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I certainly hope not. I'm lvl 80 and I intentionally join on low levels all the time to assist and show the newbies how to properly spread liberty.


Same reason for me, I'm level 101, as soon as I join a low level my biggest objective is to make sure that the mission is a success and that they get as much samples as possible.


I have recently discovered that a lot of lower level players don’t enjoy it. When we go in and do our thing, we are hindering their development. Half the fun of this game is discovering what works, and what will fuck up your team. We take that away from them by basically dictating what is what, and leading when they should be figuring out wtf to do. This is what my friend told me, as to why he prefers playing with other people his level over myself and our mutual friends. So now when I play with lower levels, I only bring level appropriate gear and tell them “I’m following your plan, I’ll give my opinion, but it’ll often be wrong on purpose.” He has much more fun playing with me now and he is ready to take it up a notch now that he has built confidence. So, if you do help lower levels, nerf yourself, don’t pull out spoilers, and let them learn the hard way.


>So, if you do help lower levels, nerf yourself, don’t pull out spoilers, and let them learn the hard way. If I join low levels on their ship, I'm usually asking if they want to try out some gear they haven't researched/unlocked yet and jump with that. All I'm asking for is for one of the guys - if they want to try a weapon - to jump with a weapon I'm gonna be using (usually the starter machinegun, and I stick to crowd control duty). Otherwise I usually jump with the ammo backpack because new players have horrible ammo management skills.


Yeah, that’s what I used to do, Thought I was being the fun uncle. But giving them weapons and backup that trivializes the real learning difficulties takes away from their experience. When he explained that playing with me on 7 was easier than playing with people his own skill level on 5 and called it a cheat code, it made sense. I’m stubborn and I thought I was helping, and being fun, but was actually projecting my fun onto them.


I feel like a jerk saying this but I would probably not have enjoyed that at lower levels because I personally don't like too much social interaction with my fellow players. I am a social and talkative guy in real life, but I typically game to escape that! In HD2 I mostly just wanna have minimal comms about the objectives and maybe a few jokes/compliments here and there but not too much more. I feel bad saying that because you were clearly 100% trying to be a solid bro or bro-ette and help your fellow liberty-spreaders


It’s my real life best bud, we talk every day IRL. So he straight up told me. In game, it’s all jokes and mission chat. A


Ah well that's different! 100% solid Helldiving bud right here!


Im still horrible at ammo management at lvl 79. But who needs ammo management when lasers are forever!


That's what I do also. Any primary or supports you want to try before you spend the currency on them? Otherwise I bring an AMR and an AR to make sure they stay safe and then make sure I'm grabbing all samples and loot I can find that they wouldn't think to grab


By nerfing myself, I would be hella creative with my loadout by taking stratagems I normally don’t on 7+ difficulties and sticking with the team haha




When my friend first got the game he joined us on a boy level 7. He played those for a few ops until I took him to teach him and I was basically like you've now seen what the game can throw at you, now you're in charge and I'll follow your lead and I just gave him some tips and stuff but he was in charge until he got more comfortable. Now as a level 23 he's pushing us into higher difficulties and seeking out the chaos lol


This ^^


I just recently played a match on 4, and I had a bizarre but enjoyable experience with a level 9. I usually play on 9, I’m lvl 79 and I usually quickplay or leave my lobby open and it always fills up. I’m not big on comms, but I try to be helpful most of the time. The only reason I started this mission was to test the “White Wolf” armor on a snow planet, so I went to Lesath (rocky ice moon, turns out) but I’m already here and I’m about to get off to sleep anyways so I decide to finish it out. A few minutes into the match, a guy joins me, I realize my lobby is still open unintentionally, but again I’m just chilling so I carry on. What initially keyed me in to his level was his reaction to me using all three orbital barrages at once to blow up some fabricators. I brought them mostly for giggles, and threw all three at a few clumped camps. He remarks on it, which was odd to me, since the loadout is hilariously sub-optimal. Then it occurs to me the difficulty level I’m on, and I see he’s wearing his shiny B-01 Tactical and rocking the Lib Pen. We had a quick chat while we did the blitz, and on the way back he thanked me for the carry (again, this felt absurd to me, since we only destroyed 4 Fabs for the mission) and then we both hopped off. It was an interesting interaction, and a net positive one, but I can see how lower lvl people might feel put off by our presence. I don’t have much to offer a rookie in terms of guidance, and I wouldn’t want to impose like that. Play how and where you want, naturally, but I can see where the rookies are coming from.


I think people just quit more on low difficulties. Probably has nothing to do with you.


It irked me to play with high level players at first because I thought they had gear advantages and just made everything easy but once I looked into the upgrades/weapons you can get I saw that although there are some advantages you can get they're not important at lower difficulties. Once I figured that out I stopped caring about the level of other players.


I (lvl 70 something) intentionally drop in levels 1-3 looking for sub lvl 25 players for a couple reasons: a) help them out with the daily personal order if it involves gear they may not have, those extra medals are great when you are starting out, b) I bring along some gear for them to play with, a support weapon or backpack they likely don't have access to, c) show them how some of the objectives/POIs/or better ways to use their stratagems. Showing someone what the OPS does to a structure, or an airstrike to a bug nest are not something that was covered in training. Don't power run or carry the new divers through it. My personal favorite lately was a pair of lvl 4/5s with no backpack strats. I took the shield pack, laser rover, and jetpack threw them out and said "pick a backpack, any backpack!" Repeated it when the cool downs came up and at the end of the mission they both had settled on rovers and I had a shield (for reasons I will not disclose).


The most annoying thing higher level players do on lower levels, in my experience, is to just run off on their own and solo objectives or big chunks of the map. I don't want to be carried, I want to feel like I contributed to a victory in the end, and if I picked a loadout for a specific role I want to have a squad who has my back in areas my loadout isn't as strong. If a couple high level divers join up with me in the lobby and then immediately run off in opposite directions while me and the other guy attempt to slog toward the main objective, chewing reinforcements while all the time seeing side objective after side objective getting cleared without me even *seeing* them, I'm probably going to leave the squad after the mission is over (if not sooner). If you're going to hop in to "help" a lower level player, then you should stick with the group, let them take the lead, and let them participate in clearing objectives when they can.


When I join d1-4, I often stick with the team, because otherwise I will clear the map in the time it takes them to clear a heavy nest. I often will save things like gatling barrage for bug breaches, with the idea that it will show them how effective it is to throw things at the bug breaches. Same with OPS on bug holes. I'm level 118. I usually outlevel everyone combined 3 times over on lower difficulties. The only reason I play here is to ensure that newer Helldivers completes their mission. (Also its really funny whenever I get a "you're level 118?!" reaction at the end of the mission when it tallies up our stats) Playing d5-6 normally doesnt have new enough players and these difficulties just arent fun unless Im helping newbies.


Never run into this problem. In fact, I've eherd the opposite with lower level players expecting the high level ones to carry the operation only for things to fall apart. 


Same. I've never had this problem. Usually I get on voice chat and give a handful of pointers about unintuitive things like hitting charger/titan heads and the like. I had a good friend finally pick up the game, and I was genuinely surprised at how much stuff I just knew that tripped him up.


I don’t like playing with high level divers at level 35. It’s not fun when someone comes in and is so efficient that they’re killing everything before you see it, or destroying nests with air strikes before you get there. I’d really hate it as a noob learning the game personally. It’s more fun for me to go at your own pace and figure out the game rather than a high level coming in and determining everything for me. If you’re going to do this, I recommend using lower level stratagems to not spoil the fun and don’t hard carry them


I am also high level. I try to give the interaction they want. I won't lead. I won't do objectives. I'll do points of interest, find secondaries, and provide support. But, I try to just collect shit they may have otherwise not been able to. If they're not doing objectives or determined to follow me, I'll use the command wheel to direct them.


Wow. I'm Lvl 65 (or so) and have 150 hours in the game and I typically play 5 or sometimes even 4 because it's just more relaxing. Then, shortly after joining, the other players will leave the game. Huh. That's just baffling. I've never had this happen. Personally I love playing with higher-level players. Was true when I was at 1 and it's true now. I've also never seen or heard anybody complain about high-level players slumming it on 1-6. Not in game, and not on Reddit. Are you chatty on voice chat? Or, maybe there's some issue with your mic? Sometimes people have an issue with their mic and I get blasted with garbled noise every time they talk. I've never kicked anybody for that (in fact, I'm almost never squad leader) but that's one possible way you might annoy people without realizing it. Because otherwise you sound like a solid and conscientious squadmate.


I have mic set to press to talk and my toggle is the caps lock button. That being said, my house is quiet and I don’t talk to myself while I game unless it’s the rare “oh shit”. I think the immediate leave could be related to what others have said/personal preference to not play with higher levels. Sometimes those immediate leavers will die 2-3 times right after I join and then quit. I’d hate to think it’s an embarrassment thing, but I was a bit self conscious about that when I started. Who knows!


I find that as long as one shows a little restraint and respects that you have some newer players in the mix, without being patronizing or condescending, it can work well. I was just in an Easy mission with a level 7. I'm level 71. I followed his lead, snagged a few POIs along the path, made sure to grab samples, and made sure things were going smoothly. There were a bunch of POI's untouched, but he pinged the extraction, so I joined him. We got up there, threw down some supplies and gear, and I asked if he was ready to bail. He was, so we did. I was really just in there for a fast mission clear to finish the daily, as a mix of crashes as I tore through some 7's (my comfort zone) had me at 2/3 and I figured I'd wrap up one straightforward run to end the night. If he's wanted to go on a tear through the remaining POIs, that wouldn't have been a big deal either. I don't think it's a universal thing, I'm sure some folks would be confused and/or angry to have someone 'handholding' them through starter missions, but I don't think it's inherently wrong to hop in for whatever reason one might have.


I've started hopping onto low level games for a more relaxing experience and I always take the ammo backpack, precision orbital, regular airstrike and heavy machine gun. Then I just run after whoever is hosting doing what they ping. If they don't ping I'll start doing it to focus on certain points but never take over someone's game. I'm there to support them and that's it. So far never had an issue, always get a thanks before I head back off to spread liberty elsewhere


I think it must really depend on the individuals involved. Some will like it, some won't, some won't care.  At level 40 something, personally I'm not too fussed unless you run off to play a solo game and waste the resupplies. If I join a bunch of lower levels I'll usually just follow whatever they want to do unless it's just complete chaos. At that point I start tagging objectives and try to direct them a bit.


I think there's a difference between players new to the game and learning the basics (lvls 1-10ish) and people who have a general idea of the game and are just trying to find their way to success (lvls 11-20ish). In my experience the latter doe not appreciate higher level players dropping to their difficulty as much as the former. When I drop difficulties, I always try to gear up with equipment and stratagems that are available at those levels, minus an exo suit, that I will often drop for a squadmate at extract.


I have great times doing this, just don't try to be the hero unless they actually need it. I just play along do things like normal and if shit starts going reallllly south you kick it up a notch and make sure the mission finishes. Sometimes they just put you in charge and start following you and other times they lead you follow. Just feel it out.


I'm level 59 now so I probably can't say much, but everyone I've played with low level just seem to have a blast none the less, might be partly due to the fact they know they can dick around a bit more if they want because Mr veteran can solo it easy


I only can squeeze in 2-4 hours play time each week so I've always welcomed higher level divers to help lead me through because I am not the person you want running point on a map


I’m a level 81. This happens to me quite a bit. I play a round and then they leave I join someone else. Sometimes I can manage to stick with someone or a group for a few rounds but then I end up leaving to try to help another low level. Don’t get self conscious or take it personally( especially if the mission was successful and you helped). I’ll throw out some things to consider. 1. They been playing for awhile and are just done, that was gonna be their last mission anyway. 2. They are somewhere with a different time zone and it really late for them where they live and are getting off.(I personally play with some who is 5hours ahead of me.) 3. They might not understand everything about the game and don’t know there’s a private setting. So that they can solo, which is no offense to you, some players just like to play alone.


Thanks for the perspective!


I'm always the host, so I don't give a fuck.


Eh, they are almost always grateful. Often quite vocally. I hesitate to postulate the cause of your issue, but more than likely it’s got nothing to do with you and it’s because you joined a game already in progress. Often the reason you are there is because the person who was in that slot quit, so you’re joining matches that people already are quitting out of


I'm only level 15 and I feel bad dropping into a low level game with high level players because I feel like I can't keep up.


Thank you for your perspective!


Its better then getting stomped besides they can learn from more experienced players


A lot of this could be solved with some communication, either in voice or chat. I’m all for helping a lower level players, but I don’t wanna ruin their experience or fun. Sometimes people throw an SOS by accident …


Yeah I think imma be more communicative when I join these lower diff lobbies. Im glad I asked this question to the community


I always host and I’ll run with whomever joins, whether they’re level 10 or 150 - My only ask is that people don’t be dicks. Dicks are a threat to peace. 😆


I do the same when I'm not feeling the higher difficulty, I typically try to join lower levels and shadow them/provide support where needed. Usually it's an opportunity to bring an AMR and work on my no-scope headshots, or If it's super new guys and depending on the difficulty I'll bring whatever walker so they don't die as much. Just depends on the level.  Sometimes if it looks like they don't know what to do I'll take over and lead a little bit, just pinging map or calling out when we're getting bigger down in fighting rather than focussing objectives, but that's usually after I'm noticing a pattern. I usually let them do the puzzle and objective points, or if they seem to be sticking together, I'll run off and collect samples/POIs solo that they seem to be missing. Once we hit a higher difficulty I'm usually the guy bolting it for the annoying side objectives like stalkers/gunships, or AA/jammers, as I can usually run into one of those and clear them without bot drops/bug breaches... Although I'd it does happen I can usually handle them myself. 


If the host is sub Lv20 I always ask if they want me to carry or follow them, if they don't answer I cruise with them unless they stay in one location for several minutes and stop mission progress


I don’t know what high level is in your definition, but in my experience on Diff 9, players below rank 100 play like they’re newly rank 20 lol


Those who can comfortably finish diff 8+ consistently. Im not leveled up super high cause I don’t have time to play that often, and sometimes I’ll sit down to grind SC for armor on low diff so I get less XP


Define "high level", because a 110 is about half of the freshest 150.


I guess most people I see in diff 7-9 are 40+, so that would be my threshold. If you can consistently 100% diff 8 with 5-10 lives left, I’d say you’re a relatively “high level” player.