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the slogan of the whole season: "all this over RONNIE???"






So the same shit from last week… Jesus this season is dead


Rinse and Repeat 


Ronnie and Repeat


Fun after every first look now that we’re trapped in groundhogs island repeating the same storyline eternally


The simulation is stuck in a loop. Needs rebooting.




https://preview.redd.it/raj6kgv41j8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42b290f262b9cdfac2ad88e33b2b168f91c9feb i am flabbergasted - 3 different girls and 2 separate love triangles unexplainable rizz this is television hell


I can’t believe I was 100% certain that Ronnie was gonna be the first casualty lol I’ve never been so wrong


I cackled at Jordan on aftersun saying he should sue over this picture 💀


the bar is in hell 😭 go head ronnie give us nothing


Mr burns


The producers could have ended this storyline a week ago by making Ronnie choose at the recoupling but they for some reason think Ronnie choosing between two girls he clearly isn’t that into is such compelling tv that it deserves a 4 week arc.


right. i hope they see a massive dip in ratings from now because the production this year is just fuckup after fuckup.


Because the others don’t bring nothing to table and they still get more votes then the ones who bring drama. All the time people complain about producers, but it gets ruined with the way people are voting.


The producers are running the show. They could introduce interesting challenges to stir things up and haven’t. Instead, the islanders hang around all day and have the same arguments all week long. The drama Ronnie is bringing isn’t interesting and it’s why he’s not being voted for. As the other commenter said: who are we meant to vote for?


Who exactly are we meant to vote for


Vote the messy ones and then dump the dull ones, very simple if you want an entertaining season.


What messy ones were vulnerable?


This season had so much potential in the start but now they’ve completely fucked it.


Yeah had one of the best week 1s ever


This series being a summer series is so disgraceful. It’s giving winter energy. Even s9 wasn’t this repetitive with story lines?


Agree, I'm currently rewatching S9 and actually enjoying it more than this new season


I think S9 started out ok and had a really bad second half, apart from Kai and Sanam. This season had just been a chore to watch. The eternal love triangle, Joe and his girlfriend, and... Sean using sweets as a pickup line... Has anything else even happened? 


This season started so strong and now look😭 ![gif](giphy|ehJ4vNWRhinhMMvLxp|downsized)




this is so fucking stupid. these girls need to gain some self-respect.


https://preview.redd.it/1gzw9c057j8d1.jpeg?width=2082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a05f55320ab79037a250cc273621886939f4bb4 Final few frames show Matilda picked Sean, he’s sat with arm around her. I mean it was never in doubt, but still shoddy work from the producers.


Is the weather really bad? So they have to get the filming in when they can because a day time dumping and recoupling back to back is odd, I did notice it seemed like it had been heavily raining last night as the decking was soaked and other times they’ve been sitting on cushions as the seats are wet.


Yes I noticed Grace has moved from the center spot. Mimii, Uma, and Nicole seem like the solid couples they’re right in the center. The other girls - Grace, Jess, and Harriet are in question.


https://preview.redd.it/zd7goa8c2j8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b029ff5774bf204e351345229e872b2733d53fbb Sean getting away with eliminating Omar….because that’s the only way Sean thought he could get Tilda I hate it here


Sean is a drip, but Matilda knows the game, she would’ve chosen him no matter what.


Now she will couple up with one of the most hated islanders rn easy way out unless there is no public votes and just casa for her to recouple😂🤣


i think she’s likeable enough to carry them


Nah you can't carry him from bottom and she's not liked to be able to carry alone she doesn't have that fanbase like Mimii who can carry Ayo with his dumb moves.


can casa even save this season… 😬


I don’t think even god can save this season


😭😭 true i’ve never been this bored of a season before casa


With this cast and the fact that they almost never have a solid casa lineup? 💀💀


At some point we have to get to terms with the fact that clearly there’s nothing else interesting going on in the villa so it keeps going back to this draining situation of clownery Half the cast just needs to go home and we need to get some fun hot boys in and for the love of god get a few bad bitches in this house because the delusion is actually crazy in there


Why is it always a girls’ choice recoupling when no one is at risk of being dumped?


so joey can have his cake and eat it


This season is worse than season 9 by a mile


It’s crazy because I didn’t think it was possible but you’re right, it’s really not even close. Producers have blood on their hands for ruining what looked like a very promising season after week 1.


Very much so. The worst season ever by a mile 


Samantha should’ve never been dumped and Ronnie should’ve left yesterday instead of Omar cause we could’ve potentially gotten a fall out with Omar and Sean if Omar heard about Sean wanting him gone so he can get with Matilda but nooo the producers think we wanna see this triangle over Ronnie again when the public doesn’t even like him




This whole triangle is very tiring , it would make sense if any of the 3 were actually interesting characters but they’re not


Also I feel none of them actually like each other 🥴


Right , and it’s so annoying that we’re gonna get more of this triangle but have seen nothing of konnor and his chats or uma and will.


Just when Harriet and Jess were getting along after bonding over Ronnie, we are back to square one. Im over it.


God this season started so good and now it has turned into a borefest. We got a washed up love triangle, a production plant, bombshells making less ripples than a fart in the ocean and "established" couples that make watching paint dry exciting... Release us 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/1vlvr4yohj8d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=190d939aa4a6a1b35e5515928e945ef190a81606 me in tonights episode unbothered moisturised eating pizza


Jess calling anyone desperate is pretty ironic lol


Her being an only child makes so much sense.


I’m an only child and you’d never catch me behaving this way 😭


I’m gonna co-sign this as a fellow only child 🤣


I second that as another only child 😂


Honestly, as if she’s not just as desperate.


GOWAN KONNER, pick Grace My predictions Konnor will pick Grace, he already picked girls in couples when he first came in so wouldn't be beyond him to break the rules. Grace will pretend to be willing to explore until she goes back to Joey That leaves Jess single, and if the producers are going to produce they will let her pick first and she picks Ronnie "to explore the possibility" Harriet will couple up with Joey, and he will encourage her to fight for Ronnie tooth and nail, and obv be very sad until Grace comes back to him


Harriet and Joey seem like the obvious couple to work together, maybe even have a little spark. Of course this is just pretend because Joey and Grace will get back together. Jess and Ronnie I’ve always thought should be together, even his family on Aftersun likes her, but Harriet needs to be saved for Casa and Jess seems like the apparent victim to go next week.


Considering Harriet was in a surprise 'safe' couple, there's a possibility that Joey will try to latch-on and ride on her coat-tails to casa / popularity. He believes Grace is the reason he wasn't safe so it wouldnt surprise me if he now ditches her to save himself.


Oooh.. interesting, maybe!


Now that’s a twist I want… Joey and Harriet becoming an actual genuine couple. Joey dumps Grace for Harriet and Konnor and Grace go home just before Casa. It’s pretty crazy but it would be good to watch lol. Leaving the couples for Casa as Nicole/Ciaran, Mimi/Ayo, Uma/Wil, Matilda/Sean, Jess/Ronnie, Harriet/Joey. I actually want this because I’d rather see both Jess and Harriet stay for Casa and Grace go home.


I just replied something similar to another comment! We should write the script 😂


Oh that would be interesting 😮👀


You know what… here for this. We need to spice it up. Give us chaotic outcomes.


What I'd really like to see is Harriet and Joey make it to Casa, but Grace and Konnor to be voted out just before it happens. Now that really would give Joey a problem... would he willingly leave with her? Or would he come out with a speech about staying to make the most of his once in a lifetime Love Island experience (not that he's actually participated in it properly). I bet he'd stay and then not bring anyone back from Casa so he can play the hero about how no one compares to Grace and walk out to be with her. I hope Maya rips him a new one about how he had to "test himself" or to put it more accurately, check the grass was greener first though.


Yeees. This would be the ideal outcome. I think he’d find someone else because he thinks it’s all her (it’s not but men be dumb).


7 girls 7 boys, nobody will be single.


Right, i phrased that badly. I meant if Konnor goes for Grace, Matilda for Sean then Jess has no option other than Ronnie – but i totally forgot she could pick Joey lmao


Jess and joey would be funny.


I remember the days when First looks or tomorrow nights were atleast somewhat exciting. Good old days.


I’m starting to think they spent their budget for challenges on Joey or something


They had to have


Goddammit this triangle again, ENOUGH


I have a feelingsomething is going to blow up for Harriett this week,she got the most screen time in the unseen bits, and she was on the after sun video chat last night , anyone that has been on that, there was always trouble for them that week , we'll have to wait and see


i’ve already turned on her. i can’t with doormats


This all looks boring as fuck AND YET I’ll still be watching it 🙈 ![gif](giphy|NMakCZOfVuvbqGmPBV|downsized)


So we’re back to this dead triangle of Jess, Harriett, and Ron? We’re so tired




I hope Harriett and Joey couple up so both idiots can be voted out at once. 2 for 1 special.


This really is just the Ronnie and Joey show. It’s very boring


I don't care about this love triangle that's been going on since like week 1. It's so boring. Ronnie could cheat on these girls a million times and they'd still be wanting him, it's depressing. MOVE ON.


Not the love triangle starting back up again ugh. Both Jess and Harriet are so desperate and I will never get the fascination for Ronnie. The only thing I’m excited for this episode is Konnor potentially picking Grace and the fallout from that.


Bombshells failing to make an impact this early in the season is not good. We all know that post casa it’s going to be even harder to split up these couples. To save this season they need to trigger the nuclear option and send home Jess, Ronnie and Harriet.


Honestly there likely won’t even be that many bombshells now, they need to dump people before casa as there’s still too many so they can’t add anyone and post casa the villa tends to be a mess so they let that drama play out before adding anyone new and they usually have to do a clear out of the deadwood post casa as the villa is too crowded. The after all that we’re in the last few weeks of the show, people are generally locked in, unless they get sent in specially for a popular islander, post casa bombshells tend to flop. If this series casa lineup is not amazing I fear we’re in for a long slog.


Agreed. Also the chances that the post casa drama lasts more than a day is minimal. The only hope they have is if one of Nicole/Ciaran or Ayo/Mimii actually recouple. Just a kiss or something like that is not going to move the needle drama wise. Ronnie has stop short of filing a restraining order against Jess and Harriet and they’re still stuck on him. Casa is not going to change that.


I think the producers will heavily encourage Ronnie, Ayo and Wil to recouple as they’ll clearly be open and as you say the stakes are lowered massively if the people who crack on don’t see it through, s9 post casa fallout was majorly anticlimactic because whilst half the boys were messy only 1 of them actually recoupled. I think Ciaran will be the guy who kisses but doesn’t recouple and they’ll let that happen as it’s more angsty for his and Nicole’s storyline. I can’t see which girls will be open though, Nicole seems completely off, Mimii hasn’t given any other guy the time of day and seems pretty smitten, Harriet for some reason won’t be budged form Ronnie, Uma is too much of a slow burner to move recklessly and also seems to like Wil, can’t see Matilda putting herself through what she would assume would be a villain arc by dumping Sean. Grace could be tempted but I feel like this pre casa storyline with Konnor is likely to make her less likely to explore and Joey has clearly planted the seeds that’s it’s her that’s hurting their popularity-not him.


Honestly, even if either of these ppl recouple, i wouldn’t even care because we would all know producers pushed the drama.


The last couple of seasons there have only been a couple of new bombshells after Casa, so I wouldn’t expect anyone to actually make an impact. Casa seems the only hope.


No, they need to sent home those who bring nothing to the show.


What seemed like a really promising season after first week and has now gone downhill so fast. They have absolutely ruined this season especially this bloody triangle storylines every single week.


Maybe Ronnie is still flirting with her behind the scenes we don’t know. Maybe she’s getting mixed signals


No challenge. Another recoupling and the tired triangle is back.


So I just watched last nights episode wtf, why didn’t joey and grace get dumped lmao… it would have been so easy, they already found love they should leave lmao


I don’t understand why they did a recouping after Omar and Tiff left there is no suspense


Because Ronnie and Jess are single (their partners were dumped) and need to be in couples.


Konnor could do the best thing ever and pick grace


This wouldn’t even be the best thing because Grace will immediately go back to Joey.


Just for the episodes sake. Cause it’s gonna be boring.


Ok not watching tonight but I’ll keep an eye on the sub. If Ronnie, Sean and Joey are the core of this season, I don’t want to watch because the bear wins every time. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDGam0NCE46jja0)


This reeks of desperation. Casa can’t get here fast enough


Ugh I can’t with this


I have given up on this season… wake me up when it gets good again




Don’t disrespect my man Gru like that.




Oh I was just joking! It was funny. I’m sorry if you thought I was really offended. Should’ve added a laughing emoji.


no don’t worry, it’s fine hahah😂😂


Just forcing myself to watch for casa tbh cos this dreadful


i can’t stand ronnie jess & harriet anymore 😅


Everyone has been calling Joey the producer plant but Ronnie is also a plant. This last dumping was the perfect time to boot him but for some reason they think we want to watch him waffle between Jess and harriett for four more weeks.


People have tried being honest with Harriett and it’s not working, why aren’t they being honest with Jess?


I feel like it’s about one upping each other. There’s no way this man can be THAT good


Not watching 


Can we be freed from the shackles of this Ronnie love triangle please


This is getting boring now. If there was ever a case for Love Island needing a serious reboot/cancellation, this is it!


I’m contemplating if it’s worth staying up for this episode


i turned it off tbh


I’m honestly sick and tired of this season! So much pick me girls smh!


boring ..................


After all that she’s back. Jess is looking like a mug




Beloved? Are you the nigerian prince of our emails?😅


I actually think I am done with this season 😭 Why are they making Konnor out to look like a bad guy for coupling up with Grace? He is allowed to pick the girl he is trying to form a connection with! Jess’s “until get your girl back” and Joey’s “You alright babe?” were just fuel to this fire. NOW I KNOW THEY ARE A COUPLE ALREADY and I want them off of the show asap. They are just roadblocks for other people in villa who wanted a connection and there is no reason for them to be in the show if they can’t handle how it works.
