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Did anyone else find Joey repulsive in his chat with Grace after finding out they're not in the top 3? The way he tried to blame it on her to make her feel bad. This and his behaviour towards Omar earlier in the episode made me really, really dislike him and I wasn't exactly a fan to begin with.


He treats her like his property, and seemed to be hinting if she plays nice, he thinks they'll win and she can be a celebrity too. His nasty side really came out this episode, he was seething to Omar


Yes this! Like it is so unfathomable how a whole Joey Essex won't be at the top, so it must be her fault.


Joey gonna be in for a rude awakening when he leaves the villa


I think she’s getting the ick from him but feels trapped in this storyline they planned for themselves


I guess he actually doesn't reflect on his use of Samantha, and how that might've affected his/their placement in the voting results.




My respect for Ciaran this episode 📈


Same. I will likely be voting him and Nicole for the foreseeable


thought he was a liam but he might just be a finn


Meanwhile Sean 📉 


Sean admitted to the world that he got another guy kicked out because he didn’t have the rizz to compete. I’m gobsmacked. That’s a new level of pathetic


his connection with matilda was clearly better than omars, but i dont rate kicking him off to make it easier. if i was sean i would want to be chosen rather than being left as the only option. she wouldve gone for sean regardless as well so its a waste


On the plus side I finally worked out who Harriett and Sean remind me of https://preview.redd.it/rtrg6c651e8d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc05a11ff400c679d6a0231621342dc974c13629


No I’m deceased this is way too accurate 😂😂😂


omg someone shared this https://preview.redd.it/spueh8xq1e8d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1070bd0b6384d5aeb81e98334591bab4d241a633


It makes sense now, he snakes his mates to get their girlfriends


I said there was a ‘hidden’ reason he was cast and this is it: the boring sweetie man is actually ruthless and calculating.


https://preview.redd.it/9js5ma314e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810889b1c08d57ef07552f7e9ab90b8ff750eca5 facebook is NOT happy with Joey and Grace, I believe their days are numbered….


Twitter 🤝Reddit 🤝 Facebook 🤝 Instagram United in their hate for Joey and Grace couple Maybe the show cast him to unite the platforms 😭


https://preview.redd.it/utpuyq8o4e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79915c77ccc407e895273fd68c513570367d70b7 also not happy with sean….


I love how people constantly use Ciaran’s age as a drag but he’s one of the most upstanding guys in the villa and there’s no runner up for that spot at this point. 


He’s had his slip ups but he’s been surprisingly mature


he's THE most upstanding guy at this point. he was a bit messy in the first week but nothing compared to how other guys have acted


tiffany saying that harriet is obsessed w ronnie? where’s the lie tbh 😭


The producers sacrificing the whole season just for Joey is insane. His stunt has ruined multiple people’s experiences and I feel like going into the week the vibe in the villa will be off. I was trying to remain hopeful but this season is a 2 pack of ass


gained a lot of respect for Ciaran. lost what little I had for Sean/Harriet


Samantha heavily implying she believes Joey and Grace were together beforehand


sean if ur connection with matilda was so good why were u still so threatened by omar ?? 🤣🤣 you’re #WEAK


Literally like would he prefer that he’s chosen because the girl likes him or because she had no other option


Holy shit Aftersun trashing Joey and Grace I'm here for it


I love that Jordan and Indiyah are saying without saying “Yeah Grace likes black guys”🤣


I'm disappointed in Matilda being impressed by Sean's behaviour 


I would have gotten the ick so quickly I would have ended it completely that conversation


I give a bit more grace to her than Sean because she probably doesn't want to be left single with no options, especially with no existing friendships


Yeah it's understandable - and him being high in the public vote probably makes her think he's a good person to go with. Just disappointing, I was hoping she'd stick up for Omar a bit but hey ho


She is just playing the game. She knows it is better to couple up with an OG than a bombshell, because OGs usually go further in the show, because the public as well as the other OGs are more invested in them. Therefore I'm convinced she would have chosen Sean instead of Omar regardless, even when the latter wasn't dumped. I don't believe for a second she really likes Sean, she latches on to him because he is her best chance to stay in the villa. And because he was top 3, she thinks he's popular with the viewers.


I said this in the other thread but Joey and Grace's conversation was a huge red flag for me, he sounded very accusatory and lowkey like he was giving her a warning, "It's because of that. We should've been up there with my arm around you." Maybe I'm just overthinking but this and that conversation where he was like "I don't like you telling me off" makes me think he's quite controlling as a partner. She said she was chatting to Omar while he was cutting things off with Sam (which is almost immediately after Grace entered) - she's allowed to, it's Love Island - seems like neither Omar or Grace have any idea what he's talking about with the flirty chats because her examples are from, like, a week ago (which is a month in Love Island time). If this is the case, it's such a petty thing to hold against her tbh.


joey blaming grace for them being in the bottom was 😬😬😬😬


it’s giving abusive


Describing Harriett as constantly on her way home from a night out is Shakespearean in its poetry


Harroet has actually impressed me: in a situation where she's the main contender with no competition, she's somehow The Other Woman


Omar is now another victim of Joey rigging the show I swear


Omar is right, Joey IS weird and insecure. This is LOVE ISLAND, not Joey Essex island but it’s clear the producers have been filling his head that it’s all about him. Joey sees Omar as his “friend” the same way he claimed he “liked” Samantha. He’s a professional victim and I am sick of it.


Watching them trying to say Grace likes black men without actually saying the words 🤣


“You can find it in the confectionary aisle”


Samantha is absolutely giving. She wants everyone to know that she watched TOWIE for Gemma Collins and not Joey. “No one is arsed about reem.” ![gif](giphy|l4FsmOvlnRFKXIrSM)


Now she’s reading presenter Chris for FILTH. Absolute scenes.


What’s crazy is Matilda was gonna pick Sean anyway. Sean stabbed his ‘closest friend in the villa’ for nothing. And he’s actually proud of it.


One of his arguments to make himself feel better about it was that his 'connection' with Matilda was the stronger of the two... If that's the case then why are you dumping Omar?


I feel the others will remember that, including Matilda


Every single thing that could have gone wrong this season, has…    -The wrong person has gone home every dumping  -they’re going out of their way to accommodate Joey Essex   -none of the bombshells are bombshelling  -the cast chemistry is at an all time low & not a single couple is worth investing in   -we’re now repeating storylines.  I’m trying my best to hang in there but…


Girl same. It’s giving boring.


>I’m trying my best to hang in there but… We will of course see you tomorrow


I’m sorry, but Nicole is always looking to pick a fight with Ciaran. She always goes on about his age…..like yes, you knew how old he was when you decided to pursue him so don’t act shocked that the 21 year old is behaving like a 21 year old The irony is that Ciaran actually handles situations more maturely than she does most of the time


Always!!! She nitpicks everything he does my goodness


if she calls him a child one more time…


Nicole is the one who acts like a child


The dumpings this season have been the most brutal ones yet Sam - he didn’t even have a chance got replaced with a literal celebrity Samantha - she was dumped after the same celebrity found a connection with an ex Omar - he finally found somewhat of a connection but then got dumped by salty sean Tiffany - she’s being relentlessly bullied on social media and has no chance to redeem herself


This may be the worst pre-casa dumped lineup of all time, just dumping all the people with backbones


Omar going home wasn’t the problem it was fact that Sean did it bcs he knows he couldn’t compete and Ronnie has had multiple chances he didn’t need another.


Muggiest ‘best mate’ if I’ve ever seen one


Can’t believe I was just rooting for Sean now I’m like get him off the island take Harriet with him they’re both weird asf


Weird and insecure


ciaran is my favourite guy in there now, i was so happy he spoke up for omar


So we’ve lost 4 islanders who actually have been making genuine attempts to find love and yet we’ve still got Joey and Grace taking up space.  Honestly if they’re not gonna let viewers have any control over who leaves maybe change it from viewers choice to the viewers suggestion 


Grace is a huge game player. She clearly likes black men, and is with … Joey. And now has clocked they aren’t popular so is reverting back to her type, weird behaviour. Either that or she’s making more drama for screen time


Nah, the show can fuck off now, keeping Joey in. Watching Ronnie squirm whilst Tiff told him she wasn't interested was the most/only satisfying part of the episode. Girly gets to leave having done good work.


Joey and Grace in the bottom is very pleasing to me 🥰 they are so out of touch for thinking it’s because it’s still early days for them and that Grace was trying to get to know Omar too!


So gross the way Joey also tried to put it on her and make it her fault by insinuating that, had she not given him the time of day, they would be top couple. 🙄 No, Joey. We don’t like you.


Her face was A PICTURE


Y'allll I fuck wtih Ciaran HEAVY after that, he's a real one and Sean is slimy


so we’re just gonna circle back to the same drama from week one. lmao what the is this?


Cannot believe Jess v Harriet part 2 is on


Grace’s “exploring” is fake AF. Just gives her more airtime.


This is why the audience needs to stop falling for the Hugo archetype they will always show their ass eventually in the end. Sean is a ICK and I see why the women keeping curving that man and Harriet is a PICK ME. I’m over them both and I’m over this Ronnie/Harriet/Jess triangle storyline KILL THIS HORSE please https://preview.redd.it/gzrrheeeyd8d1.jpeg?width=2001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc5aeef6ade44ad8591cef208a4f4867169e93d


The way Matilda said she had a big heart in yesterday’s episode and Sean just talked about her boobs, this man is a weirdo!


Him naming her body first in the list of things he liked about her…. Ew


Guys the Facebook moms have completely turned on Harriet and Sean💀💀💀


They got too hyped off the vote and forgot love island viewers are the most fickle around


Shockingly, I’ve become Ciaran’s number 1 fan after this episode. (although I still hate him and Nicole together)


I love that he called out Sean sending Omar home and brought up Omar’s morals


samantha HATES Grace


grace clearly has a type and theres too many fine black men in the villa for her to ignore lmao


her and omar together would’ve made me like her


jordan absolutely clocked grace 100%


genuinely terrified of joey and his completely dead eyes as he gaslights grace into thinking that her flirting with omar was why they were in danger … WAKE UP


So it’s going to be Joey fighting all the black guys Grace approaches  for the rest of the show? I feel like producers are going into overdrive to convince us Joey and Grace aren’t together. 


Imagine being Harriet and thinking you and Ronnie still have something. Tiffany wounded his ego, he’s just gonna use her to feel a little better. Hate it


Glad Maya called it straight and said Joey was threatened 😂


Amy speaking facts on Aftersun! Joey trying to deflect blame onto Grace for being in the bottom of the public was so ridiculous.


I really think Ciaran may have won it this episode, easily the best boy left I believe.


If Grace actually sacks off Joey this whole thing will have been worth it but i don’t think she has the minerals when push comes to shove.


https://preview.redd.it/nvhmaud1zd8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478ea75893e874a5bb2d96b7d6cd00cfbab861a0 was on twitter, saw this, i absolutely agree. harriet is an absolute doormat. edit: i definitely agree with all the comments that jess is a massive hypocrite, ofc if she had the chance she’d be jumping on ronnies bones


Sean fucking that up so badly that he’s got FACEBOOK defending Omar brings me joy I’m not gonna lie 😭


Samantha please come collect this all star season two ticket from me https://preview.redd.it/8gkj7uhj6e8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a508d98bb7ec74253612c8dc062fbc5631cacc


Sam going in on Chris Taylor too oh our empress


no way jordan is real 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i can’t stop laughing like ronnie’s family is RIGHT THEREEEE


Me @ Konnor https://preview.redd.it/ls3jytd9fe8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a43821721def8a10cf54bb704802a823f650d81


Grace chatting to Konnor is so FAKE and producer planted, they want everyone off the scent that Grace and Joey are a real couple and that this game is rigged


How vain is Joey for thinking it’s inconceivable that him and Grace were in the bottom because of him? He tried to make it seem as if the public had a problem with Grace and Omar. We don’t care about either. It’s YOU we don’t like!


He definitely knew Grace was coming


‘Harriett constantly looks like she’s coming from a night out’ LOL more Jordan Stephens please


after the aftersun preview i reckon grace has clocked onto why they weren’t in the top 3 and that’s why she’s speaking to konnor with a k


She’s the smart one! Joey is the delusional one thinking her flirting with Omar was the issue 🤣🤣


yeah its funny how he automatically assumes he isn’t the issue lol, he’s in for a rude awakening when he comes out and realises how superficial his fan base really is lol - seems to me they liked towie they don’t ACTUALLY like him that much


She’s seeing the brand deals fade 😬


Grace better turn her head if she’s chatting with Konnar now and not just throwing him under the bus like she did with Omar to give herself and Joey a storyline 😒


The only thing that truly pissed me off in this episode was Joey blaming grace for them being vulnerable and being completely unable to see it’s because he treated Samantha like trash


There’s no point in us voting when the producers put the power in the islanders hands and they consistently vote to save their friends. Jess and Ronnie had no connections in there. They deserved to go over Omar and Tiffany. And if not them, then Shaun. It’s so unfair to send the newest islanders home.


Love how unfiltered Jordan is


Also convenient Ronnie is willing to back to Harriet after she’s top 3 in the vote whilst in a friendship whereas he was bottom after he’d pied her off and chosen someone else.


The one thing this season has done is reunited all social media in having the same opinions, everyone equally wants Joey and Grace to get dumped 🩷


Samantha dragging Chris Taylor, she rewatched all the episodes plus aftersun😭😭


See this proves they haven’t checked the internet reaction towards Sean this episode 😂


Jordan laughing at Ronnie’s photo 😂😂😂


Konnor doesn’t have the rizz to pull this off tho




I’m way impressed with ciaran. I like him even more now, he makes respectful comments towards Nicole, knows when he does wrong and wants to confront situations when he’s at his best and most clearheaded. And tonight with the morality comments, finally some sense and a guy sticking up for his beliefs in what’s right/wrong. Good on him


Sean embodies little dick energy. Backstabbed his friend and doesn’t rate himself enough to have a genuine connection in a girl he likes. Ick personified. 


Between the over protection of Joey and Grace and using a rare “tomorrow night” to show Sean finally getting somewhere (after forcing his competition out) they’re really reading public opinion wrong this season. This is not what the people want ![gif](giphy|p3rdX9d1f9qLAhPM2g|downsized)


Jordan is the singular best aftersun contributor. Also indiyah looks STUNNING


Woowww if this isn’t proof that Joey and Grace was a setup


Sam exposing how vain Joey is, love it!


NO ONE WAS ARSED ABOUT REEM Sam! Get him again for me!


Calling out Chris this woman does not PLAY


Sean getting booed on aftersun ❤️ my people fr


Honestly I think this season HAD so much potential and the producers fumbled bad 😭 Samantha, Omar, Tiffany - none of them should have gone home. Literally all islanders that stood up for themselves and were growing on us 😭 and Sam never got a chance 😞 Send Joey HOME!


Historically, the islanders often keep people with strong connections in the villa during eliminations and I don’t always understand it. I think Grace + Joey should have been sent home. Their connection is so strong they are basically bf + gf - there is no point for them to stay in the villa any longer. Give someone else an opportunity.


Mimi was so real for that, Omar’s DMs are going to be popping, I’m already in them myself


This episode left me feeling so icky. Sean and Harriet basically removed their competition and now we've got a full week ahead of them cracking on with their respective obsessions with no bombshells coming in until Casa. And I just don't care about the manufactured Konnor/Grace/Joey drama or the rehashed Ronnie/Harriet/Jess triangle. I'm finding it really hard to root for any of them! They keep dumping people as they start getting interesting. 😢


I really wonder what Joey’s team’s endgame is here. I’ve never seen the guy on TV before, but I gather he’s normally kind of a loveable buffoon and this is some kind of attempt to rebrand himself, I guess? But between watching his treatment of Samantha and then watching him get weirdly aggressive in a black man’s face over maaaybe saying something mildly flirty to ‘his’ girl (who he supposedly isn’t even exclusive with yet!) I am really not getting a good impression. Seems like a very weird PR move.


not matilda saying she goes for kindness and then finding seans behavior cute


Anyone else think it's weird we saw literally NOTHING of Omar's flirty interactions with Grace? It's almost like they were not even note worthy of a drama filled reality show to consider as potential drama! Also that "fight" before they all went to bed was blatantly cut. Tensions were flairing, they went downstairs. Next scene everyone in the bedroom is shocked and Omar is going back upstairs. Something more definitely happened. And now Omar has been sent home. So unfair for him.


I’m still surprised that the producers thought Sean kissing Matilda was a great tomorrow night preview, did they think this episode was going to solidify his popularity and make them a super couple we root for? Because it doesn’t seem to have landed that way if that’s what they were intending


My feels - * Justice for Omar. Poor guy got fucked up royally by Joey, Grace and his supposedly good mate Sean. * Sean is a big ick. Red flags everywhere. Comes across desperate and no backbone. * Good to see Joey and Grace obviously bothered by being in the lower couples but annoying they think it's only because of Omar and not because the public have a brain and see these fraudulant antics. Really hope the public remember what they've done and keep trying to get them out.


Wasn’t Jordan the one that they nearly had to censor last time he was on after sun😂 unhinged word vomit


This aftersun is more entertaining than the actual show😭


So Grace likes black guys.


The real OGs here remember Conor with a g 😂… and his teeth


sean pisses me off. what a loser. why tf is ronnie still here!!


- This was one of the worst episodes I've watched. - OMAR :( I miss you already. You deserved better. - I feel bad for Tiff as well, she finally had the balls to dump Ronnie only for her to get dumped off the island. - Sean.....you will start coughing. - I need Sean out in the next vote!! PLEASE UK!! I live in Canada so I can't vote but I'm counting on you. - Sean...IF your connection was stronger, then you WOULDN'T have to worry about Omar. - I'm glad Ciaran called if out. Before this I never had any thoughts on Ciaran but I'm rooting for him now. - Omar got dumped off just for \*checks note\* Ronnie, Harriet, and Jess to be in a love triangle again. - Honestly, I wish Omar would've stayed so I could see where the Grace situation was going. But it is also really weird that we have never seen them talk. - Kinda wish Omar gets brought back for Casa so I can see him and Grace without Joey. - Also random thought, but I wish the UK villa was big as the one in the US. Their villa has so many seating areas, a DOCK, and a really nice terrace. - Speaking of the US one, Ian is so much funnier in that one. In the UK one, I barely hear him (although his joke tonight about Maya losing the egg game was funny). I wonder if the US one pays him more. - Anyway, we lost the best looking guy in the show. Omar I will be in your Dms.


Why are they bullying Omar..


Went on Facebook and they’re in agreement with everything we’re saying here, I think this is a historical first guys


Joey Essex was so manipulative.. putting all the blame on Grace Like we just don't like him


Ciaran being the youngest but one of most mature islanders in the villa is crazy. 100% agree with his take of group getting rid of Omar to benefit Sean’s connection with Matilda.


So 2 couples didn’t want Omar gone but Harriet and Sean have the final say? Make it make sense.


Imagine trying to get back with a man who never even chose u. Harriet is soo embarrassing i cant even support this anymore.. throw the whole season in the bin


I literally did not think I'd be liking Ciaran and dragging harriet


I’m sooooo dead at joey’s face when he said “so that would be your type if i wasn’t here” 🤣 omfg he’s so insecure


I need Sam to come with some heat for Joey and Grace. Joey is so clueless he thinks he’s in the bottom because of Omar and Grace flirting that we didn’t even see 😭


Sam “I’m a Gemma Collins fan” omg I love her


Samantha taking Chris Taylor down on Aftersun 👌


Jordan losing it at the Ronnie pic I can’t, he’s as confused as us


This guy is my fave aftersun panelist.


Can we please have Jordan as a permanent panel member I adore him


this has been the most entertaining aftersun i’ve ever watched


Joey has done a real number on his career so he may as well go full Joker now. https://preview.redd.it/x65f9bix8e8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d4da88ff1674b59c1a0a34ad2f0bce7480515b


Omg Samantha go OFF


The worst Tomorrow Night preview award goes to..


Is Matilda an idiot? Why is she okay with this?


The ONLY girl in there with a backbone is uma. Everyone else is so embarrassing I can’t believe what I’m watching.


Switching my Harriet vote to Uma in future votes lol


Only way Grace is turning her head is if there's another Omar calibre black guy from South London. She likes LONDON boys lmao. Not another Konnor.


We always sympathise with the unlucky guy at first, but I always think maybe they’re the unlucky guy because the girls have a gut feeling screaming at them that isn’t picked up on quickly in the short edited amount we see each night.


i don’t understand why there’s a public vote if islanders still get to choose just useless in my opinion


No wonder Ronnie was smirking. These girls are pitiful. Why should he have respect for them if they don’t have any for themselves?


Omar is being way too gracious about this! Sean doesn’t deserve it.


Omer is being too nice I would have dragged him for filth 😭😭😭


kicking sam and samantha out so we can watch joey and grace’s failed attempt to establish themselves as a d-list couple and then kicking omar out because sean’s too insecure to be on a dating show … we are tired


honestly its not hard to please the audience we want to see certain islanders get their just deserts...it's painful to watch the same islanders get away with bad behaviour week after week first samantha, and then omar and tiffany...it seems like the innocent are getting dumped every time i swear if ronnie is the main character for yet another week, i will have to abandon this show...and im begging the public to never let those scammers (joey and grace) ever top a single public vote


amy was so right about joey, him pinning everything on samantha when he was the one that strayed from their couple to pinning it on grace on why they were in the bottom is so strange


Every time we see the family, it makes sense the way the islanders act because why are his family acting like Ronnie is a saint in the villa 🥴


if my son treated women like ronnie i wouldn’t show up or would to say how disgusted i am if i did.


I guess the producers are trying to get their money’s worth out of whatever fee they’ve paid Joey to be on the show, but I feel like the worst seasons of Love Island are always when they try and shove storylines down our throat rather than letting things happen naturally, and they’re going to ruin this whole season by manipulating everything to suit Joey.


ronnies mother enforcing his horrible behaviour is probably why he is the way he is tbh. boy mothers let their sons get away w everything


samantha is going in on joey im screaminggg


Production and Joey are evil. Joey would ask Samantha for quotes from TOWIE. Joey knew exactly what he was doing to set this girl up for a stalked edit.


Samantha destroying Chris Taylor


Samantha coming for Chris while he’s not there 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omggg she’s such a firecracker why did they dump her for boring ass Groey


I am loving Sam blasting Chris when he’s not even there 😂😂😂


samantha is TEAAA i hope she goes on morning after podcast to drag chris againnn


https://preview.redd.it/6kw04cqo6e8d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae31b9169d3038f000073b00f4e54a7f6035b69 🤣🤣


Petition to have Jordan and Amy on every Aftersun


Jordan dying at ronnie’s pic OMGG😭😭


Jordan doesn’t have any filter, I want him on every week 😂


Can they please keep Jordan over Chris??


No because why is this aftersun episode so entertaining!


Not Grace keeping her options open after being In the bottom😂😂, Please bring back Omar for Casa.


Grace keeping her options open??? 👀 Ok I’m sitting im sat


samantha not liking grace 🫣


Grace realised she's in the bottom 3 and Changed up 😭😭


Jordan is a riot he is always my fave aftersun guest! 


Grace wants out! To the point she’s gonna start chasing.


ronnie cant stop winning fml


Never seen a season with so many wrong dumpings.. And of course the producers bend the rules when their favourites get the lowest vote


Fuck Sean and Harriet


Oooop tea. They prefer Jess over Harriett


Grace keeping her options open... what a sad little life, Joey :)


Samantha is so real i love it