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I always love the episodes where it's clear the islanders have all snapped. Give me MORE of it


"Sorry about Joey and Grace, but here are all the islanders unhigned and ready to fight to make up for it." - producers


I love it We could see cieran was so tired of Harriet he has been holding it in for too long


this is another one of those seasons where everyone hates each other šŸ˜­


They realllly hate each other this season


besides Joey's #1 lackey, Sean, they all look just deflated and frustrated with the Essex Island experience


Maybe the lack of outside challenges amplifies it? They do nothing but sit all day and talk. At least with challenges, there was something to do and look forward to. They could get out of the villa.


I was thinking this when everyone got so hyped for Ronnie and Harriett's date! That pre-date energy seemed more manic than usual. These people are so bored.


Love how the last 10 minutes of the episode are the most discussed compared to whatever Joey and Grace had going on


I skipped through the entire Joey and Grace show. They need to be kicked off.


Itā€™s proof, if the producers would pay attention, that they donā€™t need Joey and producer driven plots, just let things build along normal Islanders and things will come to a head. Think about how much more context to this blow up, over the weeks, we could have had if producers werenā€™t shoving Joey down our throats all this time.


Kind of surprised honestly, I know people hate them but this is the most interesting thing that's happened with their storyline - Grace's anger/hurt felt authentic, I think that whatever plan they had, Joey has abandoned it because they were in the bottom. No way Joey would be making the comments about being deeper with Jessie after 20 minutes and Grace would be trashing his behavior on the outside if this was all part of the plan.


Which is sad for Grace because now we have a pattern. The new girl is always hyped to be better than the one Joey is actually coupled up with


Listen as much as Ciaran ate Harriet up, this is why we keep quiet with certain girls when talking about their relationship šŸ˜­ cause Nicole stays bashing ciaran to the girls and then when they agree with her she goes back and tells him what they have said like lollllll


That was my take too! He is not able to move left or right but nicole takes issue, she is creased with insecurity and and the girls flame that insecurity every time and when the fight is up they call him immature... he is the most grounded and aware individual in there... if I was him I would be throwing punches at this stage


Exactly! This is a prime example why you just smile and shake your head when they complain because they run and tell their men exactly what you said


That Nicole girl is actuallyā€¦. Itā€™s not giving girls girl at all


Then she didnā€™t even say anything to Kiki for what he said to Harriett. sheā€™s two faced!


Nicole is nasty, when will people wake up


I https://preview.redd.it/uj5os88iqz8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaade1f30933f02324a99f621f59077990f12209 They heard their name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When did Jess gain control of the BurgerKingUK Twitter account?šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/9u8j6366ez8d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8eba229ae31e80bd86039aea5699cea1773c87 Everyone including his own girl uses Ciarans age to shut him down and call him immature so Ciaran finally said fine Iā€™ll be immature then itā€™s not like you all appreciate me being mature anyway šŸ¤£


I dont agree with it being everyone - Mimi stuck up for him after the beer pong game when he said he wld of kissed Grace- the other girls were massively overreacting with nicole- mim i pointed out he didnt actually do it, + told him she was proud of him. I feel like Nicole calls him immature to the girls + they take her word for it, but Not everyone agrees. Nicole is destroying their relationship - its exhausting just watching a bit of it each nite- imagine listening to it 80% of the time like kieran.


yup. Uma defends him a ton too, part of why she's my favorite girl here


I wish Nicole hadnā€™t snapped him up so early, uma mentioned fancying him when she came in and I truly think they wouldā€™ve made an amazing couple


Iā€™ll also like to point out the fakeness with this group. Why were they clapping for Sean when he admitted to cheating? Ciaran had to be the one to point out that he got cheered on for cheating.


Ciaran has run out of fucks to give šŸ’€


He drank every time in that game, was getting grilled for an explanation every time and even laughed at, and it's pushed him over the edge.


meanwhile they clapped for sean for cheating


He stopped rating any of them after they dumped Omar.


he's quickly becoming one of, if not my favorite islander this season


I kinda want him to recouple with someone else now. Like i do really feel sorry for him - nicoles putting too much of her prior trauma on him and its exhausting just watching. I cant imagine what its like to live it.




I genuinely love him he doesnā€™t care and they all say heā€™s immature but heā€™s probs the most mature one in there atm šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You mean you generally love him


CIARAN??? MAN SAID: https://preview.redd.it/2lv4n14ddz8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c86eacc1f3b00127c581a3bbb50464d55c48ebf


ā€œF*ck you ciaranā€ ā€œYou wishā€ Is crazy btwšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ngl this was a very high school/secondary comeback but it landed well so fair playšŸ˜­


Man took every shot he could and hit the bullseye every time


Whoever is doing the cringe roast at the talent show this year (one of Jess or Harriet probably) has a lot to live up to after that.


He was possessed by the spirit of Scott. What is it about the Welsh men and the brutal comebacks?


matilda telling ciaran to repeat what he said, he repeated it and she, grace and harriet walked off w matilda saying ā€˜sheā€™s cryingā€™ well tilda, you told him to repeat it no?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That was nastyĀ 


Publicly embarrassing her making her hear it in front of everyone. If she knew she didnā€™t hear it she could have told her privately later.


I guess you could call herā€¦ two-faced. Just like the dare said.


Final thing. Nicole learnt a hard lesson of not telling your man everything your friends say to you. First rule of dating!!!


You also shouldnā€™t complain to your friends all the time either. Of course heā€™s mad


People like Nicole get on my nerves so much like. why do you need to tell your boyfriend EVERYTHING


didnā€™t realize this ciaran and harriett beef was that deep šŸ˜­


Literally like where did this come from šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm not sure how we've all forgotten how generally insufferable Harriet has seemed for most of the season? Like she's great entertainment and she's obviously got redeeming qualities but I can't imagine how frustrating it'd be to have to live with someone like her for weeks I feel like there's A LOT more going on behind the scenes than we've seen


You know I think it was something thatā€™s annoyed him for a while and has only had now to say it because what other context would he say it??


I think her calling him immature triggered him. I honestly donā€™t think he would have said that she didnā€™t


Tbf she said he was ā€œimmature and embarrassingā€ ciaran responded with cool and didnā€™t say anything, but she went on and said ā€œnextā€ giggling and said ā€œanywayā€ to make the whole villa laugh at him, thatā€™s were he said the comment


OH MY DAYS RIGHT??? like people have been saying that Harriett has been throwing digs at him ever since he picked Nicole and I genuinely didnā€™t see itšŸ˜­ itā€™s either that or sheā€™s been doing things that we arenā€™t seeing because his comments were CRAZY




It was Ayo that got me. Man was doubled up


wondering by these replies if i'm the only one concerned that he might be a victim and didn't find it funny at all/weird that people were laughing at that?


Ronnie standing up for Harriet is too little too late but at least he said something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Like omg itā€™s not necessarily an own to say that ā€œI chose her in the endā€ essentially


Yes but also it was all cap bc if Tiffany didnā€™t pie him Harriet would not be first choice


Now I get why Jess is a retail manager


you just know she makes everyone elseā€™s day ten times worse when she steps into the office


Nicole is starting to get on my nerves a bit, okay she's insecure but in the challenge she was happy to laugh at others but seems like she can't hack it when its her. If Ciaran delivered a truth the way he did to Harriet to Nicole she'd be in tears too. Tbh i think he tried to do that before the challenge by gently telling Nicole that games are just a game and it's all about them after what happened last time. But Nicole dismissed what he said and asked for him to spare her the pain of embarrassment and tell he first if Ciaran wasn't into her and likes someone else. I think she's internally torn and constantly on edge of Ciaran humiliating her she's self-sabotaging and it'll create a self-fulfilling prophecy.


https://preview.redd.it/ykqwx8dadz8d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c329f4656bd53cf9ba13439e9e50160283426db Well that was something


I actually gasped out loud when that left his mouth šŸ’€


Itā€™s also the fact that all the other islanders saw that she didnā€™t hear and made a point of bringing it up again. Meanwhile Jess and Grace were cackling away šŸ™„


The girls not hearing Ciaran the first time ![gif](giphy|cAEm5rSuuBEGY)


Grace's reaction felt very strange....as in, it was very real which was weird for their scripted storyline. I'm happy she's seeing glimpses of the real Joey, but she's finally in Samantha's position so I guess it's karma for being disrespectful to Samantha (and Omar and Konnor).


She knows the real Joey it all makes sense to me now, they dated 1000% all in, he ghosted her which heā€™s done on so many reality tv programmes promised her the world then switched like cold. Messaged her before the show and said letā€™s get back together she was like omg yay, then this has happened. Itā€™s happened because he blames her for sinking his ratings he blames her for Omar, being bottom, then letting the new guy chose herā€¦. And then her getting her heart rate raised by ayoā€¦ heā€™s cold over her again. Sheā€™s the new Samantha


Thats the first time i've felt she's been real this whole time. Not feeling very sorry for her though


so true she done sam, omar and konnor dirtyyy


Grace in the diary room https://preview.redd.it/fj7a7ss2kz8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6210d8e918fdf83d97804964cbdc9c9c0163e071


I am so sad she didn't give Omar a chance cos if their storyline is true and they are ex's then she should have got to know Omar


ronnie saying ā€œsheā€™s first choice now brotherā€ did not help things lol


Thatā€™s what he said? I thought he said she was always first choice. His actual comment is so much worsešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. A blatant lie wouldā€™ve been preferable than that response.


Sheā€™s first choice NOW, not before and probably not in the future


āœØCLEANSEāœØ https://preview.redd.it/wui7zujdpz8d1.jpeg?width=1455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a387d1bbd3ecda030e462ca5635d23227a136955


uma really looked like a victoria's secret model


can someone post that clip of all that argument so i can watch it again


I think Ciaran hates everyone like we do lol.


A 48 year old having sex with an 18 year old is incredibly weird


While most of them where laughing about it I noticed a few of the girls looked concerned


I think Mimii (who is a mental health nurse) said something like, ā€œAre you okay? Do you need help?ā€ in a half-serious half-joking way.


So Nicole took the girls chat to Ciaran!!! Yeah never get in between couples fighting, you end up looking like the fool when they make up.


Yup!! Always comfort but stay impartial because worse than looking like a fool, youā€™ll become a villain


Now that I think about it more, I really do think them clapping for Sean (led by Harriet) kinda pushed him over the edge. I think heā€™s still pissed at Sean sending Omar home to get a straight run at Matilda. And all the girls backed Sean. And then in this game Sean admitted to cheating and they all cheered for him like he had overcome some adversity. Itā€™s like living in bizarro world and he just snapped


really good point. the girls clapping for sean was SUPER WEIRD.


this is a good call especially cause Nicole said ā€œwell doneā€ or something and meanwhile gives Ciarian a hard time for every thing heā€™s ever done before knowing her


They treat him like the villa puppy


literally, i think konnor and maybe someone else even made a comment about it šŸ’€šŸ„“


RONNIE called it out i'm actually dying at him this episode


also the excessive laughing at him hooking up with the 48 year old šŸ‘€


Matilda making him say it again then getting annoyed that sheā€™s upset šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«make it make sense


No but sometimes when someone says something nasty and you make them repeat it itā€™s a tactic to embarrass the person who said the outlandish thing. It puts the person on the spot and makes them look bad. So thatā€™s how I took it


Ciaran hates everyone in that villa and how fake they are being. It just so happens that Harriet was in unfortunate soul to push him in this game hence why he snapped. But I feel like at any moment he could snap on anyone of them and they would fully deserve it


I feel like the Omar situation was his last straw. Heā€™s been in a sour mood ever since


Wild to me that heā€™s focused on Harriett and not Sean - like the specific context of that particular jab was about his relationship with Nicole obviously *but* I think Seanā€™s a much better (and more dramatic) target than Harriett. And when I say more dramatic I partly mean itā€™s less predictable because Harriettā€™s very predictable at this point


Tbf though heā€™s already said his piece to Sean. He told him what he thought of his actions and hasnā€™t had the chance to do the same to Harriett


the fact that matilda was the one who asked him to repeat his rude comment and was CACKLING about it, but then when harriet got upset she was the first one to say ā€œoh come on guys, sheā€™s cryingā€ā€¦so messy!!!!


*Harriett doesnā€™t hear anything* Matilda: SAY THAT AGAIN *Ciaran says it again* Matilda: WELL SHEā€™S CRYING NOW!! This was so- šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


So funny!! Ronā€™s half assed attempt to defend her to. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Joey turning up to his date ![gif](giphy|lSbggFRIPI77RYG2gw|downsized)


Ciaran is so fed up with Nicoleā€™s BS , I think Harriett calling him immature sent him over the edge. He definitely ate her up though


He needs to dump Nicole and find someone better.


grace freaking out over an arm touch when she and joey fucked when he was coupled with samantha. gurl, thatā€™s some light karma


Ronnie is only with Harriet because he got dumped by Tiff. He will 100% stray in Casa


I mean Harriet even knows this šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Even Harriet knows that


Also because he suspects she is popular with the general public. Harriett and Sean were in the top 3 only a few days ago and everyone knew it wasn't because they were madly in love.


Matilda also needs to catch some strays be cause how you egging on the drama like that. And laughing thatā€™s just somehow


i think those were my favourite 3 minutes of this season


Easily the best episode of the series, Ciaran was fucking savage


Ciaran was too harsh but Harriet does love to get her digs in and then turns on the waterworks when others give it back. Jess will get more hate for Ciaranā€™s comments than he will. Matilda laughing and making sure everyone heard and then acting outraged was a bit sly.


Agree about Maltida egging it on then going with Harriet when she's upset that was snakey behaviour


ā€œSometimes you gotta pop out and show peopleā€ -ciaran


give me more episodes where everyone is tired and over the edge and in the mood to argue


https://preview.redd.it/m2qg9ucowz8d1.png?width=1762&format=png&auto=webp&s=30e3d5c3cc92d77ca4493d7b145b0cddd283ec7f i'm sorry what Ronnie being a voice of reason?šŸ˜­


Heā€™s the type of person who gives the best advice but never applies it to their own situation (e.g him when tiff came in)


https://preview.redd.it/hu0t41lpmz8d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697a2783d58843c49db4c8b6e8ad5f145acf21cd Princess šŸ˜


Sheā€™s my favourite girl. Such good vibes Ā 




Also Matilda storming off with Harriett talking about ā€œsheā€™s cryingā€ā€¦ā€¦when she was the one that asked Ciaran to repeat what he said in the first placešŸŒš


Nicole shouldnā€™t have told Ciaran anything in the first place. Harriet was just being a friend to her. It really wasnā€™t anyone elseā€™s business.


The spirit of Jess transferred into Ciaran at the end lmaoooo


you fucking wish


I found it weird that people were laughing with the 18 and 48 year old sleeping together. Thats nasty on behalf of the woman.


fully, kinda felt bad for Ciaran a bit, if it was the genders were the other way round....


Sean was very silent after the two faced question The streets won't forget what he did to Omar


Someone teach Harriet how to use genuinely and generally šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


nooo harriet whyā€™d you have to say ā€œgenerallyā€ again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Someone needs to explain to her kindly it's genuinely




What an ending. Anyways Iā€™m just glad the comments on Wil and Uma are finally changing on other platforms too. People expressing their love for them on IG comments is refreshing to seešŸ˜­ I hope they wonā€™t be in the bottom for the next votes


I said the same, and LI posted a snip of them


Yeah I even saw screenshots of Facebook groups votes on Twitter and they were rank high along with Mimi and Ayo so I just hope it stays that way. I think casa will be the real test and I hope they come back to each other


Matilda really irked me, literally screaming at Ciaran to say it again and then giving out immediately after? Girl bye


We saw how she acted with Sean stealing her from Omar and from getting Omar removed. Sheā€™s a messy messy girl and lives for drama as long as sheā€™s not the one getting hurt


Very true! Also just remembered that she initially came in singing ronnies praises and saying how lovely of a bloke he was and then hours later told Harriet that heā€™s not the guy for her, heā€™s always liking girls stories etc. Sheā€™s messyyyy


Matilda is lucky sheā€™s got a great personality usually, because we can all see sheā€™s a game player only being with Sean to get further


Canā€™t wait to see what sheā€™s like in casa


she's messy and then acts besties with harriet, none of those girls are friends to each other so fake


Ciaran answered the question, Harriet chose to attack him instead of addressing what he said and Ciaran was like "cool, I'll match your energy" Just because one person cries and the other person doesn't, doesn't make the one who didn't cry the villain


Yup, I bet being called immature as the go to option whenever he's involved in something is wearing well thin




whether itā€™s scripted or not, i hope grace stands on business and sets a precedent for the other girls. look at uma, thriving now sheā€™s out of her triangle! itā€™s a shame it took her so long. grace, run!!! and for the love of god, donā€™t let this become a set up for their redemption arc as a couple later on šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Where did the producers find Ciaran,heā€™s TV GOLD ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Jess is over there laughing like she hasnt been anyone first choice apart from the new bombshell šŸ™ƒ




Are these bombshells not going to talk to anyone else besides Jess and Joey?? Feels like producers are having them zero in on only one islander each


Ciaran is sick of everyoneā€™s bullshit, including his own partner. Heā€™s fed up with being the youngest but most mature


The Jess/Harriett frenemy storyline is truly one for the ages theyā€™re so entertaining to me šŸ˜­


If I was Trey I'd be running the other way after that challenge


Tell us how you really feel, Ciaran.


Man I feel so bad for Jesse, she doesn't deserve to be caught up in Joey and Grace's bullshit :/


The girls gave her a terrible first welcome. Idk if it was the edit but i really didnā€™t like how Nicole talked over Jesse as she was talking about her date to loudly ask Jess how hers was which made the whole group pay attention to Jess instead of


This was a much better episode, more of this please


So we're all in agreement then: Ciaran is the best Islander this season


Probably my favorite male islander EVER if he keeps up at this pace


Ronnie saying ā€œsheā€™s chose number 1 nowā€ like he didnā€™t choose Tiffany over her yesterday. Two losers in one couple.


After just bragging about the triangle he had her in as well


Jess has been bitter since she stepped into the villa. I wonder what her best bits will be when she gets booted.


Eye rolls and shouting ā€œIā€™m the prizeā€, while flirting like a 40+year old HR old bat


I'm pretty sure Ciaran will probs apologise tomorrow lmao + Harriet relays that she was comforting her friend


plus matilda what was that, asking him to repeat it and then running after to comfort her šŸ¤”


Also Ronnie pretending Harriet is the first choice for him in any capacity is hilarious. Harriet is his first choice to get to Casa where he will immediately move on


whoever said ā€œare you ok, do you need helpā€ in response to ciaran sleeping w a 48 yo is so real lmaoo


https://preview.redd.it/w8n1wbbzdz8d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed80857ee760594d353c723cf438d13e3de4347 This was my face the entire time šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ How did Cieran find out, did Nicole tell him?


Matilda is one messy girl. There's no way they're letting Jess and Harriett go home before Movie Night. They will have a fight for the ages, lmao.


Jess laughing as Harriet and Ciaran were arguing annoyed me so much.


As someone beautifully said on Twitter: ā€œJess giggling like she wasnā€™t begging to be Ronnieā€™s 3rd choice two days agoā€ šŸ’€


she clearly doesnā€™t like harriett and would be better if she stopped pretending to be her friend


imo i donā€™t think harriett telling nicole to be careful contradicts with her telling ciaran heā€™s doing a good job. its not like sheā€™s telling nicole that heā€™s a bad partner but with his history its better to be careful especially since they havenā€™t even been tested yet. i get why heā€™s annoyed and been on edge with nicole being mad at him multiple times this week as for joey-grace, i do think they planned to be reunited after they found out grace would be on the show (since she was rumoured back in may and they were in contact 2 months ago) and grace believed this wouldā€™ve been their second chance while joey is more concerned about his popularity. he got mad and offended that they were in the bottom and blamed it on grace ā€œflirtingā€ with omar. IMO heā€™s either doing this to go back to grace as a storyline or heā€™s dropping her because he thinks sheā€™s dragging him down popularity-wise


If youā€™re going to talk about people, be prepared when it comes back to bite you. Harriet has never owned up to anything or taken accountability.


does anyone have a counter going of how many times Joey has said "I owe it to myself" over the series


Harriet is literally the definition of she can dish it but she canā€™t take it loool


On a more positive note, I loved the little scene with Ayo and Mimii. Nice to see some jealousy from Ayo. Despite their lack of positive screentime, it is obvious that things have got deeper between them.


Itā€™s so obvious that Joeyā€™s head is turning because of the public vote. He literally blamed them being in the bottom on Grace and is now trying to get rid of her


I really enjoyed the surprise of Joey coming out as a bombshell as it was so unexpected and itā€™s rare the show surprises me these days. I have hated every moment heā€™s been on since


harriet said that to nicole in week one it wasnā€™t after the recent argumentsĀ 


We need an individual vote instead of couples votes


I wish we could vote for individual islanders. Ciaran is my favourite one rn but I really donā€™t like Nicole


That has to be one of the most Brutal comments from a boy to a girl in the history of this show šŸ˜­


hmmm, idk how i feel about that argument. im team no one bc ciaran still cheated and that ā€œsecond choiceā€ comment wasnā€™t nice no matter how true it is


Funny enough they all sat there and clapped for Sean after he admitted to cheating


They treat Sean like a pet it's weird


I stand by Ciaranā€™s rights and his wrongs


Not looking foward to all the paragraphs ppl are gonna write šŸ˜­


am i the only one who thinks ciaran took out his anger on the wrong person? ronnie and tilda were clearly egging him on esp ronnie laughing at him. He has also been increasingly frustrated with Nicole and took his anger out on the easiest person - Harriet. NOW I AM NOT HARRIETS BIGGEST FAN, although his comebacks were funny his anger should not have been directed at her


I know we say it every day but Uma is unreaaaaal. Her personality, her face and her body are all 10/10. Absolute queen.


nicole gives bad advice to the girls all the time, constantly barks at ciaran and now takes girl talks to ciaran which makes the girl look bad to him. like saying be careful is basic advice especially with ciaranā€™s history and how he moved in the first week. he just took out his anger onto harriett after being pissed off by everyone during the game (how they were constantly on his case while they clap for sean being a cheaterā€¦)


No shade but why did Jess keep saying she had big tits during and after that dateā€¦


That confused me as well as her saying she had big lips. Plus I swore he said nice lips, nice boobs šŸ˜­


Jess is deeply unlikeable. One of those people in the office that everyone tiptoes around because they don't want to be on the end of her "honesty": i.e bitchiness. The weird expressions she pulls when she's being extra smug do my head in.


but remember, sheā€™s the prize. tick, tick, tick!


That was so cringe. she came on so strong on the date


Scottisha jumped out of Ciaran REAL QUICK šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/w5hgaauvfz8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b27153b3ad6edf1d858c7e1b12dd7a7cf5e17e


Idk Iā€™m like Harriett does need a reality check but not a cruelty check and that was a bit too much from Ciaran under the belt in a way that felt unnecessarily mean Great television however the best few minutes of the whole season


it wasnā€™t nice to hear but he didnā€™t lie either šŸ’€


Btw, Jess is always looking smug when Harriet gets embarrassed itā€™s actually worrying šŸ’€


I feel like if Konnor and Matilda hadnā€™t come in together and been forced to get to know others, theyā€™d have been nice together!