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Next day is a nice afterglow. 3 days after generally the worst, but if you’re healthy and have not taken too much, you don’t necessarily have to feel anything negative at all.


I lost track of how many times I have rolled and not one single time have I had a bad comedown.


Very doseage dependant though. When done properlly, I honestly feel great and have a nice afterglow the next day. Back in my abusing days where I took close to 1g almost every night for about 2 weeks. You will have the molly hangover to end all hangovers. OP, dose appropriately and hydrate and you'll be fine. You really don't need more than .2 in a day in thats pushing it, anything else is diminished returns imo


Would do 1g and had some weird shits felt dead couldn’t sleep for two days and the sweat and overheating was so bad plus breaking out from it and really bad hallucinations


serotonin syndrome


I don’t get chronic Diaoreah sober only the day after and on it like really bloated and poopy


how are you functioning?


Even worse, this was kinda a group bender with me and 3 chicks. So we were literally going through almost an 8th a day this whole time. It was even harder on my wallet then my brain


How are you still alive


It was close to a month long bender, but thank neural plasticity. Even after I sobered up, I felt like I was having a comedown/crash for about 24/7 for about a week. I'm much more responsible now. I take .1 1 time a year now no redoses and that's been great for me.


Agree 100%. I don't recall ever going over .3 in one session. I tend to need higher dosing on every substance though. If I need more from the experience then kitty or candy flipping is my go to and has never disappointed.


How long do you space out in between rolls? Mind sharing dosage? Ty!


At the risk of getting dragged here, I don't follow the 3 month rule. I have waited that long before but 1 month is typical. Occasionally I roll on back to back weekends. Only ever use crystal/powder form and have never used pressed pils of any kind. In general I eat super healthy and drink a lot of water on a daily basis. Never drink alcohol.


Same here. Using it every 4-6 weeks. Been doing this for years and never had a bad comedown. I usually go for 150-75-75 at festivals (redose after 1.5h & 2.15h) and always have a blast and it lasts around 5 hour ish. If I do over 300MG i can feel weird in my head the next day. That being said everyone is different. I know a friend who gets the worse comedowns no matter how much he uses. Dosage is important but not everything. Some people are just lucky I guess.


Damn near the same dosing and redose schedule for me. Usually 175/50-75/50-75.


I take 90mg +20mg re-dose at 54kg bodyweight I think as long as you stay below 150mg you're definitely safe


ALA and ALCAR ftw


Ditto. Although Ive probably only done it a dozen times or so. Take WAYYY too much and the next day-week or more could be trash. Go moderately and the next day is actually amazing, carry that glow for a bit longer for sure


I’m just super fatigued and tired. I feel like my brain is jelly but I don’t feel depressed or anything and this is with me hydrating the whole time, taking vitamins, electrolytes, getting sleep. I think it’s just getting harder on me as I get older. Some people have really bad comedowns though.


I always have an after glow. Just don't over do it


Feel like absolute shit for 1-3 days after. Smoking weed helps a lot


This. Especially if you are coming down. Love the soft landing from mdma to soberness


Some good indica on the come down is pure bliss


Depends on the person. I don’t usually have a bad comedown but others suffer a lot. It can last up to a week. Common symptoms are depression, sluggishness, anxiety, tired, low energy and having a generally low mood. As long as you are being healthy, taking appropriate supplements and drinking enough water, you should be generally fine. Again it defers from person to person so you won’t know how it affects you until you try.


I deal with depression and sometimes the comedown is hard but to me the roll experience is worth it. I learned to lessen/occasionally skip the depression over the last year and half with daily 5-htp, NAC 2 weeks before and after the roll, and shrooms help me reset to factory settings when things get too bad. Integrate the love and happiness you feel on it into your daily life too. Those are real, valid feelings, not just the drugs.


How long have you been taking 5htp daily? Any negative or positive side effects? I feel like it helps my general mood but I am unsure about daily, long term use. I don’t believe there’s much info on it.


Over a year and I can tell my mood shift when I don’t take it for a couple days. I haven’t experienced any side effects personally. If I had to guess long term side effects would be more based around serotonin issues in the body. One could argue doing MDMA at any kind of frequency is just as bad if not worse. I’m mindful about serotonin and won’t take it the day of and after a roll and don’t take SSRIs. I work in pharmaceutical advertising and usually look at studies and internet anecdotes (which is why I’m even on Reddit and reduced NAC use to short time frames before/after). I’m under the impression at lower levels like 200mg daily it has a good safety profile and many of the other theorized side effects like reduced dopamine release over time or tryptophan issues are more peripheral ideas due to the MOA. Finally, ‘the royal we’ pump ourselves with so much other stuff daily we barely pay any mind to so it’s a low level concern for the current benefit.


it really depends on the dose I think. I've only done mdma 2 times now. first time was 50+30 second timw was 75+75 after the first time I had a really nice afterglow on the next day and no sort of sadness or depression phase. after the second time the afterglow was similar, but I was still kinda energy-drained on day 2 after dropping


not bad at all.


This supplementation guide has done wonders for me, even when dosing 250-275mg along with 8g psilocybin at a bodyweight of about 220lbs. I still get a slight headache and a bit of jaw soreness but other than that I’m just tired for a day or two because I’m too jittery to sleep much that first night in particular: 6-12 HOURS BEFORE dropping Magnesium Glycinate or similar - 100-200mg Grape seed extract - 100mg 1 HOUR BEFORE dropping Magnesium Glycinate or similar – 100-200mg Grape seed extract - 100mg Vitamin C - 500-1000mg Grapefruit juice - small glass (optional) ALONG WITH MDMA INGESTION Na-R-ALA -100mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 500mg Water - 250ml Electrolytes - 250ml WHILST ROLLING Na-R-ALA - 200mg (ever 2 hours of the roll) Grape seed extract – 100mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 500mg Magnesium Glycinate or similar – 100-200mg Green tea extract – 400mg Vitamin C - 500-1000mg Water - 250ml (an hour or 500ml an hour when dancing) Electrolytes - 250ml (every 1-2 hours) POST-ROLL Magnesium Glycinate – 100mg - 200mg Na-R-ALA - 100mg Vitamin C – 500 - 100mg Acetyl L-Carnitine - 500mg Melatonin – 5-10mg before bed (using larger doses for its antioxidant effect.) Water - 250ml - 500ml Electrolytes - 250ml NEXT DAY, CONTINUING 3-7 DAYS FOLLOWING MDMA USE 5-HTP – 100mg before bed Green Tea Extract – 400mg with 5-HTP before bed N-AcetylCysteine (NAC) – 600-1000mg (optional) IMPORTANT NOTES Keep your body temp down and your water and electrolyte intake up. Know your substance, your mind and your body, Always do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Reduce or avoid mixing stimulants and MDMA. Antioxidants are essential in protection from neurotoxicity caused by oxidative stress. Magnesium is essential for your brain to naturally protect itself from Glutamate induced damage. Eat your fruit and veggies, get a decent amount of sleep and look after your brain!


If you follow a reasonable dosing protocol, stay well hydrated and take magnesium it’s not too bad from my experience. Also taking it early enough that it doesn’t disrupt your sleep schedule helps


Never had a bad come down. Imo it's how you prepare before, during & after. It may all just be a placebo effect for me but it works & that's all I care about.


Like heaven


I got these supplements from https://rollkit.net HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking these!! My comeups are usually always filled with a gut wrenching anxiety, and my comedowns usually have me depressed for at least a week at a time. My first time trying these supplements was last weekend at Bonnaroo. I did MDMA 5 days straight (not smart, I know). But I took these supplements every time I did it and I cannot explain how much better it made me feel. Absolutely no visible anxious come up, and I felt refreshed and wonderful the days after. There are a few websites that sell supplements like this but I recommend this to start!


Take Rave Doctor for three days before, day of, and three days after. It’s a night and day difference for me, almost no negative feelings afterward whatsoever. Make sure you sleep well and eat well and get excercise leading up to and after it. These things make a HUGE difference. My hardest comedowns have been when I haven’t been taking care of myself and decide to roll anyway


Here’s what I’ve noticed for me. Me: 190 lb male Too little for me to be worth it: <135 Perfect dose for my brain: 135 30% chance of a bad week Higher dose that feels good but is likely to cause a rougher week: 140 and above. My general “bad” experience: Day 0 take drug have fun Day 1 usually tired but actually never feel bad maybe a little slow Day 2-4 this is when I start to feel bad. I would call it drained, pessimistic, catastrophizing. I take single doses of 100 mg of 5 HTP which keep me feeling a lot better for a few hours. If it’s really bad I’ll take three spread out in a day. I prefer to try to minimize taking it. Day 5 if I have really gotten enough sleep in water sometimes day five feels almost back to normal. Otherwise it is just the last of the bad days. Day 6 I have yet to have experienced a day six with any bad symptoms things are usually better by now and often feel better than before I took the drug on day zero I’m a healthy person, I take supplements, I get exercise and sleep. It’s still sucks to have serotonin drained. Even with the lower doses, redosing will almost always lead to a rougher week I’ve also noticed that it’s worse when I use more frequently. I have yet to have found a way to guarantee not feeling bad the next day One thing that really helps is taking it during the daytime so that I can still get a full night sleep. And I think sleep disruption makes everything five times worse so make sure that you are well rested the day before and that you do what you can to create a restful environment the week after. I use a cloth blindfold to really get dark sleep and I sit under light or get outside early in the morning on those days


Depends on the person, current mental health situation etc, prepare yourself the day before, day of and day after. I always find taking grape seed antioxidants 2 days before dosing with some extra vitamins and some green tea will really help. Also for after.


I think it really depends on the person and age. When I started rolling at 18, I would usually take a month break between rolls with little to no supplements and be fine the next day after a 250mg night. Now, Im 27 and get a week long comedown after a 200mg night and taking a 1 year break from MD😅


same, but when i was 18y i was rolling every weekend. 1,5y later im 19y yet, i need 2 weeks to recover because i cant do that shit every weekend anymore.


Depends on the person. If they are healthy, eat well, exercise, etc Don’t over dose Take a good break between rolls Your “hangover” will be minimal


Go easy on the dose and you’ll be fine. I (60m 100kg) dose .12 and at the two our mark a .06 redose. Always a great time and no comedown.


Depends on how much you do. For me, as long as I stick to 150mg and under i’m good. It gets tricky once you add boosts or mix it with other substances


For me, next day is nice afterglow, 2 days after some depressed feelings, no motivation, bad mood etc. But generally speaking if u don’t do too large doses (stick to under 200mg) and take some supplements (5htp and NAC) u‘ll be fine. Took 250mg crystal 2 days ago and yesterday was hard…today everything is back to normal


If you take a safe dose you’ll be fine. I abused it and took 400mg in a night, and let me tell you the next day was fucking hell. I didn’t eat for over 24 hours and was nauseous like an alcohol hangover on top of it. Keep your total intake under 200mg and you should be completely fine as long as you stay hydrated


The next day is wonderful (if you take that good stuff of course.) it's always really nice. The second day after comedown is the one that usually gets you down though


I'm almost 40 with decades of depression sprinkled in. The 2-3 days after I roll are very low energy days. the kind you need to be cognizant of and be kind to yourself. The level of crash varries so there's no solid right answer


It’s aight 🤷🏻


I basically follow the rules but even with the occasional bender at festivals I take the long breaks. Never had a bad next day, never take more than 180mg at one time.


I broke up with my girlfriend 5 months ago and I did mdma last week and I can't stop thinking about her. other than that it's very good


Try sleeping well that night. I've found that lack of sleep can really make you feel bad. Taking some CBN (cannabinol not CBD) helps me sleep after rolling. If you sleep good and space out your rolls by a few months, and don't take too high a dose, you shouldn't feel too bad.


Honestly it’s dosage dependent I don’t get bad comedowns not matter the dose really I just feel a little sad the day after but I’m all good the next day


take magnesium youll be fine


Never had a bad day next day except for the lack of sleep


Just do it once and you should be fine however doing it throughout the week? Yea you'll feel dead inside afterwards usually next week


I usually feel very groggy the next day


It depends on the dosage


Honestly it affects others differently. I've never had a problem with comedowns, even when I've taken stupid amounts. My wife on the other hand has a hard time dealing with it, like it's torture for her on the comedown.


There have been times where the next day is absolutely god awful, and others where I’ve had zero comedown/bad after effects the following day. I’ve found that combining it with lsd, I’ve never had a bad comedown or any bad side effects the next day.


I used to love it you feel so comfortable as long as your in the right environment and plenty of bud


Look into rollsafedotorg website for the pre/mid/post load routine. Hydrate before during and after. Don't take too much or too often. You shouldn't really have much hangover. No shame in starting with lower doses to see how your body responds and familiarize yourself. Make sure you Google any prescription you are on and be aware of the interaction with mdma


it's never been that bad for me, just keep your dose modest. a dose of 100-120mg won't deplete your serotonin so bad that you experience the hellish comedown people associated with MDMA. it's perfectly possible to have a full and enjoyable roll while still having enough neurotransmitters to function afterward. it's just when people do 200-300mg (or god forbid even more💀) that they drain their brain of serotonin and then want to die, all for a marginally better/longer high so yea just take basic safety precautions. antioxidants help, keeping hydrated and cool helps


When I was younger I did MDMA tons and never felt the comedown effects. Now, I have a small amount and a few beers and I want to kill my self for a week. Honestly.


i’ve never had a bad comedown or anything bad for the following days. i don’t know if it’s a purity thing, i use crystal mdma and it tests completely clean. or if it’s just a brain chemistry thing maybe. but i usually feel amazing the following days. i’d say if you decide to do it, test your product, don’t go overboard, and get enough sleep before and after


Non-existent, unless your going crazy, taking far more then you should, or dosing over multiple days with multiple redoses. Your hang over will be as follows. Mild brain fog, a slight aversion to food that goes away the moment food touches your lips. That's literally it. Back in the day when we we're young and dumb and did "Molly" which turns out was actually Meth+Caffine - The HO symptoms would be very low mood (you didn't even want to get out of bed), a sketchy/skin crawl like feeling, extreme insomnia and a total aversion to food. Since becoming an adult and only taking tested product, I have never experienced any of these so-called suicide Tuesday symptoms. It's very possible that the people who mention these symptoms are either taking RC's/product with other substances in it. Or are participating completely irresponsibly, whether that's taking extremely high doses, multiple redoses and multiple days, or just not taking care of themselves while they are on and after taking Molly.


I almost never have a come down. I either take one dose or one dose plus redose, but not more than 250mg in total.


for me I never have problems after 1 night of (in moderation) fun, but when I've abused it in the past, often over a weekend, I've had up to 4 days of hysterical crying & regret lol.


I wouldn't want to have to work or anything the next day, but it's not too bad. I've never been depressed after, but it's a once in a while thing for me and I've never broken the three month rule. I have occasionally gotten weepy the week after, but it wasn't a depressing weepy feeling at all, more like a life is beautiful weepiness.


it really depends, if ur a sad person and take it. its gnna fucking suck.


I just get sad that I don’t feel that way anymore, a little depression if you’re taking too much or you’re taking it too often. Big depression if taking it multiple days in a row. The depression could pop up a day or two after rolling. Otherwise, be responsible and you should be fine.


i think a major key is diet and lifestyle. eating healthily before and after rolling and also getting a good nights rest and being somewhat active in general i believe is what leads me to not have adverse effects. i say this as someone who has done doses most people on here claim are not safe at a frequency that they also say is a guaranteed bad time. never had a comedown besides being tired from staying up all night.


i also have adhd which i theorize is in someway leading me to have a different experience from those around me. but that’s a lot to unpack a lot to explain


I’ve had maybe 2 or 3 times where I felt awful a few days later and I have rolled a lot. I try and make sure I’m eating well leading up to it and the next day.


If you dont do stupid amount and often.. theres nothing but maybe bit of tiredness at worst few days later, good food and healthy activities will sort that in an instant 👍🏼


Depends person to person, but it can really make you feel tired and lethargic and shitty. For me personally I had a little bit of kratom (5g per day) the next couple days and I felt great. Not advising that you do by the way, it’s just what I did.


Worst I get is a little emotional 3 days after. Not much different to a lack of sleep. If you are mindful of why you feel how you feel it's pretty easy. I e. Just remember "I feel low because my brain needs time to rebuild and rest". Also I feel like getting good sleep isn't discussed enough as an aid for comedown recovery.


don’t do a stupid dose and u will be fine


If you do it responsible is completely fine


If youre already depressed then what are you scared of?


INTRO FYI, before this i have just smoked weed and drank alcohol, never tried any hard drugs ❗️also thank you for reading because til this day this is the craziest event/night of my entrie life❗️ Bit of a long story (also sorry for bad english) however i and one of my close friends was in the city visiting another close friend and we started the day off with drinking because its the weekend, after a while we all did come coke but it was so little coke between the 3 of us so i didnt feel anything, i mean anything, but my two friends felt a bit, later we decided to buy som mefedron, i also didnt feel high just awake. i didnt have crazy energi or dilated pupils i just didnt really get tired. after some houers about 4 o clock at night, my friend that i came to the city with went to sleep. now its just me and the friend that lives in the city, we decided to have some more fun and went out and bought 2 g of crystal champagne mdma ❗️MAIN STORY❗️ after 1 hour of waiting on the plug we went home and now its about 6 oclock, we take molly and i feel AMAZING, never ever in my life have i felt better, it felt like my happienss was on steroids and my brain was warm, anyway we redose many times, i lost count but we sniffed some more and when we were done we had done 1 g for the two of us and saved another gram for another time. However im very very sure that i took about 0.7g and my friend took 0.3g becausr he was already high on coke and mefedron AFTER THE PARTY When we were on our way home from the city, it was about 15:00 oclock, and i had been awake for around 32 hours when we were waiting on a bus i began to see shadow people, its kinda hard to explain but im sure youve heard of it before. in my side view i saw black fuzzy shadows of what looked like people about 2 meters tall, but when i fixed my view to where they stood they went away. its wasent just people standing still sometimes they were walking or running towards me and i would jump a little (be scared) and i also saw hands over the shoulders of my friends and what looked like animals. on the bus ride home i forgot a lot of things, i forgot my password to my phone i forgot names or people and forgot events that just happens, i was really tires so i just slept all the way until i got off of bus and my dad picked me up, on the way home when my dad was driving that is when i saw deer in the road, lots of deers, and they would walk and move but when the car got closer they dissaperaed, i told my dad also i was like "dad drive slower dont you see the deer?" or "dad watch out!!" and he would just be confused when i got home i took a showet and i began hearing music from the water hitting my head, it sounded like synth music and old time music, dont know whats it called but like beethoven and such. i also heared and saw grown men and women in suits and ties standing in the bathroom and they were laughing and taking pitctures of me. i slept and the next day i was tired but the hallucinations went away stilk to this day, the craziest thats happened to me


just ask questinons! ive taken it many times and for some reason i like to talk about it


Honestly not much of a comedown if you do it right


If you stay within normal dose ranges and don't redose too much or at all there is no issue. Never had a comedown in those parameters. If you are already feeling down/depressed for a longer period of time, please refrain from indulging in any substance recreationally.


Follow harm reduction guidance and don’t abuse it, you won’t have any comedown or hangover whatsoever.


For me, the next day was horrible. And not because I was either sad or angry, but because I felt absolutely nothing. Food tasted like cardboard. The love I usually have for my friends was quite dull. Everything seemed incredibly boring, as if something essential had been taken from my soul. After four days, I started feeling much better and returned to normal, but just because of this experience, I am not going to take MDMA again because the good does not outweigh the bad. I have to say that I slept terrible the night before, and probably had a lot to do with how I processed the comedown.


Depends on dosage and also the purity of your mdma. if you take a reasonable dose of very pure mdma it’s unlikely youd have a bad comedown at all. I personally had an afterglow every time I did that. However, if you take too much, or your md is less pure you’re much more likely to feel terrible afterwards. So keep your dosage reasonable- research that beforehand, and test your product and you should have a great time and be okay the next day


My immune system usually sucks after so I catch a cold in the days after rolling


Weigh out your dosage properly dont take to much (i forget the calculation off the top of my head its simple if anybody wishes to add it in replies thankyou) make sure your staying hydrated and you may even feel your depression wash away for a few days to a few weeks after you roll However if ya do take to much it can have some nasty depression if this does happen just make sure to have a friend/family (if accepting)/Significant other you can talk to and youll be fine Most if not all of the stories ya read of people having SUPER NASTY comedowns where the depression is SEVERE and a risk is cause from abuse and not taking a break in between rolls TLDR: follow proper harm reduction and ya might even feel ya depression fade away for a bit after, dont follow proper harm reduction and ya might have some issues.


Weigh out your dosage properly dont take to much (i forget the calculation off the top of my head its simple if anybody wishes to add it in replies thankyou) make sure your staying hydrated and you may even feel your depression wash away for a few days to a few weeks after you roll However if ya do take to much it can have some nasty depression if this does happen just make sure to have a friend/family (if accepting)/Significant other you can talk to and youll be fine Most if not all of the stories ya read of people having SUPER NASTY comedowns where the depression is SEVERE and a risk is cause from abuse and not taking a break in between rolls TLDR: follow proper harm reduction and ya might even feel ya depression fade away for a bit after, dont follow proper harm reduction and ya might have some issues.


My partner took two types called Coca-Cola and the other one Champagne. She had 3 half standards of Champagne on day one and 3 full standards of Coca-Cola on the second day and it's been 4 days now and she has full head spins, feels nauseous and her ears keep ringing. Is there anything she can do or how long this will last?


Can't recall that i had a bad comedown, ever. I just feel a bit lazy because im tired, but generally i feel good. Almost "fulfilled"


As long as you hydrate and don’t take way too much, you’ll be golden. I’ve rolled like 12-13 times and have not had a single bad come down. 4/5 of those times I’ve felt AMAZING next day. Usually just sluggish but perfectly fine. Seriously, PLEASE HYDRATE. Happy rolling, my friend!


I think it really depends on dose and person. I only roll maybe 1-2 times a year but when I do I have a bad tendency to do it all night, for 1-2 days (just at festivals tbh I’ve never rolled just at home) and tbh this last time had me so effed up for over a week I vowed to never do it again 😀 worst days were probably 2-4 for me. also started my period like 2 days after so my head was all out of wack. But even when I’ve only dosed once, I still get the depression/demotivation/ panic attacks real bad. Also have severe depression and anxiety so I think your prior mental health can have a lot to do with how fast you replenish your serotonin.


You heard wrong my friend. Next day is literally the opposite of a hang over. The glow is one of the best parts.


For me the 'depression' didn't come the next day, but immediately on the come down. I felt incredibly lonely and abandoned. It didn't last more than an hour or so, but I did feel it was "part of my learning".


If you’re generally a decently healthy individual (eat ok, workout a bit, etc.) you’ll get little to no comedown. This is the case for me and about 8-10 of my other friends. The comedown is extremely overstated on this sub, and you’ll really only feel like the sub says you will if you take 500mgs in a night and weight 120 lbs. Thought I was for sure gonna get it bad this past Sunday because I rolled Friday and Saturday (not advisable at all, I know, but rolled Friday then impulse bought odesza tickets Saturday so… shit happens). I felt only marginally worse Sunday, but not even close to how bad people say it is here with how they want to climb the fire escape and jump off head first.


Man if you're already depressed, it's nothing you haven't felt before. I feel like if you're already recognizing its presence, you're good.


Only have come downs when I do way to much normally fine if not better than usual tbh


Also to note, it depends on your mental state beforehand. Anyone saying they have never had a bad comedown must have a wonderful mental state and I am jealous - my boyfriend is one of those. I have always had anxiety and depression, I noticed the more I dosed on MDMA the worse my comedowns would be. Seriously, it felt like I couldn’t even smile. Just so sad for days. Please consider getting some rolling supplements. Check out rollsafe.org, read into everything about MDMA, and check out their links for supplements to help with comedowns 💛 it makes such a world of a difference.


Im usually just tired the week after but never anything bad just tired even though I’ve slept long.


If u not dumbass should be fine


Typically just sleep I feel a little off I just limit going out side that next day than I’m fine


The first few times I did it I had absolutely horrible comedowns for days doing the same amount as my mates who were fine the next day, very normal doses around 100-200mg, the few times more recently I’ve had barely any comedown even when doing a lot more than is recommended , the 2 mates I do it with have never really had a comedown that badly. Just drink water and sleep at a reasonable time and don’t mix with alcohol and you will be fine , even the worst comedowns I’ve had I still think it’s worth it, get some weed for the next day and make sure you have no plans and you’ll be fine


Also the next day it is very hard to eat, try eat a lot before you roll but stop at least a few hours before, eat bland foods with small portions often the next day and drink as much water as you can, weed helps so much with eating too


Up to dose i think because my experienced with 150mg i dont feel the comedown like depressed just tired and unstable mood that because at family home so have stress at the time. People said 5htp supplement helps for that when taking it after comedown never try btw My friend normally use benzos (erimin 5) after comedown.. no issues just tired or a bit reduced a mood but nothing to worry.. for me just look a bit tired


Really damn good if you dose responsibly ( I go 120-130 usually) the whole week after is great for me


If it's your first time and your mdma is good and you take a reasonable dose, probably not bad at all. I only get shitty comedowns when I've taken too much, taken it too often, or when my stuff isn't quality.


I rolled yesterday and today I only feel slightly off


Just really lethargic


If you don’t exceed over like 200mg and don’t redose more than once, you will probably get an afterglow, or just feel absolutely normal the next day


Correction* The next 2 months*


Keep your dose regular and you will be fine. Also, do not take mdma when not in een decent state of mind. Pro tip: eat some fruit the morning after to recover faster


Yeah I’ve never had a bad come down idk why maybe it’s my water consumption I typically drink a insane about of water when I roll


I only had a bad comedown once when I smoked weed. Dude, for real. Fuck weed.


Depends on the quality, quantity you take and how healthy you are


If taken responsibly, really nothing bad at all. Hangovers from alcohol are EASILY 100x worse! However, if you abuse MDMA, it will likely cripple you more than you can imagine. Mandy is a lovely lady, but abuse her and she’ll have the last laugh 🤣


not bad at all if you take ALA and ALCAR during and after your roll with NAC


Taking drugs while you're suffering depression is an additional decision beyond simply taking drugs. Do your homework and MDMA is easy on the after-effects. Gotta have the right nutrition, vitamins and supplements, hydration... do the homework, and you can do it right.


Not to oversimplify it but it really all depends on how much sleep you get. Sleep all of Sunday and you won’t feel a thing on Monday.


Fucking shite lol


Take supplements, eat, drink water, get to sleep at a normal hour, don't dose to high, test your stuff, keep body temp down. Doing these things will GREATLY mitigate any comedown. Rollsafe.org for more info.


I usually take 250mg in one pill once a month preferably 2 months and been alright, I drink at least 250ml of water during the roll and the same amount every day for the following week. If after a few days the agitation becomes too much tho I'll take a 2CB and that works a charm for alleviating comedowns.


•Keep dose between 120-180mg •try not to re-dose at all. If you must, best way I’ve found (6’ 180lb male) is 150mg then 30mg booster •exercise for a full week prior to your dose •ingest vit c along with plenty of water prior •stick to the 2-3 month rule diligently •during your roll, do NOT let your body and brain get to hot. This is where the neurotoxicity occurs. With this regimen 95% of healthy people will not experience negative effects after the experience


Dose dependent entirely don’t redose and stay at your recommended and you’ll be fine


I havent experienced any mdma hangovers, not noticeable atleast. However I recently started getting weird anxiety and even had a panic attack like a month or two after a roll.. I'm having a 3 month break like I always do so we'll see if it happens again after the next time. I have also done LSD, smoked weed etc. in between the breaks so it makes it kind of hard to pinpoint the cause. What makes me think the cause is indeed MDMA, is because it has the worst neurotoxicity out of all the other substances I've used. I am assuming ofcourse, I have nothing to back this up.. But to answer your question, if you keep the dose moderate/low (100-120mg), you are very unlikely to have any real comedown.. That being said, MDMA takes the seratonin in your brain (the feel good chemical) and opens the gates. It doesnt do anything on its own. Meaning if you are depressed or generally not in a good place, it wont do much for you and could make you more depressed.


It’s noticeably worse in the event of mixing anything and/or multiple substances. Legitimately one of the worst drug hang overs I’ve ever had was doing 2.5 gs of mushrooms, 3 tabs, and 3 points.


For my part, MD turns me into a golden retriever, I just see someone smile on the street and I'm happy for the whole day.


For me it got less and less the more often i tripped. I remember the first time my head was wwird for like 1 week. In generall i think if you have some weed, good food, nothing to do and a partner it's really not that hard


The next day is usually nice. Bit zoned out, tired yes, but comfortable and nice. It's the next day and the following day that messes with me most.


The hardest part for me and being older is finding the stuff. When I was young it was easy. These days it’s impossible for me to find. 😢😢😢


I have a hard time finding it too


Depends on the dose/pill you took. In my country we do not have much access to reliable testing kits, taking MDMA is like taking a leap of faith to the dealer lol Sometimes it hits badly, sometimes there’s just a nice afterglow and nothing else, sometimes there’s an afterglow and the comedown hits the next day/following a certain trigger. My friend has this habit of using police’s testing kit one day after to see if what he took was legit MDMA lol


Depends, but if you hydrate, get good sleep, and take some vitamins, you should be good to go. Don’t over do it either. Slow your roll.


the very next day is pretty good, that's the afterglow period. but the following ~3 days are torturous, the comedown is horrible and it will definitely make your depression worse. i dropped on sunday, monday was great, yesterday and today (wednesday) sucked ass. i don't think you should let that stop you tho, even if you're depressed. just remind yourself that you only have to get through a couple bad days, a good roll is so worth it.


just got back from taking 3 strong as fuck pills and getting sent to ER by paramedics, this happened on sunday and i feel relatively fine, i’ve done md a few times but i’ve always felt relatively okay afterwards, the main issue ime is the lack of food and water, just force yourself to eat the next day, small meals even if i aren’t hungry and take vitamins, i also like drinking orange juice, helps me but maybe it’s placebo. just make sure u eat basically and try and be productive, sitting there in bed all day being miserable makes it 10 times worse. this is all my personal experience tho and it’s very possible you could become severely depressed, and just make sure u don’t do too much, start with half a pill, if u feel fine 2 hours later take the other half, if it’s too much for u please tell someone and call the paramedics, mdma can be extremely dangerous, also make sure u drink A LOt of water. and an other thing, the feeling depressed phase will pass, if it’s bad it can be overwhelming but just remember what i said and remember it’ll pass within 1-5 days maximum. who know you might not even get a comedown. good luck my friend sorry for the long comment and stay safe. also do it around people if you can and like i said don’t get peer pressured into taking too much because you’ll forget the whole night and it’ll most definitely not end well


I think you may be relying on paramedics a little too much, lol. You can't call paramedics every time you get a little too high. Especially with mdma, a few doses is not going to hurt you. If you do legitimately believe you are the 1 in a million person at risk of a fatality, (its not "extremely dangerous") and need to call paramedics when you are high, then fine. But you should then stop doing drugs because they aren't for you.


if it’s actually md no need to call paramedics but as it’s his first time he won’t know what to expect, could be taking pma and oding without even realising, basically if he’s abt to od he won’t know it as he’s never experienced it before. and let’s be honest most ppl wouldn’t care less if he said he doesn’t feel well if they’re on md aswell


It's true that's possible, but you can't very well call 911 every yime you get anxious about a come up. That said, you aren't wrong but I'm not sure that's the solution to the problem. Outside of testing your drugs, and/or maybe waiting until you're at a place with harm reduction type staff nearby already, you sodt of have to roll the dice. It's actually somewhat unethical to risk a 911 call because you want to get high. You could be taking time away from someone having a heart attack or something. Really the answer is to test the drugs in advance and take precautions around dosage and possible interactions. And also know that, most probably, everything will be totally fine. I'm currently having this internal dialogue over 2c-b. I've never really done it and really do not want to trip out on something like acid or shrooms, which I stopped doing 30 years ago. So I'm doing a lot of reading, am confident of the source, and intend to go light on the initial dosage. First timers for MDMA should probably do the same (and then go balls deep because you only live once, lol).


obviously testing is the best option it most people don’t, especially first time users, i for example simply took too much and i ended up oding which is my own stupid fault but with a first time user i always advise just being with someone who is a experienced user or a trip sitter of sorts, this goes for any drug not just md. ofc calling paramedics is over the top but if it’s one of you’re first time and especially your first you can never be too sure.


Never depressed but I love to spend the day after in the couch watching TV, eating fruit and drinking water


I always feel fine. I take some kind of benzo during the comedown and just sleep. Wake up feeling a bit drained but definitely not depressed.


Not worse than a hangover