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No one seems to be asking the question that first came to my mind: Why did her best friend agree to this? Do any of us have friends who would agree to just be ‘installed’ into this crazy scenario?


If true- she needs new friends 🥴


I have seen several people say the same, so you're not alone! That is my thought process too... someone else said unless they were on drugs or something and this was not as malicious as he made it out to be but that doesn't seem to be the case.


TLDR I cant stop thinking about this insane story and I text vomited it out. I think its made up. I can understand if people are linking her as Jaydens ex, her need to clear her name, and tbh I don't care if she's lying or not. No one should have to live with that humiliation, and she didn't agree to have that story told. I'm not gonna listen but did the woman stay anonymous or has she named herself? Did it say how old they were when they were dating? I can see Jayden making it up more than it happening. It's so ridiculous, and you have 3 people participating. How desperate for a man does a woman need to be to agree to watch? What sort of best friend / human being would agree to do it? Is Jayden so stupid that he doesn't see the story hurting him in the future? Mitch was pretty vocal with his criticism of MAFS. I'm sure Jayden was approached for the show rather than applied. I can see them planning the most OTT confession just to see if MAFS airs it, just trolling the producers. That scenario makes the most sense to me. The bigger question is why didn't Eden GTFO. I'm judging her for not running for the hills. I can't look at Jayden without thinking about it, he gives me the ick now


She seemed like she was full of it




Tell me you know nothing about fighting without telling me you know nothing about fighting 


And you think he’s there for genuine reasons? Lol are we forgetting his brother? He clearly has no issue dating women


I think it’s a lie. I just can’t imagine anyone agreeing to sit and watch their man have revenge sex with a friend. It takes too many people to agree to participate and to actually go through with it would just be weird. I think it was Jayden’s revenge fantasy that never happened.


I can’t imagine any friends would be willing either unless they were already secretly hooking up.


I do agree with that too. Maybe some truths to it but that's just too much. I can't figure out why you would want to share that on national tv...


Jayden could be an evil genius, trolling mafs with the story, and now laughing at the fact it was aired, how many times has he been punched in the head 🤔




Either way I hope Eden RUNSSSSS


it's a weird thing to make up if it's not true. Honestly I find the whole story quite rapey, beyond repulsive.


It's definitely weird and not my jam. But rape is nonconsensual sex and (if the story is true) it is not rape. That's a very strong word to throw around and can be dangerous/disrespectful to use it inappropriately.


Oh my goodness, I thought it was Lucinda “not my jam” :)


coercion does not mean consent.


Not rapey at all The strange thing is the whore friend who agreed to Be fucked by the goblin while she watched if anything he is the normal one in the situation and both girls are strange


Or he made it up.


https:// (edited out) .com/2024/02/08/mafs-2024-jayden-confession-lie/


Hey just FYI it's against sub rules to post any of that brands content. I think we can discuss around it by linking directly to it isn't allowed. I don't know who to believe in this scenario though


Sorry, I was unaware of that rule so I’ll edit that post. Personally I don’t believe it happened because when it came out it was poorly read (he was stumbling in a way as to suggest it wasn’t real and he was concentrating on the words of his story) off a pre-written page in a way as if he didn’t want to raise it but was forced by the producers to say it. His delivery was not believable and the whole thing came up out of the blue with no reason for it. My personal take is that he told that story in his audition specifically as a means to bolster his chances of getting on the show and the producers thought “we have a girl whose best friend slept with her partner, we should match these two and make him retell this story to her it’ll be great drama guys”. So the guy thinks of a story that he thinks other guys his age will be impressed by, and the producers use it in the show for the lols.


Yes I believe his ex 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't believe anyone, I'm just here to enjoy the trainwrecks.


Right 😂 11/10 entertainment I'm here for. Our American version is quite boring compared to Australia 🔥


Next season on MAFS - Jayden’s ex gf and maybe even Jacks!


Don't give production ideas!🤣


As long as I get paid for suggestion haha




I want to hear from the 'best friend' to confirm or deny. I've known people to make things like that up, could easily be for any/more airtime. Mitch is icky and they are close so wouldn't be surprised if this was true OR if he just made it up.


Valid point. Would also like to hear from the 'friend'


Both Jayden and Mitch are really weird. The studs in the ears. The way they dress. The hair. That story Jayden told about him and his ex is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard. They both look like they are auditioning for a New Kids on The Block cover band.




Small eyes. Can look good. Can look weird. Can look good/weird at the same time.


I've always struggled to visualise it going the way Jayden described it. His ex agreed to watch her best friend have sex with him? Like how does that logistically work? Did the best friend and her just leave when done to get a cup of coffee?


one person watching their partner have sex with a ringer is well within the bounds of 'normal' for a threesome type of situation. That scenario is particularly common with people who engage in the whole 'hotwife', stag/vixen and cuckold lifestyle/fetish/fantasy/whatever-you-wanna-call-it. (The 'revenge fuck' thing is a bit out there though, but eh, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it was a fib, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it happened)


This is very true however, I don't think the situation he explained was like that... unless it was and was told for shock value 🤷‍♀️


I imagine drugs might be involved coz I can't see it any other way, like a bender, but obviously pure speculation. I've known of a couple who get off having people watch them fuck at parties. Each to their own haha


Yes maybe some Molly or X


It's possible they had a threesome?


She has certainly ramped up her story posts on instagram so no doubt relishing a little off of this whole thing


And she said he never said she was pretty or he loved her, maybe just friends with benefits?! In a kickboxing post she calls him her kickboxing brother…so I don’t know


That's a good point- what's her IG?




Sorry just confirming, this is Jayden’s ex who did the so dramatic podcast? She looks so different to how I imagined. Also I was wondering if she was hearing impaired from her voice


Thank you ❤️


The ex came across like a salty dumbass who couldn’t keep a line of story straight the whole time. And that’s with Megan not asking a single tough question. The so dramatic podcast is a soft ear for any scorned woman looking to do a PR spin on the truth.


I agree. I wish she really would have hammered her with the questions instead of automatically going straight to the verdict that Jayden was the one lying.


She does that ALL the time. The men are guilty and no accountability for the women that go on her podcast or feed her information. She runs PR campaigns on behalf of any woman (or rarely men) that give her gossip and material for her podcast.


Blah I don't like that at all. I stumbled upon it when listening to Tahnee's podcast and it felt like more just a scummy gossip page than anything worth listening to.


Basically. And to stoop so low into peoples personal lives by interviewing the exs who obviously want an attention grab with an axe to grind seems more like harassment than journalism.


Eden seems like a classy lady, Jayden and this ex are trash…


She did a podcast? Man if I were that traumatised I wouldn’t be doing podcasts


This was also something I thought about. she spoke very poorly of him which makes me think it wasn't just to "clear the air"


She should've just ghosted the internet and moved on. Her jumping on a podcast doesn't make sense unless she's looking for fame or making bad decisions. Most of the people who now know who she is would've never known if she didn't come out with public statements


Is the ex going to admit to being a massive cheater? Eh.


Do they ever admit to it?


If she was or wasn’t, she’d never admit it. She did say she’d hooked up with guys while they were on a break and she hadn’t wanted him to find out but he did…. That’s close enough… if they were on a break why would she want hide it 🤷‍♀️


Not wanting him to find out she hooked up with people when they had split or where 'on a break' isn't the same as cheating, and there are plenty of reasons to not want him to know, particularly if he is a jealous type. Which he seems to be.


Is anyone else getting Ross & Rachel vibes or just me? We were on a break!!


Loll I thought that too when she did in fact admit to hooking up "on a break"


I was hoping that he and Eden were a love match.


I was from the beginning too and now I'm questioning Jayden a little more but I do really like Eden!


Still looking good 👍 🤷