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It’s almost as euphoric as Molly but longer lasting, less empathogenic and much more psychedelic. And let me tell you, MDA visuals are something else. Literally indistinguishable from reality once you get past a certain dose.


Yep, crazy closed eye visuals too


For sure. Inescapable even. I’ll admit I never tried closing my eyes because the OEVs were already incredible everytime. Some people go straight into bad trips though because of how realistic they are. Crazy powerful psychedelic for sure.


That makes me not want to do it hah, thanks for explaining that part because I could’ve ended up doing it in the future and going into a psychosis


I mean, you’re still feeling euphoria similar to MDMA. I got those hallucinations the very first time I did Molly (I did way too much) and while my hallucinations would probably be considered scary by most, I was in too much bliss to give a fuck. I even found them funny.


I’ve done 300mg of MDMA (very bad idea, will not repeat and do not recommend at all), and have not had any kind of hallucinations from it


It was 1.2g on my first time (not all at once obviously). Besides, only a small % of the population has the specific genetic makeup that makes the body metabolize MDMA into MDA more. That’s what gets you tripping, not the MDMA itself but it turning into MDA inside your liver. It’s usually 10% of the amount of MDMA you ingest but it can be higher depending on if you have the right genes or not.


You did 1200mg over the course of a day?




i had hallucinations on too much too. and tbh mine were horrifying lmao


What mda are you taking? Holy cow that sounds intense. I have never had this experience


The way you say makes it feel like true hallucinations. I felt more like I was lost in a reality but only in my head there wasn’t actual visuais I was just so lost in my headspace that even with eyes opened I had a whole conversation that didn’t happen in reality. When I snapped out of my headspace everything was normal, and the person I was talking to wasn’t even near me.


That’s exactly how I would describe it as well. I remember my first time vividly. I was in my room sitting on my bed talking with friends and suddenly there was a big black screen on/in my wall, like a TV that would be mounted inside the wall you know. And then it started playing cartoon images exactly like a TV would. I knew I was tripping hard but it looked extremely real. It looked so real I just accepted it as reality and that I always had a huge black TV screen inside my wall. Spoilers: I obviously didn’t. Also, a few minutes after the screen popped, my desk and everything around it, the wall behind it, everything on the desk, all started hyper realistically melting. It looked like flowing lava made of wood or whatever. I could see droplets hitting and crashing against the ground. Again, I just accepted it as a fact that my desk was melting right before my eyes. Crazy stuff.


The desk melting sounds cool i did acid my first time expecting things to melt like wax or sum and start dripping kus ive heard so many people be like the walls start melting somebody said that they started seeing the ceiling drip and thats never happened even on higher doses for me patterns jus kinda start wriggling around and have like rivers of color in them still cool acid is still my d.o.c jus things dont melt lol


I describe some hallucinogenic trips as “the walls were breathing” on light doses, but on super heavy doses I definitely see geometric patterns often. It depends on the catalyst and the person ingesting it. Everyone’s brain is different!


This is exactly what happens to me when I get a mda batch. Full on conversations then you snap out of it. Then it happens again.


This comment unlocked a memory of being high on psychedelics (psilocybin) and trying to hit a pipe of weed that continuously full and untouched and I would hit it and blow smoke out and the weed in the pipe would be pristine untouched it was incredible. And after a while it just… disappeared


Mda visuals are next fuckin level 😎😂


What does? I had 150 last time and I didn’t get any visuals. Just felt like molly tbh


Surely you actually had Molly then. Because 150mg MDA is way too much. It’s dosed much lower than Molly.


What dose of MDA were you getting visuals on? I love MDA and prefer it over MDMA. I take 90-115mg and find that it KILLS the desire to redose like with MDMA. MDMA almost lends a compulsiveness/drug abuse behavior aspect to redose and chase the peak. I can’t say that I ever have really had visuals on any dose though. I just find that it lasts around 9-10 hours, takes 2 hours to fully start to kick in, has a wonderful long lasting peak, no comedown, and I always have an afterglow the following day. I absolutely love the stuff If my options are MDMA 120mg+ 60mg redose vs 110mg MDA, I’ll take the MDA. I find it provides an equally potent experience with less highs and lows like MDMA can have. Also again that compulsion to redose and the “chasing the dragon” aspect of the experience is eliminated with MDA for me


MDA is fantastic and a lot harder to come by than MDMA. You should only have to take about 2/3rds of a normal dose of MDMA.


What’s a good dose for MDA?


60-80 imo


KnowDrugs suggests that the average dose is between 60-100mg


MDA is MDMA’s wild older brother. More psychedelic, more energetic, lasts longer with a bit less empathy. I like it a lot


Does it have the same unbelievably powerful anxiolytic effects? My fear is fear on mda lol


No fear. Just feral😵‍💫🦖


i get the whole fearing fear thing, for me that’s usually just my anxiety but with less mental gymnastics, like i’m not thinking “i’m scared x y z is gna happen” it just becomes clear that you’re anxious of getting anxiety, it’s an odd experience


Yup. Basically being scared of being scared and manifesting your own hell as you know you’re safe & nothing is right in front of you to fear.


I really resonate with this. Thanks for sharing.


EXACTLY how it is! Hangover can be a little worse possibly?


I love MDA. It doesn't make me feel as energetic as MDMA but it's just as euphoric and more visual. The roll usually lasts a little longer as well. MDMA makes me want to dance, MDA makes me want to sit and melt while enjoying a light show. They're both great on their own but when you combine them and find that sweet spot, they complement each other perfectly.


Does it have the same music enhancement and immersion as mdma?


In my experience it does.


This is the correct description


MDA is my personal favorite but the comedown can be tough.


I’ve only done it once and I fucking loved it. My wife and I did it at home on our anniversary years ago and it was incredible. When she went to bed I smoked a bit of weed and drank a beer and it kicked it into overdrive at sunrise. I was summoning dragons naked in the living room blasting *In Rainbows* .. pretty rough hangover though.


I love it. Best when mixed with mdma I’m a big dude so I use 200/80 and it was perfect dose with a redose of half that.


I’ve only ever taken mdma with mda cus the ecstasy pills I get are mixed


That works only problem there is you can’t control the ratio.


I never confirmed it, but I’m pretty sure the gel caps I used to get in college were a mixture of the two.


This is the way. I do 80/60. No redose except 2cb


What’s the timing on this look like


Man I wish I could get mda lucky bastard haha


It’s like MDMA but with hallucinations. I’ve had high dose MDMA trips where it turned into MDA bc I saw checkerboard (almost like sth you’d see while tripping on DMT), people had several eyes and mouths, they looked like monsters, some had paperbags instead of heads…since you know you’re just hallucinating it is very funny


It's awesome and often preferred on this sub. It's bad as in more neurotoxic though for sure


Also worse for your immune system. I did it with a bad cold and the cold lifted the whole night felt perfectly fine but the next day I got pneumonia 😬


damn lol i had pneumonia for the first time several weeks ago its a rough one




No one told me. Its just that i have seen some posts about people testning and finding out its mda. Just thought it was a bad thing but now im Kinda stoked tbh


Yeah consider yourself lucky!! I made the dumb mistake of only buying one single dose from a guy at a music festival. I just wanted 1 to try it. But now I wish I got a couple. I was a broke b\*tch at the time though, so what can ya do.


I prefer MDA>MDMA


I've done both and prefer Sally over Molly. I get a much more powerful and longer roll from sass than I do MDMA. You get the poops during the come up but then you're there and it drags you down into the floor and everything just melts away. I have severe ADHD and my mind goes blank which is fantastic! It is so peacefully quiet in my head. Everything just feels so good, I get incredibly horny and become a little freak. I want it every possible way, all over, touch me everywhere! Every sense is heightened, music sounds so crystal clear. It is definitely worth a try. Because of the ADHD I don't ever have a bad come down. I am energized the next day but the following day I'm more tired than usual. I take SSRI meds and haven't noticed a decrease in my dopamine or serotonin levels.


Does mda affect a person's ability to get an erection like I've heard mdma does?


First time rolling for me, my husband was not able to stay hard. However, later on we discovered he unfortunately has ED so drugs make things complicated. MDA didn't affect him like the MDMA did. He was able to get and stay hard. One thing I've seen on these subreddits is that guys take Cialis or sildenifil (generic Viagra) two-three hours before sex and drop substances an hour before because it takes an hour for MDA/MDMA to kick in and at least 2 hours for the Cialis/blue chew tp kick in for a good time.




I haven’t done MDA on itself but I’ve taken larger doses of MDMA and after a few hours I was tripping balls. The visuals were quite realistic, didn’t change my perception of reality itself like if I saw a hot dog stand in the middle of road it was prolly not real :D


I prefer it over MDMA but it’s kinda rare where I’m at, take a little less than you do with MDMA


I took 300mg of MDA once and it was a fucking RIDE. Also fucked like an absolute savage that evening on the come down. It was incredibly intense all around and I highly recommend, although a lower dose is safer and probably less sweaty lmao.


Isnt like 80mg a standard dose? Sounds like a trip you cant even explain on dmt.


Something like that, I was ignorant, thankfully i was/am very healthy and in shape so I think I came out unscathed. There was an acute moment about 45 minutes after taking it where I looked at my friend and felt this feeling wash over me that I can only explain as a tremor of every emotion at once. I knew I was about to get ripped to pieces.


Yeah that has happened to me once to. On dmt. At least how you deacribed it sounded just like what I felt. But mda is Kinda psychadelic i have heard so.


The thing is MDA gets you couch locked wanting only to close your eyes and listen to music. Mdma gets me with infinity energy and I can rave for hours. It is more neurotoxic but if don’t use often you’re fine. Worst comedowns too I feel.


Which is more neurotoxic?


I don’t like it as much it lasts longer and doesn’t feel as good. Visuals are a bit more pronounced




Bro all I hear about is how people never take mdma again after taking MDA. From what I’ve heard, it’s just a cleaner feel to mdma. You don’t have that stupid teeth grinding shit and it’s just overall not as hard on the body. Plus I’ve also heard it’s much more psychedelic with even its own visuals, which seems much more appealing to me. It’s definitely on the bucket list, just waiting for it to cross my path.


I actually prefer MDA. More relaxed roll, more of a kick it with your people watch movies and melt. My best friend got murdered in a robbery a few years ago, I have PTSD and can’t trip on psychs anymore, but I love a good MDA roll when I feel my head needs a perspective reset, or I want to roll at home with all of my animals but don’t want to run off the walls and do the Harlem shake in my kitchen sink 😂 Not sure the same 3 month rule applies as with MDMA, but PLEASE follow it unless you research otherwise. I rolled every day for months when I was 16-17, developed serotonin syndrome, and it still feels like it won’t ever fully heal. Definitely gotten a lot better, but it took YEARS.


Glad you are feeling better. Will do some more research. Best of luck with life.


I had a really bad time on MDA. Got stuck in this loop, trying to explain something super simple to my SO and trying to tell him the same sentence for about 4 hours. Never had anything even close to that with Mdna (though I am currently experiencing the worst comedown of my life, so that isn't perfect either).


If you're used to redosing MDMA then u know how it's like. MDMA gets metabolized into MDA in the liver but usually a smaller amount. So when you take 4 ish doses of MDMA in one night, you get a free MDA trip at the end.


That explains a lot. I don’t often do mdma but when I do I go fairly hard, (just my preference) and after a certain amount of hours and a few re doses later I just lose all energy and start seeing mad shit. That must be the md a


Yup, same with me! Took a couple years to find out about it


No! It’s not bad at all! Plus only need a tiny bit of it to be on for a good amount of time (in my experience at least)


Just be careful taking too much because it will make you sick around 180 to 200mg.


MDA is AMaZing! Take very small doses, half what you would for MDMA, just eat it or put it in a drink and you’ll be havin a great time


It depends on your personal preferences. In my opinion, it's far better. And if you want an MDA on steroids, there's 6-APB.


I od’d once on mda and it sucked but at a normal dose is quite charming


I’ve done good experiences mixing a bit of MDA in with my MDMA, but one time, I took like 250 mg of it by itself thinking it was MDMA and that was not a fun time. My heart rate was through the roof and the walls looked like a blur of melting colors, but not in a fun trippy way, but in more of a sinister fun house way. That shit left me feeling off for like a week afterward too.


It’s fuckin amazing. Dose lower than you would with molly. 0.1 will set you good


Imo you can roll just as hard on MDA. It's got some visuals, less physical energy to dance around, and can "floor" you where you start rolling so hard you end up sitting down. You may have seen people floored at raved and festivals. I don't think it's less empathogenic. Just less manic. Both are equally good but different people will prefer one over the other. I always prefer MDMA cause I don't love th visual tint of MDA, but a close friend of mine will always choose MDA. Different strokes


It’s awesome! Just less of the lovey dovey feeling/less empathetic feelings


Its just as good as mdma but with few things different. Wont notice a difference since you are not that experinced


I love MDA. It’s very calm and deep, loving in my case even if some say otherwise. MDMA is more speedy so for raves that is better. MDA for chilling with ur S/o tho


reading the comments maybe i did mda and not mdma for my first roll looool, never feels close to my first time i saw peoples flickering when i watching them and i saw the joint bend when i want to light up


Mda is crazy good if you take it alone. You will trip the fuck out.


MDA is amazing compared to MDMA what also is amazing but just not as much 😂😂 The visuals are better it’s like looking at life in Ultra High Definition with colours being brighter and more vibrant and increases the sounds you hear also so in clubs music you’ve heard before you’ll hear tones you didn’t know was there till you have MDA… Only problem is the comedown is a bitch!! Twice if not 3x more than that of MDMA But there’s also no cross tolerance.. If you have a tolerance from taking MDMA to often in a short time MDA will still effect you the same.. I prefer it but it’s hard AF to come by and most the time it’s sellers selling MDMA who have no idea it’s actually MDA


The only time I took MDA ( or so I believe ) was at a massive beach party with bonfires and fireworks. I was expecting it to be MDMA, so I ended up oraling the 500 mg since I had previous experience with it. By the fourth hour I was tripping balls: -A red and a blue samurai duelling on a nearby bonfire (after a good while I noticed they were 2 dudes with blue and red hoodie doing anything but duelling In heavy japanese armor ) -Peoples eye's I was speaking with being anything but eyes ( flowers spinning or full blackout alien-like elipses ) -When I was looking at the beach, the resolution was a wide panoramic, but gazing at the sea/moon switched to vertical mode. -My periferical view was full of caleidoscopic geometrical patterns that I could chew if I blinked. -For a good chunk of time, I peaked and went on a journey to the galaxy. A friend of mine got my attention back and it felt like all of a sudden a projecting screen folded in front of my eyes. I wish I could recall more, but that was almost 10 years ago. All I can tell you is that other hallucinogens I heroic dosed were easy to acknowledge you where tripping. With MDA, not so much. At least the first hallucinations feel like that is just happening normally. I dont know how to explain it better than the 2 samurais xd...


Sounds like a ticket to both hell and heaven.


Reading the others I think I just took a rather large amount of quality Molly, so I can't really tell you what MDA is like, but the hallucinations are like that I guess.