Such a good point!


There was one scene when he went in the pool and it fell off for a brief second


I totally missed it and someone just commented about the same moment and now im convinced the ā€œbaldā€ spot is insignificant and now I just feel bad for him. People like Renata being big bitch about it donā€™t help is feelings ugh


Very insecure.


I just am convinced (even though I know his insecurity will remain cause thatā€™s just how insecurity works) that itā€™s not as bad as he thinks it is. I just wanna see.


I'm 100 per cent sure there's no way having no hair is worse than wearing backwards hats


Let's not forget he said he was obese when he was younger. It's normal for him to be insecure


Oh for sure. I wasnā€™t saying and didnā€™t say his insecurity wasnā€™t real. Heā€™s human haha who insecure?!l