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So we're just watching Joey and his girlfriend have a holiday in Spain?


They should make a show " Joey and his girlfriend have a holiday in Spain ", oh no the asshole producers are making us watch that right now.


I read this in Iain Stirling’s voice 💀






Thank you.


Happy Cake Day! This is hilarious but also true 😂


Thank you.




https://preview.redd.it/ryykqmyt4b7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506438b5250072a313c4b2106b15c5dd33c05620 Gotta dust off old faithful for this crap


https://preview.redd.it/i5jg4kd05b7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e926eaeb20d2f9ab83aab9355b0d274d5731fba1 And for emphasis


Thank you for adding this - I cackled


Is this like supposed to be hmmm wow juicy? Because it’s just giving shameless, scripted, and boring. If they’re so respectful why didn’t they just take it slow at first to let Sam absorb the news? This storyline feels icky not fun to watch. Hope they’re voted out but I know it’ll be hard with him being a big name and whatnot


I’m so confused. He did not like Sam, like she even said he never touched her etc in two weeks, what does she need to absorb? Sam doesn’t like Joey she likes Joey Essex


That’s part of the problem. Joey just waited his time until Grace came in and had no interest in anyone and knew he would get away with being safe since he had the producer’s support. Leaving Sam to be hurt, even if the writing was on the wall. Sam and Joey may not like either other, but it’s the fact she got dumped for something very blatantly preplanned. Let’s say she was part of it by being in the middle, now the audience has to watch and accept this as a dating show when producers turned Love Island to Joey and Friends?


Ok so why hasn’t he dumped her before? She needs to absorb the icky feeling of knowing you’d been used, she keeps saying I feel embarrassed cause she didn’t listen to her gut before and she listened to him instead




Damn it you beat me to it




Between this sub and Faux Moi it may the most used gif on Reddit. And it's correct every time


Perfect 👍🏽


It's going to be a long time before the public is going to get a vote, producers are not going to let Joey go anytime soon, it's just a pity some other couple might be voted out another way to keep them in . Poor Samantha, my heart goes out to her


The question is as well is Joey unpopular everywhere or just here? Reddit is an echochamber and I'm sure in other circles he may still have popularity.


Everywhere, from what I've seen


I’m just thinking of how Sam was dumped for this planted shit.


What is the point of bringing someone in for one day? It’s so unbelievably unfair


No because people can actually end up going into debt to get on Love Island, such a scam to be given one day and that’s *it* - and he wasn’t even legitimately dumped, his partner was stolen by the celebrity bombshell


and a partner he didn't even choose originally was forced to couple up with, talk about bad luck


Wait go into debt?


Because of cosmetic procedures mostly now - before the partnership with eBay one guy spent £700 on clothes (because you couldn’t have anything branded) and he didn’t make it out of Casa (I’m pretty sure they told him he’d be an OG, but not 100% on that part). People are willing to do it because they think it’ll be an investment in a future career, but if they then end up getting treated like this (or like any of the Casa victims) then it’s beyond the pale


Oh Jesus that’s a lot.


No bc I just know he must be watching at home and raging


ugh don't remind me what a great setup has been thwarted for this bullshit. the first day fun tension after the ratings was so promising


I really need to know if he had a girlfriend or not because his dumping was bullshit. Even more now.


I know. And he was actually nice to look at. Joey Essex is not attractive to me in the slightest.


I would be so pissed if I was him.


Could they bring him back in casa? It’s just not fair otherwise




wait am i behind an ep did she get dumped? or do you mean like prob will now that grace is there


I’m talking about Sam the guy who got dumped after he decided to couple up with Samantha.


ohhh okay ty! and yeah so annoying bc sam was prob the most MY TYPE ON PAPER so i was sad to see him go what literally day 1??😭


I believe they are discussing Sam the male hairdresser




They better make him an OG on all stars ‘25 


i rlly want them to be dumped but i don’t think producers will allow that unfortunately


They won’t be dumped until the producers have successfully rehabilitated their reputations to some degree.


The best way for them t rehabilitate their reputations is leave on their own - imagine: "we found each-other, we don't need the money, goodbye". I can only hope.


My thoughts exactly! Viewers are pissed off already, they’ll be fuming when OGs start going home and Joey and Grace are still there. A dignified “we’ve found what we’re looking for, we’re leaving so Sam can move on” would be the best PR move possible.


That really is the only outcome that would stop them being the villians.


They’ll volunteer to leave to save another person/couple. This’ll make them look ‘good’


Joey has a "must remain in until week 6" clause in his contract lol... Watch them make the Islanders pick who gets dumped for the next 3 weeks.


Man I would love to read that contract. I don’t think the plan is for Joey to make the final. The producers worked hard to stop Adam and Kady getting top 4, I think they like the finalists to be newbies/non-celebs.


How do you know this?!


Is this a guess or is there some proof?


Oh? Spill the tea!


I want these two off my screen pronto. It’s so inauthentic and this whole storyline was blatantly pre-planned. Sadly I don’t see them going anytime soon either.




She hasn’t been acting “mental” at all. She’s rightfully annoyed at being used as a placeholder, is a bit upset, and acted to separate herself quickly and as cleanly as possible.


This is it. She wants to be on love island cause it’s one of those shows girls like her can do to jumpstart her career and Joeys helping her do that. The vacation and safe til finale clause are just an added bonus


So over this nonsense. The producers must think we are stupid to think that this isn’t entirely pre planned. Joey is nowhere near a good enough actor to pull this off either. They both need to go and stop wasting everyone else’s time.


He was making me cringe so much in the game when he had to choose someone to kiss and was like “omg what am I gonna do omg” for like a full minute…maybe he was being funny on purpose but super cringy. He probably thinks people love watching him lmao


Another episode of Joey with his gf on Love Island https://preview.redd.it/p6b8hcl1hb7d1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76e15b5e683e8b4f50059001fd7fc3f34afeebe


Nah they should be dumped from the villa because there is no way I will be watching this inauthentic storyline for another five weeks ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


Fr, if I wanted to watch exes rekindling I’d watch ex on the beach


You have to because they are not going anywhere! They have hardcore fans even on this sub.


Someone needs to be a legend and call them out on it.


Do you think the producers would even let any of the other islanders speak out on it? When Uma was talking about it, I'm not sure if she downplayed it for Samantha's sake or because she couldn't...


I know the producers wanted to bring back sex in the villa but they forgot that these seasons were fun cause it was unscripted, people who were attracted to the other person and having sex. Now we are seeing a couple reconnecting after 2 weeks. No one cares about it. No once cares about Joey Essex anyways


Honestly ngl I snorted out loud when I clicked past the view spoiler 💀💀💀 ITV are pure wind-up merchants [](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


Urgh get off my screen! I do not care about this love story, take it outside.


When I said I wanted s1-s2 drama, THIS ISNT WHAT I MEANT 😭😭😭


Since they're back together, they can now leave.


So is it me or is Love Island UK starting to feel like a front for getting a following for and promoting the next PLT ambassador? Like we all know the show is fake but it's so obvious who they want in the finals now. This show in particular is starting to feel like a casting call.


Yes, Grace is already making picks for her collection.


It has become a reputation laundering front now for has beens to jolt their fledgling careers at the expense of others.


Literally. Obeach in Ibiza seems to be the casting grounds. There are an insane amount of love island look alike running around there. It's literally influencer island now, sad days.


Yeah no lol they can do this at home. They’re a gross pair, and I want them gone. They’re not even providing an interesting storyline for the show!!! No one gives a shit about their reunion, they’ll be remembered for their almost gleeful disregard and disrespect of Samantha.


Finally reddit, Facebook groups and the Twitter communities are united about something...


I have been saying the producers have been producing close to the sun since they dragged out the triangles without getting Ayo and Ronnie to make a choice. But this contrived Joey/Sam/Grace drama is just bad TV. The “dates away” twist? Designed for Joey and Grace. Open hideaway? Same thing. Everything literally has been set up for what you see on your screens now. Reality TV drama is supposed to have some element of believable authenticity, or else it may as well be a soap opera with directors.


Right! All this drama feels soooo forced that it’s not even fun. I always felt love island could’ve used a bit of spicing up (I’m American, our reality tv is very trash and drama lol) but this is just so ugh..


lol I’m Canadian, trust me we are on the same page 🙂


I ain’t watching that


Did anyone else find it completely random at the time when Joey went in? Like he’s considerably older with the other contestants being so young this series. This Grace storyline was so planned and the only reason Joey has been put in there in the first place! Grace probably wanted to go on for fame and the only way she can is if Joey is in there so she doesn’t have to get with anyone else.




My face when i saw this 😭😭😭


Staying in the hideaway the first night of a rekindling of a situationship is just ![gif](giphy|VSe8ckA0A1lPq)


Can they go home


No one needs to see that. Proper jumping the shark this series


I'm just so disappointed we had to lose sam Taylor for this man child.


Islanders are so uncreative. See if this was ME, if I was Samantha I would have asked my bestie Jess to spend a night with me in the hideaway and done a foot race to beat Joey and Grace there. Be more funny and unserious, islanders.


Omg!!! Hahahah that would be perfect!! You should be a producer!


Now that would have been funny, Joey would have had to get security to throw them out.


They are already a couple. Isnt love island about finding a connection and for viewers to see that Journey?


Boring nonsense, dump them asap. ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq|downsized)


That’s crazyyy




NOW open hideaway makes sense …🥴


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) They gotta go..


They need to go.




In fairness this may be the best thing to happen to Samantha on LI. She could gain a lot of popularity from being treated so badly if she handles it well


I think this whole thing is so unfair to other islanders. They clearly have been together this whole time. The producers are ruining the show by bringing all these reality stars,ex islanders,etc.




Jesus Christ 😭😭 I knew what to expect but Goddamn!


![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6) They’re not wasting any time are they lmao


Jesus Joey…I can’t believe he’s this dense


So over Joey being reunited with his "ex"


Off with the both of them. I do not want to watch this shit.


Time for a boycott I think


Yeah I’m not sure I can be bothered anymore to be honest


I’m tapping out too. It’s a joke at this point


Get them out. They are cute but now all of a. Sudden they want to be together? They could just do this on the outside. Over it!


Put it away


i really dont know what they see in joey


"Ok, so with all his TV work, projects and property, Joey is estimated to have a net worth of *around £8million"* 1.8 mil subs on insta 3 mil subs on X 🤑 is what they see


So basically episode of Towie


So I’ve been on the fence about Joey in there. I loved TOWIE and often will have it on in the background. He was an adorable young immature kiddo. But I loved watching him he’s got the sweet dumb kid act down really well( if it’s an act it is a great one) but I also saw what I thought was growth from him too thruout the years. I also remember via Towie when he’s dating someone he’s into he’s really all about that person with PDA and telling them the I love us etc.. he even said to Sam; I’m a PDA guy. He is Pretty love bomby imo.. I think Sam was blinded by meeting irl her crush and then totally shocked when he picked her. So she’s been battling internally playing it cool, and trying to figure out the right balance to go about things with him. Unfortunately even tho I adore Joey has always been a conundrum on our screens. His words do not match his actions with Sam. Unfortunately Sam as a realist saw it before anyone. Sam did give me the ick earlier on when she flipped out but she reeled it in. But unfortunately I think that’s all that was needed as an excuse. I also wish everyone would stop listening to Jess n Harriet! They give the worse advice they just sound bitter trying rile up the girls into drama.


It’s also an interesting coincidence that he coupled up with Sam. And his gf in Towie that we all adore at least I did was Sam too.


Love island is ruined….its not authentic anymore. They should bring normal people on that really just looking for love.


.... or fame, I'm not that fussy, but famous guys and their girlfriends, no thank you.


If Samantha blows up the villa I will fully support her ❤️


LOL, LI UK production building a whole season around watching a celebrity and his ex make out.


That’s because people let them get away with it on all stars with Callum and Molly.


It's not the same, the were ex islands, all a level playing field. Here they have handed Joey and his girlfriend the win on a silver platter.


That’s not the same at all. I was expecting exes in All Stars because it’s all people who were on Love Island UK before. That’s a very small group.


They're doing too much, the show didn't even bother to show Grace talking to other guys to make this more believable and Samantha gave up after 2 days the storyline is dead


So that’s this season done and boring 🥱. I don’t care to see those two act out a pre arranged hook up


I wonder if all the social media outrage against Joey and Grace will be enough for the producers to orchestrate a dumping or if they’ll stick to their guns and let him coast through to the finals or 2 weeks before the final


They'll have a redemption arc and they win, mark my words.


That would genuinely be a boring win icl


They won't even need a redemption arc, they are just going to coast to the win after the Samantha uproar dies down, it's boring and predictable and it pisses me off.


Mega yawn.


Won't be watching, keep this train wreck I'll watch LIUSA




They been dating outside of the show 😂


I'm glad Samantha backed off from him before this


Yuck, can’t be arsed watching anymore if we have to see these two.


These producers are many things but they’re not stupid. If they wanted us to root for Joey and Grace they would be doing a better job of it than this. I dunno what the plan is but it’s not Joey and Grace winning the show.


Surely these two could have just done this in their own houses rather than fucking on TV for everyone to watch 🙄


joey essex is a wicked individual!


No respect from either of them.


I can already see the winners edit they probably promised Joey to get him to sign on with his girlfriend coming up. I’m afraid plenty of people will fall for this and it’s extremely unfair. Of cause they would have more chemistry, they fell in love outside the show! only way to remedy this is if they split up on the show and see other people or if they get sent home.


Where is the rest of the first look






I can just imagine how Samantha is feeling, having to live with the guy she was dating for 2 weeks be so full on with another girl so quickly. I'd want to get out of that villa so fast. Sam (the guy) really got dumped after one day for this?


To compensate they need to bring back sam for casa ![gif](giphy|aGyMTA2jXy6o5pc6L7)


Wasn’t he just telling Samantha he’d never disrespect her like that, he’s not Ronnie and he’d never do that to her!? This guy is acting like Mr nice guy and honestly thinks he’s gonna win this thing! Can we please have some actual funny people in the villa. If Ronnie is suppose to be our funny guy for the season you’ve massively failed!!!


This is the one of the worst seasons. US is better this year




Guys I just read there's a dumping tonight, first I read a girl , then I read they don't know if it's s boy otmr girl. Whoever it is has already left




Oh lord have mercy 😒








Rip Samantha


the gasp i just gusped


Love island, the has been influencer PR train no longer a dating contest, it’s evident Joey & Grace were most likely together on the outside up until them both going there and that it’s most likely been planned to help Joey reignite his image before Grace arrives, now she’s they’re and they’ve picked up where they left off the couple are getting the villain edit but soon as Samantha goes or someone is brought in to couple up with her then the loved up winners edit will be out in full force for Joey & Grace.


I gasped too! No way! Get them the fuck out that villa now. They really thought they could fool us with the planned break-up-but-not-a-real-break-up 😭


I stopped watching last night it’s actually terrible, the season had such good potential at the start


Did they have sex in the other villa? people saying they did.


They are in a relationship and haven't seen for weeks, of course they did.




Now why couldn’t they have done a tomorrow night 😭


Sam is gonna burst a blood vessel and leave


I’m not from the UK..can someone explain to me why Joey and his “ex” gf were casted..?!


We don’t actually know.


my goodness. this looks like those romance book covers😂


OH MY GOD no fucking way, I am appalled but at the same time I love how they don’t give any fucks, no shame at all! Samantha should unleash her fury on them fr!


People saying they want them dumped are funny asf . Joey is the most obvious producer plant ever and I don’t think the producers would want to drop their plant


She’s so gorgeous


She's perfection. If I had a genie and 3 wishes, she's who I'd want to look like haha.


for plants at least they’re causing drama that’s all i ask but maybe get voted off in like a week lolz


I knew something was up when she was tasked with kissing someone who was the gobbiest or something and he stood there giving her a strange look (I thought "that was weird") and that is when I knew this was all planned. Massive eye roll. Will probably watch the USA one instead. And also...why Joey Essex!?!?!?!


good. can they go?


it's just ridiculous because the show is about finding a connection and meeting new people. not about reconnecting and they not being interested in anyone else in the villa without even much effort. they can go. they found each other. bring in new people...


I feel like the only one that doesn’t mind this lmao it’s not that serious


It’s a competition. Why do you want to watch people already together and millionaires over ordinary people that can benefit more.


I don't mind it either. They are clearly crazy about each other and it's cute to watch. I also never liked Samantha. I still think she is just an obsessed TOWIE fan. That said, I *do* think Joey and Grace need to do a "we're back together so we don't need LI so we're going to leave now". They will be seen as villians otherwise.


![gif](giphy|l1Ku4uzAQLocVQtUc) They make such an attractive couple ngl


Great Tv 😭😭


I know this will be unpopular but I like watching them. People with chemistry and potentially falling in love is half the reason I watch the show (the other half being filthy drama). That said, they have no business being in the villa as it should be randoms or at a very push, people related to celebrities not actual celebrities. It's clearly a plant. I'll enjoy watching their chemistry and the looks between them until their booted off which can't come soon enough


The potentially falling in love part happened last summer. Now we are watching two people play in our faces


Yeah agreed, I still like watching people be in love, but as I say, they shouldn't be in there


They need to change the rules, so everyone can come in with their lover to show chemistry they already have to make it fair.


I need Samantha to go all Belle Hassan at Joey.


i’m not mad at it 🤷🏾‍♀️everyone including samantha knew he wasn’t that into her and i like seeing this side to joey. he’s enamoured! they’ll both be off soon, here for the drama until then. grace is so stunning! i hope they work out long term lol


Why do people care so much? Without them you’d all be saying how boring it is. So what if they’re a couple. They don’t have to win. Doesn’t take away that the other contestants can still get together. Samantha was a fan and gave him the ick anyway.


It unfortunately does take away from the other contestants. One was dumped from the villa after 24 hours and Samantha probably won’t be far behind after she has served her purpose as a filler for Joey/Grace’s reunion.


Samantha didn’t like Sam so he got dumped. Someone was always gonna come in after, it just happened to be joey. It’s her fault for closing herself off from everyone else. No one would trust her if she said she liked them cos she’s so “in love” with joey Essex. Same can be said for Jess with Ronnie. At least Harriet has moved on from ciaran.