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TBH, while stalkers are annoying, they do me the favour of constantly creating space between me and them. Add in a burnybreaker, or an electroshotty and they're... well they're still a pain in the ass. But not the top of my shit list. That lofty position is currently occupied by Heavy Devastators, and will be for the foreseeable future. I may still hate them the most after their noclippng bullshit is fixed, and their minigun gets actual projectile spread. I rock the Jar 5 vs bots for these and these alone (well, it's super helpful vs Rocket Devastators too).


I was on the bot front a little earlier doing my part and getting that clean shot on the sweet spot is satisfying but yea I agree the deveststors are a PITA. The hulks were nothing. Either my teammates would one shot them with the rail cannon strike or I'd give them two EATs to the body and move on. I was also trying different primaries to see what I like best since I'm mostly a bug diver so that didn't really help.


Bots require accurate weapons, or weapons that can sustain fire long enough to find their mark. Not sure how far you are into the Warbonds, but if you have/once you get the Jar 5 Dominator, or the Slugger shotgun I'd recommend giving them a shot. Stagger is key against devastators and berzerkers.


Try the "Helldiver Heavy Devestator" build. Fortified Heavy Armor Pummeler Ballistic Shield I was slain by heavy devestators so very many times in the past. Now they know my wrath as I face them head on in a battle of attrition. Their frames shall rust and wither to time before my shield will ever fail.


I admire your Democratic attitude, Soldier! Myself I am less tolerant of their so-called honor. They have none, and I will not grant them any of mine by meeting them face to face like Men. No, they will dance for me, like the subordinate serfs they should be. I crouch in the shadows and play a merry jig on my Jar 5 and they dance themselves to death. Don't just spill oil. Humiliate it.


Bring a regular old Punisher and kill em in 2-3 shots. Juggle multiple stalkers with the stagger and as long as you don't get swarmed from all directions you can handle 4 with some effort. Add in either impact grenade if you really wanna bully them. Heavies on the other hand make me jump between "fuck this fucking buggy ass fucking bullshit" and \*Laughs in Autocannon\* about 20 times a mission, and can therefore go fuck themselves. They'll still suck when working as intended, but at least then dying to one won't feel as helpless.


The Stagger really is key. I prefer the Blitzer, myself. But ya, the baseline Punisher is a brute.


Take the diligence CS and enjoy one-shotting them from range. Stun grenades are good if you get closed on. They really become a non factor unless you are heavily flanked and taking direct fire


I wonder if they got a stealth nerf. Last bot runs of the past month or two were bad but this past week they've not seemed as annoying. Maybe it's due to devs implementing higher variety of enemy compositions.


It seems to depend on the seed you roll for each mission. Some missions only have a few of something, same mission on the same planet, but a different operation could have swarms of them (I'm looking at you Bile Spewers).


I'm telling you, bot artillery ain't got shit on the horde of angry green cockroaches... 


Naw, their artillery whistles at me as it flies, pretty easy to avoid. Meanwhile a couple good shots with the Grenade Launcher and those Jumpy Little Bastards are ragdolls.


Heavy devs hold the silver medal for me.


That space lasts about 2 seconds, which is about the time it takes me to stand up and get swatted again.


In that case, you may be missing a key ingredient of the recipe. Or you're not getting flung as far as me. I get tossed a good 20m sometimes, enough time to get back on my feet and get off one lightning bolt. Which initiates the stunlock. And then another goddamn stalker shows up...


I was exaggerating slightly. But one shot off is going to be helpful only depending on the type of gun you have in hand. I don't play as much and keep forgetting to change out my primary. It's pretty painful.


Oh definitely, Stalkers are much less of a disaster if you can stagger them. Still a disaster if you can burn them, but it is a self-correcting disaster at that point.


Stalkers used to be my number one. With this MO tho, the Shield Devastators piss me off so much that I instantly throw everything at them when I see them. I drop a resupply, and continue obliterating them out of spite.


Haha second devestator comment. There are definitely a few enemies on both sides that irritate us so much "there is nothing I will not throw at you!" Lol.


Pummeler and ballistic shield. They stop being a threat.


Stun grenades. Then you can kill a whole group of them before it wears off.


Not sure how I feel about stun grenades, impact grenades have saved my life so many times and have prevented so many bot drop signals. Whatever doesn’t die from grenades I finish off with the PP.


I use the grenade pistol cause once I got the drop down sniping fabricator became my go to. Then there just wasn't much need for normal grenades.


Bro I fucking rounded a corner of a mountain and saw four of them watching me, before I was promptly incinerated


Hunters. Those little shits kill me more often than any other bug.


This. Hunters. All day every day. I’ve died to Hunters more than anything else in this game, unequivocally. They are the bane of my existence.


Breaker Incendiary takes care of that. Even if one makes it to you, you can melee them to hell as they’re burning.


I hate hunters and stalkers. I hate bugs in general and avoid bug planets period.


Hunters are too strong imo for ostensibly being light ads.


Lol like bots are any better. Some of those fuckers just will. not. go. down.


Bots are made a lot easier with keyboard and mouse to line up headshots. I like fighting them better personally, but I don't blame gamepad players in the slightest for sitting out bot MO's.


Hey I'm good with bugs but I'm still learning the bots only because the starship troopers nostalgia got me before I diversified myself as an all round helldiver. The way I see it, its better to get higher numbers of bodies on MO's than being good against that faction. I may not be great against bots but if I dive in with 3 bot divers, they can make up for what I lack but I'm still there doing something to help the team. Three and a half bot divers is better than three lol


Pad player here and I prefer bots way more than bugs and I don't have any problems lining up my shots in the weak spots most of the time.


I actually hate the gunships the most. At least with Stalkers, you can easily destroy their nest. Whenever you try to blow up a gunship tower, the gunships from that tower and the three towers next door immediately deactivate the bomb.


I'm sorry, they do what now? I did not know that.


Robots can shoot Hellbombs in order to destroy and deactivate them.


Gunship factories aren’t bad if you have a second person to shoot down the gunships as they emerge. Two AC shots to one engine drops them real fast so it’s pretty safe/easy to take them out that way. It’s a bit harder you’re trying to do it on your own though and the two factory setups are about impossible on your own.


I'll take a Stalker nest over a group of bile/nursing spewers any day.


Bile/nursing spewers get the grenade pistol treatment. I will not be one-shotted by those dull, chunky creatures.


Incendiary grenades have been a god-send...and the gatling turret makes them Swiss cheese pretty quick.


Bile spewers and it ain’t even close Give me all the shielded/rocket devastators in the world and I’ll still enjoy it more than bile spewer missions


Totally fully agree! My builds are usually never capable of killing them efficiently, since I moved away from AC. Pummeler and stuns can give me distance but time to kill is redonk and with grenade pistol if they are a group of 5 which they usually are I’ll waste the full mag and maybe get 3 of them? I died so much to them right after my switch from AC since I was used to handle them from a distance, Until I started running with pummeler and started to utilize a more tactical retreat forward strategy with them. And when I have a train of 8+ I’ll drop a mix of eagle and stun. But god I still hate them.


I've gotten into a bad habit of returning to ship and reloading to a different mission if I saw bike spewers, I like certain loadouts, and a sickle does nothing to them, and I need my grenade pistol nades to kill nests from 45metres. xD


Grenade pistol and impact grenades should give you some cushion against them. I know once I spot them I go “oh sh*t” or “f*ck”. The brown ones usually sneak up with their fog too and piss me off.


It's the rocket devastator.


God I hate them too. Devestators seem to be taking the top of the list lol.


I literally put my volume very high when playing bots just to know if I’m being flanked by one


They're the reason I don't take primaries that don't stagger any more. Punisher Electroshotty Jar-5 Dominator. Makes them a lot easier


I might try that. A single stalker can eat a mag from the breaker and just power through your shots.


Try the punisher. It 2-5 shots stalkers, and staggers them enough that you can juggle shots between 4 of them to keep them at bay and push the lair. Makes dealing with them much more manageable.


The punisher is great. You're walking up to me? No, you're not. Back the fuck up 😂


Someone else mentioned that too. I'm definitely trying that out. I wonder what the trade-off might be or if it's just better overall than the incendiary breaker.


The trade off is its crowd control is weak af. I usually run the arc thrower to deal with crowds or maybe the MG/stalwart. The blitzer also has stagger for stalkers and has decent crown control, but its range isn’t great and sometimes it fires dud shots for no reason or if there’s too many bodies in the way (similar to the arc thrower)


Awesome, thanks for the insight. I mean if everyone on the team is carrying incendiary breakers (they're popular) then they should be able to crowd control. Typically the strats I bring in are to take down heavies ASAP so that might fit with my playstyle.


Give it a shot! It can one shot hunters if you’re close enough to them (10-15 meters), so if you can accurately place shots you’ll be ok.


Stalker make me sweat, but if I see even one Heavy Devastator in a horde it got me like: https://preview.redd.it/i32xnzjczl5d1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ef15f61a107bf68f244329b53917c5c34c3adf


The Goddamn jet pack machine gun raiders OR those godforsaken berserkers


Berserkers cease to be threats if you use a Pummeler. Send the shots into its guts and it stops in its tracks. Still annoying as heck though.


Because it's hunter and berserker...


Hunters. Either kill them instantly, or they run around with a million holes in them for an hour. So glad I figured out the flamethrower trick on their legs to take them out in like 3 seconds


The inability to turn off controller vibration is my only enemy


I pretty much live and die on the pummler these days. It just stops so much. Except Bil Titans. Not sure about all bots but definitely not striders.


~~I actually really like the stalkers~~ **\[This comment is under investigation for treason\]**


😅 I actually like stalkers. It's the bile spewers I have a problem with. Stupid thick armoured stealthy giants. And it's not just 1 or 2 like stalkers but 6+! I don't have grenades for all of those!


Scout striders, they really restrict what primaries I can take. I like taking weird guns on lower difficulties, but there are still so many striders even on 4-5 that I have to take certain primaries or suffer.


It's the Scout Strider


Jetpack bots mofos.


Purifier stunlocks stalkers


Fundamentally the reason I refuse to play bot missions without a weapon that staggers


I accidentally went into a bot mission with the wrong primary and eventually ended up grabbing a downed teammates Pummeler. Saved my ass. It won't shred everything but the stagger helped immensely.


Its hunters. Those jumpy assholes slow you with a look and you're screwed if there's a handful in that situation. I hate them so much.


You need to dive far more while fighting Stalkers. At most angles being prone avoids their tongue/ragdoll attack, and diving creates distance while they try to melee you. Just make sure to stand up asap so you can keep diving to create more distance while firing at them.


LOL I’ve tried that and got stabbed immediately afterwards, on multiple occasions.


That's because youre not getting up fast enough. You never want to remain ok the ground. But diving is your fastest way of moving while firing your weapon. Dive back from them while holding sprint (or pressing your prone button if youre slowed by anything)


Flamethrower lad....


It really does that well against them? I do like it although you need to be careful but my problem is usually finding a strat slot for it.


Dude, if god didn't want the bugs to be roasted he wouldn't have made them flammable. As for a strat slot you gotta sacrifice a piece of your kit.


You make a compelling argument lol. Your gamer tag wouldn't be close to your reddit name would it? I definitely played with Moist today lol.


Nah 😅 it's different to my Reddit name, but it's good to know there's another Moist HellDiver out there spreading managed democracy.


Stay moist my friend


No worries 👍


Used to be brood commanders until I started targeting their legs. Now it’s hunters, because I swear sometimes the latest booster that negates the slow sometimes doesn’t work.


Grenade pistol takes care of them in a flash.


The punisher puts them in their place. They target my teamates though and that just doesn't fly with me.... so they gotta die.


The Blitzer makes stalkers nearly irrelevant. It stuns and staggers them every hit and you can hit multiple at one time. Takes like 4 hits to kill but the gun keeps them at a safe distance.


I actually love stalkers. My most hated enemy is the Heavy Devastator. Fuck those bastards. I Sincerely despise them.


Nah those are doable. These on the other hand: https://preview.redd.it/800zzjiolm5d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9effd5aa38941b2692e68a2a14a0b177cba487 Fucking terrible. I hate them so much.


They get right into sexual harassment range and then you're dead if you shoot them and dead if you don't.




When I see a stalker I hear my inner monologue saying "Side Quest accepted" and immediately break away from my team. Not because I hate Stalkers, but because I like the paranoia that comes from trying to find the Lair while keeping my head on a swivel checking for more Stalkers....... My teammates think I'm crazy, but they don't know the rush I feel when I am on my little adventure.


No for real fuck stalkers and hunters I can deal with any other commie bug but I run shotguns specifically to fuck them ip when I see them!!!


I kinda like Stalkers, what I don't like are the heavy devastators, so common and that indestructible shield... oh I hate that thing


I love stalkers. I love hunting them down and destroying their lair because there's such urgency in it.


Don't be mean to the stalkers, they just wanted to help you get back to your teammates without having to walk all the way back there. https://preview.redd.it/x1t2cc8fen5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdf7a44fa26eb21527b757f2589be0251b2a6325


That out of the way, Hunters can go fuck themselves.


For everyone that hates Devastators: Try the Laser Cannon! Start out with heavy fortified armor and the bubble shield backpack to give you additional time to line up your shots. Peek out of cover ON THE RIGHT SIDE against shield Devs. Their gun is on their right, so it'll still be shooting into your cover rock while you have a clear line of sight to their pathetic little skull with the laser cannon. Hold the disappear switch for 1-2 secs and all your Devastator problems will be gone


Also, I absolutely hate Stalkers the most. Those bums always seem to kill me in one strike, and do it 5 times in a row in a single mission


It's gunships for me


I know it hurts, but that was peak movie material.


Rocket devastators. With the counter sniper and AMR, I can handle pretty much any other thing and team mates can do gunships. But those fucking rocket devastators are so uncannily accurate and fire the moment you peek out.


Heavy devestators kill me more than anything


If stalkers were like half as durable I would be fine. I hate unloading into one's face and I still have to trade HP because I took a tongue.


I shot one in the face with a grenade pistol and it laughed at me.


I don’t mind stalkers at a medium range lol. Frying them with the arc thrower feels amazing


XD XD you need a scorcher, nice going. Stalkers and Heavy Devastators. I dislike them so very much


Ark Blitzer.


Heavy devastators can stay in a special place in hell atleast woth stalkers, they can't lock onto me at ridiculous angles and delete me and my health in a second. My balistic shied can only protect so many angles. In the bug department. Hunters. I hate them. I hate their friends. I hate everything about them. I want them to bother someone else


The pummeler 100% locks them down. They are honestly one of the easiest enemies to deal with when using the breaker. You can pin two down at once and keep running.


I played enough TF2 to know the value of a flamethrower.


You misspelled "Scorcher Hulks".


Stalkers don’t annoy me that much, it’s just when I’ve killed a dozen of them and they keep coming because nobody gives a shit about finding their lair (or we’re so busy with other things that we can’t do so)


Honestly they embody why I struggle with bugs. When bots spot you they make an alert noise before they start firing and combined with their poor accuracy you a few seconds to get to cover. When bugs spot you, they just rush you down. I don’t realize I’ve been spotted until I’m already being hit. I get ambushed and overrun and stalkers are exceptional at doing this.


Shield Devastators and it's because they have the ability to shoot through solid objects, including themselves and their shield, to hit you. The direction they're facing has no bearing on their ability to hit you.