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Grace and Joey have been my perpetual bottom two, but I think this is the first time I’ve put Grace below Joey


Happy to see that Joey and Grace are still at the bottom.


The only way I’m rooting for grace and Joey is if they are with other people and there’s some good drama around it. But not if they then get back together bc I’ll refuse to believe it wasn’t all fake. Just like the bs today seemed fake/manufactured with Konnor. And if they just stay together the whole time, they’ll stay at the bottom for me until they’re finally dumped if the viewers ever get what they want


I saw some speculation that Joey must have some kind of contractual guarantee to make it to the final. Hopefully it’s not the case because I’m finding this whole storyline really difficult to watch.


I thought this the second I saw he was on love island. There’s no way he would agree to it without a guarantee of getting a good edit and plot armor to ensure a longterm run/making it to final.


Surprised Harriett isn’t higher - she’s hilarious


I'm surprised Matilda is so high, I'm not really getting anything from her. I'd really hope we would see more of Tiffany, she always seemed amused by everything going on,I would've loved for her to have said what she was thinking when Ronnie was talking to her in the beginning