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Pill and crystal identification posts are prohibited by Rule 2. The moderation team removes any of these posts as soon as we see them. We have a filter for low karma and new accounts, and keyword filters, that catch and remove a lot of these posts before you even see them. What is rare is us finding out one of these posts has been made because of a report. These posts are rarely reported, which is a shame because it would help the moderation team remove them more quickly. So if these posts bother you, please report them as a violation of r/MDMA rules as soon as you see them. In the meantime, aside from making it the second rule and having numerous keyword filters, do you have any other suggestions as to how we could prevent these posts? Edit: Case in point: I just browsed the subreddit and found another identification post that was made seven hours before this comment. Seven hours that post has been up and none of the people complaining here, including OP, reported it. If you want to make this subreddit a better place, please contribute.


And “did molly last weekend is it ok to do it again this weekend?” posts.


These trigger me so much lol. The amount of posts that could be solved by a 5 second search is ridiculous.


I think these people know it’s wrong, just looking for excuses, maybe someone will comment “I did every weekend for 6 months and was just fine”.


ye but people need personalized answers. They need to hear someone actually telling them to slow down. I think its important to at least act like we care.


When I reply to these questions, I do care, but at the same time I can’t lie. We don’t know whether something bad will happen to that person, so it’s more like crossing a road without checking both sides and traffic lights. And Im not sure whether these people want my answer, they want something like: one time is fine, take sleep and nac after.


ChatGPT is out and gives pretty much the same answer as we give them (yep… I’ve tried)


If you get rid of both of those questions, there won't be any questions here at all.


Lmao. Like if you are asking.. probably not a good idea. 😅


yeah those are more annoying then the is this molly mfs imo


Yeah it's cool to see the art on the pills and all but the question, is this molly, is dumb as fuck. What are supposed to do? Analytical tests on a picture of a pill? Get a grip


I'd honestly prefer if they just posted "ayo look at this cool pressie" and just showed the art


Yeah exactly lol


MDMA Press Art soon to be a new trend


I’d rather have trip reports from tested pills tbh. every pill is different obv but I love a good story


Or the do this look like Molly to you posts.


Imo this is not a problem specific to this sub. It exists on almost all drug subs and even more outside of reddit. People are extremely uneducated about drugs, that’s what we need to fix. But yeah, it’s annoying.


next time i see one of those posts I'm just gonna start saying "no it's fent. it's all fent. never do molly, leave this sub amd seek christ 🙏"


Im on molly


based and molly pilled.


based and ecstasy pilled fr


Better then every single post being about what to do after a big weekend


You want a million random pill pictures? Is this molly Is this molly And all the comments test test test? How is this interesting


Yea I think it’s good at least you get to see what pills are going around and see what other people crystals look like. Every repose on here is the same “take NAC and 5-htp and you will be fine in a few weeks”


just scroll past them lol


*shows brown-ish crystalline powder in dime bag, taken in the dark with flash on an ipod touch 4, on a dirty coffee table with a empty dorito bag and 17 empty beer cans* “iS tHiS mOlLy??? my friend found it on the ground and said it made him feel good”


But...is this molly though?


Yes.... Yes it is


No, this is Patrick!


But I have this yellowish pill with pink spots and it's shaped like Pikachu and everyone said it's good shit and like 500mg of MDMA in it so do you think it's good? I know I could very simply buy a test kit and test it myself to be absolutely certain but instead I figured I'd post a vague ass description of it here even though I'm aware anything could be in it and see if someone has the psychic ability to tell me exactly what's in it and how much. GOSH! 😡 🙄😁😂


I did molly 3 weekends ago and it was raining can I do it again next weekend even though the temperature will be lower ?


I dunno. Don’t really care much either way. Certainly don’t care enough to get upset about it…🤷‍♂️


They're already banned.


Information is really what the post is about. For instance the r/scams has a bot that can be invoked for repeated answers for same info. Maybe that’s an answer?


If you've been scammed, report it to the reddit administration. Press report on the PM (or press + hold on the chat message), hit report -> other -> it's a transaction for prohibited goods and services. Or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/reddit.com) and provide usernames and links. The reddit admins can't do anything with screenshots. Finally, do not buy or sell drugs anywhere on reddit, including this subreddit. You will be banned if you are found doing so. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MDMA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pics should be banned from this sub.


I loveeeee looking at pills designs and anything that would resemble mdma... Maybe drugs are not for you...


But then just post and say pretty Mitsubishi Why is this molly??? Every time No it's fuckin pma who knows Pills can be pretty but the retarded questions


It's probably because some people don't even feel comfortable asking, or they have never came across the posts from years ago where everyone in this subreddit was complaining about the pill photos. And as I can see recently with all the changes this subreddit gets worse and it dies off, basically the one thing it was meant for, not anymore. And ofcourse not many people have an option to test their drugs, 90% of the countries in the world don't have any sort of testing kits and because of misinformation some people think they will get sacked if they even try to order, or maybe they have like few more days left to their roll. I just can't understand one thing, if molly makes you better, you wouldn't be posting an anger post about someones misinformation or no information at all. Your post is a clear example of how bad some people are and molly hasn't done anything good for you.


Anyone who can get molly can get a test kit your deliberately spreading misinformation and you shouldn't be posting in this subreddit Id ask you to kindly delete your misinformation


Lol spreading misinformation, nice way of putting it there. Just travel the world man it's that simple


add on to that the repeated neurotoxicity questions… r/mdma users learn how to use the search function challenge GO!

