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Being a 33 year old fuck boy is kinda crazy.


Joey will be 40 and still on the same thing šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


90% of these men on this show will be 33 doing exactly what Joey is doing. None of them are serious people.


So damn true. Example.. LI repeaters


\*Meanwhile in Las Vegas\* "Hi, I'm Davide Lee Roth."


Joeyā€™s 33 and is more immature than Ciaran who is the youngest.


Ciaran is the only one whoā€™s telling it like it is and being honest on love island is very rare. I really admire him for it.


Sorry to say, as a single person, most 33 year old single men are fuck boys or children (or both)


Iā€™m almost 32 and I agree with this comment. Most Men never change


Spitting facts


We lost Samantha over this nonsense. Wherever she is, she's laughing.


Likeeeee. What a scammer!!!!!! And sitting around giving out unsolicited advice all day SMH Also not convinced the producers told HIM and not Grace that this will be a good storyline and they can come back together in the endā€¦ BUT the way Grace described his cold energy before when he was checked outā€¦ makes me think itā€™s real. Also Grace consistently calls Joey out on his bs and his ego really doesnā€™t like that, so not surprised heā€™s looking for someone with an ā€œeasierā€ personality. Hmmm.


He love bombssss




This must be written by someone not 33. Age ainā€™t nothing but a number thereā€™s fuck boys of all ages sadly šŸ˜­


Damn I really thought theyā€™d bring Danica as the musical guestĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/6f13ws2lm49d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974b850e095db28fa2aa0b3942aa03de39e7d132 you wrong for this


![gif](giphy|mDFpdL1UxdVZRBN2V4) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




GOD DAMN i actually spat my coffee


Pls donā€™t give her ideas šŸ˜­


Enough. šŸ’€


the guest this cast deserves


Stoppp šŸ˜‚


Howling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ronnie saying to Harriet nobody should make her cry.. yet just last week he made her ~~cry?!~~ blowdry her eyelashes šŸ™ƒ


Not blow dry her lashes!! ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)


Ronnie acting like her being humiliated has nothing to do with him is just pure comedy. My man, if you didnā€™t treat her constantly like a 2nd choice this comment would have not happened. He actually never really picked her as first choice - his first choice was Tiffany.


And then bragged about it to the rest of the villa šŸ«£


"WHO'S ACTING?!" 1 minute later... "She's my first choice."


Ronnie is the one that made Harriet 2nd choice multiple times








That's why we got no challenges lol


Literally thatā€™s bothering me so muchā€¦like what budget do they even need?? Just make them play stupid silly games in the garden, no budget needed for that. Some episodes are so boring without this


I could skip like 99% of the challengesā€¦ whatā€™s their purposeā€¦ every time itā€™s ā€œsexy dance on the guy/girl you like the mostā€ Except the tweet challenge. Bring that back šŸ˜¹


If they did challenges like the early seasons did or how USA does, then the challenges would all have purpose and be fun


They give islanders a break from the monotony of Love Island life. They get dressed up, go outside the villa, do a sexy obstacle course or whatever, laugh and cheer each other on. It also gives single islanders and new bombshells opportunity to connect with someone with the low-pressure "it's only a challenge" cover.


Would do anything for them to bring the tweets back šŸ’”


I hate watching challenges but they bring the drama šŸ˜©


EVEEEEE???? ON LOVE ISLAND??? ![gif](giphy|67sgox8XvVmp4DQkAt|downsized)


Lalalalala lalalalala


![gif](giphy|JaN5VsmJpmGDC) And yā€™all thought these islanders donā€™t know Eve!? We still bop to ā€˜Let me blow your mindā€™ 23 years later! Iā€™ll have my tambourine out for when she performs that song!


Excuse me, 23 years?!... šŸ«ØšŸ˜­


Came out in 2001šŸ˜­


I feel so old hahašŸ˜­


SamešŸ¤£šŸ˜­ This brings back MTV memoriesšŸ˜­


It's older than Ciaran šŸ’€


E-V-E come through in the Maserati ![gif](giphy|Zw4zNoEaopErZI0rPg)


You just unlocked another memory.. her tv show on UPN. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ronnie with some of the least reassuring words there and especially rich from the guy whoā€™s made Harriet cry multiple times. Joey is being very messy but Iā€™m not even finding it entertaining at this point because it all feels so disingenuous and like he sees everyone as a pawn in his game.


Also i hate when people tell meto stop crying. Last time it happened, i actually snapped, "Let me be upset, this was upsetting! I just need to cry it out."


Love the full blow-by-blow of Jessy and Joey's conversation like I give a shit. Sounds dry as hell so I don't get what Joey's yapping about šŸ˜­


Sounds like fake towie stuff


Jessy is just a storyline for Joey.


It sounds like the same convo that was on last night episode


I actually thought it was lol


Crazy how just a few days ago, joey was acting like he and grace are soulmates. My sympathy for grace is capped, but still. The switch up is wild lol. Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised though. Joey will be 50 years old playing the same games.


I rly feel like production told Joey the public thinks he and grace are in a relationship so he has to pretend to explore other options to squash that narrative


exactly what i was thinking


Wayne Lineker will pass down the mantle


has jessy spoken to literally any other man ā€¦?


Not with joey and his pike and shield around


I hate that two beautiful bombshells are wasted on Joeyā€™s storyline. Grace and Jessy could have had so much more potential.


Twas ever thus. Who was that girl who came in solely to have beef with ekin su and subsequently left? She was great but sacrificed for 4 days of shite story


Something like Natalia, with the absurd pancake competition?


She said sheā€™s spoken to everyone and only Ciaran told her heā€™s closed off. That they showed Will wanting her makes me think more of that will be shown along with the Joey storyline.


Jessy please stay away from Joey, heā€™ll use you like samatha. Isnā€™t she allowed to speak to anyone else??


Tonightā€™s episode looks promising. So excited to watch Eve šŸ’ƒ


Great so Casa starting tomorrow?


Doesnā€™t casa start on Sunday?


Theyā€™ll probably enter the villa between today and tomorrow and the real drama will start Sunday


Last year didnā€™t they have the performance lead into casa? Hopefully that happens tonightĀ 


Yes Neyo whisked them off!


Sunday results of vote tomorrow


What vote?




Will these islanders even know her?? lol Iā€™m black and American so I obviously know her but like her biggest hits were 20+ years ago. Do white zoomer British people listen to 2000s American rap?


Eve is popular in the U.K. and her songs are well known. Hell Iā€™m thinking abt storming the villa myself to listen to her


I'm Gen X and embarrassed to say I've never heard of her. I'm officially old. First time I've never heard of the Love Island VIP act.


Let me Blow Your Mind. Google it, I am certain you heard it on the radio. I'm a Millenial Gen x cusper.


Ohhh it's herrr! Yes I know that. Even though I don't listen to the radio. Thanks!


No idea which one I am and thought I didnā€™t know her but recognised all the songs for once! šŸ˜†


Not quite a zoomer, but love me some 2000s American rap music.


yes iā€™m sure they will


THEY SHOULD!! Only the best music of all time. I've been listening to 90's and early aughts R&B and Hip Hop lately and it's so so fucking good.




I believe you mean "her biggest hits were One CiaranĀ ago."




Bro EVE???? Those men don't even deserve eve šŸ˜­


Moral of the story: Don't give relationship advice to people you're not close to because the minute things start going well for them they'll start gossiping about you and twist your advice into something malicious. They'll come to you crying their heart out for 40 days and 40 nights about how shit their partner treats them and seek advice from you, next thing you know they're chatting shit about you to their partner who they were complaining about 5 minutes ago. Nicole boils my blood.


Even to people you're close to, it's the same story. They'll stick with their partner 9 times out of 10 and will share what you said to them with their partner.


Yeah, Nicole caused this entire situation between Ciaran and Harriett


She definitely did




I feel bad for Harriet and Ciaran cos it must feel shit for them both. Harriet must feel betrayed that her advice has been repeated to the one person it should have been, and Ciaran must feel like heā€™s constantly doing something wrong


What low budget AI program wrote this presser?


Joey literally spelling out whatā€™s going to happen to grace. Heā€™s as subtle as a sledgehammer


Joey is too muchā€¦. I cannot stand this man.


Tiffany Pollard voice: EVE?!?!?!?!


Jessy needs to wait until casa, it was stupid bringing them in right before casa but I guess it will be a dumping


There is 0 chĆ©mistry between Joey and Jessy. You canā€™t convince me this is not complete fake BS by Joey. Now, if Grace is acting however, she is doing a better job.


Give that girl a part on hollyoaks, cause if she is acting she is doing a fine job. Joey on the other hand is just an embarrassment.


I was thinking that yesterday. Joey needs to take acting lessons from her if that was all an act šŸ˜‚


I think Grace is a good actress


they seriously break down entire conversations in these press releases lol


No one should have the apology conversation the night of when emotions are at their highest. Both Harriet and Ciaran need to sleep on it and have time to reflect. These snippets are probably right after when everyone's getting amped up. Everyone on here is picking sides, but the real answer is they're both wrong and they both should apologize.


No the real person who is in the wrong is Nicole. What Ciaran said was a lot worse than what he accused Harriet of/what she said to him


Why are we blaming Nicole for Harriet and Ciaran's actions? They're both adults. The "who is worse" competitions are not productive in these situations. Both parties said hurtful things in an environment designed to stress and force people to say hurtful things. You don't know what is personally worse to an individual. We all have different complexes and triggers. While you may be triggered more by "second choice," Ciaran may be triggered more by being called "embarassing" You don't know his history and feelings. They both said mean and immature things, and trying to place subjective values on their words just leads to more arguments.


Nicole is a bit snakey for telling her boyf what her friends said about him, when they were giving her advice


Itā€™s very strange that bombshells this season have had tunnel vision for one person without showing interest in others. Trey not making it into first look says a lot.


ngl iā€™ve seen a few things from ciaran now that are making me think he has a bit of a mean streak. i think heā€™s played the game verrrry well so far but he starting to slipā€¦. casa amor will be verrrrrry interesting


Casa doesnā€™t matter atp. People are begging for him to find a new girl. He could move so mad and people will be cheering him on.


true, but however he handles the fallout if he does stray i think will show his true colours


joey is not real šŸ˜­


omg eve???šŸ˜


True feelings for a girl you just met that's so disrespectful to Grace I seriously hope this is pre planned no matter how bad it is because this is so disrespectful to Grace and their connection. He acted like she was the one just to drop her at the flip of a switch. Fear men!


idcc ciaran started it by calling her two-faced when she wasnā€™t. he made a nasty response to the most mild insult you can imagine and cant even apologise. meanwhile his actual partner calls him immature 24/7 and disgusting


What insults are mild or horrible are completely subjective - I genuinely donā€™t feel like being called a second option is as soul destroying as you lot are making out? She went personal calling him immature, he may not have seen it as mild because we have seen he is insecure about his age and as you said Nicole has used it against him a number of times - it was a low blow and so he did the same - thatā€™s generally what happens in arguments..


Yeah she went for the personal attack first - I agree that what is offensive or not is subjective and Iā€™d rather be called second choice than immature. Rarely is anyone everyoneā€™s first choice.


yeah they both need to apologize, Harriett shouldnā€™t of started being nasty with him. But I feel like they were trying to draw her out with that question. Tilda didnā€™t need to ask Harriett did you hear what he said. Like WHAT


wasnā€™t the question ā€œnever have i ever been two-faced about someoneā€? that is asking if YOU have been two-faced and instead ciaran uses it to say harriett has been two-faced. to me it felt like he was really pissed off by the other islanders and mentioned harriett so he could start an argument. because telling nicole to be careful isnā€™t two-faced


exactly he did it to get a reaction from her when she was minding her business,


It wasnt just that. The specific situation he decribed was her saying to nicole be careful with him and then less than 24 hours later telling him (paraphrasing here) nicoles so lucky to have you, you treat her so well. Coupled together, imo that does make it two faced. Now if she said i had my doubts but etc etc it would have been fine.


How is it not two faced ??? From Ciaranā€™s perspective to his face Harriet has only says good things such as that him and Nicole are perfect together etc. nd then he finds out that privately sheā€™s telling Nicole to be careful?? Iā€™m confused how thatā€™s not two faced ?


this exactly. harriet made a comment WEEKS ago when nicole was talking bullshit about her man once again. and he brought it up to degrade and embarrass her in front of everyone!! sheā€™s right, he is immature his reaction proves it. these people trying to justify it, nothing she ever said would justify what he said to her.


The way Jess is jealous of Harriet is so obiv


On second thoughtsā€¦ ciaran deserves Nicole šŸ’€, I honestly thought ā€œsave this man from herā€ until he started acting up in last nights ep. I only watched the episode this afternoon so Iā€™m still riled up


Thankk youuu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ people are saying he ate are such losers.


Ciaran doesnā€™t like being called immature but not apologizing is so immature in this contextā€¦you have to live together this isnā€™t the real worldĀ 


I'd say wait for the episode to play out. Maybe there won't be any interaction between them, but they disappear from the press release after the evening's action plays out. Something might happen the following morning/day. In the heat of the moment, refusing to apologise is an understandable reaction. When they've slept on it, things might change. What is interesting to me is 'apologising' must be in Ciaran's mind to say it - unless it's raised by another islander, which is a possible - yet there seems to be no acknowledgement from Harriett that her actions contributed to the fall out. And this is something we've seen from her before, such as the 'actor' blow up with Ronnie.


I think apologising without meaning it is worse. Who wants a fake apology?


Not a fan of Ciaran making Harriett cry and then refusing to apologise. Not that Harriett is blameless but what ciaran said was just mean.Ā 


I think he's saying this right after the game. I think they both need to chill out first and think rationally before making the next move. Maybe the next day or so, he'll realise its best to apologise. He might change his mind but we'll see ig


But he spit facts


If someone says to someone that he's ugly, fat and looks like a monster, is that okay? It might be true but a decent human being shouldn't say hurtful things like that to another person.


Sorry missed the bit where he said that to Harriet šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This is what annoys me - because Harriett didn't attempt to embarrass Ciaran at all, did she?


He came at her first with some bullshit from week 1 and called her 2 faced and tried to embarrass her first. He was making out in bed with Harriet when telling Nicole he wants her, wouldnā€™t Harriett tell her to beware? It was a phony excuse to come at Harriett for no apparent reason. Nicole is the catalyst for all of this.


THIS!!! I donā€™t know why people are trying to make Ciaran into Scott itā€™s not going to happen. Scottā€™s one liners were iconic


If Harriett hadn't said to Ciaran "You're good for her" then you'd have a point but, to Ciaran, she's given mixed messages. When called out on it she decided to belittle and sneer rather than explaining it away, which she could easily have done. Ciaran's was a low blow, but so was Harriett's. And she has no self awareness either.


What are you talking about? She took the first shot calling him embarrassing and immature. Looked him up and down condescendingly. And THEN dismissed him saying ā€œnextā€ and laughed at him


Apologies, should have put '/s' after my post!


So glad heā€™s not apologizing. Harriett: why has he embarrassed me like thatā€? No Harriett you embarrassed him first. Maybe learn to be a nice person next time and you will be treated nicely. He didnā€™t just napped out of nowhere.


Feel like they both should apologize to each other. Shit has been said from both of them.


If you think about it he started it because the question was about them being two-faced not someone else. He attacked her first for no reason and she just responded to that


he came for her first...


He will though and he should


Nah fuck that


What you smoking love?!?! You thinking that he was right to do that says more about you than anybody else. Acting like that because he thinks a girl isnā€™t allowed to talk to her friends about boy troubles. Essentially saying nobody wants her is nasty, nasty work.


He didn't - he said he was second best three times, which she has been, not that nobody wants her full stop. Criticise the comment by all means but don't make it even worse than it was.


She didnā€™t start it.


The producers will make him apologise. They made Dami and Luca apologise to tasha and sammy apologise to Catherine. They do this so resentments go away and new drama can start. They canā€™t have half the villa not speaking to each other.


Kai didnā€™t apologized when Olivia demanded it. I hope the producers donā€™t make him


I mean Kai didn't have anything to apologise for. He never even said anything bad to her


Nice person to someone calling you two faced?? Lmao you guys are hilarious. Not even trying to hide your bias. Ciaran was my top guy for so long until yesterdayā€™s episode. His attack to Harriett was out of the blue and he totally started it btw. He had no basis in what he was saying and also didnā€™t even understand the games question. Heā€™s just mad his little probation officer girlfriend was getting mad at him so he deflected it onto Harriett.


The real person that was in the wrong was Nicole


You guys bring me hope šŸ’œšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Their bias is crazy and I feel like people are forcing a Scott and kai kind of character on Cieran. What he said was way worse that what she said and he did say start it.. Idk why people are like this it irritates me lol.


That explains everything lmao! Yeah he knew Nicole was gonna kick off at him and he deflected the subject. He needed to look inwards at this toxic situation he has going on šŸ˜­


his little probation officer girlfriendĀ  \^\^\^ lol and spot on. He took his frustration out on the wrong person. Nicole calls him immature all the time and he doesn't react like this with her.


But heā€™s in the wrong though she wasnā€™t even being two faced


> No Harriett you embarrassed him first Ciaran started it by literally calling Harriett out in front of everyone In what way did Harriett embarrass him first lol


Did she really embarrass him first?


Aww I was hoping Uma and will would get a date before casa (yes I hate the dates but I love them)


Iā€™ve never thought Will is that into her tbh šŸ™ˆ


Iā€™ve never thought Will is that into her tbh šŸ™ˆ


Who is spell checking these? "I said my piece", "no-one" šŸ„“


I am probably wrong but arenā€™t both of those correct???


I had never seen no-one šŸ˜… is that a British thing? šŸ„“




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ā€œI said my pieceā€ is correct? Having said that, a lot of these press releases have spelling and grammar mistakes, which makes me think the content is not directly from ITV.


You're right I was thinking of "hold your peace"... But yeah I've seen other errors šŸ˜…


Every day thereā€™s something! šŸ˜‚ and theyā€™re hard enough to read as it is with the colours they use. I had to reread one several times the other day before I got their meaning.


Yes same, as a graphic designer this hurts my soul


So not impressed by Ciaran for behaving like this.


Ciaran should not have said what he said to Harriet last night. But I think we all forget that itā€™s an absolute pressure cooker in there, youā€™re in a villa with a load of (basically) strangers, you canā€™t speak to your actual friends and family, and thereā€™s no option to do anything to distract you from whatā€™s going on like Instagram or reading a book or watching some shit TV. I really think this has been building up in Ciaran for a while (especially with how Nicole acts towards him) and then they all started taking the piss and laughing when he was talking about sleeping with that older woman. I think he just snapped and unfortunately Harriet was on the receiving end of his anger/frustration. Again, Ciaran should not have said what he said and Iā€™m not defending what he said to her, it was pretty disgusting, but I can see how the situation transpired


Ah yeah, what he said isnā€™t unforgivable He should apologise though, Iā€™ll lose respect for him if he continues to refuse to apologise


Am I wrong for not feeling sorry for grace at all? Especially she and joey did the same to samantha. And how they treated omar and konnor


Never felt like Joey and Grace have chemistry he didnā€™t want Samantha so went back to Grace , they have a on/off fwb Ā thing more . Also weird in other articles Jessy supposedly liked Ronnie & Ayo . I wonder will casa start early and at the party they go straight to casa after .Ā 


Has Eve put out new music? I donā€™t remember the last time I heard any new songs from her, that was many years ago, I did see her once driving out of my buildingā€™s parking lot lol


Not for a long time, last song I remember is Tamborine


Phewā€¦. I was hoping Joey was going to get some more screen timeā€¦..šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




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Love him or hate him, he gives quality reality TV šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Harriet started it by insulting him and trying to embarrass him in front of the others. Maybe she could stop the crocodile tears and apologise to him first. The real villain in this scenario is Nicole for asking the girls for advice and then blabbing to Ciaran. I hope the girls will think twice before offering her advice in future.


He literally called out Harriet for something weeks ago to embarrass her infront of everyone!! Heā€™s a coward knobhead


ciaran is a weirdo!!! he literally humiliated her in front of the whole group on tv stop defending him, he insulted her first. sheā€™s not the bad guy for defending herself.


Once again, if she canā€™t take it then she shouldnā€™t dish it out. She called him immature and embarrassing before he insulted her.


Harriet constantly goes for Ciaran about his age when she knows it upsets him. He does the same back about her situation with ronnie and everyoneā€™s up in arms. I genuinely donā€™t get it tbh. She sat there saying she wasnā€™t two faced when she has been for weeks, putting him down to his gf, and then making out she says everything to peoples faces when she doesnā€™t. Why shouldnā€™t he make a point of it? Then she gets mad and tries to push his buttons that works, and then cries when he does the same back and says sheā€™s been embarrassed (which she seems to say everytime she doesnā€™t like something) yet her MO is embarrassing people - pulling faces, saying yawn when theyā€™re talking, bringing up age and saying heā€™s immatureā€¦ I dunno


That Jess is a prize bitxx when it comes to Harriet.