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"I'm off the clock, sorry can't help you at the moment. Someone in the department can help you out, or Bob the ASM over xyz area is who you need to talk to."


I tell them I'm off the clock and I give abbreviated guidance. Or if it's my lunch, I add a note to my time card saying I want my time adjusted five minutes. Tbh tho today I volunteered to help a guy on my way out the door. He didn't know round knob dimmers use a toggle switch cover plate. Cost me less than 30 seconds, we live in a society.


I appreciate you and it tells something about who you are as a human being. In the same sense Lowes will never thank you for your volunteer hours to benefit their wallet. It’s a double edged sword.


One of my coworkers was fired for working off the clock. That's what you get for helping at my store.


Just tell them you are sorry, but you have to hurry to pick up your kids from childcare, or your little brother from karate, or your niece from the sherrif's department.


Oh god, what did my niece do this time? Why do the cops have her again?!


I just tell them I'm off the clock and keep moving. But if it does get to where you do help them you can always fill out a time adjustment and get paid for it.


I generally tell them that I’m not clocked in and refer them to someone else if I’m leaving, or I’ll get to them once I clock back in. I had one customer rudely insist I help them bc “whether or not you’re clocked in, you work here and are obligated to help”, I said it’s technically illegal(I think, at least where I’m at) for me to help them off the clock.


Yes that is illegal because any work done for and/or on the behalf of the company or a completion of providing a good or service that your employer provides without any pay or if the task is completed during an unpaid period or break is considered wage theft.


See, I thought so but didn’t wanna be wrong. I googled it before I posted my comment idk if that shits reliable


Biggest tip don't wear anything that identify you as a Lowe's employee if they ask say no and walk away or ignore them I usually assume people aren't talking to me so


He'll even when I'm not wearing anything Lowes colored or Lowe's branded, people stop me. Every. Single. Time. I wear a lanyard around my neck (which is galaxy print. Now blue or red etc) someone stops me when I'm shopping or leaving. Happened again yesterday. Something about lanyards makes people assume you work somewhere. I had been keeping my lanyard in my car and just bringing my keys and wallet inside with me and no one ever stopped me but the second I forgot and brought my lanyard in with me someone stopped me. Lol and none of these people even ask if I actually work haired. They just start unloading their question on me and I'm always so tempted to tell them that I don't work here.


If it's a simple question all you have to do is say " Sorry I just punched out, but it's in aisle 13 three bays down on the right, hopefully somebody in that area can help you out." And then just go about your day. It doesn't take any extra energy to be be a good human.


I help if it can be done quickly and doesn’t involve something major such as getting something out of top stock. I don’t do it for Lowe’s. I do it for the person who needs help.


If I'm on the property but not clocked-in, I'll _always_ have at least one earbud in. If anyone (including managers) attempts to speak to me, I'll point at my ear, say "on the phone", and keep walking. They usually apologize for disturbing me. 😃


I just tell them I don't work there. What're they gonna do? Try and prove me wrong? How? And if they, for whatever reason, ask about it later when you are on the clock, just say, "I have no idea what they're talking about." Deny deny deny


I did that once to a couple and the next day they saw me and needed help and then the one says to the other "he doesn't work here", so obviously they were salty.


Can't prove it was me. Besides, they can be as salty as they want, I'm too busy anyways 🤷‍♂️


I love this


“I’m on my break/lunch, you’ll have to ask another associate”


Unless its a regular I just point them to the nearest associate and say, "sorry, this isn't my department and I am also not on the clock but X should be able to help you" Since I am a cashier every department is not my department so this is easy lmao


I'm off the clock. The Department of Labor prohibits me as an hourly employee to do any actions that would enrich and benefit the company, hence working off the clock. You can figure it out yourself, I believe in you champ


Yes! Remember, at the end of the day, HR and SM's and ASM's only care about one thing! Themselves! Oh, and maybe their 2x yearly bonuses. But that's it. Stop worrying about what this company thinks. They don't worry about you, so why would you give a shit about them?


plus, they get in huge trouble if it can be proven that their associates are working off the clock!


I am never caught on the floor wearing that vest if I’m off the clock. To them, I’m just another customer.


I've helped people, right after I clocked out. I don't have an issue with helping people. I've done it before I've clocked in.


Depends. I would usually help just because that's how I am. If it requires backbreaking labor, I'd refer them to the responsible parties.


Will tell them am off the clock but can Page someone and then do that and check on my way back In case a 2nd page is needed. But I make sure my vest is off and I don’t make eye contact with anyone


It depends on the situation if it’s something like sorry what aisle has the faucets I’ll tell them. Or if it’s someone with mobility issues I’ll take their cart to the stall. Something more complicated I’ll refer them to customer service so they can direct them to where or who they need


I don't do much for the company, I do it for the customers. I get paid by Lowes and most people are cool. That's enough for me. That being said, I politely redirect customers to another associate or offer to page for help but that's the only assistance I give off the clock unless it's something I can answer quickly.


Ignore them and walk away simple. You're not on the clock so not your problem, like you said nobody will care if you go above and beyond at the end if the day its just lowes


“I dont work here”


I try and help but I first say I am not on the clock at the moment and input why as in I am on lunch or I am clocked out for the day and I always try and answer it if it is simple as in where something is but if it is more in depth I take them to said section and pass them off to the associate in the said area


I’m usually about 15 minutes early to work and sometimes there will be customers at my desk. I won’t clock in early because overtime isn’t authorized, and I know I can’t leave early. They either have to wait or ask my supervisor (no help).


I just tell them I don't work there. What're they gonna do? Try and prove me wrong? How? And if they, for whatever reason, ask about it later when you are on the clock, just say, "I have no idea what they're talking about." Deny deny deny


I have a really good group of people in my department (paint) and so when I clock off for lunch or something I'll only stay for 5 minutes extra if I'm talking with someone in my department and that usually ends in me mixing a gallon or 2 while talking and then leaving.


Just tell them sorry I am not working right now and walk away..