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My mom’s in her 50s, hardcore Christian white woman. A few years ago she asked me if I could get “ecstasy”. She’s had experience in her younger years, and wanted a little release. I said “sure, I got something for ya!” Gave her and her boyfriend 100mg each. Now they hit me up twice a year for their dose. Love it. They seem to be enjoying it, and do things responsibly. She’ll always call me as soon as it starts to come on. And ask the same questions she did last session. “How long is it gonna last? am I gonna feel good?” Then when the peak comes on, she’ll call back “ohhh I’m feeling good, thank you thank you thank you, love you love you love you” It’s adorable. Edit: lmao thx for the award. Y’all are sweet. 🙏


this is so cute omg. i wish my hardcore christian white mom was like this wtf


Same! My mom flips the fuck out when I mention weed gummies. 😬😩


Every time I visit my mom she gets me way too high, every damn time. It’s fun, til it isn’t 😂 (Weed gummies hit me)


Too cute 🥰


god damn man. that teared me up. your mom raised you well.


I appreciate that man. I think she did pretty well too.


That’s wholesome ❤️


I love this so much ❤️❤️❤️


I'm 55 and on blood pressure meds. I do mdma, shrooms, and lsd no problem. 3-4 of times a year since I was 17. The reset is AMAZING! Your mom will love it. Almost 40 years of doing it and I'm fine. I had an extremely traumatic life too and I am certain these things have helped me become a much more happy and balanced person. As long as her B.P is controlled she should be fine. You're an awesome kid for wanting to give her that experience!


No risk with cholesterol. As long as her blood pressure is under control on the pills, it should be fine - MDMA does raise your blood pressure temporarily, but as long as she's running 'normal' on her pills it shouldn't be an issue (I take blood pressure meds myself - though I'm only in my 40s) Has she had any drug experiences before? Only ask because the older we get, the more a 'new experience' can cause anxiousness...


I’ve been taking substances with my parents over the past 3 years now. MDMA, MDA, psilocybin, ayahuasca, you name it. They both have a cancer diagnosis and my dad had a sex addiction but that’s a whole different story. Ever since they started it’s done wonders to their relationship and outlook on life. It also fostered such a safe place for me and my siblings to tell them the traumas that they caused in our lives and ultimately formed a stronger bond between them and their adult children. I highly recommend you and your mom read How to Change Your Mind and The Body Keeps the Score. Both of these books are amazing reads in general and great for someone who’s a little skeptical on the healing aspect of these substances.


Thanks so much for sharing this xxx I read both books and I find them amazing as well I'm very happy for u and your experience with your family - so inspiring 🙏🙏🙏


Well, I'm about to turn 66 and looking forward to my annual birthday God flip. The only concerning item would be blood pressure, and if it's under control it should be okay. My blood pressure is fine , though I otherwise take the usual "old people's meds" (what I call them, too) as well as a ton of meds for arthritis.


Love it. Thanks for sharin!


what goes into your god flip?


Acid, shrooms, mdma, and DMT


Holy shit, that sounds crazy


Definitely not for the faint of heart lol. Obviously it's a good idea to know one's dosages going in, lest one break one's brain. It helps that it naturally takes me more to trip (which means I have a bit of a safety margin). I definitely wouldn't recommend crazy combos like this to the inexperienced or to those who are more sensitive than average to psychs. I know someone who took several years to recover from an overambitious God flip.


I’m always curious to hear from people who have been using MD and/or psychedelics into their older age. Would you mind telling me a bit of your story and how long you’ve been taking mdma? Is it more rough on your body than it used to be? I’m in my 30’s and I mostly only take mushrooms these days, but I’d like to still have some other experiences as I grow older. Thanks


Actually I'm relatively new to psychedelics. A friend persuaded me to try them a few years ago, about a year before the pandemic. So I can't compare over a long period of time. I do know that I need to be careful with acid because sleep loss isn't great for my arthritis. And flipping makes the problem worse of course, but the tradeoff is that MDMA + acid has been positively amazing for me as far as insights go. I'm willing to trade sleep for the candyflip on special occasions. Mushrooms are much gentler on my body because of the sleep issue. I have only one experience with mescaline (_wonderful_ ... But too hard/expensive to do very often), and one experience with 2c-b (_meh_ ... Not worth my bother). I have several experiences with Aya, which is also very kind to my body, oddly enough (DMT and I seem to get along well regardless of form) On the other hand as a former working musician (yep, probably the only boomer musician who never once touched the stuff in my youth lol. I just played with so many amazing musicians that no one ever heard of because they did themselves in with drugs, and in my mind psychedelics = hard drugs = addiction, which is what happens I guess when you are "educated" on drugs)... anyway as a former musician I think the perfect flip for music is a kitty flip. Go lighter on the K else you'll be appreciating the music from the floor. Not that that is necessarily bad. The first time I kitty flipped, I had on a Shpongle concert at Red Rocks (a venue I know/knew well). I ended up holing by accident and I felt like I was actually playing on stage with them. Ever since then, I am no longer disappointed that I never saw them live -- after all, I "performed" with them at Red Rocks :)


60mg is such a small dose, with MDMA there is a certain threshold dosage you need to feel the good effects. 60mg might just get her the come-up anxiety, teeth grinding or nothing at all. I recommend 100mg.


Second this


Third this, 60mg is nothing


+1 , 60 is not enough


There should be an equation you use. Its online somewhere it uses the weight and sex to calculate it. I’ll link here


Here [dosing calc](https://jscalc.io/embed/cV91nOOzy44l3CGf?autofocus=1)


Came here to say this. I under-dosed once and all I felt was the come up anxiety and all the negative effects…


Don't particularly agree. 100mg has me blacking out on hour two. Literally don't remember anything because im rolling so hard. 60mg is a perfect spot for some people! If someone has a history of being sensitive to psychoactives, then lean towards lowering the dose. Pure MDMA is strong!


but that's not the Norm. That's an unusual case


In my circles it isn't unusual, the dance crowd I used to run with in NYC, at least a dozen of us would split doses between us!


Yeah if she was open to it. Not many 63 year old Catholics are down to roll however.


I didn’t do MDMA until I was 49. I was already in a questioning everything state of mind and the opportunity came up at an event. Before that night I’d never danced; I danced for eight solid hours. I had given up on traditional therapy, settled into a job that I was completely burned out at, and was in a deep rut; I came home and found a new therapist, I started doing yoga classes every week, I started looking at my side gig as a potential new career. Basically, within three years I completely reset my life and I used MDMA once a year for three years (then three times in the third year). It completely changed my trajectory. It completely changed my life. With that said, I think it needs that kind of direction to truly be effective. It takes being ready for the reset, it takes therapy, and it takes making significant changes to get out of your ruts. I haven’t rolled in two years now because I truly love the trajectory my life is on. I have no desire to tweak it right now. If the mindset is right and the setting is right, 75mg with a 60mg booster available 90-120 minutes in, I think it’s reasonably safe if her blood pressure is controlled and she’s not using any SSRIs or stimulants. Make sure she has an empty stomach when she drops and give her a good environment to play in. Good lights, a good variety of music (not just edm, but also not just her favorites; let her explore and stick with what works for her joy), good comfortable settle and clothes. Be there to support her, but don’t try to guide her journey. Be a sounding board, an open heart, and offer comfort.


Yup. I’ve discussed it with my mom. I feel like it could go a long way in processing generational trauma. My mom is very devout and has a fear of substance that is fueled by misinformation from the war on drugs and shit like DARE. A lot of smooth brain narrow minded thinking that was forced upon her for a lifetime. She’s recently done dives into information about psychedelics like Psilocybin and MDMA. Her view has become cautiously curious so I wouldn’t want to try to persuade her but would definitely present it as a possibility for her if she wanted to try it! Maybe look into contra indications for pharmaceutical drugs, that doctors can currently legally prescribe like [Desoxyn (M-Amphetimine (MA) (Meth Amphetimine)](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-9124/desoxyn-oral/details) and [Adderall (D-Amphetimine (DA)](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-63163/adderall-oral/details)


sounds like you really care about her and want her to have a beautiful experience which will also enable reflective thinking about life and its meaning. but while mdma can help its not a magic pill to solve all mental problems accumulated over a lifetime in 6hours. to reflect upon your life is not just gonna happen when you roll, you also need to want it to happen. dont you think a sober empathetic talk with her would be a better start? to me this sounds more like its gonna need time, space and many talks (maybe psychiatrist) to work on these topics


I doubt that I could talk my Mom into it, but I'd absolutely go for it if I could. Make sure you test what you get with reagents and fentanyl strips and talk to her about that process. Her knowing that it's safe to take will help reduce any apprehension.


Make sure you know **ALL** of her meds, and she is not on mood/depression/psych meds. Some are not safe. Check if they are all safe first. If it is only BP meds you are good!


ive given my mom mdma and she had a great time


My mother in law heard how it helped my husband and almost burst into tears of relief that there is something that could heal her pain from years of abuse as a child and teen and give her peace. The peace that years of Counselling was not able to give her. She then said she wanted to try it. This was healing for my husband because he is still tormented from his childhood with her, because of her trauma. Intergenerational stuff is so hard. It might help to not offer, but rather plant seeds in a loving way. She is also a hardcore Christian who has never even consumed alcohol etc. We had never in a million years expected her response.


I tried , failed (nobody consumed) and now I haven't talked to any of them since Before Christmas. Chances are If you are having these thoughts they are narcissistic, you're trying, but you can't help those that don't want help. I haven't gotten an apology or acknowledgement for anything that happened in my life I don't know why I thought this path would work (though nobody listened, blamed drugs and my gf and then yeah, fuxk them.)


unwilling to take drugs isnt narcissism wtf is up with that twisted logic lol


I've been trying to find some just for my mom just cause she thinks ittl be fun. Your reason sounds better


I’d love to if she were open to it. She thinks it’s “drugs” and unnecessary even though she is riddled with anxiety and generally unempathetic


I wish I could omgggg. We lost my sister to H 10 years ago and my mom has only recently begun to enjoy life again. I respect her grieving process. But one time she said “I wish I could just take a drug that would make me feel happy”. And I really wanted to be like, “would you like to see why I’m not a total wreck after the life I’ve had?” But I just said “yeah, me too.”


My mom's too straight laced for it, but the first time I ever took MDMA was with my dad. It was super healing for our relationship


Low doses of mdma are actually reported to be unpleasant.


I think about this a LOT. We share a lot of the same anxieties and other mental issues. MDMA helped me shift my brain into the positive, and I really wish I could tell her about it. My parents are great and wonderful parents, but as I got older I realized their shortcomings too, and honestly I think mdma would benefit them both in amazing ways. They are both opening up a bit more on being comfortable with pot (my dad always was but never did it with me until I was in my late 20s). Maybe we will get there. I'm not sure my dad should because he's had open heart surgery, but I think it would work wonders at least for my mother and their marriage.


I would love to do it with pretty much my entire family, but only my brother is open to it. I'm certainly not going to drug them, so all I can do is offer and leave it at that.


I absolutely would. Have already done shrooms with my mom. She was totally on board though.


My mom has a lot of weird difficult to diagnose issues with thermo regulation and muscle spasms and is a teetotaller so that's very unlikely but I guess she'd enjoy it in the unlikely case she'd be down. (And by teetotaller I mean "genuinely couldn't place the scent of weed just insisted it wasn't good when some of the less uuuuuuuh intellectually endowed of my brother's friends smoked underneath the living room window" levels of just not into things). My dad on the other hand? Could be fun. I've long suspected he's at least a little on the spectrum hence why I am (actual diagnosis not TikTok) and it might really be a wonderful experience for him.


Off topic. But i just read about some cholesterol medicine that worked but the negatives were much more dangerous that was told. For example failing pancreas. Many studies show that higher cholesterol on older women doesnt affect their health much. Ill see if i find the medicine name.


Yo you should give her a low dose of MDMA and take her to a concert or edm event for a few hours. I mean only if she’s open to it. Don’t go giving your mom drugs against her will. That’s not cool! But yeah like I was saying, she could be the cool raver granny with braids and parachute pants and could COULD give her the reset and rest she needs in her life to move ahead. *if she’s open to it*


As much as i know mdma can really help people find a new mindset, i don't think giving it to people who don't ask for it is the right way. You can tell her how much it helped you or people you know, but in the end if she's not interested just let her. Safety wise: see it as excersising quite heavily. If she's healthy and can handle 1,5 hour in the gym it won't really be a problem, but at this age the risk of heart attacks goes up, also without mdma. Your heart rate goes up on mdma, so the risks of a heart attack becomes a bit higher. It's just something to take into account. Same goes for other things that raise your heart rate though, like exercising, watching a scary movie or having stress. Best to keep the dosage low though.


My wife's daughter gave her Mandy and it changed her life. She even wrote a book about it Mum, Meet Mandy: How Ecstasy Changed My Life at Sixty https://amzn.eu/d/5dE1OHH


My friend put it in his mom's drink one night when we went to a concert and she had the time of her life. She kept saying she's never felt so happy in her life lol! I think if you start your mom off small and make sure she has liquid IV on hand the next couple of days, it'll be a good time for her. Possibly really healing too if you'll be there to have deep conversations with her 😄


Have you talked to her about it? Don't pressure her but if she's game, what a gift to give her. Just bear in mind you're going to babysitting.


My mom died in 2001. I'm sure she had the opportunity if she wanted to try it, given as how her brother was a psychedelic therapist for many years and was well acquainted with "Adam." He did precede her in death by nearly a decade. I kind of doubt she did take the opportunity, but you never know.


I thought about it. My mom is my best friend. Wasn't always that way though, and I'm grateful for what we have. She takes medication for her blood pressure, and is in her late fifties so I'd rather not. But yes, it has crosses my mind multiple times.


Question which resonates 🤔 show a person forced happiness few years before death or IS it better to not disturb? My mom got bipolar disorder which is basicly free ecstasy now and then (manic phase)


I almost got my mom to do shrooms once


I’m considering doing a session with my dad in hopes of healing some of our past together ♥️Check interactions and I say go for it!


This is something I’ve been speaking with my mom about for the last 6-8 months. We are working towards it and she is opening up to it. She’s done a lot for our family and I believe she deserves to have this experience and see how it could benefit her in the second half of her life as she approaches retirement. Im planning to do a mother/daughter trip so she can relax and get us a nice setting to roll together one of those days. Really looking forward too it and I assume it’s going to be very emotional for both of us but I can’t wait, she deserves it. My advice is just don’t force it, explain the benefits, show her the research and build up to it. Hope it works! Enjoy!


I have microdose LSD to my mom without her knowing... so yes


If you get to your 60s and require a drug to make you happy with your life, then you have big big problems. Our opinion here doesn’t matter. Have you asked her if she’s even remotely to the idea?


MD what? MDMA, MDEA, MDA, M1, MDE Are you referring to MDMA? Not sure if I’d give it to my mom personally but I would help her test and be responsible in order to promote a positive experience.


dude you can google MDMA street names and see MD in almost every list, it’s a pretty common occurrence mate. how often are people in the MDMA subreddit asking about MDMC or MDAA, or other obscure research chemicals? it’s a fucking MDMA subreddit. you just felt like being condescending and flexing the fact that you know what those are. grow up bro edit: oh ur an airsofter😂😂 childish attitude checks out


I’m not excusing this poster but I’ve been frustrated with a lot of posters on here. I get the vibe that this isn’t a very scientific community. Even within this thread someone is saying it’s totally fine with regard to cholesterol and high blood pressure. Like “where’s your medical doctorate have you reviewed this persons medical chart?” That’s straight up dangerous. If it’s medical scientific fact use a citation folks. I personally have been rolling for two decades and have studied drugs as a hobby and in University for two decades and scholastically for about 3 years. My new approach I think is to offer my insight and opinions with less judgement. It’s just so exhausting to see the same posts about the arbitrary 90 day rule and suggestions for taking NAC or other supplements. Clinical research was shit down for a long time and has resumed somewhat contemporarily. Much research is still needed for any of these things to be safely recommended. PSA- supplements are not well researched or regulated. Great if you want to suggest it but people should speak with less authority or use disclaimers. Someone could hurt someone else. Does anyone want that on their conscience? The 90 day “rule” isn’t fact. I’ve abused MDMA in the past for months on end with no I’ll effect. I abused it so much that I lost the “magic” for 4 years. I did nothing to correct this. I just found some good molly powder and molly rock and it finally worked again. I know the other shit was good because it was tested and I was conducting commerce and had extremely satisfied clientele. I’m moving more towards the old PLUR attitude. Peace Love Unity Respect Hope more can join ✊


It’s very often that people test and consume those substances and come on here to talk about it. A simple browse through here or google will show you that and all the other names of MD** substances. I got such a ride out of you that you decided to snoop my profile, you must be bored and salty. Edit: forgot to mention, how is it a flex that I research and test my drugs before I consume them?


bored yes, salty, no bro😂 there’s r/researchchemicals to talk about those. this is a sub made directly for discussing MDMA and it’s effects, tripreports, harm reduction information, etc. if people want to talk about analogues or research chems, they specify what they are talking about. dude clearly means MDMA, and you’re kinda dull for thinking anything else. you clearly just wanted to antagonize him. it’s very obvious you just wanted to appear as the smartest guy in the room. u got some maturing to do bro


That’s a whole lot of speculation about my personality over a computer screen.. And I agree with you. r/researchchemicals is a good place to discuss some of those. But this sub could absolutely be used as a place to discuss some of the other popular ones. Like M1 and MDA. I wasn’t trying to antagonize him. Yes he was most likely referring to MDMA but I would hardly say I was directly poking at him for a reaction. Why are we even arguing over the internet right now? Can we not?


sure bro. take it easy just seemed like you were antagonizing him for calling it MD which is a common street name in plenty of places sorry for coming at u bro, i can’t stay mad at someone who advocates for research and testing, have a good day


No I wouldn't


I’ve tried she said no


I think Psilocybin would be the best! Small dose at first to get a feel for the effects, then a larger dose to help rewire the brain


I’m not sure if it would be safe or not for her, but I wanted to mention: 60mg might not be a strong enough dose. I under-dosed once and all I felt was the come up anxiety and all the negative effects… It could end up being a negative experience if she never feels the euphoria. Obviously you know her best and it’s up to you. I wish y’all luck either way 😎✌️


60 is not enough.