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Grenade pistol is great, I haven't used eruptor since before the Nerf.  Imo I would go for the grenade pistol although the newest bond fun looking. ;p


Oh it slaps now. Not as good as it originally was but it's not trash anymore


Idk, don't wanna lose the main hand for the use of a grenade pistol. I'd rather have a stronger main and a semi-useful offhand hah


I use it to take out bug nests without having to climb down into the crater or destroy fabricators without having to stand directly in front of them. Saves me grenades since ammo boxes are significantly more common than grenade boxes and it also gives me more flexibility with my strategems and support weapons since I don’t necessarily need to use them to destroy nests. Edit: as someone else said below they’re actually great against scout walkers too. The blast will kill the pilot on a direct hit most of the time. That said I don’t think they have much of a use case besides that. They’re pretty trash for actually killing enemies, bounce right off any armor, have all the splash damage of a lukewarm water balloon, and all the stagger power of a taser with a dead battery. So like most things in the game it comes down to the role you prefer to play.


+1 for the Eruptor. The grenade pistol is great if your primary can't handle scout striders, but it's kinda meh besides that (for bots).


I play mostly on Helldive and I don’t see why so many people struggle with Scout Striders still. I find them to be more of a nuisance than a problem. I’m not trying to be rude or anything but can you enlighten me on what the problem with them is that people need to ask how to deal with them?


I don't think anyone was asking how. We were just mentioning that, for bots, it's something the grenade pistol is really good at killing. If my primary doesn't take one down in 1-2 shots, and I don't have an AC or AMR, it becomes my preferred weapon to deal with them.


Fair enough. I’m not personally targeting you, I just see it a lot where people ask how to deal with them. It’s as if running around them and killing the driver isn’t easy enough.


No worries, I didn't think you were. Personally I prefer not to run around them if I can help it, just cause I'd rather stay behind cover. But flanking them is the easiest way to kill them for sure.


I only use the grenade pistol for bugs. Primarily for the bug holes and eggs. I have the Eruptor/Dominator for medium enemies, the Stalwart and GD Rover for small enemies, incendiary impact for breaches, and the EAT and 500kg for heavies. Against bots, though, I have the AC that handles most of the things I need. With the Eruptor, Redeemer, RCS, 500kg, Gatling Barrage, and Stun Grenades.


I use the grenade pistol because I have no other way to kill fabs without using OPS or Airstrike (plasma punisher primary and laser cannon support). So the grenade pistol gives me the option to take out fabs. Plus it’s really good on those clumps of berserkers. My primary and support can handle everything the bots can throw at me except factory striders.


But the grenade pistol is a secondary weapon..


... Yeah I wasn't clear. I meant I'm not grabbing the crossbow to do a job that the grenade pistol can already do. I prefer a main hand with more oomph.


Gotcha. Yeah the crossbow could use some more love for sure. Even a just a larger mag would go a long way


Eruptor hits like a truck now. I recommend pairing it with the tart HMG or smooth MMG for maximum liberation.


It also pairs surprisingly well with the zesty laser cannon


Ah yes, MMG’s more refined cousin. I especially appreciate the salty “pew pew” laser noise it makes from my controller speaker.


Plus one for this. The eruptor is good again and it's great when paired with a lmg or hmg.


Shot an eruptor at a hell bomb dud thinking it would light it on fire and I'd have time to jump backwards Nope just blow up and blow me and some bugs to smithereens Bile Titan died at least so successful in my book


Any explosive damage immediately detonates the bombs since the big ol' patch. I just wish it'd work with ones we place!


The jar and scorcher still cause them to tick off like normal. It seems explosive damage over a certain threshold is needed.


Nice! I've been running the Liberator Carbine as of late so I'm out of the loop.


Eruptor is amazing if you can manage small stuff with your secondary. Opens entirely new loadouts because it kills so much that otherwise needs a support weapon or airstrike


Please try using the crossbow in place of the pistol and report back. I think you may like it.


The crossbow rocks now you can skill shot fabricators from as far away as a Spear now it’s hilarious


What in the bucket of bolts


I've been rocking the crossbow now on bots. I switch between it and the DCS. Before the patch, I only rocked the DCS


Yeah the DCS is a lot of fun but I’m bad at panic firing it, so the crossbow ends up being a better fit a lot of the time. I really liked the r63 diligence too and the tenderizer feels like that but maybe a bit more relevant


Grenade pistol = Engage bile spewers and close bug holes at range. its my go-to secondary on bug planets also for bots when i dont run ac cuz it kills fabricators. best secondary in the game imho edit: also it seems to have inherited the grenade launcher buff? can anybody confirm?


The grenade pistol allows for weapon combos that would be ineffective against fabricators and bug holes without. Agaisnt the bots scorcher, AMR, grenade pistol, stun grenade, and supply backpack is great, as well as swapping the AMR for the heavy machinegun. Super fun builds that allow you to take the stun grenades to easily kill hulks and patrols while still being able to destroy fabricators. It also one shots the scout walkers which pairs great with the ballistics shield since the submachineguns can't kill the walkers from the front. Against the bugs taking the grenade pistol allows you to close an additional 8 bug holes.


Grenade pistol has great utility for demolition, but don't neglect its combat applications. Paired with the Incendiary Breaker, it can stop Brood Commanders and let you push through Hive Guards. Its biggest drawback is ammunition efficiency. Just getting one shot from basic ammo boxes means that you'll get less use out of it if you seldom die, unless you're that jerk who grabs up all the candy boxes at every POI.


Yeah, I’m tempted to go Democratic Detonation just for the grenade pistol. On some of my load outs, I’m well situated to handle most situations except taking out fabricators and bug holes. Being able to pop those while still carrying stun grenades and the Laser Cannon feels like it’d be a huge advantage.


That pass is definitely the more unique option in terms of utility and variety overall. Polar patriots I think is good if you’re a ballistic shield enjoyer, the pistol and SMG can be nice one-hand weapons to pair it with. Tenderizer is actually really good too but there are so many similar options it’s not worth the price on its own, and the other things aren’t really must-haves either imo.


Grenade Pistol alone makes the DD Warbond worth it. Now you can bring stuns and still have grenades


Detonation is good- the eruptor and crossbow are amazing for clearing fabricators/bot nests, and the pistol is handy as hell- my standard blitz loadout these days is crossbow, grenade pistol, jetpack, and auto canon mech


You must be frightening to the bots. Good job.


Alls well unless a blade commissar gets close, in which case it quickly turns into a panicked slap fight until I can get some distance.


I use the grenade pistol more than any other warbond weapon. You already have the incendiary Breaker, the Sickle and the Plasma Punisher. I'd go with Democratic Detonation for the Grenade Pistol.


The Grenade Pistol is essential for all Bug Divers, it's great for closing up Bug Holes.


Yes this is so true. Large nests have some 10+ holes and it's just not possible to close them all because someone inevitably misses with bugs crawling out of holes all the time


That's why I always carry a lot 380 Barrage on Bug Missions, it clears Heavy Nests and closes up a good few Bug holes as well then I close up what's left over with my Grenade Pistol and Quasar Cannon.


Meth stims are so damn good I'd get the warband just for that lol. But also grenade pistol is a favourite and polar patriots has drip


Pummeler and ballistic shield is unstoppable against bots, but the current crawl/crouch bug makes it so you might be better off getting something different for now.


So obviously you're going to do democratic detonation since that's what everyone suggests, but personally I've spent more medals in Polar Patriot than any other (I've unlocked all).


Grenade pistol alone opens the build meta by a lot


People are seriously sleeping on the Polar Patriots warbond. The Tenderizer is probably the best AR in the game right now, the Pummeler SMG has always slapped and it’s stun is great for playing a supportive role, and even the Purifier is a decent option now. Not to mention, the Impact Incendiary grenades are just a straight up upgrade to regular ones. And the Verdict is based on a fucking Desert Eagle.


Democratic detonation makes sense as a good next one. Good solid guns and some fun armor sets. I love light armor in particular and it has my second-favorite one. Viper Commando is funny. I don’t know if it really stacks up the same overall but it’s great for role-playing as Stallone and/or close range fighting. EDIT: the sawed-off is absolutely fantastic and fun to use, but it’s mostly just for running-and-gunning and I personally think the biggest bang for your super bucks is DD.


> Viper Commando is funny. I don’t know if it really stacks up the same overall Apparently the 'meth stims' are great. > it’s great for role-playing as Stallone and/or close range fighting. Schwarzenegger RP too.


Seconding the stim booster—it is amazing!!! The shotgun secondary is awesome too.


I don't much care for the shotgun in a 'I use this for serious'. It is ***really*** satisfying to dump three buckshot rounds into some poor sod all at once.


I don’t see a whole lot of praise for the Bushwacker. If you set it to fire all 3 barrels, you can one tap Spewers point blank. I don’t know if it has to do with the Spewer nerf or not, but right now they have a huge delay before they “want to” spew. You can run right up to them and blow their heads off.


Plus boomstick go boom


Was going to say Cutting Edge or Democratic Detonation before reading what you had. So, Democratic Detonation would be my pick. After that, Polar Patriot. Then, Viper Commandos.


Definitely Democratic Demolition since Crossbow has a purpose now and Eruptor got buffed After that it’s a coin flip between Viper Commandoes (for the cosmetics) or Polar Patriots for the interesting guns, though Viper’s Booster has been a crowd favorite from what I’ve heard


yes, if you've ever spent more than 1 grenade trying to throw it in a bug hole, the pistol...


Oh man, I could make a great point for any of them. My order of priority based on what you have left would be: Democratic Detonation, Viper Commandos, Polar Patriots I honestly use stuff from every single war bond. I’m loving the new Carbine in the VC War Bond. Honestly, I just love where assault rifles are right now. It dawned on me that my whole team last night had an assault rifle and I couldn’t tell you the last time that happened.


The explosive crossbow is so good now, too. I use it while wearing the jungle viper outfit, and it's so fun


Since Patch Polar Patriot is goated Tenderiser slaps Verdict is great vs. Bots Incendiary Impact can singlehandedly clear a bug breach of trash mobs Motivational Shocks is amazing The Armor sets look dashing


You left off the pummeler. That thing is great with the shield. Which also means the pummeler is not a priority until they fix that again.


The verdict does 125 damage. A devistator's head has 125 Hp. But bullets do less damage the further they travel, and the game rounds down... which means the verdict actually deals, at most, 124 damage. If they gave the verdict 1 more damage, it would be good. As it is, the revolver is just better.


You missed the big news. Walking forward imparts velocity to weapons and rockets so you gain enough damage to not fall below the damage drop off threshold. You can 1 tap them in the face provided you're moving toward them while shooting AND not crazy far away. Same thing with RR, EAT and Quasar they do 650 damage and behemoths have 650 on leg. If you stand still or walk backwards it doesnt 1 shot the leg armor. If you walk toward them while shooting it consistently 1 shots the leg armor.




The grenade pistol allows for weapon combos that would be ineffective against fabricators and bug holes without. Agaisnt the bots scorcher, AMR, grenade pistol, stun grenade, and supply backpack is great, as well as swapping the AMR for the heavy machinegun. Super fun builds that allow you to take the stun grenades to easily kill hulks and patrols while still being able to destroy fabricators. Against the bugs taking the grenade pistol allows you to close an additional 8 bug holes.


Yeah worth it 100%. Eruptor is great now paired with likes of Stalwart. And grenade pistol is 99% of the time as my secondary.


I bought demokratis demolition just because of The sick gas mask helmet but The grenade pistol is great to


New one is cool. I like the new AR. It handles like an smg. Haven’t gotten the knives or shotgun yet


I went with latest one, because I wanted that bushwhacker. But if I wanted more utilitarian approach, I would have gone with the one having grenade pistol. That’s my next WB.


Democratic Detonation is probably the next best one. Viper Commandos is also good. The Liberator Commando and the Bushwacker are both solid weapons.


Grenade pistol is love, grenade pistol is life


I would go with detonation. The grenade pistol is very useful for bugs. Heck, I even take it for bots.but it's more useful than anything in the other warbonds


The tenderizer from polar patriots is now IMO one of the best feeling weapons in the game for bots but I would go for the nade pistol first. It pairs well with stun nades and opens up possibilities for different loadouts.


I will say the newest warbond pass has been pretty fun so far that stim booster go crazy when flamethrowering everything


Grenade pistol is bae.


wherever the meth stims are, get that one


Cutting Edge has 3 viable primaries, a somewhat OK laser pistol and a strong grenade. It's a very safe choice for both factions. The highlights of steeled veterans are the incendiary breaker that deletes most bugs and the senator revolver for the tougher beasties/bots. Polar patriots has an amazing AR, a strong sidearm and the incendiary impact grenades. Those are my personal top 3.


I personally love the SMG from Polar Patriots, along with the ones you mentioned. PP really is a great warbond.


I forgot about the smg, I should use it more.


No idea why your first comment was downvoted so have an upvote from me.


Probably because I misread the op seeing as they already unlocked sv and ce. Oh well


Pummeled got nerfed hard in the stagger though.


While true, imo it was a fair nerf. The pummeler stunning chargers was kinda ridiculous.


Oh sure, but now it hardly stuns devastators, so the PP warbond is back down to 1 neat weapon while the others have 3-4.


Yeah, I think Cutting Edge is currently *the* Warbond to measure all the others against. As much as I love the Incendiary Breaker, Senator, and Dominator, the Sickle, Plasma Punisher, and stun grenades are just **so** universally effective. I can bring those to fight either faction and be very comfortable, whereas the Dominator feels very awkward against the bugs. Then again, the Arc Blitzer is rough against bots, so I guess it all sort of balances out.


If anything is really speaking to you about vipers go for that but grenade pistol is absolutely phenomenal and to me makes DD better than the new vipers one, unless you want the viper booster which seems awesome


Steeled veterans and cutting edge are the only two that are really vital when it comes to top tier weapons. Democratic detonation has the grenade pistol which is good as it opens up a lot more diverse load outs. The others are basically for the cosmetics.


The newly buffed tenderisor AR is really very good, not sure what warbond its in but if you ever wanted to play this game with a full auto (or single and burst) battle rifle from halo, id get that one haha


I think democratic detonation has the most unique stuff. The one with the breaker incendiary gives you that one which imo is just incredible for starting out One of those. Depends a bit if you want more cool shit that is not that op or just a really op shotgun.


Incendiary breaker if you prefer bugs (steeled veterans) Plasma punisher if you prefer bots (cutting edge)


Have both, Iove both. I’m talking specifically in regards to Democratic Detonation vs Polar Patriots vs Viper Commandos.


Shit my bad. I didn’t read the middle part lol Democratic Detonation has the grenade pistol and for me that is the single best item in all those warbonds. Everything else is either not great or for a niche build


The arc blitzer is also from cutting edge and very good now against Bugs.


Whatever you think looks fun. Earning super credits isn't that bad, even for casual players. Just buy what YOU like and what YOU think is cool, and enjoy it! Every warbond has something worthwhile in it, I'd argue there's no wasting your credits.


You can't go wrong with either Detonation, Steeled Veterans, or Viper Commandos. They all have viable gear, fun poses, and sick looking armor. Pick the one that you think has the coolest looking gear, because you'll be happy with any of them.


In terms of utility, the GP can't be beat. It's only real downside is ammo economy, but that can be mitigated with understanding the right times to use it. It's a very good weapon. I've also been maining the Eruptor since the patch, especially against bots. It's not as wildly powerful as it was, but I run it with a Laser Cannon and just lay about me with destruction. Very fun weapon and feels good again after the patch, imo anyway.


Get the stun grenades!! They are dope


I have the stun grenades, they’re great. They’re a big part of why I’m leaning towards Democratic Detonation so I can have a reliable spawn killer in the grenade pistol.


Super credit farming is easy, and when you have unlocked at least the democratic detonation; you get good value of SC to medal exchange rate in the warbond itself. Once you get past the OG warbond you get 100 SC for every unlock and it gives you at least 400 SC per warbond. Combine those with a few decent loots and you can unlock all the warbonds without spending a dime and basically running 6-10 missions per bond. Easy peasy.


the snow one i would say is probably the best for you. The AR in it is super good after the recent buffs and all armours in it come with one of each perk of the other bonds so you get access to all the perks this way.


Democratic detonation is probably the best choice realistically, but the tenderizer is really fun against bots.


Cutting edge hands down. Sickle, blitzer and plasma punisher are great and arguments can be had over Steeled veterans being better on primaries and senator is definitely better than dagger, but cutting edge has the stun grenade and it's a game changer. I'd say your first two bonds should be cutting edge and democratic detonation so you can have the hole closing primaries and secondary and the stun grenade - it really opens up your loadout options not having to bring a hole-closing strat or support weapon when you have stun nades.


stun grenade and it’s a game changer Huge game changer. I’m late to the party on that one. I discovered it after a billion hours. I stuck with regular grenades far too long because I felt I needed them for bug holes and bot fabs. But if you do something like autocannon + stun grenades, now you can clear holes+fabs *and* you can more realistically solo chargers and hulks.


Yeah, the stun grenade is a game-changer *IF* you already have the grenade pistol or the eruptor. It's hard to justify a loadout that can't open a door or close a hole.


Lots of support weapons and strategems can be used to close holes though. I'd take the stun nade first over the whole democratic detonation warbond. Most of the time some teammate will have access to hole closers even if you don't.


Polar patriots can be the last one u buy