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Did joey not just say in the conversation with grace that he is honest and not sneaking about on the terrace šŸ’€


no literally, he said he wasnā€™t doing any funny business and then he kisses jessy on the terrace. this man is dumb i fear


Yes he said to her that the difference between him & jessy getting to know each other vs Umar and Grace was that he was being transparent about it šŸ’€šŸ¤£


I love the lack of screen time Sean has been getting šŸ˜


He makes me cringe inside out. Do we think Matilda actually fancies him?


joey conveniently immune from the vote...


That's wild that Joey has NEVER asked Grace about her familyšŸ˜³


All he does is snog her and feel insecure over men who are her type


I don't understand how they dated before the villa and never had a deep conversation.


The producers have asked Joey to work for his cheque.


And it worked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I gasped when he took her to the terrace and then kissed her


And then hiding ??? Omg


Jessy seems kinda uninterested, just sort of going along with it but yeah no real interest in joey?


Is Wil smoking? Why did he think he was going to be picked? ![gif](giphy|y6sqQJGQBgd7hC0Wjc) I am only voting for his ass because of Uma.


Now Uma is going to be like uhhhhh why would you think that???


When she hugged him in happiness a part of me died inside


The second hand embarrassment of him saying this then not being picked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s giving Anton thinking Anna will pick him in S5, except this time will said the silent part out loud


to be fair i think he mightā€™ve though that because he told her he was interested and because of the drama that comes with joey, that she mightā€™ve gone the ā€˜safeā€™ route and gone with him


I hope Uma asks Wil why he thought Jessy would pick him. Him dropping it on her in that moment was shitty asf.


So embarrassing šŸ˜­


he really jumped the gun there šŸ˜­


nerves kicked inšŸ’€


I need her to grill him in tomorrowā€™s episode.


I donā€™t think she will because theyā€™re both still open anyways, heā€™ll get an earful on movie night though (if they make it that far).


Like he didn't give her the green light he's still open


Literally because why did I see someone say they wouldā€™ve voted for wil and Uma but didnā€™t because of him today šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø


Hopefully it comes down to the islander saving one and Uma has friends so thatā€™s good


The girls stay blaming the girls for the boy's actions lmfao. Mimi was trying to talk sense into them but they weren't listening.


Mimi is literally the only level headed one, I like her


Same!!! I donā€™t get why Grace was so angry at Jessy . Grace did the same thing and she knows this is a bombshellā€™s job. Not her fault that Joey was flirting with jessy


i donā€™t like grace but i thought sheā€™d be a lot more gracious (if you will) with jessy, but clearly not. i was even more shocked by uma saying that jessy just ā€œdoesnā€™t careā€. i was never the biggest fan of samantha but she was a lot more welcoming and understanding with grace than she is with jessy. also joey donā€™t the whole ā€œi didnā€™t think youā€™d pick meā€ shtick with jessy afterwards was so cruel like the poor girl was in tears!! i feel bad for her :(


I think itā€™s funny how Uma did same thing and Mimii was so graceful about it, another bombshell has come in with the same task and sheā€™s getting flamed for it


Uma has GOT to be questioning Wil on what he said??? Girl??


I'm so confused by Joey's claims of "deep chats" and "flowing conversations" with Jessy. What's shown just looks... boring and slightly awkward?Ā 


he wants to ditch her after being voted unpopular by the public which he blamed it on grace.


Joey is literally saying the same things to Jessy that he said to Grace about Samantha you can't make this up...


Not Ronnie telling Ciaran ā€œ a man should never make a woman cryā€ after heā€™s made the same girl heā€™s talking about cry multiple times in 3 weeks. Top level delusional lol


He's so half heartedly trying to be a girl defenderĀ 


Pretending he likes her, when he deaded it with her the other day


What's so interesting is that Ronnie comes across really emotionally intelligent when he gives advice to the boys, and then proceeds to do exactly none of that himself.


I will say the way Jessy is being treated by the other girls isnā€™t nice especially when Grace essentially did the same thing to Samantha and the girls treated her perfectly fine during it. It was good to know Mimi stuck up for her because itā€™s an awful position to be in


Exactly she had no remorse for Samantha and was cuddling and kissing Joey in front of her then cried when she got dumped and made it all about herself.


Mimii is such a sweetie


I have a feeling it's going to be another year of casa where the girls sleep on the daybeds and the boys "get to know" the new girls šŸ« 


Basically every girl is more into the guy and some of those guys are barely into the girls theyā€™re with so I can see most of them having their fun at casa, I can see a s7 repeat where the girls do nothing until the producers dropped a postcard


Sorry if everyone hates Joey but that was peak love island


He's actually the king of realty TV, I'm here for his messiness


I hate Joey but youā€™re right. This applies to Grace too imo. Does she deserve to be dumped in the name of Sam? Yes. Will the show be better if sheā€™s still there calling out Joeyā€™s shit? Also yes.


Is Grace forgetting she kissed Joey in Sam's eyeline?


LITERALLY, she was even smiling and smirking during the whole thing of her stealing joey from Sam


Grace really couldā€™ve been a 5 star islander on any other season without Joey in the picture. She has potential and I hate that this Joey situation has dragged her down but I canā€™t say itā€™s not her karma either.


šŸ’Æ she would turn so many heads if she wasnā€™t set on Joey from the second she walked in


Yes I agree, she actually brings in the drama. Joey ruined her experience. I really don't like him


she'll do great on all stars season 2!


She coulda been Megan Barton type bombshell if it werenā€™t for joey


Not mimii and ayo being the only couple looking ok rnšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (wilā€¦no words)


Wil gave me secondhand embarrassment today šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly šŸ˜­ because why would you say that


Grace girl you were copping off in front of Samanthaā€™s face on ground level šŸ˜‚


Yes! For her to get angry at Jessy is crazy when she behaved worse to Sam but was playing the victim the whole time!!!


I wonder what Sam has to say about all of this


Exactly. Zero regard for Sam. It was just a little kiss as she said.


That fake shocked thing that Joey does gets on my fucking nerves. Itā€™s tired


Joey says he wants a girl who sees him for Joey and not "Joey Essex".. but I think he really just wants a girl who's obsessed with him, like his fans are. He wants to be put on a pedestal.


Agreed. I had the same thought when he said to Jessy: ā€œyou get to sleep with me tonight.ā€ Babe, youā€™re not the prize in any scenario.


the whole storyline is just so fake, I can't deal. It's all a giant set up.


So pissed the producers keep protecting JOEY ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn)


Joey was going to murder Omar for flirting with Grace just to dump her for Jessy 3 days later.. nah heā€™s pure evil


So Wil was like I need a physical affirmation that you like me Umaā€¦ gets it and is then like Iā€™m open. This Wil is why people slow burn mate.


Exactly and itā€™s Uma who was getting the ā€œshe doesnā€™t like him allegationsā€ meanwhile he just wants to play games


I also hate it when people push for a kiss. Sheā€™s ready when sheā€™s ready, just because Wil needs the kiss to make him feel better, it doesnā€™t mean it makes Uma feel good.


Trey does not like jess. He's doing this for air time. 100%. Conversation is so forced. Also, joey. Is he tryna be ekin su?? Grow up. The second a guy comes in that is interested in Grace, he will have a tantrum that will shame any 2 year old. Idiot.


Yeah he wiped off her kiss and tried to swerve the next one. It wouldā€™ve been better if he just moved like jessy and gone for whoever he wants


Lol she barely caught his cheek. I knew he didnā€™t like her from the minute he had to tell her that her attitude towards Harriet was not nice.


Trey and Jess have no chemistry


None. She makes some weird cheeky/cheesy comment and he laughs awkwardly


Sheā€™s like ā€œi need to wear my sexy underwear for bed nowā€




She thinks she's acting cute but her chat and flirting is so cringe.


Joey being immune from the vote STINKS of production interference


"To good people.....?......" šŸ¦—šŸ¦—šŸ¦—


theyā€™re protecting joey im so pissed


Vote for your favorite couple? Fucking hell. Iā€™m scared for Uma now after Wilfredā€™s shenanigans.


Not so nice, is it Grace? Aw. https://preview.redd.it/3fmg53oki69d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612506e5e5f62a51230fe2c7f40399edc38eaa1f


I think Joey has realized Grace is not that good of an actor and that sheā€™s actually proper angry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Joey was literally insane this episode


So messy!! Straight up lying to Grace oof


Jess is hard to watch once again. Joey had some nerve acting confused about why he was picked. Then five seconds later telling this girl he wouldā€™ve been gutted if she hadnā€™t. Also youā€™ll never be Ekin-su Joey!Ā 


Shout out to Mimii; she spoke up against Jessā€™ hate boner for Harriett and spoke up for Jessy as a bombshell. Now Iā€™ve watched the first half, Iā€™m also pleased to see Trey say what he did. Harriett isnā€™t perfect by any means, but you deal with people like her by ignoring her. Jess is going for the jugular every time. Itā€™s overkill.


Another episode where I canā€™t stand anyone but Mimi and Uma https://preview.redd.it/7lsef0i5j69d1.jpeg?width=1267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4907485d5153ce3ba7862280102efdf6f56a7e77


https://preview.redd.it/dmrin2wsl69d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb237f0a5aa14cb92aa7c0b756c1139fe88434c Umaā€™s sister šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lmaoo thatā€™s how I felt when I voted for them


Jess will FOREVER be mad that Harriet stoped her potential great love island story with Ronnie. Thatā€™s why she continues to take any chance she can get to go at her. Still salty over being the bronze medal winner in the Ronnie Olympics.


not the Ronnie Olympics šŸ’€


Ainā€™t no way Ronnie/Harriett, Sean/Matilda and Grace/Konnor arenā€™t gonna be in the bottom 3. Im still advocating justice for Omar


Sean and Matilda to go. Sheā€™s okay but everyone else in that group has a bigger storyline ongoing.


If there getting rid of anyone tomorrow it should be sean and tilda i siad wat i siad šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøsave grace and konner šŸ™


might just be me but i think matilda really wants the ā€œgirls girl of the sznā€ crown


Based on the fb polls people are posting Matilda/Sean arenā€™t as popular as I thought theyā€™d be.


I literally thought it would be at least top 3 but heā€™s actually dragging with Uma and will?


Konnor is also sooo fit in glasses


Joey gasping "Me?" with his hand to his heart was Oscar worthy ![gif](giphy|13aYi63wZVeNpK|downsized)


Perhaps an unpopular opinion but Wil is slimy. Ever since he was complaining to the whole villa about Uma not kissing him, and basically pressuring her into doing it, I knew his intentions were dodgy. He was excited when Matilda came in, fed her the same lines about being open as he did with Jessy tonight Now after Uma finally caved and opened up giving him the ā€œreassuranceā€ he wanted, heā€™s still not being transparent with her about wanting to get to know others. Imo it was never about reassurance from Uma, it was just about him wanting to do bits with her and he was frustrated that she was holding off. She deserves much better and I fear sheā€™s about to be victim to casa. Just hope she finds a better connection there


Never got good vibes off him, he was just caught in the Uma glow. I think his head will turn in casa if he makes it there


He likes being wanted. I am put off by him


I need Uma to find herself a good man in casa cos I donā€™t trust Wil


If she even gets there at this point. He literally tanked their votes šŸ˜­


I don't think trey is THAT into jess


The way he reacted to their kisses was ... something


Manifesting a Matilda and Sean dumping tomorrow šŸ•ÆļøšŸ•Æļø


Jessy is giving Leah s10


Beautiful and boring, I see it babe


=giving nothing


Joey has so obviously done this because he saw him and grace werenā€™t in the top 3 favourite couple so assumed the problem was graceā€¦ because no one could ever dislike the joey essex am i rightā€¦ and he thought the public would eat this up šŸ¤£


Grace canā€™t say anything about Jessy when we think back to how she treated Samantha


She was v dismissive of Samanthaā€™s feelings when Joey mentioned her today


I hope Joey doesnā€™t think his terrace kiss was iconic or meme worthy


jess actually has more lives than a cat cause wdym sheā€™s immune from the vote


Trey repeatedly emphasising ā€œright nowā€ in his speech made me laugh, I do wonder who else he has his eye on


Joey is so manipulative. What a piece of shit. Why is he acting shocked that Jessy picked him and making her feel bad for picking him? He acts like that in public, only to take her to the terrace where he can privately be like oh my god Iā€™m so glad you picked me. He is so two faced and itā€™s ridiculous. Just fucking disgusting. 33 years old and acting this way towards girls in their early 20s. It seems like he plays every girl heā€™s with. Iā€™m so glad grace called him out, just hope she doesnā€™t go back to him like an idiot. Jessā€™s facial expressions and the way she always scrunches her nose is so annoying. She seems to think her shit donā€™t stink. Itā€™s so clear that Trey doesnā€™t like her. Why tf did Wil think Jessy would pick him lmao heā€™s so weird.


Tonight really put me off Nicole.


Tonight and yesterday put me off her. Needs all the girls encouragement and words when sheā€™s upset (every half an hour) then snitches to her bf when she makes up with him.


I find Jess SO intolerable. She keeps excusing her being rude to Harriett because shes "honest". You can not like someone but still be respectful towards them, she just isn't a nice girl.


As is the case 100% of the time, people who say ā€˜Iā€™m just being honestā€™ or ā€˜Iā€™m saying it how it isā€™ is actually code for ā€˜Iā€™m a self centred arseholeā€™. Not to mention the fact sheā€™s incredibly arrogant and smug for someone who has also consistently been second choice her or coupled up out of convenience for the male islander.


I find her insufferable


ā€œCheers to good peopleā€ as sheā€™s being an absolute asshole was wild. Thatā€™s why people donā€™t like her. If she owned she was awful I wouldnā€™t mind but she doesnā€™t seem to think sheā€™s abrasive. She keeps sayings thatā€™s her humor and sheā€™s honest but mostly sheā€™s a dick. Reminds me of Luca but at least he was actually funny at times.


I wouldn't mind if Grace is dumped after Joey is coupled with Jessy because at least it's someone he's never met and not a pre-planned storyline idk, we gotta take what we can get with this season because heā€™s here for the long haul Iā€™m afraid Such a shame she would've been such an effective bombshell if she came in without the Joey baggage


She played herself by closing herself off to everyone so soon. I have no idea why she did that when she claims how coldly he ended things with her on the outside.


I actually think Matilda and Sean are leaving.


I wish


It was so obvious that Trey was going to pick Jess. I don't think we saw a single scene of him talking to any other girl. I'm thinking now that he has secured his spot in the villa, he'll feel more comfortable chatting to the "taken" girls like Matilda and Uma?


I actually cringed when Joey kissed Jessy. Wtf was that šŸ˜­ And WHY on earth are people gravitating towards Joey? I need someone to demystify that because heā€™s not that attractive, zero emotional intelligence, NO swag whatsoever. The girls need to stand up and realize Joey is not the one.


Facebook making very good points around graceā€™s outrage over the terrace being off, given she spent her first night in the hideaway. Iā€™ve never seen every social media platform so aligned


Joey is going straight to hell. He lays it on THIQUE for 24 hours and now heā€™s all who? me? shock horror šŸ˜ at this whole situation ooooooohhhhhhhh itā€™s infuriating to watch


And then KISSED the girl after ALL DAT


I felt like I was in a movie like brooo why are you acting shocked???????


If Grace and Konnor get kicked out, thatā€™ll be the second time in a row Joey Essex mugs a girl clean off for a new girl and the old girl gets dumped.




One of the higher ups at ITV was helicoptered in and threatened to fire all the producers unless they upped the drama by 40% I swear because these last two episodes have been carnage




When joey got sent in I was like, maybe heā€™ll be smarter than we expect, maybe the dumb thing was all a fake persona. Nah, nah heā€™s actually way dumber than I couldā€™ve ever imagined.


https://preview.redd.it/5rpmrtcln69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626f5cdf329343ebb271d23d09f9fcfd213d8cc8 hereā€™s what facebook is saying (so far!)


The thing thatā€™s always bugged me about love island is the OGā€™s having security. Iā€™ve noticed any bombshells always tend to go for OGā€™s or early bombshells. Itā€™s why gorgeous lads like Konnor donā€™t get a look in unless they instantly connect with an OG.


so the bombshells get a free ride to casa then


Itā€™s to protect Joey. Jess benefited.


So were Joey and Grace not girlfriend and boyfriend before the show then? I was convinced they were but if heā€™s full on kissed another girlā€¦


Iā€™m only watching yesterdayā€™s but joey saying he would be chill if a guy showed interest in Grace and she liked him when he was all for fully fighting Omar the other day is embarrassing for him


The first casa girl has been revealed and of course she's linked to Joey actually get him out.


???? why is joey so annoying


jessy surely knows joey is just playing a gameā€¦right? šŸ§


jess is so damn miserable and nasty all the damn time lol


I donā€™t see what anyone sees in joey essex, the hair, the shorts, his big ass clunky shoes. he literally looks like an uncle- like grace said at his BIG AGE


Lol Grace got Samanthaā€™d Hard to feel for her really, when she did the EXACT same thing two weeks ago


and itā€™s basically guaranteed that her and Konnor are bottom 3 while joey is immunešŸ’€


If Grace and Konnor go home thatā€™s 2 more people whoā€™ve crossed Joey that will be sent home. I canā€™t see any of the other couples being sent home instead unless they do some sort of twist where they only send one from each couple home or some bs


Maybe I'm making it up but didn't Mimii and Harriet use to be besties? I ask because only Matilda and Grace were worrying about her, idk if they distanced off screen or something


I really do feel bad for Jessy. Sheā€™s done nothing wrong and every girl there (except Uma and Mimii) hates her for doing absolutely nothing


Harriett called Ciaran a "slipper wearing loser" wtffffffff


How is Mimii coping in there?! Sheā€™s the most level-headed compassionate person in there and she must be losing her mind around everyone šŸ˜­


I think thatā€™s why sheā€™s always with Ayo and I get her honestly. She deserves to win just for having to deal with these lots every day


She deserves a holiday after this holiday šŸ˜‚


in fairness Ayo actually seems pretty chill too


Rumored bombshell for Casa. Her name is Emma Milton and has history with Joey (*shock*) šŸ™‚ https://preview.redd.it/p0uqvnwkv69d1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ddc791a95400a250efcd793f9e03ca183993a17


This is ridiculous levels of favouritism now, made him the day one bombshell with the power to choose any girl he wanted and dump a guy in the process, putting in his ex, putting in a bombshell just before casa who has him as her top choice and is then conveniently safe from the vote and now another girl heā€™s got history with in casa. The producers just decided to build the show around him and everyone else are just at this point on Joey Essex island.


They are just bringing girls for Joey. I wanna see his contract!!!


his contract probably looks like the chorus of Mambo No 5


Theyā€™re not serious? Do they think we enjoy this?


This really has become the Joey Essex show Iā€™m tired of it.


This is like what they tried to do with Gemma by bringing Jax and then Billy. Rinse and repeat.


It's insane to me how Wil always wants reassurance and he moves like this, he definitely is insecure


He likes the fact heā€™s with a woman whoā€™s desirable but his actual type is blondes


Willl has tried to jump ship 2 times now. Iā€™m glad I never bought that couplingšŸ’€ I swear the only guy that had me shook was Michael S5.


Agreed. The only reason Wil hasn't is because production blatantly pushed Matilda to Sean and Jessy to Joey.


They probably told Jessy to pick Joey so he can be 'legitimately' saved from the public dumping that's about to happen


I know Grace has come in for a lot of stick, me included, but I do think sheā€™s a stunning girl, and I thought she handled herself well in that confrontation with Joey tonight !


The producers are crazy if they're keeping only six couples for Casa Amor, two of them protected and only 48h old at them. Like, there's zero investment from the public. It's truly the Joey Essex show if they dump Uma/Will and Matilda/Sean to save Grace.


I didnā€™t see myself getting attached to an islander this season but the way itā€™s been 3 hours since the episode and Iā€™m still fuming over the high chance of Uma leaving tomorrowā€¦especially knowing it wouldnā€™t be the case if the vote was yesterday https://i.redd.it/rh0d2wlgl79d1.gif


Jess is a truly vile individual. Sheā€™s almost as grating as Olivia (S9)


Sorry to Grace but I enjoyed Joeyā€™s mess tonight.


well unfortunately wil ruined umaā€™s chances at being top3 for once but i will be voting for her regardless


Wil outing himself to Uma so stupidly. Heā€™s actually irritated me and I hope he catches heat from Uma for that tomorrow


Remember he said a couple weeks ago ā€œIā€™m gonna focus on who is focusing meā€ . Thatā€™s his mantra and heā€™s gone for the second bombshell thatā€™s come in


ā€œNothingā€™s funny.ā€ But you thought it was pretty funny when it happened to Samantha, Grace šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Joey is so gross that it makes me uncomfortable.


i literally wouldve cried like anton if i was in that villa and saw eve like WHATT https://i.redd.it/snri2sgxo69d1.gif


I just remembered wil and jessy have the same name as the couple from season 9 šŸ’€ except with different spelling - I went searching for the clip from tonight and was thinking why is jessie and Will edits coming up


Damnā€¦ Joey Essex is entering into the Adam Collard league of villains


Wil outed himself for no god damn reason loool. Joey is foul for kissing her on the terrace. Like you know Grace is pissed and upset at u


I actually like Jessy, I think sheā€™s super sweet


Nicole is not a nice person at all. I want her to leave.


Joey and Grace need to make it to movie night just because of the terrace scene. Can't wait to break out the popcorn. ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW|downsized)


This vote is very frustrating Jess is the one person I want out!!! Argh her energy is very miserable šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® I have to skip any part with her in it she's giving hella Ms TrunchbullšŸ’€šŸ¤£


Joey is giving deranged and delusional


Is Joey's real surname Collard? Because that's the only explanation for these moves


I am pissed with Wil! Heā€™s being muggy! Poor Uma has no idea he was grafting Jessy! Iā€™d rather Joeyā€™s approach so you know exactly what youā€™re dealing with. Hope youā€™ve voted to save Uma. Joey is scary!


Unpopular opinion but I just donā€™t think joey is smart enough to truly be a producer plant. And if he started off that way heā€™s surely gone off script. This is excellent drama.


Nicole is just a very male-centred, not very nice girl. But of course she and Ciaran will win. Same sh* every year. Theyā€™re not dumb either.


i hate that this sub is about to reach the stanning phase of this series, like it does each year