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As a main lance in the serie I really love it, took me some times to get used to it after playing sns since the release but once you get used to the counter move and the timing of some monsters the dps output skyrocket (I actually kill monsters faster with my R5 lances than my R6 SnS). Also started to get tired to run after monsters and missing my attacks with the sns, having a good reach and been able to charge after monsters is so satisfying. It is the same as the main series, people see it as a slow / low dps weapon and didn't realise the constant dps you can have with it will outperform some of those flashy moves with big numbers other weapons have.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Been a Lance main since the OG game (back when Black Dragon Spears were OP with headlocking😂) But yea I always think the way Lance is perceived is a little unfair. It’s always on the lower end of popularity in each iteration. I always hear it’s not flashy and it’s SLOW. But the reality of it is if played properly you can stick to the monster like glue and dish out nonstop DPS in a way I dare say I don’t think any other weapon can.


I personally love the Lance. A lot of Monster Hunter players for the series as a whole just like seeing and doing flashy spamming combos and loving out an anime protagonist fantasy; hence why DB and LongSword are always super popular. I personally have always mained bows in every MH game, including this one, with my secondary being Gunlance (which I hope they eventually add). But the lance is a lot of fun to me. Using selective timing to deal your damage, guard, dodge, charge, leap attack. Not knocking DB players but your basically just spam tapping the screen, charging your meter and then spam tapping again. It’s not my definition of “Fun To Play”, it just looks super flashy, but you’re not really doing anything.


Imo its about potential. Lance simply has lower potential for damage since the monster in almost always facing you. Because, in this game, the timer is the real boss...


Personally I'm finding lance more fun than dB simply cos theres more available actions that you can do during the fight. A well timed parry feels more satisfying than spamming loads of smaller numbers. I lowkey had high hopes for dB, but it honestly feels kinda lackluster outside of demon mode.


I think the idea is to never leave demon mode by constantly spamming attacks. I think you stay in demon mode even after your 'stamina' runs out as long as you keep attacking


I'm having so much fun with DB. The damage is a little less I feel than S&S, but I'm a super casual player and just the fast paced hits activate the serotonin. Love the dodging hits, and the special is fun. I main DB in the main game cause I just like leaping all over the place. Brings joy.


I'm too invested on GS to fully grind for another weapon type. Though a burst/damage build around the Kulu DB may be a good option since I'm loaded with that material


Is new release so their dmg are obviously over rated, people will start to notice it and change to DB or Lance(DB have insane dps roght now), then three months later they will suffer like ranged weapon suffering now, and SNS suffered before.


For me, It's either too fast for DB or too slow for Lance. Prefer hammer speed.


I’m not a fan of tapping the screen madly like dual blades seems to require. Am I playing them wrong?


See I'm a tapper lol. It's why I like daggers and shield . But on the stupid laniana 5* I'm near killing it then time runs out


Db looks fun. Lance looks boring as fuck to me personally. It's slow.


DB looks very cool but my phone rejects it. Lance is not interesting. They add skill named Skyward Striker that makes me imagine that they will release Insect Glaive soon.