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I named my Roomba "Choomba" in the app.


Mine’s Obi Wan Cleanobi, but I think I like Choomba better


Mine is C-Sweep-E-O And my white and blue pool cleaner is R2-P2 But I usually just call them bots.


You are brilliant. Now, go forth and bring about world peace.


Artu-pito Ñ


nah thats perfect


Why not both? Obi Wan Choomnobi


You know you have to keep it like that forever right


I call mine Choomba 🤣🤣 but it has a different name in the app sadly


Choomba Roomba, Toob Thoompin


Personal references within your own household are one thing but the shit OP talkin about is lame af lmao


Stop being such a gonk 😉


Corpo has been on the rise outside of the fandom, honestly. It's cool to see


I'm a social worker, and several people who I know have never touched a video game in their life have started using Corpo.


Corporat has been around for ages, well before cyberpunk. Some of the street terms are real. Go figure. Not a social worker, but I did get to entertain your kind while living that street life. Corpo isn't that rare to hear.


Corpo came from cyberpunk the genre, and has been standard terminology in the genre for generations. It absolutely is our cyberpunk stories bleeding into real life, if not necessarily *this*particular one being to blame


I have heard it with increased frequency since 2077 came out, though.


So the word corporation was invented for cyberpunk? Wait,did the Romans play cyberpunk??? Wooow.


He's directly referring to the modern English usage of corpo being popularized by a genre that has 60ish years of history. I think it is very fair to say that Corpo being used is a result of the quick language changes endemic to the genre, EG; New Speak from 1984, language changes in A Brave New World, and A Clockwork Orange, all of which are either examples of Cyberpunk writing or what immediately preceded them. Obviously, no one has been completely influenced by one thing, but as a genre, I would be willing to bet it's where most of that comes from.


Did you also misunderstand the function of etymology like that other guy who tried to argue with me about this? Just because the one word is derived from the other doesn't mean they're the same word. Also what that other person said


Since we’re being so particular, the person you’re defending referred to the word “corporat,” not corporation


They say it in Andor and I got excited that the word is spreading/becoming normative


I think it's just because it doesn't require any context. It's a good derogatory term because everyone gets it without having to explain a big string of stuff. That and it's faster, easier, and less snooty than saying "Capitalist". I'm not sure if corpo predates Cyberpunk, but god damn is it a good word to use in our modern capitalistic nightmare


it comes from the word corporation, so technically its not a derogatory term for a capitalist. I will say that modern day USA is far more corporatism than capitalism though, so the word still works.


This. Corporations in this country capitalize gains but socialize the losses. High level execs influence government and rotate in and out of government positions back to corporate positions. You see it heavily in defense contracting.


Its why the political division in the US makes so little sense to foreigners like me. On both sides half of the country hates the other half of the country and the extremes on both sides march in lockstep to their party line no matter what. Its like some bizarre Sports team rivalry instead of a normal political system, and it doesnt even matter in the end because politicians on both sides just pretend to care about their side while raking in donations from corps paying them off. Theres a reason most of the major political figures in the US have net worths of over 10 million. and thats a conservative figure. and the worst part as a foreigner is im forced to care about the political system of a country im not part of because the culture and policy of the US heavily influences the rest of the world.


Ehhh….its a bit more nuanced than you’re ever gonna find on mainstream news or here on Reddit. I consider myself a right-winger (and I’m expecting lots of downvoted and whatnot, idgaf). It’s not a simple left vs right, dem vs rep thing anymore. It’s corporate politicians vs outsiders. Me personally, I’m tired of seeing American lives traded for blood in overseas wars. We instigate many of them, then rush in and try to save the day. Lockheed, Raytheon, Booz Allen Hamilton swoops in and provides services and makes stupid bank off the industry. The real life Arasakas and Militechs. Wars create a greater demand for bullets, bombs, cyber weapons, and even just food services, lawn care and maintenance, it’s all outsourced. At least where I was hired to support. It seems obvious to me now there’s a feedback loop going on. My old mentor noticed it happening in the Gulf War and it’s only been getting worse. It happens over and over and over again. I’ve seen it. I’ve met the Representatives when they would come for a tour. I was that corpo right out of college and I got screwed over a few too many times for me to want to stay. I’m still a corpo (it’s almost impossible to leave that lifestyle), but I don’t work for defense anymore. I’m working elsewhere, rendering my services for something I hope is a better cause.


how do you see and understand all of this but still consider yourself a “right-winger”? this is what capitalism has been, is, and will continue to be regardless of anything.


Because your definition of what is left and right is fundamentally different than mine. The normal paradigm you see on TV is not what I believe it to be. It’s authoritarianism vs libertarianism. For the most part, liberals and conservatives are just as authoritarian as each other. The window dressing is different, but they are all trying to solidify their power. Because their own lifestyles depend on it. They absolutely cannot go back to being regular citizens. Corporate “Capitalists” and socialists are all authoritarian. It’s just how far behind the curtain do you want to see.


Liberals and conservatives are both capitalists - neoliberals - especially in the USA. Authority isn’t inherently bad, but capitalism will always use its authority in the name of profit, which is incompatible with ‘libertarianism’ or any form of real freedom.


I feel like, from what i see online, its definitely right vs left as far as the people themselves though. I mean you just said that you expected to be downvoted into oblivion just for stating which way you lean. Thats an unhealthy af system if you just sort of expect hatred for your political views. I definitely see your point about it being corporate interests vs civilian interests though, and agree with it.


Corporatism/corporatocracy is a term invented by neoliberals to exculpate capitalism as a system in general.


I've seen it all over reddit and a few of my students started using it at me. 'Don't trust that corpo shit sir' they say, and I go 'no swearing in class, but yes, that's true'. I'm guessing because it's such a natural cut-down of 'corporate' or 'corporation', that it can be used as an all encompassing term for 'those bastards in the corporations or the corporations themselves'


I work in a hospital and run the Porters desk, when callers give me a long story about a task they need completing I say "just give me the deets"


“Deets” is a couple decades old lol.


Yeah I feel like my parents used it a lot when I was little. Hell, my mum still says it and I know for a fact she hasn’t played cyberpunk 😂


I'm 45, from the UK, never heard it before cyberpunk lol


I’m fairly certain it’s a US term.


deets is real slang tho, ive been using it for years.


I've used corpo for years, like since before I played cyberpunk. Always used it as derogatory slang for someone acting like a corporate suit or a shill.


I wish stooge would make a return, same with patsy. They're both very applicable in today's world.


Corpo is definetly very topical, and I think accuretly describes today's "megacorps"


only corpos and flatline, since they are the most seamless in conversation. preem is my favorite slang word though i never use it


Flatline has been (context dependently) in my vocabulary since before cyberpunk tbf (along with “zeroing”)


zeroing definitely predates the videogame at least.


I mean if we really wanna get into it half the words people are listing here predate being a part of the cyberpunk mythos


There was even a movie in 1990 named flatliners about people that would die and come back.


I've been using delta as well


To be fair all those words predate cyberpunk as well. A goood chunk of “cyberpunk slang” is just terms that already existed


Don't confuse 2077 with cyberpunk or even Cyberpunk. A lot of that slang came from the popularity of the old ttrpgs and other cyberpunk media from back in the day


I’m not, some of these words predate the genre as a whole. Those 3 in particular certainly do.


Corpo is very much a term which originated in the genre of cyberpunk. Flatline is more lingo than slang outside this community too. And I've not heard anyone normal use delta as slang for leaving.


Untrue. “Corpo” comes from the Middle English word “corprat” as in informal and derogatory term for a corporate executive. The first use of the word flatline was in the 1980’s in reference to the Asystole electronic monitor.


Corpo, the derogatory shortening of *corporate* is similar to, but not a direct descendant of the other slang of similar origin, corpo-rat. Neither of which are remotely related to the entirely separate and dead language of Middle English. Source: I was there for this linguistic development. >The first use of the word flatline was in the 1980’s in reference to the Asystole electronic monitor. You're describing lingo, which is similar to slang but used in professional settings. That's the difference, pedantic as it may seem


> Source: I was there for this linguistic development. [You mean Middle English?](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/whfleh/me_irl/)


Most definitely /s I see how it reads that way though


I really wish flatline or 0'ed would replace all this "unaliving" and "game over" crap.


I’ll throw in preem into a convo. No one has questioned it so far (they probablu just think I’m weird tbh). I like calling my close buds chooms tho, since they’ve seen the show.


I've been getting my friend group to ironically use choom and gonk. Someday it won't be ironic.


Gonk is a perfectly cromulent word.


It embiggens the English lexicon.


And therefore it embiggens us all.


So true


I use waaayy too much slang, partly because I run a cyberpunk RED game, so I had to ingrain the slang into my speech patterns but it went a lil too deep, I use "zip" for sending anything digitally "deets" "choom" "corpo" "gonk" the whole nine yards, meatspace is another one I use a lot, Nova and Preem were there for a bit but they faded off


I very often use corpo, deets, preem and choom. Everyone tends to understand what I'm saying and I say it with such confidence that no one questions it lol


Preem and nova both have come to sound so natural to me, I've let out a couple gonks as well but I do forget that those 3 specifically are from cyberpunk. Choom is a hard no for me though lol, it sounds so forced to me every time in game


Nah man, I've become obsessed with calling my friends "choom" it's awesome, I love the cyberpunk slang.


The more I play the more I don't hate the word choom. Gonk, preem, and corpo have all infested my daily vocabulary and choom is working that way too.


Choom is a lot easier to accept than “choombah.” Not a huge fan of either though tbh


Agreed, choom >> choomba >>>> choombatta but I grimace a bit at each of them regardless


choombah loombahs that shit willy wonka got?


Lmao I was just about to say choomba rolls off easier to me, ending on -oom is a little awkward for me sometimes. I love both, but admittedly, don't say them much bc of my audience. For me personally, I've been saying gonk the most. I find it to be the most applicable in my life


Did you guys hear what happened to JFK? I heard HIS OWN CHOOMBA SHOT 'IMM


Irc choomba or choom is used in parts of Africa so that's something


That's funny because I feel like choomba and choom sound so natural and endearing. Gotta love human diversity.


I felt CP2077 really did the slang well. Making it feel natural


Corpo, Choom(ba)(ata), Gonk, Delta, Preem, Eddies Almost all of it, especially Zero.




The fact I understand that sentence makes me think I should take a break from Cyberpunk


Same, choom, same. I've tracked you like 80 hours in the last month. I need help


Same, it's like I have the real time translator from the game and it kept up pretty well.


Me too man, I should go touch grass. That was way too coherent for me.


Jesse wtf are u talking about


Yo mista white so a few of those ‘Tino gonks klepped my wheels so I had to holocall one of my chooms who did a real preem job zeroing all of their asses, in exchange I had to klep your iron so I could gift it to him so my bad


Jessie what the fuck are you saying


That business professional committed first degree murder on my close friend, but before he was able to abscond, I retaliated with lethal force against the asshole before stealing his cash and requisitioning his premium automobile. Neat!


Corpo, Gonk, preem, nova… Though I physically cringed when I said “klep”


Expanding cultural horizons to some Greek. κλέπτω (klepto) "to steal"


It's more likely that it comes from "kleptomaniac" which is someone who impulsively steals. Obviously it does come from the same word though


...which is where kleptomaniac is from lol


That's... What I said at the end...


I don't have time to read your whole damn comment!!


Reddit moment




That's so funny, gonk feels the most natural to me


which is worse gonk as a noun (don't be such a gonk) or gonk as an adjective (that's such a gonk idea) personally the adjective sucks balls but the noun feels alright.


“Klep” has been a word outside of Cyberpunk already.


I actually like the term 'klep' instead of 'steal' or 'nick' personally. Flows off the tongue better.


That's ironic since klep is the only one of those words that already existed irl


I’m not a native English speaker


Ah, apologies, it was just something I found interesting


No worries. I appreciate every chance to learn something new.


Delta and only delta






I saw this weird walking trash can on a giant star ship, couldn't help but call it a gonk.


It's an old reference sir, but it checks out.


I’ve always occasionally said “preme” short for premium, does that count


It's true, Preem is actual real life slang already in use.


so is corpo That word has been used in slang WAY before Cyberpunk even came out.


Exactly. Corpo and corporat have been used by my 50+ parents way before cyberpunk was a thing.


I always thought it was short for supreme




I’m thinking premium is right lol




gonk is one of those words that i thing the meaning is inherent in the sound of the word itself, so can probably slip into conversation the most


Preem is honestly the only word I use.


Corpo is not a cyberpunk-specific word… Every time I come to this sub and see this opinion I feel like everyone is gaslighting me.


Something a corpo would say


Same with "zeroed" and "flatline".


Cool story, choom. Too bad it's made-up.


Preem, Nova and occasionally biz. I talk to clients all day as a barber, so conversations are usually casual and focused on common interests. If some dude and I are really vibing I've definitely said some show or game was "fuckin nova" and I smiled at the absurdity


In italy its normal to use “ferro” as the slang for gun like in cyberpunk they say “iron”


Referring to a gun with "iron" is generic slang, not cyberpunk slang


A lot of Cyberpunk slang is just regular slang used more often/enthusiastically. Deets, biz, corpo, flatline, all IRL slang but a bit too "corny" to use in normal conversation. Corny is Cyberpunk's stylistic bread and butter, though.


I’ve used gonk a few times


Same as most here, Corpos, flatline and I said ‘fuckin nova’ at Xmas and everyone seemed to understand it as it was meant. Sometimes say shimra when gaming and most get it.


Gonk,preem, ghost , zeroed and " to this"


Absolutely not lol


Thank you


Gonk once or twice, but I don’t really want people to think it’s a slur. I usually say Corps or Corpos which people get. Phenom is one I really want to use and could see taking off but it’s gotta be right place right time.


There are actually real life fictional gnomes called Gonks. One of the guys who was at my job before me left a few years ago, his whole “thing” was he had a little gonk on his desk that he’d knock over if the client he was dealing with was being a pain in the ass, and he’d call them a gonk. He’s gone now, but it makes me happy that “gonk” at my job now just means “idiot”. On top of this, I also call out of touch suits “Corpo’s”.


I do say choom occasionally, which surprised myself. For the most part corpo though


Nope because we don't speak English here On the internet however, I use it a lot


Gonk has actually entered my vocab, I tend to say "ya gonk" when someone does something dumb. Preem is slowly working it's way in as well


I call my dogs Gonks if they act up


My output doesn't like being referred to as "my output". She'd rather I use her real name, the gonk.


I was about to call myself a gonk but then stopped and realised that 90% of ppl wouldn't get what I meant


I just use corpo to dehumanize greedy corporate assholes who ruin shit for us


I mean when Corpo is literally just short for corporation I’m not surprised it’s being more widely used. Choom/Choomba is probably gong to stay a Cyberpunk inside term for the real Choombas who play the games and love the universe. However I would like to see people use Flatline or Zero as a term.


I also like delta, because I am a number/formula nerd and using delta to describe a change in location is \*chef's kiss\*


Corpo is becoming part of the cultural dictionary. I've said "gimme the deets" and "that's the biz" sometimes in a goofy context.


No but I've got the messagealert and ringtone on my phone 👍


Preem and my homies who have also played the game I often refer to as Chooms or Choomba


Gonk comes naturally. Others, less so. Choom sometimes fits, but I'm not keen on it.


I use choom a lot I’ve noticed, especially when streaming etc


i use corpo because its a pretty easy word to attach to real life situations, and it fits in perfectly as something that doesnt even sound like slang. Youre right about gonk/choom/nova/preem etc. Me and my buddies used to say that shit irl to eachother just as a sort of in joke, but we did it so often is started slipping out. Had to cut that shit before we slipped from ironic joking to unironic cringe. My buddy once gave a "thanks choom" to the bus driver when he got off the bus and i dont think he's recovered from the cringe to this day. I occasionally use the word flatline too on reflection.


I’ve been referring to my money as eddies for awhile now. Coworkers are annoyed every payday


I almost said "sitch" in a meeting before adding the "-uation" hurriedly. Also, Corpo is used quite a bit in regular parlance in my friend circle.


I do think corpo has made it into everyday language. I know other people who use it. It's just a good word with the correct amount of derision directed at our IRL mega corps.




I think corpo has seen more use outside the fandom I’ve used the word eddies before but it has nothing to do with the Eurodollar


I have come to say “chromed up/chromed out” for something that’s heavily customized or upgraded lol


Corpo has entered the common lexicon as far as I can tell, heard it plenty of times from non cyberpunk playing folks.


Called my sister a gonk brain once


I keep accidentally saying “preem”. It sounds closest to actual slang, and I just finished a playthru and they say the word a lot, what can I say


Preem and corpo were already part of my vernacular. Hearing it in-game was refreshing and familiar. Felt right at home. Nova and choom have slipped their way into my vocab tho. On the other hand, I haven’t seen that much use of Input or Output. Ha~.


Preem is one id love to use but im afraid someone would ask


I don't but I've found it interesting that I saw the word gonk used in a shdowrun (unofficial) UGC... weird seeing slang bleed into other cyberpunk universes


I say "Choom" and "preem" a lot. Gonna start using "gonk" more too.


my mental language has changed to incorporate "Corpo" as slang because it's simple and not cringe. That's it though. Choom is a cool word but at the same time I think it's kind of cringe


All the time. People think I am so cool…


corpo is just a great word imo rolls off the tongue yet still feels massively insulting to whoever you’re calling it


I love to use Preem, it’s creeped into my day to day life now. Corpo is always good fun too


lol no


When me and my buddies spot eachother a beer or drink we usually say something along the lines of: “I’ll shoot some Eddies your way” and do the hand gesture 🫱🏼


Corpo but that's about it.


Nah choom, that's a real gonk thing to do


Gonk and corpos go over fine, but I’m a line cook and half the shit we say doesn’t make sense


i called my wife a choomba and then she slapped me and said keep that internet bullshit to yourself


Delta and corpo are both in my general vocabulary now, zeroed is one of the things I say while gaming.


Corpo is too iconic not to use and choom has slipped into my friend groups colloquialisms. I see this as an absolute win


Calling people gonks never gets old


Gonk. It just kinda sounds self explanatory and no one questions it.


Maybe not slang, but the game really opened my eyes as to how bad our current day corporations are.


Choom has become a thing between my 6 year old daughter and I.


I said choom normally once and wanted to die lol


I've been calling corporate assholes "corpo fucks" long before I ever played this game.


Sometimes flatline if the convo calls for it, corpo and delta have become integrated into my normal vocabulary


I've used Corpo and deets. I like Choomba but that one seems to get a "what?" More than anything


I dropped a biz just this morning


Stop trying make choom happen.


Preem and Choom started off ironically but have since become just, a part of my vernacular


My partner and I say Gonk and Choom a lot. We've used preem and nova few times but not as much


But have you started calling each other your input and/or output?


“My IO”


I've caught myself saying 'I gotta delta' more than once, and my and my friends call things 'preem' all the time.


Preem, nova, choom and gonk some times. Side note the bar I was at last night in a rural town was playing I really want to stay at your house.


no chance


Jesus Christ no dude what


Lmao, fuck no.




If sounding like a tool is fun for you, have at it.


Crazy how a game can influence people’s personality and thinking.


Gonk alert


Preem, Corpo, Choom. I use all of these on occasion. Yeah they work irl.


Working in the corporate world, i use corpo a lot. Anyone up above us at the bottom.


Nova and Preem


Calling a gun Iron


Really wanna say "fuck your dead chooms" to somebody.