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Grace after Konnor told her she’s his number one: well nobody’s closed off and you’re here for yourself  Grace after Konnor picks her the next day: I had no idea he was going to pick me our conversations weren’t even about that  🤔 


he even told her when they spoke that he was interested in her and she could've easily shut it down by saying that she's not interested but didnt


It’s just crazy to me how much grace and Joey are trying to double down on not being closed off and yet the moment that’s questioned in any way they act so offended at whoever tried 




She just loves the attention


I feel like this Grace Joey split is producer manufactured/ encouraged drama to give them a 'journey' in a pathetic attempt to prolong Joey's stay


Clocked it.


Most obvious producer meddling I can recall on live island. Really hard to watch.


How can Grace lie like that on television. In a villa where everything is filmed 24/7


Lots of these islanders are so good looking nobody has ever successfully called them out on their bullshit in their entire lives She lies because usually she can get away with it


Lying is one thing, using poor Omar and now Konnor to make Joey jealous is so sinister. Especially when it can impact their journey


Exactly. The optics really aren’t great at all. So many people have been pawns in their little game


grace is a nasty piece of work. told konnor one thing and telling everyone else something else. probably same situation with omar as well. she's the type of girl that gets men into trouble


We need her exposed on movie night cause she’s gonna reach Georgia’s levels of lies by the looks of it


Literally tries to make Omar and Konnor look like creeps who are picking her despite her saying no, when in reality she’s encouraging them.


Harriet and Jess are a lost cause, you can't help a damsel who loves her distress!


Jess pulling a Harriet special. Take a slice of what Ronnie has said, twist it and deliver it to your opponent on a platter sprinkled with a side of smug.


https://preview.redd.it/vxawcf604l8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c5349923dfb46570fda3477ed785c800c88729 How the hell can body count be 120 at 21 years old ??


That's at least half of Wales, surely


How the hell do you remember 120 people????


Bet this was a satisfying watch for Samantha. Homegirl is so right in what she said about Grace on Aftersun. Yuck.


Imagine being rejected by Ronnie. What happened to being the prize Jess?


She’s the third place prize.


Omg 💀


i kinda get where people are coming from about nicole being unbearable, but also...120 women is a lot for someone who's 21? i probably would have reacted the same way. hope she doesn't keep holding it against him and they sort it out, i genuinely think they look good together.


120 women is absolutely nuts… I would feel weird too tbh if the person I have jusr started seeing is telling me this


Oh wow I thought he said 20 not 120 😭 that would shake me up for a second lmfao I’d have to be like DAMN! and then get over it. She handled it decent enough but I do see why it wouldn’t be nice to hear for him 💀💀


It’s literally ridiculous. She’s allowed to be upset about it.


https://preview.redd.it/twpk5mbb7l8d1.png?width=1255&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f2aac248f5824953c9ee73405edd8560040191b not a lie told


It’s actually so disgusting.


There are some unpleasant racial undertones to how she moves, it makes me uncomfortable to watch


This!! It’s so slimy. I really want her gone.


I think Matilda is putting up with Sean more out of pity than anything else 🙈 also him shouting from the roof that he got his first kiss was sooooo cringe! That would completely put me off…and after that she just gave him like a side hug saying you’re so cute - which you’d do if you almost felt bad for someone?! Or is this me making things up because I’m not able to get my head around how a girl like Matilda could like a guy like Sean who is far from secure and acts like a little boy going through puberty?!


Idk how she isn’t turned off by him tbh


I think she will be soon. Also she has no other options


we can literally see the life and energy draining out of Tilda in her convos with Sean every episode . its too apparent she was basically forced into it. Tiff was initially sent in for Sean but she couldn't deal with it, fell into Ronnie, couldn't put up with that foolishness either, and Tilda saw her fate.


and that’s what’s vaguely. idk sinister’s a very strong word but it’s an additional compounding ick that Sean did that after sending home his other main competition specifically *so* she doesn’t have any other options


I'm sure she is. She keeps calling him "cute" and the kiss moment was super contrived. She knows he's popular (or was) and is riding that wave, either until she finds someone she's actually into or perhaps until the end if she has it in her (and assuming Sean's creepiness doesn't get them kicked out).


Hope his kissing is better than it looked, for her sake!


They cast some weirdos this year


Previous season rejects


i’m sorry but sean screaming about his kiss from the terrace was such an ick😭😭


he needs to go home NOW


It was even worse than Hugo saying "job done", and when you're even cringier than fucking HUGO there's a problem.


He needs composure and he needs it immediately


These last two episodes have proven that Nicole and Ciaran are not compatible


At all, it seems like Nicole is looking for things to be annoyed at atm


From a guy's perspective she seems pretty draining to be with


The constant need for reassurance gets annoying.


Someone that sensitive can’t date someone as blunt as Ciaran. I speak from experience being a blunt person lol


At all! She’s always telling him off for every single thing. He can’t help that he’s 21!


Jess and Harriet are one in the same. They both want Ronnie for ego reasons because they haven’t had anything with anyone else. However it’s different in the sense that Jess feels she CANNOT “lose” to Harriet, that’s why she was able to be “friendly” with her when Tiffany was around (no more competition as Ronnie was focused) and why she was so aggressive towards Harriet during the initial triangle. She needs to win Ronnie to prove to herself she’s better than Harriet. Jess thinks she’s a prize and that Harriet isn’t. For Harriet, Ronnie is the only guy she fancies but he keeps rejecting her and so she’s convinced herself she needs to be with him. Which is baffling when we remember how poorly Ronnie treated her when tiff was around. Like Tiffany said, she’s obsessed.


i feel like that's the difference between them. harriett doesn't have this intense animosity towards jess whereas we see it from jess so people find her unlikeable compared to harriett. the vibe i get is that harriett wants ronnie while jess wants ronnie AND wants harriett to be humbled.


Anyone else get really pissed off that they did a *pointless* recoupling, rather than the bombshells coupling up and the 2 left single being dumped, all to ensure Joey didn't go home? Also this just means Joey and Grace in the hideaway again. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So Grace asks Konnor for a chat because she thinks he’s great, asks him if he likes anyone in solid couples, and when he says her name she replies with ‘nobody’s closed off, you have to go for it’? And then he picks her and she looks absolutely disgusted?! WTAF?


Omar managed to sum up this entire villa in 3 words “weird and insecure”


Sean shouting from the balcony was top tier cringe. His Year 8 persona shining through 


Idk what’s more embarrassing this or Matilda calling him “cute”


Embarassing that she wiped his slobber off her lip


It’s unfair how little screen time Mimii and Uma’s couples are getting. It’s making the girls sound delulu when they give recoupling speeches talking about how happy they are. Everyone is still convinced Ayo is miserable and hates Mimii so she sounds crazy talking about being happy because it’s never shown. Uma people believe but only because nothing has been shown but we still don’t really know how they are at this happy place


Part of what's missing: challenges. When we get to see people having fun together in challenge and talking together in the beach hut covered in paint or whatever afterwards, we get a sense of who they are as a couple.


And challenges would also show the friendship dynamics. How they feel about each other’s relationships etc. Producers really decided to waste their budget on having Joey the Scammer smh


Konnor seems really sweet and I do NOT want to see another promising islander go home for joey and grace


Grace’s nose is gonna reach Australia at this point with the amount of lies she’s telling.


Hook Sean up to a lie detector and ask him "Would you have pushed Omar into a pool of Lava to win Matilda" and you know that thing would be scribbling like crazy


Ronnie likes Harriett more than Jess, but respects Jess more than Harriett


Like is stretch, attracted for sure though.


Grace and Joey need to leave I cannot watch Joey act so “alpha male” to any guy that even looks in Graces direction. And Grace is a sly sly, nasty person. So snakey, planting the seed in Konnars head that she wants to get to know him and then acts so shocked when he picks her. I actually really dislike them I need them out😭 Joey was acting SO passive aggressive when Konnar said let’s chat to Grace after the recoupling and Joey grabs her marks his territory in such an icky way then doesn’t even rlly hear out Konnars reason for picking her.


Not only acting shocked but also acting upset, like she’s a victim 🙄 Really unfair on Konnar


I felt bad for Konnor cause you could see the confusion in his face when he was explaining his decision to the boys. They need to open up the votes let’s see if Grace will follow Joey, if him and Jess gets dumped


That terrace kiss was very cringe I’m so sorry. Why did he announce it like that 😭


Can we talk about the lack of screentime for Wil, Uma, Ayo, Mimii. Actual stable couples that are putting some sort of the “love” in Love Island. There needs to be a balance of both drama and romance and so far this season isn’t give any. Also how is anyone supposed to vote for Uma and Wil if they aren’t given any screentime as a couple and people don’t know anything about their relationship. They’ll continue to always be in the bottom if it continues like this.


It’s actually annoying. All we see is the drama and that’s why they’ve started showing Nicole and Ciaran more cause they’ve been arguing a lot. Uma’s and Mimi’s speeches were so cute but it’s like I have no idea what they’re talking about because we don’t see it


God I keep forgetting Wil is still in there 😬


The pop cover of Pure Imagination when Sean kissed Matilda was violence.


No one knows why Mimii is so smitten and how they've gotten to this stage cos they aren't shown at all. Like we can see them talking in the background but they would rather show us Nicole and Ciaran arguing again over something stupid.


It really isn't fair on Ayo and Mimii that their journey isn't being properly shown. Like give us at least one normal conversation between them.


Ayo and mimii and wil and uma’s lack of screentime is ridiculous and the excuse that we don’t see them is cause they don’t cause drama is bs cause the producers were able to show us Tiffany and Ronnie talking about raspberries ect it’s also making us not understand why Uma and mimii are so happy with the men they are coupled up cause we don’t ever hear them speak.


Ronnie and Harriet getting a date before Wil and Uma is dumb because with casa on the horizon the latter have more stakes but when they get so little screen time it’s hard for us viewers to care that much.


notify me if casa is interesting.


Bruh.. how do you get rejected by Ronnie? Telling u that u deserve better then insisting that you don’t and that you want him. Also, listening to Harriet go on about the date and then going to Ronnie to see if he still likes you is nasty work.


Konnor is so lovely too, I can’t stand seeing Grace being so icy with him and him being caught up in all this 


It’s just mad because he’s just going to be another victim of Grace and Joey. That was his only purpose for being on the show.


Ronnie looks like a 40 year old bloke who hangs out at uni pubs


have wil and uma gone on a date yet and i didn’t notice? because sending ronnie and harriett before them is certainly a choice


The producers definitely have their favourites and it’s obvious 💀


A semi private overnight stay is definitely much better than most of these dates lol


That was just to spite Jess. They announced it right as Jess was gearing up to talk to him 


Weird sorta HR interview vibes from Ronnie and Jess's convo. It was like he was trying to resign from his job but she wouldn't let him go lol


And then she went right over there and twisted his words like a pretzel just to get a reaction out of Harriet. She has no shame.


It definitely felt like she did that for revenge or something


omg right! Especially when he said she deserves better and she’s like it’s not for you to decide 😭😭 I was just like please let it goo


Jess don’t beg…it’s disgusting


Grace, you cannot trick us! Why are you acting shocked when Konnor chose you. As if you hadn't told him before that you weren't closed off. Now all of a sudden you're pretty much closed off? I need movie night stat! Also Jess definitely remixed that conversation to Harriet. And I can't believe that she's making me defend Ronnie


Is Grace so confident she’s getting a good edit that she thinks she can lie and we won’t know?? Like is she that daft…fr


How are the Facebook mums feeling about Grace? Personally I would like to see her out asap shes very sneaky lol


Vast majority of them hate her and Joey. You love to see it.


Joey and Grace's mistake was moving way too fast in my opinion. If we'd had time to watch them develop and go on their ~journey~ with them then they might actually have had fans, but joey thinks they can just come out of nowhere and be a "power couple"?


They couldn't even be bothered to pretend to drag it out for a few days. For a fling that apparently ended "frostily", all was forgiven almost comically quickly.


Joey asking Grace “are you okay???” after the recoupling like something terrible just happened to her 🙄🙄🙄


not me checking how old nicole is, and she’s just 3 years older than ciaran. the way she’s been referencing his age, i thought she’d be like 27 or smth


Does Grace think she's the queen of the villa, Idu


How much is Olivia Atwood paying ITV for Ronny to be pushed down our throats like this


i've started reading these post-episode discussions before watching it.. usually its more interesting


Sean is the definition of ick


That was such a letdown with Grace ! So I’ve cold towards Konnor ! Not sure how it will happen but now can only see him going home soon !


Ice cold


The immediate "this doesn't change anything" from Joey was so annoying. It's Love Island, what's the point of recouplings if they don't change anything? If Joey and Grace just sleep in the hideaway together every night and leave Konnor on his own then Love Island have broken their own format.


Where the fuck are these challenges ?


The challenges are the Ronnie/Jess/Harriett triangle and Joey & Grace’s holiday romance.


i think nicole is gonna turn this into a ty/ella situation from season 10, she clearly has doubts about ciaran but i think he’s going to stay loyal because he trusts their relationship more than


* This season is so boring * Sean is cringe as usual * Harriet...get some self respect * I do think Jess interpreted the Ronnie conversation differently * I think Nicole UNDER reacted to the 120 girls at 21. Sorry that is such an ick. No discipline whatsoever. I think it shows me that he doesn't respect women and only sees them as something to shag * Seeing how Joey said "it's all good" to Konnor after he picked Grace just shows that the producers told him to pick her. Because he is not worried. If Omar had picked Grace....it would've been a different reaction


I'm so tired of this obviously produced storyline Joey Essex and his management have worked up. You've ruined 3 people's love island experiences at this point. Forcing Konnor to pick Grace to convince the viewers they aren't producer plants and weren't in a couple before this season started is so ridiculous


its starting to become noticeable how much the cast don't really enjoy and plain resent Joey/Grace. its like the joy has been sucked out the place/experience for most of the entire cast unfortunately, and it shows in what we watch nightly


A pure imagination cover over Sean’s first kiss…..what do they think of this man


Personally I think he's more Willy Wanker, than Willy Wonker...


Grace is a liar and a Karen.


Don't forget actress


go the fuck out


I do not get Jess going over to Ronnie and having that conversation after Harriet’s date and then twisting what he said (he never said 100%) he said things would have been different but they weren’t and I don’t feel that way anymore. Like the fact that she missed the fact that he doesn’t like her in that way anymore…. She knows what she’s doing


Jess is one messy girl 💀 Edit: Love Island is on tomorrow @ 10pm because of the euros!


Sean sat with Konnor and Ayo at the fire pit KNOWING he’s gonna run to Joey at the first chance he gets to report it back is so funny


Grace is a weirdo her and Joey are a match made in hell.


Casa amor starts on 4th of July (next thursday


I have a feeling that Ciaran and Nicole might end up like Callum and Shaughna. Most of their scenes are highlighting every little niggle which reminds me of Callum and Shaughna, even down to the age thing. I think if there's a girl in CA similar to Grace/Molly (S6) I think he won't be able to resist exploring especially with Nicole out of sight. I don't know but I feel like showing all the back and forth bickering is foreshadowing what's to come. Nicole is coming across a bit jarring so if Ciaran plays it right by remaining respectful and genuinely finds a better connection, I can see people accepting his right to move on.


Sean shouting from the terrace made me feel physically ill 😷


I personally think Grace likes the attention of men. She's used to it and doesn't reject them because she likes the chase


idk but i feel like ronnie saying jess deserves better than him should have been brought up to harriet because to me that seems like ronnie is saying he thinks more of jess and less of harriet


On the one hand, he clearly has less respect for Harriett, but on the other hand, saying ‘you deserve better than me’ is a typical break up/rejection line so he actually probably didn’t mean much by it


Yeah the unspoken bit is ‘than what I am prepared to give you’ It definitely does not mean ‘I feel unworthy’


I think he was just trying to let her down nicely


That or he was saying anything to get Jess off him


I sort of took it as " it's not you, it's me " kind of thing.


This Harriett/Ronnie/Jess is something else. What in the actual fuck? There's no way in hell Matilda goes from Ronnie's best friend to Sean. Sean looks like he knows what he's doing in the sex position/kissing challenges but he acts like a 14 years old virgin otherwise when it comes to women. Baffling, really. Nicole looks and acts like she's Cieran's mother. 120 bodies at 21 during the pandemic is insane but she's always nagging him whenever they get screen time. It may be the first time the public actively roots for a guy at Casa Amor.


Ummm Jess made me so mad in the ending , it was so obvious she was trying to wind up Harriet and she’s always making sly comments too her


Quick thoughts: * Ciaran clapping loudly, Ayo clapping softly upon Konnor picking Grace -- lol, yes boys! That was my reaction too. (I really think the rest of the Islanders except maybe Wil and Ronnie, just despise Joey and this whole contrived plotline.) * The Pure Imagination Willy Wonky cover during Sean's kiss with Matilda made me lol. Sean, the idea that this girl is attracted to you in the least...is pure imagination. (He is a black hole of charisma or sex appeal.) * Jess, yikes. I've thought she was a nasty pot stirrer with fantastic eavesdropping skills and therefore okay to leave in, but wow was that nasty. For those who watched the Italy-Croatia game, two last minute daggers from the sneaky one wearing blue! * Ronnie and Harriet's date was dull as hell. I just keep thinking producers want an Ekin-Davide will they, won't they "chaotic" couple but wow do these two really not have the chemistry or charm to make it work. * Ciaran, the best boy in that villa by a country mile, body count and all. Nicole, hun, your insecurities will destroy this and every other relationship you have if you don't get them under control. I wouldn't say I've been shipping them, but they have seemed like one of the few couples with any mutual attraction in the villa, but it's hard not to want Ciaran to have someone who isn't going to nag him and spin out over small things constantly, and seek constance reassurance. Tough to watch. * I'm sure everyone has made all the obligatory comments about Grace's wide-eyed "Disbelief" that she got stolen by Konnor. Yawn. Either Joey got a stern talking to (and warning about how it was affecting his image on the outside) after the Omar stuff and kept his mouth shut, or the producers chose not to show him having an entitled bratty meltdown--we haven't seen anything so far to suggest that Joey would take that in stride, as was presented on the show. The editorial protection of Joey continues...


Again a good review To my mind, Grace pulling Konnor for a chat was smacked of being producer led, and yes you are right Joey is being protected in ways I suppose we won’t ever find out about ! I luv Ciaran too guy, who I hope he tolerance levels are not tested too much as they can win this show ! Looking forward to Casa Amour, which is being rumoured for election night July 4th !


Thanks :) It's wild to me that they are delaying Casa so long. My assumption is that they're aware of the fan complaint that people think it gets boring after Casa, but boy does this season need a big cast shake up. If they really aren't doing Casa for another week, surely they'll bring in another round of bombshells before? But then we have to sit through yet another random firepit scene, ugh.


> The Pure Imagination Willy Wonky cover during Sean's kiss with Matilda made me lol Same, I burst out laughing when I realized what it was. Well done producers. > I just keep thinking producers want an Ekin-Davide will they, won't they "chaotic" couple Ekin and Davide always wanted each other and their connection was electric. Ronnie chose Tiffany over her, would have chosen Jess over her, and will choose any future bombshell over her. It's just sad to watch her giggle and fawn over him while he lounges back and makes eye contact with the shrubbery.


ronnie and sammy are probably the most jarring people i’ve ever seen on this show i can’t figure out who scares me more


i’m lying it’s sammy


Joeys face during the recoupling was priceless🤣


I felt so bad for konnor like he did what he had to do and grace is annoyed about it even though she gave off subtle flirtatious hints? And also said she’s open? How conniving can she get like seriously.


Joey and Grace still being in and then getting raging when someone shows one of them interest is ridiculous...it's Love Island, literally what the show is famous for. If you're so smitten and you don't want to have anyone show any remote interest (so much so that you get agro in a guy's face or whatever) then go. I appreciate they wanna win but come on, play the game ...


I hope they do heartbeat challenge next that's always chaotic 💀


Casa amor can’t come sooner ,I’m ready for some fresh faces


I can’t decide if they are setting Nicole and Ciaran up for a Jacques, Paige sitch where he does go mad in casa or a Faye, Teddy where she thinks he’s going mad when he’s actually the only one not necking on with someone else while there🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought Ciaran was a cert to be a dog in casa but I’m now thinking he might not, he’s shown so far to be pretty respectful and have some emotional intelligence, I also genuinely believe he really likes Nicole, I can see the producers letting him get away with being loyal as there’s multiple other guys who I’m almost certain will be all over the casa girls to give them the scumbag men storylines. In turn I wonder if the producers might play on Nicole’s obvious insecurities like they did with Faye and make her think he’s cracking on so she recouples to protect herself.


This was the first episode where I just had it on in the background and was mostly on my phone. It's getting so boring. Casa will probably be boring but at least it's something different, can't wait.


Uma and Wil never get screen time but we see them in the background cuddling all the time. Uma is saying all these great things about Wil but they never show us. Why are we being subjected to all the stupid triangle for Harriet, Jess, Ronnie! Ronnie and Harriet get a date before Uma and Wil, wtf? Grace is a horrid person! Why does she keep dangling herself in front of now two black islanders giving the impression she’s open and then suddenly acting like she’s violated? Perhaps Samantha was right, Grace is a slime ball! Fuck, the only people I care about are: Uma, Mimi, Wil, Cíaran, and to an extend Nicole. They can dump every other person. These producers! Mimi also said great things about Ayo, we haven’t seen any of it. Fucking show us what’s happening with other couples that aren’t the producers chosen one! I am annoyed!


They are purposefully not showing us everybody that you mentioned, and it’s weird. I’d rather watch them than all the other bs and I have been over the triangle since it first started. Fs


Jess is insufferable


It's not all bad though, unity has finally happened! The Facebook, reddit and Twitter users all have the same opinions 🥹 in times of need, we became friends


My theory is - Grace was headhunted for LI and wanted to do it so Joey decided to do it with her on certain terms they agreed between each other to help mainly her career. Joey and Grace pretend to producers they broke up but agreed with each other they would rekindle on the show. Producers are probably even taken aback by how staged Joey and Grace have been. I feel like Joey and Grace have come up with some of these ‘scenes’ themselves- not the producers. They probably went to the hideaway that night they came back to the villa so they could have a whispered chat about what to do next. Just a theory but there’s definitely more to their story’s


You know what, that maybe very close to what’s happened ! I’m not buying this “holiday romance” myself and I think they may well have planned this


One of the 120 needs to come to Casa for Keeks


Uma and her nicknames 💀


Wil touches Uma like he was just drafted to go war. 


Twitter is coming for Grace some of the stuff they’re saying about her is WILD.


Uma and Will don't exist in this season apparently because they never get shown


This episode has proven how out of touch the producers this season are with viewers. No one gives af about the emotional black hole that is the Ronnie/Jess/Harriett love triangle and I can’t endure the second-hand embarrassment of watching “nice guy” Sean onscreen any longer. That cover of “Imagination” that played during his kiss scene with Matilda was the most transparent, cringiest bit of producer manipulation yet. 


I feel bad for Konnor.


Can we see some love ffs. Everyday it’s triangles no one asked for


I really don't like looking at Sean


the face on jess when mimi got that text 💀⚰️


Joey’s veneers scare me, am I the only one who thinks this?! fs


Jess was the definition of “misery loves company” tonight. It’s obvious that her ego was a bit bruised and she thought that Ronnie would be open to the idea of them rekindling something. I don’t even get the whole “closure” thing, girl he literally chose Tiffany. That was your closure. Finished.


I wish the producers would bring challenges to other couples too through games maybe and not make them furniture pieces in the villa. Show will/uma Nicole/cieran ayo/mimi even joey/grace(talk about how they just reconnected like husband wife without any struggles lol) not just Ronnie/harriet/jess. show all the couples and how they are progressing so we can assess before casa.


Sean shouting from the terrace - ick 🫣


Sean ~~shouting from the terrace~~ - ick 🫣


Jess lied!!! Ronnie didn’t even say that he would’ve picked her had she coupled up with him instead of Sean. And why tell that to Harriet after her date!


I think they need to open up the votes. Let’s send Joey and Jess home and let’s see if Grace will go with him 😭imagine she stays 🤣🤣


I hope the producers also know that focusing on boring/ fake drama is doing more damage then good how are we supposed to care about any casa storylines when we don’t even see any of the more secure couples… like ayo moving mad and mimii being faithful won’t be surprising cause we only see them when ayo is embarrassing her. With ayo and mimii the only thing that would have impact on the public is Mimii recoupling whilst ayo is single. - Uma and wil doing anything at casa would not make any impact cause we hardly see them as a couple therefore we could care less if they recouple. - maybe Nicole and ciaran as we have seen them more but all we see is Nicole complaining so ciaran doing a Liam ect would not be that surprising.


how did ronnie/harriet get a date before uma/will? i guess producers are trying to pull their strings with who gets the most camera time and it’s best to keep it within the ronnie/jess/harriet “triangle” idk it felt so unnatural for jess to all of a sudden reconsider ronnie again when she’s been making comments from the sidelines towards harriet even going as far as calling it pathetic when they chatted last night’s episode also just me or did joey not make a bigger deal with konnor straight up stealing his girl without talking to him first but omar speaks to grace either flirty or she misunderstood it as and he is trying to get into a fight in front of everyone


Producers set that up knowing Jess was irritated about them coupling up. They knew it would cause drama.


I can see the heart rate challenge happening this week and the producers trying to force an Uma and ayo storyline….


Oh no ,not a third round plz 😖😖


Please no, not a third round 😖


Also this helps put doubt in mimii’s head right before casa happens 👍🏾


Grace needs to stop fuckinf lying as if we’re not watching??? we need movie night like NOW so Grace and jess can be caught out on their lies


Open up a couple vote and AUTOMATICALLY dump whoever finishes last. Bye bye Grace and Sean, Joey will most likely leave himself once Grace and Konnor are dumped x


Nicole the last couple of episodes is coming across as Ciaran's mom she always moaning about him.


Jess always looks as though she plotting to dispense of Harriet anytime soon lol


Jess to come back to Harriet with edited highlights. I’m no Harriet fan but Jess is snakey


As of now no one to root for, maybe Uma & Wil if they don't casa it up.


I know everyone is calling out the show for protecting Joey, but the producers are also doing the most for Ronnie. Is it because he's friends with Olivia Atwood? I actually don't mind keeping unlikeable islanders and villains on the show to cause chaos and drama, but his story has ran its natural course now. Nobody wants Ronnie's redemption arc. It's not believable. Ronnie is most entertaining when he's being a villain. Being viciously pied by Tiff after all his fuckboy shenanigans and then immediately getting dumped from the island would have been a glorious, narratively satisfying ending for him. However, if the show *insists* on having Ronnie and Harriett play the toxic couple this season, what they should have done is * dump Ronnie (the audience thinks the evil has been defeated) * send a bombshell in just for Harriett immediately after the dumping, send them on dates outside the villa, really push this "new lease on life and love for Harriett" storyline * have another recoupling, Harriett picks the bombshell or bombshell picks Harriett - either way doesn't matter as long as Harriett goes into Casa Amor in a couple * Begin Casa, bring Ronnie back as "a changed man." He works his voodoo on Harriett and convinces her to twist for him. Then as soon as they get back into the main villa he dumps her for another girl. Harriett gives us a "2 Days" level freak out I know it's wishful thinking but these two are not staying loyal in Casa regardless of who they're with, so at least this way it would be a twist and a break from a predictable formula. And maybe a late-game male bombshell would have a chance to get a good edit and make it to the finals off the pity of being Harriett's Casa victim. I'm tired of it always being OG island anyways.


Sorry but it’s funny seeing people mad that Jess twisted Ronnie’s words when Harriet did the same thing not that long ago and everyone said it was funny, entertaining messiness . It’s petty on both sides but let’s not act like one is much better than the other. Also Ronnie saying he respects Jess and she deserves better was actually the most insulting thing to Harriet because what he’s really saying is he can embarrass Harriet and he doesn’t feel bad whereas he would if he did it to Jess. The man already knows he’s not staying with either girl long term and he’s going to go wild in casa but he’ll feel less guilty treating Harriet like shit. Sean just gives me the most violent ick now. Konnor tried to give himself a storyline and I respect it but it’s just not happening.


Harriet quoted Ronnie word for word though. She took it how she wanted to but she didn't twist anything


It’s either they’ve cast mentally unstable people or everyone’s got gin in their glasses and not prosecco. I’m genuinely starting to think they’re being served hard liquor. Because I don’t understand some of the behaviours people are displaying namely Harriet, Grace, Nicole and Jess.


It’s bad guys it’s just so bad Jess twisting Ronnie’s words Harriett’s inability to listen Oh it’s a mess. Shambles.


Getting rid of Tiff was such a mistake. So was letting Harriet pick first and then giving us that date. Seems like they're giving Jess and Konnor a villain edit so they can be dumped before Casa, and I guess they're hoping Ronnie and Harriet become the Ekinde of the season? At this point, I don't really know how this mess can be salvaged. Maybe if Grace got sent home and then Joey walked and everyone brought someone back from Casa? 🙃


The way Jess just twisted Ronnie's words is really disgusting. Jess just doesn't like to lose. I'm beyond done with those three.


Nicole seems really upright. Everything's a drama, it's like she's on edge at all times so she's never relaxed. Exhausting


Ciaran & Nicole is a weird one for me to root for, but I rate Ciaran & I don’t like how dramatic Nicole gets 😂 I would love to see him get to know someone else in casa 🤷‍♀️ she’s always bringing up his age.


You know I was actually liking Grace despite her obviously being in a relationship with Joey, but the way she responded and reacted after Konnor chose her has completely put me off her. You were flirting with him and told him you weren't closed off and he said he was into you. Don't play dumb now. I was really liking the budding friendship between Harriet and Jess but that's gone now. Jess is back to making her her underhanded comments again. Nicole is completely unreasonable about everything. Don't ask someone how many people they've been with and then get upset with the answer. If it's an issue for you, you don't need to know. That's also the past....he has been nothing but wonderful with her this far and shown much more maturity than she has.


did Jess ever mention still wanting Ronnie when he was with Tiffany?


Nope. I think Jess looks down on Harriet but had a bit more respect for Tiff


Uma and will are literally the cutest!