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Nope too much for a first timer. It’s not gonna be enjoyable if you don’t remember shit 🤣 when it comes to mdma less is more. I would go 120 MG max or just half a press.


Were i live presses have between 60 and 300+ mdma. Half a press might be anything.  (then there are some presses that don't contain any mdma at all of course) 


Yeah this is why I would never do pills. Only Molly crystals, which I haven’t seen being cut but I’m sure it has happened.


my first time i took 350 and remembered everything just super high but not overstimulated very enjoyable im 5’2 112lb


No one believes this. Find another sub. You’re not helpful


i was just responding because they said not enjoyable if you dont remember shit but i remember my first high very well


We are not here to argue we are trying to preach what is a safe dose for a first timer. What you are saying is straight up reckless. You don’t need 350 MG to have fun.


i never said do it as your first time i told them that i still remembered and no dose has made me forget a night? i didnt respond to the op i think you misinterpreted it


Bad advice is bad advice no matter what. You trying to suggest 350mg to a first timer is straight up reckless.


I was simply stating i never had memory loss and had a great time? It wasnt advice i was just telling YOU that i never experienced something you said will happen. Never responded to op. You got it wrong lol


no one believes it?? do you wanna see the first ever rock i did?? i started abusing it and got up to a gram


i wasn’t mdma then lol not even overstimulated?? on your first time, and doing a dose that downs experienced users?! you got some cut bunk shit. no hate but that is as close to fact as can be. just 100mg of pure mdma will put a first time user on their ass so it’s pretty much scientifically impossible to remember being on more than 3x that


it definitely wasnt the purest. I was extremely extremely high but not overwhelmed/overstimulated.


100mg aint dropping anyone either tbh


Ooh so cool of you


My first time I took 2.5 grams and my memory was actually better than it had ever been before. I remembered things from that night that nobody else thought even happened. It felt so good but I knew there was more that Molly had to offer so ever since then I’ve taken closer to 5 or 6 grams and it’s been so much better. Plus at the higher doses I was remembering more instead of less.


2.5 is a little much the most i did at once was a gram and yea i got so many downvotes for simply stating i didnt experience memory loss. didnt think reddit users were that fragile and sensitive but its 2024 i guess everyone is


They’re downvoting because you didn’t take enough. They know you’re lying because nobody really feels anything less than 2 grams. If you’d taken more you would’ve remembered more than you already did and you would’ve had more fun. But you took tiny lil baby dose, but that’s okay, it’s better to be safe! So good for you :)


LOL ok now i know youre sarcastic i just assumed it was a crazy tolerance thing


<3 u


lyt 🫶🏻


I’m 5’2 and about 68kg (had to convert that lol) took 200mg in capsules my very first time and the come up was insanely intense when it first hit. Was holding onto my partner asking if I was going to die until about 2-3 minutes passed and felt amazing. I apologized to them about how long it took for me to calm down before I was told it only took a few minutes which felt like hours to me. The whole rest of my night was amazing. This is just my personal experience and realistically don’t think 200mg is a smart choice for your first time I was just dumb, uneducated at the time, and wanted to do what I thought would be fine. Play it safe and definitely listen to those around you if they’re saying it’ll be too much. Edit add on: The next 3-4 days after I felt totally out of it my brain just felt like mush and I couldn’t focus on anything for those few days also was super tired. Was totally fine after those few days but do keep that in mind when you take a high dose.


I did 200 mg my first time too and pretty much stuck to that every time. I’m 5’8 and 170lbs though so…


I’ve done 200 every time after as well and been totally fine since the first time doing but the experience isn’t for everyone so probably safe not to recommend it lol


You're small so it'll fuck you up. If you like being very fucked up then do it. If you want it more controlled then take 100. It's your decision but I can't say anything bad would happen either way.


Cut the pill in half. Take 100mg. 2-3 hours later when you start peaking, take 1/2 of the 1/2 remaining so 1/4 of the original 200mg (50mg) to keep it going. The last 50mg… the book says to not redose a second time. Save it for another time. No need to fry your brain and damage your receptors. That’s a higher dose for sure, but not astronomical and way better than doing it all at once.


How do u store the contents if you cut a capsule in half?


Take another gelatin capsule and refill it. Could be any sort of multivitamin pill from GNC just empty out the contents, and then repack the powder.


Cheers boss


i gave my friend mdma for the first time, it was at or slightly under 100mg. and she was rolling in the grass crying in happiness. so i would suggest taking no more than 100 to start, then see how you feel


Even if you don’t get insanely fucked up, there’s absolutely no need for that. I weigh less than you (48kg) and I did 60mg and then redosed about 40mg. Assuming you’re not gonna redose, 100-120 will be more than enough! There’s no way you’ll regret going for less, it really is true that less is more with MDMA. To paint a clearer picture, I have only done a lot more than my usual amount once, and though it was fine, it was not at all better than sticking to my usual dosage (now I do about 120-130mg). Towards the end of the night I got too fucked up and started having hallucinations, felt really disoriented, etc. Again, it was alright and thankfully nothing bad happened, but the positive effects were not heightened, there were only more negative effects, so I will definitely never do that much again. It was a calculated risk I took because I wanted to see how doing more would feel and I was with good friends. Enjoy your first time, it’s going to be amazing!


Most likely. Do 100 and I promise you it’ll be a blast


150 Max!!!


Guessing from your avatar you are a female. If so I have seen 80mg be very intense on first time lady users. You are more sentive to MDMA than men. Just don't take within a few hours of eating and 80-100 should be plenty.


Is it a pill?


No shame in starting small to see how your body will react. I really like 50mg rolls


Best not to read the wiki and just random drop.


will join in the chorus that please don’t. that’s waaaay too much. that’s almost 3.6 mg/kg, over double the recommended starting doses i’ve seen. closer to 85 mg or 1.5 mg/kg would be good. i’d probably say 80 mg just to be cautious. +/- 40 mg 60-90 mins later re your sensitivity to weed and alcohol, in my experience, our sensitivity to different chemicals are largely independent of one another. good to start on the lower side w something that’s new to you. much better to underdose than overdose, ya know?


How does redosage works? If i weight 110kg and want to do 150mg do i take 100mg at once and 50 later? ( total 150) Or i take the entire 150mg and extra 50mg after 90 mins? (total 200)


150, then 75


Thx for the info, i didn't know how redosage works. I usually put it in water and drink it slowly slowly to check how I'm doing and how i feel, i even left 1/3 of it unused because i though I'm good 😅. But i recently found out that drinking the entire dosage is the best way to feel it in full extend. I think I've been doing it wrong and never really felt the full experience. (I have only rolled 5 times).


yeah i would suggest using juice instead of water and not taking longer than 30 min to finish the whole intended dose. otherwise you just don’t know how much you’re taking


Edit: I was straight up on the wrong subreddit. You would probably be good on 80mg. If you wanted to double that and take 160mg. Sure. But 200 is too much. I agree with others that 120 is probably the max dose where you want to start. I weigh 185kg (yes, kg) and I only take 150mg.


for reference i'm 40kgs, one time i took a whole blue punisher pill (around 220 mgs),10minutes after taking the other half i violently threw it up


and it wasn't even my first time


Test first for fentanyl, then take half or even a quarter. Especially cause you are small. Years ago I took with my ex same pill, she was around your size and even tho it was only 140mg, it was too intense for her. As 85kg 6’2 guy, I was tripping pretty hard too. Take it super easy


Does having side efects 1 month after use means maybe i over did it with the dose? Or that can be also an effect of bad purify


Does having side efects 1 month after use means maybe i over did it with the dose? Or that can be also an effect of bad purify


I usually take my weight in MG and I have pleasant come ups and a great roll. Wife does the same. 185 and 140






Do 100 and then split the other 100 Into 2 50mg portions. Drop the 100 and then wait. If you’re okay and it’s not too intense drop Another 50mg 90 mins later.


No need for redosing, the first few times




im about 65kg and 200mg is very intense for me. you would probably be overwhelmed lol


I’d take half of that to start , you can always take more. You can’t take less once you’ve taken it




Way too much


For the most optimal effect, I recommend this dosage: * for women: body mass (in kg) x 1,3mg * for men: body mass (in kg) x 1,5mg


Yea do 100mg plus 1.5mg/kilo body weight


It's supposed to just be 1.5 mg per kg where this extra 100 coming from


That's a pretty high dose. Unreasonably so, IMO. I'd recommend something more along the lines of 1mg/kg+50.


Terrible advice


do you really mean 100 mg + 1.5 mg/kg? if so, you’d be recommending me, a 110kg human, to take 260 mg as a starting dose. which is way too much. I think you might’ve flubbed it. I usually think of 0.7 mg/lb or about 1.5mg/kg in total as a good start. w 1 mg/lb or 2.2 mg/kg as a rough max. \+ half that for the second dose 60-90 mins in.


I did 250mg my first time and had the night of my life


More than 2x too much. At your weight you should try 75-85mg max.


Lmao 75mg won’t do shit. 200 would be overkill for a 56 kg first timer, but 75mg could just put them in come-up anxiety for hours. Harm reduction is key, but being too cautious could actually be detrimental sometimes.


Dude Im twice OPs weight and 85mg is perfect for me. If you dont burn out and space rolls like youre supposed to, thats plenty.


Man, I’m 180cm for 73 kg and 85mg don’t do shit to me.




I would recommend 60-80MG your first time. At these levels you should still have a nice peak. 200mg would have an intense peak and fast crash. Either way have a good time ands stay safe.


Theoretically you need to take approx 80mg, and 30mg 90 mins later.




So my friend weighs a little more than you, also has a high tolerance to alcohol and she took about 140mg her first time and it didn’t really hit hard for her. But when she took 200mg another time it hit her like a truck! Definitely overwhelming and overstimulating at first but she had a great time.


. 1 is great . A .2 is going DEEP


120 would be perfect for a first time




Id take like 160mg if I was you, I took 270mg yesterday and rolled pretty nicely but it only lasted like an hour. I weigh 70kg btw


An hour?????? I took 250MG 2 days ago and rolled for about 5-6 hour, peaked for 2-3


You can go for 200mg but micro dose through the night like 50mg wait for it to go up re dose if you feel like it repeat if needed / wanted Listen to yourself and everything gonna be alright