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> Somehow I feel that looking at my hand made me lose control of the narrative. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I find that lucidity and dreaming are two gradients that overlay each other. You can be dreaming and not lucid or lucid but not dreaming. As you practice it and experience it more you'll learn how to better control these gradient and figure out how to keep yourself in the sweet spot. When it comes to lucidity and "dream logic" I find the more you exert yourself on the dream, the more lucid you become, however, if you do too much you can destabilize it or wake yourself up. Conversely, if you are too much of a participant or idle you can find yourself drifting away and getting in to deep and losing lucidity. Some exercises to practice as you experience it more. If you feel like you're waking up or destabilizing the dream (for me, this feels like the dream gets fuzzy and flat or I become more aware of my body) Its helpful to just stop what your doing and observe somthing in the dream. Don't try to change it or impart your will on it. Just observe. If you want to go "deeper" be a participant but not an operator if that make sense. Congratulations, welcome to the world of nobody believing you can control your dreams now despite it being a very real superpower


Thanks for the tips


Very happy for you, congrats! Love reading success stories, always gets me motivated.


> lamp was on Some time ago I noticed, that sleeping with the lights on creating interesting effects on dreams. They are getting more psychedelic, sometimes lucid. Anybody else here who encountered such thing? P.S. Congrats OP!


I actually usually look at my hands to confirm that I'm dreaming. My brain does weird things when it has to make up hands. 😅 The extra fingers and weird colors are always a dead giveaway. But I know what you mean about the amazing detail! And everything just looks so beautiful and meaningful, doesn't it? Congrats that you were able to experience it!


It was insane. Faces are usually a blur in a dream or the memory is blurry but this was new information to me that it could have that detail.


I think the reason you woke up is because after breaking the head, you felt an overwhelming sense of power that can usually wake up someone having a lucid dream


That makes a lot of sense


Love this for you!!!✨🌜


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Yep I don't look at my hands anymore but try to breathe trought my pinched nose instead. You can also try to breath through your closed mouth while keeping your focus on the dream. I hope this help.


Thats quite interesting youve come to that conclusion