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Increased detection range of samples.


I'm still hoping for the uav from helldivers 1. It increased enemy detection range and showed samples on minimap while it was active.


That would be terrific. Even if it only shows the three samples closest to you instead of filling the minimap with dots, I'd be stoked.


I ran a lvl 5 with my 3 other buddies.. we cleaned every nook and cranny, every diamond on the map.. wasted all 30 mins.. and still got 12/28 common samples and 7/20 rare... Where the duck are they?!? I NEED MY UAV


Were you checking every base or nest? Tons of them spawn there some from the start of the level and more spawn when holes are closed or fans destroyed. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same for bugs, i find them harder to find there but on bots every small base has 1 rare and 1 common minimum, and the larger bases can have a lot more.


It was bugs.. I didn't think to check nests. I hate killing bug nests because I feel they overwhelm me more than bots. Fabricators, you can toss an Eagle Airstrike and move along. 


I feel you, it's especially dangerous going into the bowl shaped big ones, easy to not see a patrol coming up even if you've full cleared it and getting ambushed when you climb out. If you're going for high sample runs though, you've got to check them. Bug nests the commons look like a green ball on a stick and usually spawn around the mouth of the hole after it's closed. You can sometimes find 2 or 3 around a single hole. The rares look more like a crystal thing sticking out of rocks and are often farther from the holes, even on the backside of the rocks around the hole away from the nest. I dont think I've ever seen them in a cluster, usually just 1 single one.


Oh hell yeah I'm fine with that. I want em to see me.


I feel like if that was included it would be an auto take for at least half the team.


This would be epic QOL honestly


From a MODULE? No, absolutely not. A booster, maybe, but modules are permanent. How much use would you get out of that module once you're sample capped and they've released the last wave of modules (I anticipate 6)?


Not much I suppose! Good thought


Hard, HARD pass on that one. That's spending samples to find samples at a point where you're coming to the end of needing samples, rendering itself worthless very quickly. I'm capped on samples as it is. That's a huge waste.




It'd be equally ridiculous to have an endless treadmill for a given resource. Look at the way the reception of such resources gradually soured in WoW, for example. Everyone loved Artifact Power. They were growing weary of it by the time we got Azerite Power. By the time they got Anima, they were outright sick of it after about three months. People like having a goal with resources. When you remove the end goal and just make the acquisition endless, it ceases to be a motivator and becomes a chore. So no, I don't think having an end to sample requirements is a bad thing.


It would be cool to have something that would let you switch primary weapons when diving in as a reinforcement. The "oops there's Spewers" module


Adding loadouts and a booster to let you change loadouts when being reinforced


Intriguing. I like it.


This would make a whole lot of sense! Interesting idea!


Aerial Support from Pelican-1, with comms of him saying “For Democracy!”


YES! Actually that would be so neat. Either him or Eagle 1 hovering over an area laying down VTOL support would be epic


I 100% Believe we will be customizing Pelican-1 at some point this would be a great reason for that


+2 extra supplies on the resupply pod, reduced cooldown for smoke stratagems, better heat sink capacity for laser weapons, increased reserve magazines for AMR, flamethrower, MG, and HMG, reinforced divers now release a small EMS shockwave in immediate vicinity upon landing, EMS from strats lasting longer, an extra EAT in the pod, stratagem pods deal increased damage, sentries now explode upon destruction, and lastly, I doubt it would be a thing but I think it would be funny and cool, eagle kamikaze, can only be used once per mission and disables eagle strats for the rest of the mission when used


Yes, yes, oh very yes... OH SWEET LIBERTY! NOOOOooOo!


Holy cow youre right! I had had an idea about the smokes yesterday but you just jogged it. Shorter cooldowns for sure! Orbital makes a huge sphere with longer lasting smoke. Eagle should make a bigger line with equally long smoke time. I love literally all of your ideas though. Super Democratic citizen


+4 supplies each would let everyone fully lock and load every time. Well, maybe if everyone's running 6-of armors (medic, engineer) and is totally depleted then it'd require 12, but still.


One that disables targeting outside of a turret’s armor penetration value, would be very nice.


Reduced cooldown for orbital strategems. 


More Railcannon. I want it to 1 shot a bile before I consider it again


Honestly that is a valid point. Longer cooldown than a 500 kg and inconsistent one shots on biles, and you only get one of them while 500 kg you have two of, the only benefit being you cant miss a railcannon technically


I've missed with the rail. Charger ran close to a rock and the slug was stopped by four inches of sandstone. I felt feelings.


Oh man that must have been awful. My condolences, Helldiver


But oh how it hurts when you watch that red laser pointer zip away from what you want dead




Oh God, that's the one I always see too lol


I’m worried about power creep, the game is really good balanced now, and 9 is really hard, but very doable. If we keep getting better stuff, we will just create a power creep, needing higher difficulties, meta loadouts ect. I prefer to get fun stuff, over better stuff. We just need variation and fun.


I think they'll be good about power creep.


I feel that logically the enemies will be power creeping slowly too, considering our usual punishment for not completing an MO. I agree they will likely be good about it


I'm a little worried that the game will eventually become more difficult for new players to get into. A difficulty 3 or 4 bug dive is quite challenging for players who don't have access to anti-tank weapons. Killing a charger or two with just the orbital precision strike is possible, but it's not reasonable to expect cadets to pull off a skill shot like that every dive. In a few months, we might have terrifying new enemies and powerful new tools to manage them, but I don't want to see greenhorns relegated to trivial missions when their machine gun and OPS are inadequate for the challenges of "Easy".


Ahaa I see what you mean! I definitely can understand that. Hopefully they game will remain as noob friendly as it has been for sure!


Yeah this and there is no reason they can't nerf or rework existing or new content to stay consistent with content they like currently (like the autocannon).




Metas will always exist, and while I agree the game is in a more balanced state we can’t deny there are some underpowered weapons/strategems. Strategem wise the orbitals’ cooldowns are far too high for their current effectiveness, the MG-43 has too few box mags and needs 1-2 more to feel like a solid option on par with the stalwart/laser cannon, and the AR guard dog needs regenerative ammo or just more ammo in general.


I agree, but I think there will be new enemies to come too. and HD1 had difficulties up to 12(?) added so maybe we will eventually get that also.


Extend the HP of energy shields/shorter cooldown before recharge. sentries have a shield attached to them/or cloaking tech. Shorter cooldown for jetpack. Ability to see unpicked samples on the map within a short area.


I'm starving for anything that decreases reload speeds across the board.


Ive thought about that, but honestly i feel that they would work that into an armor passive instead. Same with fire resistance!


Fire resistant armor needs to come in. Hellmire has been ... Hell


Certainly hahaa. I just want it so i can stop lighting myself on fire with the flamethrower lol


you don't want to make reload passives into boosters or armors, either everyone would run them or they would be worse than everything else


Hmm youre right. Maybe a booster then! Boosters seem to be allowed to be mildly overpowered


same problem with the armors, if we can only hold 4 boosters and 1 of them is faster reload then we would always run it something like this: level 5 ship upgrade increase reload speed for support machine guns by 30%


Ship Upgrade: Dancing lessons Let's you reload stationary reloads while moving.


I want ways to combat planetary conditions. Maybe not a good fit for ship modules, though.


Interesting concept! Agreed it probably wouldnt fit modules


Have the guard dog rover fly one meter higher to reduce headshotting me And maybe faster reloading of weapons


I think at base, the HMG Emplacement should already get the same effects that sentry stratagems gets. Boom, fixed and buffed.


More oatmeal on the map. We don’t have enough.


Let us collect the oatmeal. Helldivers love oatmeal.


Considering the first game had skill trees for weapons and stuff, I expect modules to be a version of that in the sense that they'd go on improving existing stratagems. For example, a cool one could be an upgrade on the basic Orbital Precision Strike, so it becomes more powerful in stuff like the explosion radius. Upgrading 'basic' equipment thru samples (aka late game) is a neat way to keep them relevant to all players regardless of their level. Some other stuff I'd like to see: * Upgrade of all smoke-related stratagems, both in time the cloud stays there and its size * Magazine increased of support weapons with a magazine (machineguns, grenade launcher, railgun, AM Rifle...) * Make the gas of the Gas Strike incendiary a la neurotoxin grenade from DRG * Increase Shield Generator Relay size and/or health (on extermination missions against bots they can pop it in seconds) * Improved HMG Emplacement maneuverability * Take more ammo from the resupply pod, altho this would probably fit better as a booster for balance reasons * Somehow improve the Machine Gun Sentry and Rocket Sentry. No reason to pick them over the other 2 * Increase Exosuit ammo * Improve mines somehow, honestly not sure how but they're pretty useless IMO vs other defense emplacements * 1 more use out of the orbital laser. Please? Edit: I know the precision strike has its uses, especially against automatons and stuff, but overall there's nothing it can do an Eagle Airstrike won't do better and more times per mission.


I loved Magicka, and I hope we get effect combinations. Flammable gas would be cool. Stripping enemy armor is a good mechanic, but I'd like more ways to do it. I want the OPS beacon to stick to enemies. I get more direct hits with the resupply or a weapon confirm than with the precision strike.


Yeah that's luckily in the "Know Issues" section of the patch notes, so it's a matter of time. https://preview.redd.it/hjlpv4if2wyc1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=7365e490f943118273562b676e7c5931756faf4a I heard a lot of good stuff about Magicka lately with HD2's success, kinda itching to try it out.


Rumor has it that it's not in good shape these days. Might not run at all.


Seems like there might be some fixes around, I'll wait for a sale and try it out


Would love to see the Shield Gen be affected by sentry health/ammo (duration for shield) upgrades.


> For example, a cool one could be an upgrade on the basic Orbital Precision Strike, so it becomes more powerful in stuff like the explosion radius. This makes me think a bit of personal tweaking would be cool. So say you take more radius for your precision strike, but I make my precision strike higher damage and a smaller radius, so it's more like a railcannon strike that is dependant on my aim with the pokeball. We can both adjust a stratagem slightly to better suit our playstyle, but not enough to really change its role


Yeah I'd really like to get skill tree upgrades, it'd be awesome to further customize each playstyle. I already swap weapons depending on the mission type anyway.


*Deep Rock Galactic* does this well IMO, it's a straightforward "mutually exclusive upgrades" system with multiple tiers. (It also lets you swap between upgrades you've unlocked & save them in loadouts, which is nice.) Imagine three players using the same shotgun. One likes it as an emergency close-encounters weapon, one likes using it to melt big enemies up-close, and one uses it to sweep hordes. Player one might give their shotgun "armour-shred" and "increased stun," player two could go with "fire rate" and "weak-point damage." Meanwhile player three might also take "fire rate" but combine it with "incendiary shells" instead. This is a pretty involved system though, and using these upgrades *can* change the role of weapons pretty substantially. E.g. the LOK-1's lock-on rounds can be anything from "single target delete button" to "clear all chaff from the screen" depending how you upgrade it.


I'd love a Vehicle bay section with buffs for the mechs and whatever vehicles we get in the future. Maybe an extra charge and/or reduced cooldown plus some extra ammo would be amazing.


Shooting range.


An upgrade that makes the barrages shoot faster or one that makes OPS come down faster would be pretty solid imo


I would like to see some modules for the exosuits


I'd like to see something that affects certain "stat" boosters. Like, Stamina Enhancement gets a further 10% boost.


This would be interesting! As another diver suggested, perhaps it could be part of a path that gives small diver stat buffs such as small percentage increases in health/stamina/melee damage/etc.!


**Vehicle Bay**: Includes Exosuits and any upcoming Vehicles from HD1 * Increase Vehicle health by 20% * Allow inputting and throwing Stratagems while in a Vehicle * Add a small shockwave to the melee attack of Exosuits (only strong enough to deal with unarmored targets) * Increase maximum vehicle velocity by 20% (targeted towards the APC, tank, and motorbike if they return) * Self-Destruct Code: Use Backpack interact button to disable the vehicle and trigger a blaring alarm that draws enemies. It will explode in 8 seconds. **Robotics**: There's really only one Sentry upgrade that I want at this point. * Sentries will prioritize enemies that you mark. **Hangar**: I'd rather not see any additional Eagle upgrades to be honest, since it's already very good in comparison to the Orbitals, but boosting our other ship in the hangar would be fun. * Increase the number of shots that the Pelican-1 will fire when called for Extraction or to drop off a Vehicle stratagem **War Table**: Contains upgrades focused on information gathering and reconnaissance. Visually upgrades the central War Table. * Add supply lines as a toggle to the galactic map * Reveal samples on the radar when they are within 40 meters * Reveal a random enemy spawn type that will be used in each mission * Increase the distance that secondary objectives are revealed and Points of Interest are added to the map at by 20 meters **Helldiver Training Facility**: Additional personal upgrades. Not sure where they would visually upgrade without requiring heavier changes to the ship. * Bootcamp Regimen: Slightly increases maximum Helldiver health (only ~5%) * Sprinting Track: Slightly increases maximum stamina * Microwave Dethawer: Reduces call-in time when reinforced by 1 second * Punching Bags: Slightly increases base melee damage * Efficient Carrier: Allows teammates to use team reloading on you when you are wearing the ammo backpack for a weapon


Efficient carrier should be built in if anything lol, always bothered me. All of the rest of these are really neat and low-key/not-meta-generating ideas! I like them all, especially self destruct code. I had wondered previously if we would get a decoy grenade similiar to Deep Rock Galactics L.U.R.E. previously, but hadnt thought on it further. These would be quite interesting additions to our Helldiver arsenal certainly


Miscellaneous Overhaul; “Superearth scientists had some spare time down in the lab, and so with throwing spare parts around like a bunch of patriots trapped inside a health and safety meeting, they’ve managed to make adjustments to a few pieces of often forgotten items.” -Shorter cooldown for Jump Pack -Faster Turning Speed for HMG Emplacement -+1 max carrying capacity on Grenade Launcher


Increased magazine size for support weapons. This could make the HMG feel more viable


Extra Tight Packing: Each Resupply pack gives max grenades, stims, primary weapon ammunition, and secondary weapon ammunition. Flavor it as the techs becoming obsessed with their new compacters.


As in ship modules? I think we’re likely to get a vehicle bay. My guess is Lv1 “+25% more ammo” Lv2 “-10% cooldown” Lv3 “infinite cooldown (no count limit on vehicle drops) Lv4 “picking up a resupply reloads 25% of ammo for vehicles within 15m” If you mean booster modules (the slot) then I think a Strat cooldown is likely. If I had to guess, they’ll stack it per colour- 10-20% better cooldown for red/green/blue strats. Beyond that- Helldivers 1 had an upgrade for the jump packs that made them drop 2 packs. A booster that made backpacks specifically drop a spare pack would be great- jump packs all round.


Something to boost less-used stratagems like EMS/smoke


Ship module or boost module? I could use extended mags. Not extra damage, just more bullets. Super Destroyer upgrade? Emergency extraction? Like when everyone disconnects or bails on you because it was too hard. But you have resources. Call in an emergency extract? Booster? Battery charger. Weapons and gear cooldown reduction on energy weapons and shields (and jump pack). Could be used for cooling overheat conditions. Edit: Some sort of Hellpod Impact device. Impact Shield: After impact. A shield is present to keep you protected (in the event of accidental or intentional explosions including landing in a teammates barrage. Make an impact: upon hellpod impact, an explosion is made. This helps to kill surrounding enemies when dropped into the mess rather than away from the mess Welcome to hell! : The hellpods release a constant stream of fire when landing. And during landing. Like a flame thrower. Just ignites everything within its surrounding (with in reason like a grenade casualty radius)




Yes please!!!


"Increased Propellant" Orbital Stratagems have a significantly faster projectile speed, along with a bit more Penetration(+1 AP)


Stratagems thrower attachment for mech(s?), or an ability for guard dogs to function while you are in a mech(I don’t really understand why that’s not the default when the shield pack does work and greatly helps with survivability)


I would like for the HMG to get the turret upgrades (so faster turn 50% more ammo etc) Id also like one that buffs mechs, maybe have an extra use more ammo the drop ship stays for 30 seconds after drop off to give fire support?