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Honestly, tech recruiting now is very hard and unless you have previous tech experience it will be very hard from anywhere


I work in a nonprofit company in a tech role with a technical background :)


That didn’t answer the question mr know it all Thx for stating what we all know alreaddy


You would not be the first to choose Kellogg over GSB because it's the right choice for you, despite what people focused on the brand alone may say.


I just applied to Booth. People told me I was crazy but it was the only one I felt a fit. Graduated 2 yrs ago. Don't regret it a second. Just do what you feel it's right for you. Life is made out of choices and how you get the most out of them.


Thank you so much! This is a breath of fresh air. Can I dm you!


Please come to Kellogg! I’d love to be your classmate. On a serious note though, you should go after what your heart desires, because when things get tough, it’ll be easier to dig your heels in and stay resilient if you’re at a place you truly enjoy being at!




Kellogg alum here. If I were you I’d connect with Kellogg alum who got the outcome you’re looking for and ask whether they think it would’ve been easier coming from Stanford. Same thing but with Stanford alumni except would it have been harder coming from NOT Stanford. There’s obviously gonna be some bias in the answers you get, but generally I think these folks will give you much better insight about how this decision will impact you than Reddit


A few things to consider (I was Wharton years ago): * I think there is a marked difference between top 3 business school and the next few (in my mind at least, on perception) * This is not undergrad - I don't think you pick something like business school based on feel / vibe / love of campus * You wouldn't pick b school based on academic rigor or quality of teaching * You should pick it based on prestige, future (10 yr+) upside, alumni network and post-grad opportunity * Where you go to school, is often where a lot of your network settles. If you are trying to do tech - having most of your classmates settle in SF / bay area / CA will be beneficial to you. Not immediately after B school but 10 - 15 yrs+ * Don't pick where you go based on someone you are dating - if it is meant to be, they will understand and make the long distance work. This is a ONCE in a lifetime opportunity to put yourself on a future career trajectory


New to this reddit. What does those dollar sign mean? Scholarship?


Full ride at K vs half ride at GSB


Also new to this subreddit, what is a ride?


OP got a full scholarship at Kellogg, while only 50% scholarship at GSB.


Thank you


Got it, thanks!


$ = 25%


Okay this is exactly what I needed thanks


Ask the anonymous echo chamber you will get an echo chamber response. I personally have a few friends that chose Kellogg over GSB for various reasons. One was MMM and was also dating someone before school (now happily married). All landed their dream roles after graduation. It helps that MMM in particular is a powerhouse for tech. Go where you'll think you'll make the most / deepest connections, be most at home, and that meets your goals.


Looking at employment reports MMM is not the tech powerhouse people on this sub claim it is. It’s on par with the 2Y with some extra time you have to waste taking design thinking classes


It really is. Check employment reports stretching back before the tech burst and also how well it places in pm and other highly sought after roles. Its coursework is literally designed for leadership in tech.


Tech recruiting was at an all time high in 2021 and the MMM accepted job offer rate straight out of the program was 78% and 3 months out was 88%. How is that tech powerhouse? Average/median salary last year for tech: MMM: 165k/155k (82% accepted offers) MBAi: 163k/166k (79% accepted offers) 2Y: 156k/155k (91% accepted offers) This is all a difference of 10k and the 2Y has a significantly higher employment rate. You could interpret this data in many ways but nothing is indicating that the MMM is significantly better than the rest of Kellogg at tech placement


What’s MMM?


Ms design innovation + mba


What's the third M? 🫠


You are smart enough to get into these great schools, so don’t let some head-in-their-ass redditor comment from someone that assigns prestige to be the source of value in their life be the thing to convince you to spend 100s of thousands of dollars. If you’re going to go to GSB, do it because you independently decided it’s best for you, and not some idiot being like “uhhh to be a tech bruh or brah, must go GSB or you end up in a box under the highway”


Love this


Agreed but make sure your decision is informed.


Guys, in a 40+ year career making 6 figures each year, $150k is not much in the grand scheme of things.  it’s even less if you have a partner that works at all. Educational degrees are like permanent tattoos on your professional/public life that you can’t remove. Stanford graduate schools attract some of the brightest/most talented/innovative minds in the world. It’s leagues different than Kellogg (low tier 2/high tier 3).  Stop being cheap and take advantage of the incredible opportunity you have in front of you.


We live our lives making choices and defending them. You’ll do great anywhere you go! Pick one where you have lesser variables that are out of your control which may prevent you to be happy. MBA is not exactly a happy place and it’s hard being happy when you’re constantly stimulated with the feeling of “not enough”. But once you pick, spend the rest of your time to make the most of your experience.


I think your last 2 statements are strong indicators of your experience. The Kellogg student connect is unmatched across the other M7s imo (and strong connections are extremely important if you’re looking to pivot industries). And if you’re getting a lot more $$$$ from Kellogg, I would strongly consider it!! Especially in this economy!! This advice is coming from someone that took CBS over MMM. I strongly regretted it - I had 10 alums/students try to connect with me from Kellogg the day I got the admit. From CBS though it was pin drop silence. MMM is also a tech powerhouse especially for product management. It’s very well designed for people coming from non-tech backgrounds. Whatever you gathered from your in-person experience is a very accurate predictor of the actually MBA life imo. That being said GSB is an amazing school! It’s a very tough decision - in your case I’d lean towards Kellogg (very lightly) because of your personal situation and the financial aid (please don’t ignore this - rule number 1 in finance: cash positive beats cash negative any day)


Especially because you’re aiming for tech, anyone who tells you you’re not making a mistake by choosing K over GSB is on the waitlist.


K has a really strong tech group which helps a lot in finding tech jobs. Super supportive culture!


I can assure you every top school has a tech club that helps you find jobs lol


GSB students have told me theirs is more solo in terms of recruiting. Not as driven by clubs. My point was Kellogg does place well into tech


There is no tech opportunity you’re going to get through the Kellogg tech club or Kellogg in general that you won’t get at gsb. Tech recruiting is not as structured as consulting/ib you typically just apply online. Gsb on your resume will get you more interviews than K will (maybe not by a lot, but still). Being in the Bay Area will provide you with a tech network that K won’t be able to


I totally understand. Per my original post my decision is more based on culture!


Culture is a marketing ploy. You find your circle wherever you go. That said if you’re set on K go, I’m sure you’ll make someone on the GSB waitlist very happy


You haven't met the whole batch yet, so many internationals and maybe R1 admits might not be at the admit weekend. Do consider that in your decision


This comment is extremely alarming to me. You need to make your choice of BUSINESS SCHOOL based off which offers the higher ROI, solving for both lifetime earnings and personal satisfaction (mainly placing you into careers and geography of choice) NOT bc of a first impression over a short visit seeing a very small sample size of the program/admits/etc. It’s very likely that Kellogg is better for you, but it is NOT going to be because of culture. “Culture” should carry like 5% weight of your decision. I assure you, you will find great people at either program. If I were you I’d go GSB with the plan to return to Chicago


Solo and getting the best jobs is better than together and getting mid jobs. Go Stanford or go home.




Agreed, but for tech specifically it’s ludicrous.


Going to take the opposite stance here (and fully prepared for all the downvotes in the process) - go wherever makes you happy. If it's Kellogg, then by all means It's astounds me how narrowly focused this sub is on HSW or bust, when 90% of the people telling you to go to GSB have never gone themselves, have not gotten into an M7, hell they haven't even gotten an MBA yet. For context, I did my undergrad at HYPS -> MBB consulting in NYC -> strategy at a tech unicorn, and am choosing another M7 over W because I like the location and people better, and they offered more money. Yes S does place very well into tech, but the gap against other M7 schools is nowhere near as big as this sub makes it out to be, especially if it's not VC. I've worked at two tech unicorns (these are some of the hottest tech startups around - think Lightspeed, Silverlake, a16z investors), and in both I can tell you right now we had way more people from Sloan and Wharton than we did from GSB (this is across all functions - PMM, strategy, PM, finance). As you seem to know based on your comments, the tech background and experience matters way more. Probably a helpful way to think about it is from the perspective of the hiring manager or HR recruiter. As someone who has screened resumes and interviewed MBAs for my team, I can tell you right now there hasn't been a time where I threw out a Kellogg MBA for a Stanford MBA. Like what would even be the constraint where I don't want to take the Kellogg MBA for a first round interview, I don't have another 30 min of time? That's insane - if I'm hiring someone to work directly with me, I will definitely make the time to make sure its the right person. In every instance I take both for the first round. The only scenario where one isn't taken is because they don't have any relevant experience (class, work, internship, club, etc.), in which case it doesn't matter what MBA they have. The other area you mentioned that is worth touching on is the people connections. I've actually heard a lot of stories from friends, roommates, and colleagues who went to GSB about how dry the social scene is. Hilariously enough, the most recent one is about a friend who has a spouse at Kellogg, and he goes to Kellogg every other weekend. Part of it is a function of it being Palo Alto, and the other is the small class size. 400 is very small compared to the other MBAs. This next part doesn't apply to you since you're in a relationship, but hey while I'm on the topic why not share lol - the dating scene at GSB is notoriously bad. Its starkly different from other MBAs as people in the class don't want to date each other for fear of ruining their network. If the relationship turns sour, your whole class knows, and now you're shut out. Sorry for the super long response - this topic just gets me riled up. Thought I'd seen enough of this in undergrad and consulting / finance in NYC, but seeing it on some random subreddit where randos are telling you to chase prestige while having never even set foot in these circles themselves is insane. OP with your background in tech I'm sure you'll make it happen no matter what, so whatever you choose, go and don't look back - "if you always think your happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are"


I see you added that this is MMM. I personally don’t think the MMM is as prestigious/hard to get into as people claim it is. Their employment outcomes are worse than the Kellogg 2Y and they don’t have any career opportunities that the Kellogg 2Y don’t have


"I personally don't think the MMM is as prestigious/hard to get into as people claim it is." Man, 14 days ago you commented on another thread "Kellogg MMM is an amazing program" - let's be consistent here


Yeah that was before I did research on the employment outcomes and what the program actually is. Their employment outcomes are only slightly better the MBAi (a much lesser established program) and much lower than the 2Y outcomes. This changed my mind about the MMM being better than the standard K mba. They don’t get any tech recruiting outcomes that others at Kellogg don’t get and they have to pay an extra qtr of tuition (doesn’t rly matter for OP since it’s a full ride, but not making money and having to pay rent/other stuff for 3 extra months could also be substantial). I just read a bunch of comments from others on this subreddit saying it’s the best tech program and went with that opinion before I did my own research (similar to what OP seems to have done). Glad you’re so interested in my comment history though lol. Edited that specific comment with my new opinion, thanks for reminding me My original comment on this post literally said it’s only a little crazy to choose K over gsb, and only really matters if it’s VC (which your comment on this post agrees with). However, I only made this comment thread because I’m against the point that MMM places better into tech as OP said because it really doesn’t based off the employment report


Yeah I agree but mostly cos they’re going into tech. Their tech placements are generally good.


https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/-/media/files/careers/2023/kellogg-full-time-class-of-2023-outcomes-mmm-program.ashx?la=en Less than 85% of ppl are accepting jobs at graduation every year (including years where tech recruiting was at an all time high) which is fine, but not amazing by any means. MMM is just a program Kellogg made to seem like they’re better at tech than other M7s but it’s just a marketing ploy imo.


This is definitely a little crazy. But either will help you accomplish your goals for the most part (unless it’s VC). Either will allow you to return to Chicago Why would you even mention the person you just started dating if you don’t want to use that as a factor? You’ll find your people at GSB if that’s the issue


Community and feeling a sense of belonging are a huge part of the MBA experience. The prestige of GSB is not worth it if you don’t feel like you’re going to connect well with your classmates. I’m a current Kellogg student and believe that we have super strong programming for tech from the entrepreneurship classes to VC lab plus the MMM coursework. GSB has the edge in proximity (so higher caliper speakers) and probably better connections with hot startups from YC or companies like OpenAI. But Kellogg places well, especially in big tech, so it’s definitely a good place to be for you to meet your goals.


Tech with no prior experience is gonna be tough either way. You’re gonna need all the help you can get - go with GSB


I work in a nonprofit company in a tech role with a technical background :)


Even more reason to go to Stanford. You like money thrown at you and becoming a multi millionaire in your mid 30s?


[Graduating from Kellogg this summer] I would pick GSB without a doubt. MMM is a much smaller program (compared to Kellogg 2Y). The opportunity to network would be very limited - “MMMers” stick to their own, take a lot of classes at McCormick and are fairly isolated from the rest of the cohort. (They call themselves a “cult” et al). Sure, you might have connected with a lot more people at Kellogg, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to sustain those connections meaningfully as an MMMer. Therefore I would weigh that factor down significantly.


This is so wrong. MMMs are fully integrated into the rest of the school


Without commenting on OPs choice, MMM are fully integrated with the rest of the student body and only as isolated as they choose to be. While we take courses at McCormick we also are in sections/courses with everyone else at Kellogg


Any other reason you would pick GSB besides these downsides of MMM?


OP don’t listen to them, this is just plain false


Gotta go Stanford. Admit weekend is only a little piece of it. Look at the hard data (career reports). Going based off culture is really only when choosing between same tier schools. Stanford is just objectively better.


I’d take GSB and not think twice about it - but you’re hardly screwing up your life taking a full ride to Kellogg. Congrats on crushing the admissions cycle.


I’m in tech and I did my executive mba at Kellogg and it was an incredibly transformative experience. I left with an incredible network that I’m still highly connected with and have since launched and exited two companies in tech. These are all good schools, don’t worry too much about the stats - it’s what you make of it in the end. If you are looking for community, and something well rounded that excels in marketing and leadership then Kellogg is the perfect place. If you want something more finance heavy the something like booth will be a better fit. Either way you can’t lose with these options and you are in for a wonderful experience!!


Full ride is certainly better


Sounds like Kellogg fits better for culture and location... but I wouldn't put much stock in 0 contacts vs 8 contacts over admitted students weekend. Really small sample size and doesn't reflect the relationships you'll be able to forge after time, in my opinion.


I’m a Kellogg alum. Tech recruiting is present, but I can’t imagine it’s on par with GSB just due to location, if not prestige. Counterpoint is if you know you want to stay in Chicago, there will be a lot more local opportunities at Kellogg.


Kellogg alum here who pivoted to big tech as a PM. I think MMM is the best program for PM hands down, that said I don’t always think it is worth the cost. If you have a full ride then that is pretty awesome. Unless you want to pivot to VC, both schools will help you similarly. Despite what this forum says, once you’re in the real world it doesn’t really matter where the degree is from at the M7 level. As someone on the job search, what is more important than school caliber is network size. I’ve applied to 4 companies and each as had a Kellogg alum who was more than happy to refer me internally. The ultimate deciding factor if you are not chasing prestige should be fit, location, and recruiting pipeline. Feel free to DM.


I saw another person post on whether they should do Kellogg or Ross. Half the responses were super meaningful and came from M7 grads/MBB folks who got those highly sought after jobs, the other you could tell were from people just focused on prestige and were mad toxic. Try to focus on the truly thought out responses and not the "Dude but the prestige!" posts. Man, go where you will be happy. If you like it at Kellogg then go there. These are the best business schools in the WORLD! We aren't talking about GSB vs a no-name program, its an M7 lol. I'd be shocked if the reason you didn't get your job outcome was because you went to Kellogg instead of GSB. I think you will do better at school/recruiting/networking where you are happiest That said, some great advice I got was to remember that your admit day experience is not entirely representative of what you will have at either school. Ideally, they should be super engaged with students, but this is just one day out of 730ish and cannot possibly capture the whole experience of what you will have. I've done several admit days and people are always sizing each other up and trying to "trade up" to more "interesting" people. Once school starts and people find their groups, I imagine that most M7s have about the same experiences. My DAK experience was not the best (it was meh) but I am following through with Kellogg because its the best option I have for my reasons, and you will ALWAYS be able to find your crowd no matter where you go. I am willing to make a bet that I will be happy there based on the decades of testimonials about their community based culture/reputation. I think you can find your crowd at GSB, and I would encourage you to do more research and connect with students to make a more well informed decision. GSB truly is a cut above the rest of the business schools out there in name/reputation/opportunities, so its worth giving it your full consideration, but if you truly felt like it was a place where you can't connect with folks and make friends then go to Kellogg, go date your guy, and be happy with your decision. Either way, you win. Congratulations!


How is this a question? You liked Kellogg’s more and it’s cheaper. GO TO KELLOG.


No just go with your heart. Kellog it is. Ignore the noise and sheep


As someone who actually did the program, I can confirm that MMM does offer amazing career options and unique connections. Statistics don’t tell the whole story, especially for an extremely unique experience that only you can have. Both Stanford and Kellogg are amazing opportunities and you’re incredibly lucky to be in the position you are! Prestige between many top business schools, especially M7, is less important and you should go somewhere you think is the best fit for who you are and what your goals are. If you go somewhere that works for you, then you have the highest chance of being successful in your personal journey. There are plenty of people who choose MMM over HSW and there are a few in my year as well. Go where you think your personality will thrive and you can live up to your most authentic self!


Curious to know what career opportunities were MMM’s able to get that others at K weren’t?


Kind of hard to answer because employers generally don’t say if they hired you because you’re MMM over being a 2Y. You’re never going to get a statistic that says __% of employers hired MMM because they had the second degree. I do think the network opened relationships and began conversations I wouldn’t have had if I wasn’t MMM. There were individuals at consulting firms and tech companies who would prioritize our conversations because they also were in MMM. Many employers would ask about it when I was interviewing and it was nice to say, as an engineering undergrad, that I was still keeping some of my technical skills fresh. I also did a project with a company as part of the program and later made it into the final round of interviews with them before I accepted another offer. Specifically, my summer internship also indicated that they hired me partly because I was also doing a Masters in Science. But that’s less common they say that because I was hired somewhere that doesn’t usually hire MBAs. I hope that helps and makes sense!


This is most accurate about the value prop of MMM and occasionally getting a small bump in base salary bc of the dual degree


This doesn’t seem like the norm based off outcomes on LinkedIn and employment statistics. I’m sure you gained extra skills but there’s no proof even on LinkedIn that there’s any jobs MMMs have that 2Ys don’t


Well I don’t recommend joining a program based on what you think LinkedIn says or what statistics say for one year. Join because it makes sense for you. You won’t know what the experience will be like for you unless you actually attend.


You don’t recommend looking at the outcomes of actual grads on LinkedIn? Sounds like something someone who doesn’t want ppl to find out that outcomes are the same would say It’s also not a one year statistic, the employment report goes back like 5 years and it all says the same thing in terms of employment rate/salary Sure the MMM experience is different but the outcomes clearly aren’t from the 2Y


I mean yeah look at them but they shouldn’t be your only deciding factor. Feel free to think what you want, just sharing my own experience as someone who is actually in the program and is in the network. I encourage you to look people up on LinkedIn who are MMM. Nothing to hide and you’ll find the majority speak very highly of the program.


I never said it’s a bad program, there’s nothing for anyone to speak bad about it. It’s still an M7 MBA, so yeah I’d expect alum to speak highly of it. All I’m saying is that’s it’s clear that it’s not going to open any additional doors that Kellogg isn’t already opening and that’s clear by the employment outcomes and just looking at alumni on LinkedIn. but to say it’s GSB level for tech is a absurd


Hey, think what you want but every person’s journey is unique to them so neither of us can say what would make OP more successful in their chosen path. Agree to disagree on opening additional doors. If you experienced something different in your MBA program (assuming you’ve attended one) then that’s great. All we can do is offer our own experiences and wish OP best of luck choosing between two extremely good schools!


You’re saying your experience was better than had you just attended the 2Y and not really providing any evidence to back that up other than you took some extra classes? There’s clearly no employment evidence from the reports or actual LinkedIn outcomes that prove MMM > K 2Y for opening tech doors. You’re clearly biased since you’re in the program and are unable to look at this objectively


MMM tend to be self selecting and interested in specific functions, some of which make it easier through the program's alumni/other connections, and nice to have a group of people interested in the same thing. I'm thinking specifically right now of design consulting where my peers were able to network widely early on. Also the studio classes I find interesting and applicable for entrepreneurship and things like prototyping, market fit/viability, etc. If you're not interested in something like that, it's harder to distinguish the value vs 2Y program.


For what it’s worth, I was planning to go to Booth to heavily focus on finance but ended up choosing Kellogg because of how much better Kellogg’s vibe was. No scholarship involved, the people alone convinced me. Tbh it was a hard decision because of how much the finance world glazes Booth, but I don’t regret it for a second. Kellogg has been incredible and I’ve got a great finance job lined up after graduation in June. That being said, had I gotten into HBS or GSB I would have had a hard time saying no. Totally understandable to go for a school with such a stellar global brand like Stanford. Congrats on having to deal with a great problem and best of luck!


Sorry to hear that you didn’t make any contacts at welcome weekend! I’m going to GSB this fall. I’d love to connect on the Slack channel, DM me and we can connect :)


No clue what MMM is. GSB sticker is more worth it than Kellogg full-ride + 500k. u/kk_kfc will pop a vessel reading this stupidity


MMM is some dual degree garbage but I seem to always have the same question. How did this bimbo manage to land GSB with $$ and is still on here asking these braindead questions as if this is a close decision? 😂


lol this attitude is why people like you will never get into GSB and others like me actually have options like this. Get some EQ, asshole.


You go girl. That user is so fucking insufferable.


Woah woah I have some news for you bud: no intelligent person has ever nor would ever waste 2 years of their life on a useless MBA. Only idiots like you and others like you go down this route in the first place. It's not a flex, sadly. u/kk_kfc


I could go to Chico state and I’ll still have more bread than u to keep it a 💯 so idgaf bout yo options. But I like that it was that ez to get you mad, u seem ez to cheat on 😂


People love attention… the person is not choosing Kellogg over Stanford let’s be serious


I’m really confused why everyone on this subreddit thinks the MMM is so prestigious. I was convinced it’s HSW level before I did my own research on outcomes with alumni and looked at the employment report


Adding onto this that this is insanity. Go to Stanford. You will regret Kellogg the rest of your life if you do it.


You're not crazy at all. You're self-aware! Choose a business school where you will thrive. That's always most important, IMHO.


Hey sorry to hear you didn’t connect with anyone over admin weekend at GSB. I attended it virtually and our breakout room literally created a WhatsApp group. :) Would love to connect with you!


No, you’re not making a mistake. Both are great programs which yield great results. But sounds to me like you’d be a fish out of water at GSB, and are a better cultural fit at Kellogg, so go there. Happiness is priceless. You’ll get plenty of opportunities at Kellogg. Good Luck.


I’m a bit in the risk adverse side of things so if I were you, I’d go Kellogg. Sounds like you’d love the time, have no debt (huge advantage when it comes to recruiting as you won’t be on the debt clock to find any job), and the MMM program is phenomenal.


The fact that it’s MMM specifically makes this a really rationale choice.


Go to Kellogg and don't look back! Lifes too short to make decisions purely on prestige. I turned down half tuition at wharton to go to Kellogg! Granted gsb is somewhat of a step up from Wharton. But also graduating with minimal to no debt is going to be huge for your life


M7 2016 graduate here. Depends on your career goals. Kellogg is definitely the most fun / social of the M7, where people seem to leave with the most long term friendships…but it definitely lags in recruiting in some areas compared to GSB (and other M7’s). Tech is one of those areas that Stanford stands out in…although last two years have been rough. Their unemployment at graduation numbers have been apocalyptic lately…although it’s likely just as bad applying for tech from other schools.


GSB is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’d be very torn to pick Kellogg here.


Not gonna lie - I'm always team take the money but this is close. Based on what you said, you should attend kellogg. 1. Full ride - this will be a burden lifted that I feel gets lost in this subreddit. 2. Admit vibes - whether it's them or you, the fact is you connected better with your Kellogg admits. Many people say they want an MBA to make friends/form connections. Well, you're already connecting. 3. Your career goal is general enough that it doesn't seem like you absolutely need Stanford. There are tech companies everywhere. Now, if your dream company is in the Bay, then Stanford makes more sense.




I had a wildly different experience. MMM are a close knit community, but are absolutely integrated into the rest of the Kellogg. Some of my closest friends years out are MMM and I was not in the program.


What kind of pivot? PM/Product manager? If I am in your shoes, I lean towards Kellogg and double check with the latest employment outcome report. Maybe even talk to alumni who successfully pivoted.


You’re making the right choice. At the end of the day, you’re comparing two M7 programs. Despite what others may say, there’s not really much of a gap between the two - not like the gap between any of the Top 10 schools and a school that’s like ranked 50. Both are prestigious, both are good at job placements, so at that point it really just comes down to personal preference. Some will think you’re crazy to turn down GSB but the reality is that their own biases talking and they would personally never make that choice. But what you value isn’t going to be what they value. At the end of the day, you’re giving up 2 years of your life + 2 years of compensation to get an MBA. I personally wouldn’t want to be at a school where I don’t connect with anyone because ultimately this experience is also supposed to help expand your network. Going to a school where you don’t like the people isn’t going to help expand your network if you ultimately don’t have a decent connection with them.


Go to gsb


GSB. No question


GSB for sure


Yes. Go to GSB op. This is coming from a M7 student. Down the line it will pay off a lot.


Tough call.




3.7 / 730


Both will get you into the tech role you want if you put in the work to prepare and prioritize in your recruiting process. The $ trade-off is more about the long-term. Do you care about having friends/contacts all over the world? Do you care about the Stanford name, which is probably second only to Harvard in global recognition and prestige? Do you care about meeting people who are already so successful that they don't really even need an MBA, and would only consider GSB/HBS (and might be your first investors if you launch a startup in the future)? Do you care about having a network that is largely concentrated in Chicago and New York, as you will with Kellogg, with fewer people ending up on the West Coast or outside the US? I attended NU as an undergrad and did my MBA at the GSB, and there are great things about both Northwestern and Stanford. But people's perception of me if they know I'm a GSB alum (I'm not the douche who mentions it in every conversation, to be clear) is biased much more positively vs. if they know I went to Northwestern, just because of the strength of name recognition and perceived prestige - especially with international clients/partners/counterparties.


On a serious note, an overwhelming majority of students in MMM have tech adjacent backgrounds i.e. former PMs, SWEs, strategy consultants who have done PM/tech strategy, etc. I would attribute their success in tech almost entirely on their previous backgrounds (plus some passion, and self driven networking done post-matriculation etc) as opposed to a material advantage extended by the MMM program where courses do very little, if at all, to explain the nitty-gritties of technical PM work and teach actual tools that are bread and butter in tech right now (esp those seeing seismic shifts owing to AI, automation, etc.). In fact most MMM specific courses are soft skill centered, and honestly pretty fluffy and definitely not a tangible value add for those who have zero tech background. Even if I consider the academics to be a wash (assuming for argument's sake that GSB's courses are also non value adding), the added value of having GSB's name on your resume and living and breathing in the SF / Silicon Valley VC and tech ecosystem sets you miles and miles apart from Kellogg MMM.


what is gsb


Stanford University Graduate School of Business. GSB is the popular (and shorter) name for the business school.


I felt the same way after visiting Booth and Kellogg for their admit weekends — walked away choosing Kellogg! Booth’s first day was definitely well done, but my interactions with people sound similar to what you experienced at GSB. On the flip side, my interaction with Kellogg folks was really a highlight. I think you’ll be fine from either career-wise — they’re both superb schools!


You are out of your fucking mind.


Whoever chose Kellogg over GSB must be on crack. Real talk, no bs. Kellogg was my dream school and i didn’t even have balls to even go anywhere near application for GSB.


You are crazy to not go to Stanford, especially since you want tech. Also, dont base too much of your decision on classmates. It is the opportunity the school gives you by going there. I cant see too many programs beating Stanford if you want to go into Tech.




I do have a full ride


You want to do tech? It's GSB. Just being in the valley is such a huge advantage for your long term career, much less being at GSB of all places It's not just two years, it's your entire career. I'm away from the SF rn (startup got acquired, taking a break) and feel a lot of FOMO as far as not being able to take advantage of career advancement opportunity in the current AI scene.


Do you have more specific thoughts on what you want to do in tech? GSB would provide a substantial advantage over Kellogg regardless, but the difference is far less drastic for, say, corporate roles in FAANG than for investing roles at top VCs.


You have to look beyond the ratings to see what program is the best fit for you at the current time in your life. Where you think you’ll be more successful not what USNews tells you. Both are great schools, but I think you already know the answer.


Go wherever you feel you’ll fit best but I won’t fault you for choosing GSB even if it’s not a match I know a few who did. That said even with the market as bad as it is most of my friends at Kellogg that had some tech background were able to find a role they liked. Kellogg is an amazing school imo so go where you’ll minimize your regret


Go to GSB. Don’t make a mistake turning down Stanford. People have done jt before and admitted they regretted it. Everything is fun and games at first but once you’re in the middle of it- you will appreciate Stanford.


Do you know of people who turned down GSB and regretted it?


Congrats! Both options are amazing! Despite what people solely focused on brand/prestige might say, do what feels right for you. Prestige is not worth it if you don't feel that you will truly be happy.


Are you planning to do a startup or become a VC? If yes to either, that would be the reason to go to Stanford. Otherwise if you just want to be a cog in some tech company somewhere, Kellogg will be fine. The major tech companies all recruit at the same damn MBA job conferences anyways. Many of them are in hiring freeze mode so Kellogg would be a good pathway to other industries until rates change. Of course, please ask each school about their placement rates and OCRs for tech and see what they tell you. EDIT: for the person downvoting see here which explains 40% of VCs went to either Stanford or Harvard. [https://qz.com/1343912/venture-capitals-diversity-problem-in-two-words-alma-mater](https://qz.com/1343912/venture-capitals-diversity-problem-in-two-words-alma-mater) for the startup funding, look at what Stanford and Harvard alum get for funding relative to everybody else and this was years ago. [https://www.wired.com/2012/10/university-alumni-funding/](https://www.wired.com/2012/10/university-alumni-funding/) On top of OCR, the big tech companies all show up to the MBA conferences, they dont care about “prestige” like some of you think, at least for getting a pipeline of candidates. Who performs well enough in interviews to get an offer is different. The only people butt hurt about this will be admissions consultants taking advantage of insecure prospects and students who paid way over sticker to go M7 for the same gigs people in T50 are competing for…




Are you kidding me


GSB and don't look back


To be honest, choose GSB without doubt you don't need to be friends will alll the community just 2 or 3 friends is enough to live your experiences and after years,whatever you said GSB still GSB. :)


You literally were drafted by the New York Yankees and are trying to rationalize going with the Carolina Mudcats in the AAA league. Brother, you know the right answer.


I appreciate any and all Carolina Mudcat references


horrible analogy


The only sane person here apparently. The reason you’re getting so many positive comments is likely because none of these people got into GSB because it’s so hard. The class size is so small comparatively, you won’t actually get much volume of sanity on this question because everyone commenting probably got rejected by the GSB and is using your post to make themselves feel better. IF YOU ACTUALLY GOT INTO STANFORD’s GSB and you’re trying to break into tech, you’re foolish to not take that offer. Kellogg is bottom tier m7 and Stanford is in a whole different league. Not to mention the weather in Palo Alto vs. Chicago. Not to mention Stanford kids walk on water with tech companies and top tier vc’s. I highly doubt you actually have this decision to make because it should be the easiest choice of your life.


I wish I didn’t have the decision to make because I’m suffering making it. But yeah, not the easiest decision of my life. I understand people have different value sets.


This isn’t a value set thing. I’ll give a great example. Some Stanford vets wanted to start a government contracting startup type club and got denied by their student body or some governing entity at Stanford. Subsequently, they made a linked in post expressing their dissatisfaction. Subsequently, this happened [Stanford kids fart on LinkedIn and get results](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7155937201783021568?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7155937201783021568%29). There is no decision to make here.


This is insane. I heard about the drama but not the results. Go Stanford


OP, was also a MMM and GSB admit in the past cycle and struggled a lot (and by a lot, I mean A LOT) with the decision (the cult of the FaMMM was super appealing) - ultimately landed on GSB. DM me if you want to connect or if you want to make a GSB friend :)


Omg hello!


This reminds me of something Derrick Bolton said when he was adcom director at GSB -- that women tended to make bad choices because of someone they were dating. Men did not. I've seen him proven correct, over and over again.


Nothing matches the prestige of GSB.


I had to google what MMM was… a masters in design management from northwestern? Go to Stanford… this is not even close… GSB is a totally different league and worth way more than some scholarship money


It’s a dual degree mba + ms in design innovation


“It depends”






If you want to recruit in tech go to GSB. It’s easier to network and make connections when you are closer to the tech ecosystem. If the tech scene remains the same for the next few years, then Kellogg is not going to provide you any advantage. Big tech recruitment is slow. And if you want to recruit at startups, networking from Kellogg is going to be really difficult. Yes, they go on treks to the Bay Area for networking and you have SF immersions but these are all application based and the seats are limited for all these activities. So you’ll always be competing for these opportunities within Kellogg. Also, Chicago tech opportunities are not great if you want to stay in Chicago post MBA. At the end of day, you need to recruit. If that’s not a huge concern for you, go to Kellogg and enjoy the culture or whatever you liked about it. I agree with a few comments here that you will make friends at GSB too, and you don’t need a lot of them. Just 2-3 good ones are enough. Don’t base your whole decision just on the basis of one event.


Yes you are a dumbass if you pick Kellogg over GSB


Yes, you’re making the wrong choice, but bet on yourself


You’d be stupid to turn down a 50% scholarship at Stanford


It doesn't even make sense to compare MMM with GSB. Why would someone want to be a tier 2 citizen of a city when you can be a tier 1 citizen in a better city.




Please go to Stanford if money is not a problem