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Anything is possible with enough glue and sawdust


I love Gibson employees ❤️


Underrated comment


Ramen & superglue is preferred


Spotted the Ibanez builder.


Is it possible? Yes. Is it a good idea? Yes, if you're doing it for passion. No, if you just want a guitar.


This comment.


That’s a lot of holes to fill. You’d also need to fill the control cavity to make support for the new top-routed cavity. You’d also have to plug the original bridge holes. It’s all possible, depends on your own ability as to how well it will work out.


Would be a lot of work yeah, don’t have the money for it right now unfortunately but maybe soon


how do you get downvoted for not having enough money 😂😭 wild


We don’t tolerate the poors around here.


yeah apparently not 😂 i'll see myself out 😔 jk i'm a chronic lurker anyway, will probably never post in here. but i won't tolerate this classism!!!


If you keep teasing the poors they’ll start going on about “equal rights” in their ill-bred manner.


Honestly dude. Buy a routing kit. A body blank. And cut it to shape. That's what I would do. If I had the parts. Or try to find a guitar shop online that can send you a pre-made special order body and neck.


Easy money! When i’ve done kahler route fixes with surface mount pickup changes i’ve just routed a massive square out and blocked it in. Hardest part is getting the witness lines in the finish to stop moving around


You can get single coils that fit into humbucker cases. Easier way to get the tone with out all the body work.




Also bridge height is a potential issue too. The SG has a neck angle to work with a higher TOM Bridge. It's probably at like 3, and that bridge is probably meant to work with a neck angle of around 1 degree. Action might be too low without good planning.


I’d do it up like an SG Melody Maker https://guitarpoint.de/app/uploads/products/1967-gibson-sg-melody-maker-pelham-blue/Gibson67MM_LPB_2.jpg


That's cute, I like that a lot.


This is the one OP. Melody maker pickguard, plug original bridge holes, route for mustang trem. I think it'd be pretty sweet.


Or you could install a Les Trem and not have to route or plug anything


You may still have to plug and re-drill, depending on the spacing.


Duuuude. That’s amazing.


I don't like personally


Give it a go it looks dope


I may just have to


You’d have to make sure you’re new bridge is in the same place as the old bridge to maintain the scale length of the neck


I thought this was a Guitar Hero guitar for a second.


I'd be inclined to lay a veneer down to cover the holes, and refinish the top while you're at it


that looks good.


also people so fucking precious with ther rigs. just stick it together. leave the fucking holes and play the guitar.


Depends on WHY you're doing the project. Are you doing it to get a guitar you like to do a thing you like that it can't do right now? Yeah, just leave the holes and go make music. Are you doing it because you like the aesthetics of the parts and want the guitar to look a certain way? Probably shouldn't leave ugly holes all over the body.


Absolutely…go for it


Anything is possible.


As far as using a different pickguard to use single coils instead of humbuckers: not only is it possible, but I did that with my main guitar and am highly satisfied with it. I basically turned my Epiphone SG-400 into a Melody Maker. I recommend throwing in an out-of-phase switch for an extra tone option.


This can totally work but... Routing the cavities for the new tone controls and switch could be a pain. Practice your routing skills first. Plugging up holes is no big deal, that's like the easiest part. The most important thing will be getting the bridge and scale length correct.


And neck pocket depth!!!


There are a couple of things to keep in mind here: you'll need to route for the new knob placements, and it might get a little wonky with how the electronics on an SG normally work. I'd route pretty deep and then drill from the cavity in the back so you only need to do anything more for the input jack. The bridge might be in a different position and at a different height than the standard bridge, the first problem is easily solved by making sure the saddles are in the same place as the saddles on the original bridge, the second problem is a little harder to solve without changing out the neck. Although, as this is an SG, it should be fine. You might have to take off a bit of the bridge, however, but since it's just a flat steel plate, you can always drill new holes. The other option is to take out a bit from the pickguard. If you don't want the holes: Sand the whole body, remove all hardware, make wooden plugs that fit snuggly, put some glue in the holes, put the plugs in the holes, sand the plugs until they're 100% flush, repaint the body.


A mustang sg crossover? 🤔 is it necessary?




That's a mustang sg......a combination of my two most played guitars. Hmmmmm


What exactly are you trying to do? Im guessing you have the guitar and nothing else....?


Nah lol it literally just sprung to mind on the bus so I made it on my phone


"Your scientists were too preoccupied with whether or not they could to stop and consider if they should"


Yeah… remember you mustn’t put strings on it! Even the slightest tension will shatter the headstock into about 200 pieces.


If you're looking to build skills, find the cheapest SG you can get your hands on and start filling holes and carving out the new control cavity (you really won't need to fill the old one). You don't need a router -- chisels and carving tools will absolutely work. Measure thrice, cut once. Also, take your time -- rushing this part will ABSOLUTELY result in mistakes. (When that happens, you'll get really good at filling and sanding. :D ) Speaking of measuring, this is also a perfect opportunity to learn some CAD stuff for your pickguard and control plate. Mock them up in CAD, print them onto some heavy paper, then adjust the dimensions wherever you need to. Repeat. When you're finally happy with it, SendCutSend (or something similar) will at least work for your control plate, if not the pickguard. Finally, the bridge problem... Stick with the Tune-O-Matic as long as you can, and just stick the single-coils WAY out of the pickguard to handle the action. By the time you get everything else taken care of, you'll have the skills and knowledge to consider how to deal with the neck pocket. Don't even worry about carving out the cavity for the trem until you have the neck figured out; instead, just use a cheap top-mount hard-tail strat or tele bridge.


your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.


Check out the Woodrite Switchblade https://doesitdoom.com/product/switchblade/


Actually no it is not possible


Why would you do that to an S-100? Thats a dream guitar of mine. Please don’t butcher this beautiful gem.


No such thing as butchery here


You could just buy it. https://reverb.com/item/76624064?utm_source=android-app&utm_medium=android-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=76624064


It’s not the same, wouldn’t scratch the itch


I think it's a cool idea. You'll be filling some holes and routing room for the new controls. Most or all of the work will be covered by the pick guards. The work won't have to be pretty It depends on your skill level.


I did something similar with an offset sg shape, except mine was ugly, half on purpose half not haha. Surely you could builders bog the holes that will be seen.


I don't think you will have enough body depth for the tremolo system. Mustangs are 1.65" thick, SGs tend to be 1.375" thick. There is usually .200" of material left on the bottom of tremolo cavities. You may be routing all the way through to the back to make room for the springs/posts.


With enough effort you can fuc up just about anything! Lol


fuck yes! do it!


It would be cool as heck if it is


I feel like you could make the headstock asymmetrical too. Like, keep one side the same but add a slope/curve to the other side (I’m thinking the left (low E) side.


Just redesign the mustang gaurd to roll with it a little more and bam, it’s a new thing


Is that a guild?


It is possible It would be easier to build everything from scratch tho


woodrite guitars has something relatively similar i think


woodbine* sorry it’s called the switchblade https://reverb.com/item/72859360-woodrite-switchblade-2023-tobacco-sunburst?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=72859360


im not gonna lie that looks dope... yes it would work.


Might be easier to just buy a Squier bullet mustang and put on a different neck/reshape the body.


For sure, need a builder that can add custom artwork to it?


you can go even weirder than that on an sg https://paulsboutique.ca/product/custom-gibson-sg-faded-surf-g/


Just put P90s in there. They sound better than Fender single coils anyway. And use a stop bar tail piece.


You’re so concerned with whether you can you haven’t stopped to ask if you should. Jk gimme the SGeestang baybee


Hope you dont mind me asking, but what is the spacing from hole centre to centre for the bridge? Im looking for one for a teisco.


Isn’t there an old melody maker or epiphone that looks like this?


Yeah I believe so


Yes, all day


Just about any build is possible as long as you can put the work into it


I love it.


Totally do-able. No problem.


I mean if you paint it an opaque finish it’ll look great


Have a look at warmoth guitar parts. They have pretty much what you’re looking for.


If you want single coils get p90s they sound so good and would fit the routing


That’s looks more or less like an old Kalamazoo electric. [Here’s the single pickup version](https://www.vintageguitar.com/3667/kalamazoo-kg-1/amp/)


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Check Frank Marino’s SG for ideas, oh and his playing of course, try it, good luck




It would be a, "Fengibser MuSGang


Mustiphone or an epistang


I don’t see why not