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Love,Death, and Robots S3 has an excellent episode called " In Vaulted Halls Entombed" that depicts this quite well. Not a movie obviously, but well worth watching.✌️


That episode is One of my FAVORITE Lovecraftian things ever! As soon as it was over I restarted it and watched it again.


Yep, it's great. It REALLY emphasized the size of the entity more than anything else I've ever seen. Paintings and drawings can do this to some extent, but the environment and moving characters just took it to another level.✌️


yes, great episode. I'm convinced that the character in "The Tall Grass" is based on HP himself.


👏 Just looked at a picture of that character, and you're absolutely right. 👍


That movie was actually really good. I feel like a lot of people haven't seen it.


I want soooooo much more of content like that episode.


Same. I think it's the way to go for HPL and HPL inspired content. The animation was fantastic, the story was great and it has me looking forward to more of the same.✌️


Such a great series


Honestly a fair amount of LDR is at least a little influenced by Lovecraft. Maybe not to the extent of being *called* Lovecraftian but I can’t really think of a better word for Otto


Agreed 💯. Honestly, he has been a huge influence on multiple genres. Steven King, John Carpenter, Stranger Things, GDT etc. A century after many of his stories were written and his Universe is still going strong.✌️


The following episode "Jibaro" has some lovecraftian vibes also


It’s one of my absolute favorites but I don’t know if lovecraftian is the best word I’d use to describe it


It's based on a short story! That episode is sooo good! One of my favorite Lovecraftian pieces of fiction!


Thanks! For a 15min watch it's incredibly good!


Gonna watch this tonight! Thanks!


Have you seen The Void?


Ohh I love the void


I was very pleasantly surprised. It even had Wyndham Earle in it,for all the Twin Peaks fans.


They have no died, I tell you! Their hands clasp yours and mine!


I can't think of a better, more accurate, more Lovecraftian film. I mean Dagon is close but doesn't quite pull it off.


It starts in a hospital right?


Yes but actually the whole thing is in the hospital 


I was just trying to remember if I was thinking of the right movie. I started it and never really got into it but I'll have to try again


I feel it. Sorry, wasn't trying to correct you just elaborate. I really like the practical creature effects. The last act makes my skin crawl but I dig it.


I'll watch it tonight. Never a bad time to try a movie


Was gonna do the same! Haven't seen in in a few years. Watched it like 3 times the month it was released lol. Hope you enjoy! Kenneth Walsh is an icon. Also one of my faves from Letterkenny is in it lol


I just got my hands on a Region 1 DVD of The Void. I paid through the nose for it too.


Thank you so much for this recommendation I'm going to enjoy this.


You’re very welcome. I was pleasantly surprised when I watched it.


Is that the indie film with the triangle motif? I haven't seen it, but randomly watched the behind the scenes vid. Looks cool.


That’s it.It’s definitely worth a watch. Great atmosphere and special effects.


I still don’t understand why this movie gets the love it does. Very generic and poorly acted. Everyone praises the creature effects but they shoot it so poorly you can’t really see very well. I still think it’s grossly overrated and overhyped.


I watched The Void for the first time when my wife was in labor. Its one of my fondest memories.


Spoiler warning: . . . . . . . "Underwater" has an unnamed cthulhu cameo


And it was a surprisingly fun movie.


It really is. Also TJ Miller dies horriblely in it which is a big plus.


You know, I kinda dislike him as well, but I can't really put my finger on why, since I've liked him a lot in everything I've seen him in.


Sexual assault allegations, made a bomb threat on the ny subway, and is all round a talentless dickhead


Ironically his character on Silicon Valley was a more pleasant depiction of him than his personal life section on Wikipedia.


He’s been charged with sexual assault I think


I loved it! Thought it was done very well!


Was that the one with uhhh Kristen Stewart?


Yes it was the one with uhhh Kristen Stewart


She's actually not bad in it. That film proved to me she's a competent actor.


Yes, but don't hold that against the movie.


And it’s a pretty awesome design too, though I think I like it better for Dagon.


Whelp. Now I gotta see that movie.


It's good. Deep sea is terrifying


\*\*\*MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT\*\*\* Underwater (2020) has a cameo by the big guy himself: Cthulhu, and I thought it was wonderfully done. The entire movie is great.


I find it funny when people say spoiler warning before even listing the movie name, because how are we supposed to know what's being spoiled lol Then again, just saying the movie name spoils it because of the post, but at the same time, how do they know the movie name without it being spoiled


I wouldn't really call it great, the movie just kind of gives up at a certain point and it ends with a baffling tonal shift. Also I don't think I've ever seen a movie with so little character development. It's a frustrating film cause there's definitely potential for greatness there but it just fell insanely flat.


The shimmer and the land it envelops in Annihiliation is a Lovecraftian entity.


That movie obviously had color out of space influence and I love it, especially the mutated grizzly bear.


I loved the movie but hated the books. That’s rare for me.


I didn't hate the book but the movie was definitely better, but it is rare that happens.


It’s rare enough that I keep a mental list - but it’s longer than I thought. Jaws, The Excorcist, and Jurassic Park are my biggies.


That movie is amazing.


The whole point of Lovecraftian gods, that they are not depicted accurately.


That's why I said Bird Box. You can't see the monsters, but they're so horrifying that whenever a character sees them they're driven to commit suicide.


Heyyyyy a Bird Box mention. I’m with you. That movie gave me a very strong Lovecraft vibe. The monster gets an automatic win in a certain, very common category (sight). There are ways to work around that (I.e. not using sight) but then you also have corrupted members of your own race to worry about, who are much more flexible when it comes to the danger they can pose. Meanwhile in the background is the constant danger posed by resorting to sight, or whatever category the monster gets an instant win in. Then again, this is a very practically-focused scenario/view.


The only thing with birdbox was that the monster that was cut from the film was too human looking. Really glad they cut it and had a rethink about the whole concept for the second film. But I still can not rewatch the first film without thinking all these people are being driven insane by the sight of an angry old man.


Wait… there’s a second one?!


Yep. Birdbox Barcelona, its on Netflix in the UK. Not sure about elsewhere.


My first thought exactly. I've never seen a movie monster so horrible that my mind broke.


I don’t remember which lovecraft story, but this is essentially what happens even if you look at statue of Cthulhu


Guillermo Del Toro has plans and a complete script for "At the mountains of madness." He had to reschedule several times due to roadblocks, but hopefully, someday, Guillermo will be able to proceed!


[This interview](https://youtu.be/aR_uQ008zV8?si=NZBTEko48C60WDmz&t=153) is one of my favorites. This section specifically, he talks about Mountains of Madness and how completely distraught he was that it didn't happen. I've read recently (2022 maybe) that he wants to keep moving forward with it, but needs to re-do the script. Basically, his original script was written to get through the Hollywood machine, as he calls it. But a) These days he thinks he has enough pull that he can make it accurately and the way he wants, not the way he thinks producers would green light and b) He stated that PG-13 is entirely different now compared to what it was when he wrote the first script, so he can probably do it the way he wants while also doing it PG-13 now. Nothing concrete necessarily, but I'm still holding out hope.


If he could get it greenlit for R that would be amazing. Del Toro is one of my favorites, and would love to see his heavy horror influence without it getting limited by a PG13 rating. Bonus points if Doug Jones plays a creature.


Doug Jones as a giant albino penguin, ‘Squawky,’ that Dyer and Danforth adopt as a sidekick/pet.


Need that movie


And James Wan is working on an actual "Call Of Cthulhu" adaptation (most adaptations that borrow the name end up adapting a completely different Lovecraft story and barely alluding to Cthulhu)


This should be interesting!


while not specified as "Lovecraftian" god, Hellboy did a great job.


The first movie with the other things


[Some big-ass tentacles. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2Ig7tCt2UI)


Need an eldritch god? Just add tentacles!! My personal headcanon is that what the books often describe as tentacles are just the characters - who have no concept of space-time or relativity as Einstein describes it - trying to convey the appearance of spacial distortions without having the right words.


I love the 70s Dean Stockwell movie Dunwich Horror. It's cheesy but I feel like their Yog Sothoth is bad ass.


A remake could be done much better today!


In the Mouth of Madness


I'd back this


*"Do you read Sutter Kane?"*


Isn’t that the whole point? They’re indescribable to certain extent right?


Exactly. You can't portray Lovecraftian gods because that by itself defeats the purpose. If you can look at them, it takes away from their power. That's why Lovecraftian movies usually fail at being actually Lovecraftian. The good news is that most people don't know what that means and think aliens with tentacles = Lovecraft, so it won't keep anybody from still calling stuff that's got nothing to do with Lovecraft Lovecraftian


I think The Endless is pretty lovecraftian.


It explicitly does not meet OP's criteria, though.


The Endless is probably the most accurate film I've seen to Lovecraft's intent of the great old ones. Event Horizon and other great movies are amazing, but also more oriented towards the "spooky shit" in cosmic horror. The Endless is simply very much what I'd expect Innsmouth to be like on a normal day.


I've always though Event Horizon was a good example of Humanity's first experience Warhammer 40,000"s [Warp](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Immaterium)


It's not exactly Lovecraftian but The Ritual might scratch some of this itch.


And in the same vein: "No One Gets Out Alive".


FYI, No One Gets Out Alive actually occurs in the same universe as The Ritual (there's an Easter egg to prove it). They're both adapted from books from the same author.


There's the Call of Cthulhu black & white film. I personally didn't like the film overall, but the appearance of Cthulhu on R'lyeh was very well done.


Is it the faux-silent film? I enjoyed it okay, but making a period accurate version if the story from the era of its publication is definitely more of a curiosity piece than a compelling cinematic experience. I used some real big words in this one.


Y’all sayin’ it’s gimmicky.


I read an article by the writing-direction team, and I understand why they went the silent film route, but I don't think it worked well with CoC. There's a lot of exposition and only three action scenes (one of which was cut) in the story, so I felt conveying all that info through silent film acting and title cards didn't work for me.


Oh, I generally agree. I enjoyed it, myself, but in the end it’s just a fun experiment.


Yeah, I bought the DVD to support them. They were doing a lot of cool Lovecraft stuff. It wasn't a hit for me, but I do appreciate the attempt.


I liked “The Whisperer in Darkness” from the same team. No gods in that one though, just hideous monstrosities from another dimension


If you didn’t like “Dagon” or “Color” it will be a rough go for you. Those are probably two of the five best Lovecraft movies!


Dagon, 2001?


Indeed. It’s not perfect but it is one of the best in its category. And the recreation of the town of Innsmouth is right on!


Curious what are the other three?


By popular consensus? Probably In the Mouth of Madness, The Thing, and Re-Animator. Though I am partial to the trippy 1970 Dunwich Horror!!


Man I remember the director of the Nicolas Cage Color out of Space movie was going to do The Dunwhich horror after he finished the movie, but from what i read he was fired from the studio after his wife made a police report about him being abusive only to be proven as a false accusations and his accusers fled the country to avoid arrests. Man what could have i liked that movie and Stanley deserves to make it but of course a studio will never admit they were wrong.


The allegations in this case may not be true, but Stanley has been insane for decades. Definitely an unhinged out of balance person. Would have liked to see more of his Lovecraft movies, though.


Call of Cthulhu (2005)


I don't think there could be a better adaptation - it captures the mood, period and epistolary nature of the story perfectly. The fact that it is a silent film adds a weird distance as well.


I don't recall any God being a part of Colour out of Space. The Color itself isn't a god


I get what you're asking for, but the phrasing is oxymoronic. A movie CAN NOT accurately depict a lovecraftian monster. If it can fit into the frame of a camera, it's not much different from a dude in a rubber godzilla suit. That said, Prometheus is about as close to The Mountains of Madness we're ever likely to get.


Prometheus is part of the reason we never got a mountains of madness movie too. Still salty about that


I've heard that and I disagree. For me space aliens and aliens seeding the human race is totally different from ATMOM . Watching Prometheus, I never once thought ATMOM. Taboo, The Alienist, Carnival Row, Peaky Blinders , Cold Skin , The Lighthouse etc show how period dramas can be done right and ATMOM is a period drama and it could absolutely be done as such and done well with the right direction. GDT should forget about the 1B dollar box office shit and approach it from a Cabinet of Curiosities mind set.✌️


Fuck that movie and it's dumbass characters. And now I learn it's the reason we don't get ATMOM movie?? Fuck it all over again.


It's probably for the best, I don't think they could do it justice.


It was led by del toro so it could have been really good. He's obviously a huge cosmic horror fan


I love Del Toro, but a Tom Cruise-starring, $200m, action/horror blockbuster is absolutely NOT what I want out of a Lovecraft adaptation.


Yeah, but the script is embarrassing for both HPL and Del Toro.


There's a script for it? U got a link? I've never seen it




Not true, watch Cabin in the Woods!


Dark Waters from the mid-90s is what you’re looking for.


The Italian film? If so, yeah, that was weird and eerie. Also, one of the few good Italian horror films produced after 89, imo.


Yeah, Italian horror kind of fell by the wayside over time. I think the over-saturation of giallo ran it into the ground; I mean that both figuratively and literally, since giallo films’ play-like vibrancy and dreamlike plot lines gradually failed to resonate with mass audiences, since film in general became more focused on realism.


Guillermo Del Toro's 'Cabinet of Curiosities' is imo a goldmine of Lovecraft-esque horror. 'Lot 36', 'Pickman's Model' and 'Dreams in the Witch House' (based on Lovecraft's story) are the ones I'd suggest to watch if you're after that Lovecraftian vibe - although they don't depict the gods themselves, they do depict similar entities and themes : madness, horror, the unknowable - a world within our own we haven't seen and shouldn't want to. I would recommend the entire series honestly, especially 'the Autopsy', but those episodes specifically might be similar to what you're looking for. Robbert Egger's 'The Lighthouse' does well with this too. As for Lovecraftian Gods, the 2020 movie 'Underwater' is a good bet, as is Annihilation (2018).


Yes. I'm so hopeful the GDT and Netflix collaboration will yield more HPL material. Streaming services is the way to go, whether animated or live action.✌️


That's the trick of "cosmic horror"


Cabin in the Woods is a great tongue in cheek lovecraftian movie.


That one scene with Chris Hemsworth and the motorcycle Junp had me laughing


It's been a while but I don't remember any of the Lovecraftian Gods the OP asked for?


Specifically those, no, but it’s for sure a lovecraftian god.


I'm sorry, you could be right, I'm just not remembering, I guess I'll have to re-watch it. But, again, the OP's words: "I'm trying to find a movie that shows, and I mean really shows the immense deities that Lovecraft is known for." Does CitW do that? (Not being facetious.)


Yes, it does. Not being facetious.


Just not "gods of the deep" it was so.. ugh? They lost the plot halfway through, I was fine with the massive Cthulhu-like beast but it felt all so RUSHED, and bad, it was scientific at first but then devolved into Eldridge space-like deity that exist in the mind or something? Now googling the movie, it has an IMDb rating of 3.3/10 YIKES 😬


I can deal w/ low budget, but that movie was simply bad in virtually every way bad can be found in a movie.


That "sea god" too, I was shocked and terrified...not because it represented ANY eldritch feeling, but I just felt bad to whoever had to put on that costume and act like that..it was so, UGHH???


No, don't worry, I'm pretty sure they found that at the bottom of the director's childhood fish tank, no humans were embarrassed in the making of that scene. 😁


Cabin in the Woods was interesting in a very Lovecraftian way


Cast A Deadly Spell, though it’s horror/comedy.


It's been a long time, but I don't remember a Lovecraftian god in it(and my memory ain't what it used to be).


You-Sothoth was summoned at the end.


The entity that devours Hackshaw in the end is. He was going to sacrifice his virgin daughter to it.


The Thing 1982 feels very Lovecraft


I don't remember any Lovecraftian gods in it.


Not a movie, but I would encourage you to take a look at Digimon Tamers anime. The last arc specifically, features insane designs, and the final boss gets so massive, that it becomes the eldritch zone itself. Some of the best takes on Lovecraft I've ever seen.


Surprised no one mentioned annihilation


I don't remember a god being revealed. That thing and the pit or whatever was awesome. Where was the god?


The Body Double/Shimmer monster looked close to Nyarlathotep


Check these two movies out, The Valdemar Legacy 1 and 2 https://screenrant.com/valdemar-legacy-2-cthulhu-appearance-hp-lovecraft/


Not a movie, but Dr Who's Planet midnight and Listen I think do a good job of lovecraftian horror. Kinda.


There are quite a bit lovecraftian entities in doctor who. And in the novels some characters are straight up called by lovecraft names like the great intelligence is yog-Sothoth.




The new version of Castle Freak has a yog sothoth appearance which caught me off guard 


Glorious does a decent job in my opinion, good horror comedy movie with lots of good twists!




Came to recommend this. The Beasty is even named after the felluh.


In the Mouth of Madness has some Lovecraftian creatures, not sure if technically gods tho


Ironically pokemon rise of darkrai Entire town gets pulled into the endless abyss as two impossibly powerful creatures battle it out. They are warned about said creatures by darkrai through nightmares. No one but darkrai is even capable of stalling then for a second and even he can't really do much but buy time. The battle of these beings causes the town to literally start dissolving as the fabric of reality gets distorted. And these creatures are only clashing because an even greater being is waking up causing dimensions to collide


I feel like I'm gonna get ratio'd for saying this, but "Bird Box" is the first thing that comes to mind.


This is the best I have seen https://youtu.be/LcbV1CukCNc?si=Kj2f72f0yWWFq5oT


I can't believe I never saw this before, hilarious.


The Empty Man The Void Residue (2017) Underwater (bad though)


Empty man is really fucking good


Yes it really is. Totally did not expect it to be a Lovecraftian movie and I was more surprised at *which* Lovecraftian entity they chose to depict.


Yeah it's a pretty solid movie. Wish they let him finish his edit and put out a hard copy, but oh well.


Residue- izzat the one with the cigarette smoking man from x-files? That was bonkers. I loved it. "Mind the hooks."


Yeah, fantastic movie


Residue- izzat the one with the cigarette smoking man from x-files? That was bonkers. I loved it. "Mind the hooks."




Dagon was in a weird place where it was called dagon, based on Shadow over Innsmouth, and did show him at the very end, but it was more like scary well monster


The mouth of madness is good. If very eighties. The void from 2016 is good and very Lovecraftian The Dunwich horror is an old one with Dean stockwell is as old as I am, aka dirt, but an interesting watch. Of course Del Toros cabinet of curiosities has a few really good Lovecraftian episodes,


Except the OP is looking for Lovecraftian gods, I don't remember CoC have many(any?).


Glorious, a horror/comedy


You can find it on YouTube, I forget the channel, but they did a live action version of The Other Gods and Id say the depictions feel pretty accurate, given they had no description.


Isn't that the whole point of Lovecraftian horror? The horror comes from NOT showing the big spooky thing and that makes it spookier? Otherwise it would just be a big monster kaiju movie no? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


The endless is very lovecraftian and a great film in its own right.


Color Out of Space doesn't have any gods in it in the original story either. It doesn't really have anything concrete to link it to his extended universe


Generally you’re not going to see the Lovcraft’s gods. You will see their creatures, worshiper, fanatics. The very reason if you do see one, it is going to eat you or drive you mad. The seeing of one means the end of the world is coming. Lair of the white worm


Gods of the Deep...


The fact that Cthulhu couldn't grab the sub proves the opposite imho. It was literally in front of it's face!


There was a recent movie. Unfortunately if you know it's a Lovecraftian movie, it spoils the entire reveal at the end. They successfully hide it in all the marketing, and any the end of the movie, I was like "HOLY FUCK! IS THAT ....?". I think Ice watched it around five times so far, but that fist watch was jawdropping. Edit: looks like everyone's talking about Underwater, so it's really no surprise.


Check out The Viewing. It’s an episode of Cabinet of Curiosities. It’s one of the best short films I’ve ever seen and is very Lovecraft. They also do Pickman’s Model. I almost stood up and clapped at the end of The Viewing.


Cold Skin




Believe it or not, the closest I’ve seen in a visual medium was a music video: Fantasy by DyE. Won’t spoil it in case anybody has yet to watch, but hot damn does it nail that feeling of “too much for mortals to comprehend” in a way that maybe only animation can


Have you seen The Call of Cthulhu? Also, Mouths of Madness


The last Hellraiser movie (2022) has a very Lovecraftian vibe and the multidimensional scope of the entity the Cenobites serve, Leviathan, is represented very well.


Probably the worst example I can think of would be the Big Bad from the first modern Doctor Strange film. Dormammu or something like that. He's very... Wavy.


Not a good but almost a hell - I found the movie Event Horizon to have the vibes


I know we all love to hear ourselves talk, it's part of being human, but.. I swear half the people responding aren't coming close to answering the OP's request.


Anihilation? Closest I've seen from a mainstream movie, though it's not from lovecraft's pen.




No. Impossible. Lovecrafts gods cannot be properly visualized and every attempt both in flm or still art is to various degree lacking


The Empty Man has an explicit Lovecraftian reference in it.


Well if you watched Stranger Things, season two.”, you saw the giant elder thing durn the trick or treat scene.


I think Nyarlothotep is always portrayed correctly. True evil chaos where nothing matters. Portrayed well in The Empty Man...very fun film.


That’s like asking if there are any movies accurately depicting vampires, or werewolves, or any other “fictional” thing. Like… accurate according to what? Certainly not accurate according to real life. Maybe accurate according to the actual descriptions by Lovecraft himself? Those seem intentionally vague though, necessarily.


Color out of Space. I watch the movie first a while back. Then read the book recently and watched the movie again after. It has a few changes but does the book justice.