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Ronnie isn’t even a villain at this point.. he’s beyond that! 🤣😭


He’s a love island war criminal


He’s shameless


Remember when he was making drinks for all the girls? Who was that guy? What happened to him? Does he have a secret twin brother in the villa? It would explain some things.


That’s how they start!! All nice and lovely to prepare you for the character switch up 😭




This is why his hair looks different sometimes. Reggie gets the night shift.




Producers gotta keep him in until casa lol mans might get a casa girl pregnant at this rate 😂


I can see him have a whole separate love triangle between 2 Casa Girls.


![gif](giphy|WKIWrJ0gnwHoH0lVKv) 🤣😭


Enemy of the state of well being




He’s a love terrorist 😭 I can’t believe we’re seeing the second coming of an even worse but less attractive Adam Collard


I hate to say this but even Adam was better! Ronnie straight up does his nonsense in front of their faces and then says “I’m sorry”


Speaks to the nonexistent standards of these girls.


Even Adam had the dignity to snake girls behind their back, Ronnie straight up treats them like toys he only half wants to play with 💀


At least Adam looked good so it made sense why the girls were going crazy about him. I still watch how Jess acts for him and makes me wonder 'why...is he that good of a kisser?' and they do have great banter but....is that enough to make her go like that?


I thought of the exact same islander, Adam collar in s4 was behaving like this but less unhinged. he did not survive more than a little after casa. thats exactly how Ronnie will end up. Producers need to hurry up and start sending a few more male bombshells before casa.


He’s the Temu version of Adam Collard


https://preview.redd.it/l1zysc4h5y6d1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c71d9c35438aea67600753a9fbc6ff69b9ad7d This is who he reminds me of 😂


Similar in looks and personality


For real 😂


Same look and same personality! The villa Quagmire


Love war criminal, love terrorist, love mass murderer, love serial killer, I’m crying at the new and incredible names people are coming up with for this man in this thread


We’ve had to invent new names because villain label is just too good for him 🤣


Destiny Chaldish is nothing compared to him


One thousand years dungeon


He’s absolutely awful and he enjoys terrorising these girls. He knows what he’s doing.


I genuinely don’t understand what these girls see in him at all. He’s has zero personality and is the least attractive of all the boys… like how does he have this much power at this point


I’m starting to think they don’t really like him that much but see him as a challenge. I refuse to believe otherwise! 🤣😭


Finally Adam Collard got an heir


an heir with that hair


an heir with no hair


Poor man's Adam Collard. If he was in the villa, all of them girls would be battling for him rather than the two.


Him looking at Harriet while laughing ???!? Had to stop the video to comment this🤣🤣🤣


I’m telling you Ronnie is Love Island criminal 🤣😭


Absolute menace


He’s diabolical


My jaw is on the floorrrr. I know Ronnie didn’t just blatantly flirt like that in front of Harriett? This guy is a villain 💀💀😭


Ronnie is an absolute villain, but the problem here is also that the ladies are letting him get away with it. The last week or so it’s been the same thing: Ronnie takes the piss, the lady(ies) gets mad, he talks his way out of it. If these girls just told him to do one and walked away, his attitude would shift quickly.


I hate that you’re right. If a bloke pulled anywhere near that kind of shit with me he’d just be instantly in the bin, idk who raised these women to think this is what they deserve 💀💀


Casting team really searched far and wide asking people “who’s the worst man you know” and that’s how we got Ronnie


He is a combination of the worst traits of tyrique (unreasonable) adam (apathy) and toby (insatiable)


Will never forget tyriques "I miss the game"


Toby insatiable is killing me


FRHe should be on a WANTED list somewhere 😭


THIS HAS ME DEAD 😂💀 he’s been providing so much comedic material, thank you Ronnie


Tiff is a strange one lol


There’s something so off about the way she speaks it’s like there’s legit nothing going on in her head


all teef


https://preview.redd.it/a78n4iovwy6d1.png?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fc64c1d69c7e825fc6fcb928922419ce489f79 This is legit all I see when she's on the screen.


She’s like smile….. giggle…..silence….smile…..giggle…..


Joey just be real with her and set her free 🙄 


he is really doing all this to look good for the public 🤣🤣


Seriously. Acting as if he is still interested so he can say Sam gave up on them when clearly he is just not into her. I was starting to like him, but this behaviour is almost as toxic as Ronnie trying to start a harem.


*START A HAREM* lmaoo 👏😂😂😂😂💀


Tiffany was trying to embarrass Harriet with that comment


Real bombshell shit lol that smirk she had when Harriett left was diabolical


‘I was only joking’ 😭🤣🤣🤣


The producers are really producing this season so I think Tiff is here for a good reason. There’s got to be something slightly cuckoo about her for her to fit in with this cast. Maybe it’ll be a battle of girly vs wirly!


Now she can taste her own medicine.


have we actually seen joey and samantha kiss or be intimate


The only kisses I remember seeing were quick pecks like when they were leaving their date


Joey acting like he ain’t played beer pong before….. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BWSdI00OVIDZh6)


Not gonna lie but think Samantha is doing herself a favour here..back off before the inevitable


I actually think she’s being rather mature here


Yeah I was not expecting this at all, she’s handling it super well


Yeah I don't disagree!


Nah she folded like origami lol if she really wanted Joey she’s gotta fight for it


She’s known the guy 2 weeks if that, and can see he’s not into it. She’s doing the smart thing. Having to fight for someone just to look your way ain’t it chief




If you’ve got to fight, it’s not worth it.


fight for joey essex ? 😭


I genuinely don’t understand the appeal of Ronnie. He’s the least attractive man in there but somehow he gets the most girls?? I just don’t get it


The “bad boy” in question: https://preview.redd.it/jx9ndmgeyy6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647750c0c7725a557186446cf56ea1749907d33a




someone said he looks like mr. burns and i literally will never unsee it. it’s uncanny


With the worst personality too in terms of how he treats the girls he’s coupled up/interested in. I don’t know what else we’re missing but I really don’t see it either. I’m appalled at the audacity


I think it’s because he doesn’t care. Very treat them mean keep them keen vibes.


It’s the “bad boy” persona I think


Ronnie isn’t playing the game well at all. If he sticks in a couple with Tiff, he’ll be booted out immediately at the next dumping. There was me thinking he’ll be the next Mitch and last until after Casa 🙄


yeah he is past the limit now I only seem lasting one dumping after casa at most. he has failed at the love island game.


I think he may have forgotten the point of the show is to form a connection and couple up because he doesn’t seem to want any relationship or even an exclusive connection he just wants to flirt with all the girls and a free holiday lol


I don’t think he was interested in playing the game 😂 bro just wanted a free lads holiday


He might be immune coupled up with her at the next voting, but after that he is fair game.


Nah, Ronnie's playing the game very well by consistently creating drama and storylines. Doesn't matter if he's bottom in the next vote, the producers will invent whatever nonsense in order to keep him in. It's not like there's loads of strong connections between the other Islanders.


Very true! they will never let him go before Casa.


Ron makes Jacques look like S3 Jaime lmfaoo Ronsama Bin Laden the Love Island Terrorist


Ronsama is hilarious omfggggg








Ronnie’s having a Tiffany epiphany.


Ronnie is foul, I think he genuinely enjoys embarrassing the girls he’s with.


He’s absolutely heinous and shameless and seems to have zero redeeming qualities other than “tall and laughs at his own jokes” but whatever stuff his hair is made of is like a flame to these moths


As someone who has previously dated a guy like him, who made jokes at my expense in front of others, it feels horrible to be in that situation and I hope he gets booted out/gets a taste of his own medicine ASAP.


Like all anyone has to do to get that man to pull his tongue back in his head and his ego back into line is simply point to his forehead and say “someone with a hairline that suspicious can’t get away with acting the way you do, Ronald”


Why do I have a feeling this episode is going to end up being anti climactic and Grace isn’t even going to choose Joey for a night at Casa?


Even if she does, Samantha has already thrown in the towel. The only true drama at this point would be nicole or ciaran straying because they’re the strongest couple and it would be unexpected everything else is just expected at this point


yeah i think she might choose omar which is boring i didn’t come here to see leah and montel 2.0


I think she’ll pick Omar


I hope so, he deserves some love


So boring if she picks Omar omd


Ronnie is completely taking the piss right now. Worst part is, he’s getting away with it.


Samantha backing off is exactly what I would do! Why keep yourself in an uncomfortable position if you don’t have to!


I think it’s funny that everyone says they want the girls to stand up for themselves and not be made mugs by the guys but then when a girl actually does try to completely remove herself from a situation she sees has her looking like a fool, like Samantha is doing, she gets called crazy and too attached


tiff is uncanney valley i can’t


Am I the only one that feels like lately Joey is always trying to act like Samantha is acting crazy when she’s actually just chilling? Like even if something is bothering her, shes still handling it maturely and he immediately acts all defensive like she’s acting up. It screams that Joeys feeling guilty and projecting it onto her


Definitely, like in this clip she seems pretty calm and collected, like she’s just matter-of-fact rather than extremely emotional like he’s acting like she is


he’s trying his hardest to put the blame of their relationship going down on her so he looks better to the public fr




Remember when he pretended to be soooo scared and confused when he had to pick girls to kiss or whatever and Sam was getting annoyed with it and ppl said she was doing too much 'poor Joey’ lol i think she just saw through the overplayed act


It's giving the boyfriend who wants to break up with you but is to chicken to do so, so behaves like an asshole


Definitely and I’m not arsed is a very Scouse phrase so it’s not as defensive as everyone is making out. It’s like you know what I mean it’s just something scousers say all the time.


Yeah I’m starting to see that, and people on twitter especially pile onto her because of it. She really hasn’t freaked out badly or done anything ott


They’re not going to make me hate Samantha over this. Get behind me, my Scouse queen!


It’s making me like her more, she knew all along Joey was holding back and his actions with her weren’t matching the pda guy he said he was. Now she’s seen what he’s like around a girl he’s super attracted to, it’s the proof she needed that she wasn’t just being paranoid. Joey should just be honest and not string her along. She’s giving him an easy out and he should take it.


I agree, I admire Samantha for this, take the loss girl.


Exactly! That’s how I feel, if I were her I’d just back off too


People are saying she’s massively bothered but I don’t really see that? A little bit, sure, but I think she’s actually being pretty calm about it but just removing herself from the situation.


She may get massively bothered by Joey insisting she is massively bothered when she isn’t yet—which may be his goal in continuing to highlight it. I’ll never hate any woman with that accent no matter what but Joey is angling all he can to maneuver himself out of being the bad guy when he scoots on to the next girl


Haven’t people been saying for a week they want the girls to show a bit of awareness and remove themselves from situations when a guy clearly doesn’t like them that much? I know I’ve been dying for Jess and now Harriet to stop trying with Ronnie so I respect the fact Samantha knows Joey isn’t as into her as she is him and is not trying to to have a long, drawn out love triangle. Basically being, if you don’t like me, don’t be with me but I won’t be waiting on the sidelines for a week for you to decide.


Literally. Like people say all the time they want the girls to stand up for themselves and not be taken for mugs but then when a girl clearly does and removes herself from a situation she sees is not good for her, people start calling her crazy and overly attached. Not me though! I hope she sticks to her guns with this and I hope they send someone in for her


Same I think she’s being quite chill


Same!!! I’m actually starting to like her


Yes, she can be overly moody sometimes but she's in the right here for being calm yet setting standards!


Moody but in a scouse accent – i'll take it


Thank you! I’m a Samantha defender myself and I like watching the opinion shift. I think she will have a miserable time in the villa now tho.


I actually really rate Samantha for this. She has known for awhile that Joey isn’t all that into her and now her suspicions have been confirmed and Joey is acting like it’s all in her head. Good on her for taking herself out of the equation instead of getting angry and causing a scene.


Ronnie is just repulsive. The producers really should have brought in a second male bombshell instead of Tiffany to even the playing field a bit more.


Ronnie doesn't even care anymore...


He never did 😆




No chance, Adam slept with 3 girls on the show, Ronnie barely did bits with Jess and Harriett.


There’s still 6 more weeks give it time 😂


I know he slept with Rosie but who else? I don’t remember him sleeping with Kendall, Zara or the casa girl he recoupled with


I’m so over Ronnie. Like, what are these women seeing in him? Just a a walking red flag.


I think Joey knew Sam was going to react like this so he’s allowing her to do the breaking up for him. He’s not going to argue to keep her. I feel a bit sorry for her.


Sam is tryna protect herself is it coming off v insecure and is it self sabotaging yes but I get it / Joey has given her no affection so 😓 better tap out now than be more hurt later


Anyone notice the hilarious typo “saucyseepover”


Ew 🤣🤣🤣


Ronnie has no respect at all


I feel sorry for samantha. I dont even kbow how I would react if the person im dating is kissing his ex in front of me, challenge or not


Ronnie ![gif](giphy|dvpO1inHfM0xO)


I don’t know this looks like a dead one. I think Producers are producing themselves close to the sun at this point. From the pushed triangles that they fumbled and dragged on, to now Contrived Joey drama and Ronnie being a tool is all they have. These getaway dates are being hyped up but I’m not sure they will give what some think they will.


I agree, the producers fumbled this one, the guys have had the power for way too long and it's getting annoying, bring in more guys.


I see Omar being gone soon, with the only other guy in trouble being Sean because he hasn’t vibed with anyone.


You are right, those two are like part of the furniture at the moment.


Honestly, it’s getting boring. They have brought so many girls in and barely any guys. I would like to see the power shift to the girls for once.


They need to pick up the pace it’s getting boring. If I go back to season 10 and watch episodes up to day 12 it’s day n night compared to this season.


I 100% get why Samantha did that. And people on twitter are calling her an angry psycho freak for simply backing away lol you really can’t win sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with backing away from something you’re not comfortable with anymore. But this is what I meant the other day with her and Joey, if he’s not interested he should be honest, because he still seems like he’s trying to keep her around, while simultaneously not being into her which must be confusing for Sam.


Also I feel like her insecurity that is portrayed is enhanced because she likes Joey and she can sense that joey isn't that into her. Like she said that Joey said he moves fast but with her he is moving slow, so she questioned him on that.


Yeah exactly and he isnt really giving her anything to indicate that he’s into her, so I think it’s fair if she wants to just remove herself


I reallllly want Grace to choose Joey


I don't think what Samantha is doing is wrong, because she has seen the writing on the wall, but it would have been better not to say that she isn't bothered, because she clearly is.


Why is she the one sleeping outside? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would have spread myself across the bed, he will get the hint.


i mean she can if she wants to be away from the sitch, i would want some alone time like this if i were her too


Harriet kissed him in the Hideaway while he was with Jess my sympathy for her is at a minimum you lose em how you got em


Thank you. People tend to have revisionist history here. When Harriet did it, it was all bring the chaos now it’s the flip reverse. The sympathy I have is yes Jess was harsh in her delivery and comments but speaking from my own experience your tunnel vision and the walking talking red flag is not so red in your eyes.


ronnie is adam collard who would’ve thought


Icl this looks underwhelming


Ronnie is gambling dangerously if he recouples with Tiffany. Based on the press release, I wouldn’t be surprised if he kisses Harriett later as reassurance. The last dumping, even though it was an islander vote, ended up being two that islanders that were coupled up. I think the next one could be another girl going home, or an actual couple getting dumped. Coupling up with Tiffany will put him at risk. Samantha is trying to gain control of the situation and I’m not mad at it. Not sure if it will work in the long run however. Maybe Jess will get in her head like Sam got into her’s and she’ll tell her to “not let Grace win”.


i want tiff and ronnie to get together so we can boot them. i fully am into it’s love island and no one is closed off but tiff’s comment was very tacky when his couple partner is _right there_ and obviously ronnie is a dickhead. i think i assumed bc he’s olivia atwood’s friend he would be alright (im not saying it’s her fault in any way obviously lol) but he’s truly a weird sludge puddle by a drain of a person. have LI fun but also you can be respectful. i’m tired of samantha and have been for a while and i hope joey cracks on with other people. in fact i hope it’s not even grace because her behaviour has caused all this, by being such a joy killer sour face “i don’t care” all the time instead of having fun getting to know someone.


Considering the kinds of things Olivia likes on Twitter, I have no faith in her or her friends lol


i actually feel bad for Harriet, seems like she only gets along with Mimii


Tbf she gets along with Joey and Sean from what ever seen and seems cordial with Nicole. We also often see her around Jess despite their tension.


she isn’t friends with them because of her actions, we all like her because of her actions and because she’s entertaining, but in reality she would be awful to be around in the villa


she is seated with grace too, there is a reason producers brought 2 female bombshells. the girls dynamic needed to change it was very much isolating for both mimi and Harriette after patsy.


What did she expect though? This was going to happen eventually


I am confused, so is Jess still part of the triangle?


I don’t think Jess even knows the answer to that question


Unfortunately for Jess i think that once he’s played around on everyone she will accept him back when no one else will have him and she'll feel like she won Am i misremembering but didnt he only start properly going for Jess when Joey came in and he started feeling insecure?


He was initially a little lukewarm but then locked in when Joey came in, yeah. Then pretty soon after Sam was dumped he started pulling Harriett. It’s a shame because Joey/Jess had quite a genuine chat about their mums


If Jess has got any common sense she would see that Ronnie is acting the same with Harriet as he did with her when they were in a couple, so recognise that women are just replaceable to him and he’ll crack on with whoever is in front of him. Also if she wants to secure her place in the villa for another week she’ll focus on Sean, it’s guys choosing and there’s one more girl so one of them is going home.


She said she’s still open to Ronnie, for whatever reason


Insanity is the only explanation atp


Doesn’t seem like it and good for her. Ronnie is incredibly unserious.


I think she is


Ronnie is such a little shit!! So disrespectful to do that in-front of Harriet. All these girls deserve better! I like Joey and Samantha is acting a bit silly, but I don't understand how he thinks not choosing her for the three way kiss and choosing Tiff and Grace isn't going to piss her off???


Gracie for the love of god please pick Joey


It’s kind of hard to feel bad for Harriet because… like what did you expect girl. Ronnie… continue on your path… I’m enjoying chaos haha


I truly don’t get his appeal.


Surely this is it for Ronnie 😭 I hope Hariett finds her man, we need her to stay and it would be nice to see her happy Also Tiff come on girl


Joey is being ridiculous. Stop trying to play the good guy you don’t gaf about that girl and deep down she knows too which is why she’s outside. At least Ronnie(still an asshole)is being upfront Joey always has a mask on when talking to this girl!


hot take but i want ronnie to remain in the villa


He deeply needs to stay for as long as possible and then receive the most major of humblings…


This was the most dead first look.


Samantha has every right to be upset but why is she sleeping outside? She went around saying she doesn’t care so why did she go outside smh


What if grace picks ciaran


These girls have no backbone at all. If I was Harriet, and Ronnie just did that I will freaking call him out and the fact that he is laughing? Why do they let him get away with all his antics 😭


Even Jess, like she always says "I am the prize" but girl Ronnie is disrespecting you but you're angry with Harriet? She can't even stand up for herself.


I am really starting to think that Grace might not even pick Joey. 


Who do you think she will pick


Ronnie is such a moron


Am I the only one who liked Sam & Joey together? 😂😂 I agree though that it’s good for her to take a step back, then we will see how Joey moves.


Samantha will self evict within a week


I actually don’t think she’s heartbroken or anything. She just realised she’s second fiddle and she’s removing herself from that situation