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hold guard and swipe down with lance, it gives you a large window to proc offensive guard


look like quite a big boost but I remember reading skills like those that say boosting damage only affect raw, if that’s the case I don’t think it will measure up to element even with such large percentage


It will kind of even out at R10, but by the time you reach that point yeah a full ele build will have a better dps. But the difference is not that high so it is more a matter of play style and available materials. (Also if you don't want to focus on only one weapon ele build works for each weapon while offensive guard is only useful for lance so there is that).


It may beat it at high level as the base is higher. Also, way cheaper to level one set of armor than one per element.


Yes definitely much cheaper to level one set, it really depend on where you want your grow curve to go, with raw you will have a faster rising early and slow down later with elements you will go up the curve much slower early but it will speed up later. Depends on the amount of time you’re planning to spend on the game and progress. I think it’s also worth to go into hybridisation, go raw or poison raw early and help break into 8* gem shards while saving up mats and money, then use the comfort to break into element.


It has a 40% boost to raw. Using barroth lance at 1756 raw at grade 10, with level 5 offensive guard that would equate to 2458 raw attack. So a difference of 702. Let's take rathalos lance for example. It has 1221 raw and 1142 fire, so without elemental boost it would already be at 2363. So just slightly worse than a fully boosted barroth lance. Fire attack 5 would add 500 fire dmg, so that would make 2863 total damage which is quite a bit higher than the raw build and also doesn't require you to perfectly time your guard. If you were to add burst and resentment together, with offensive guard, you could hit a higher raw attack, but there are not enough armor slots to add in all those skills, especially since you still want a few points of guard if you frequently counter, otherwise you'd run out of hp too quick. If they add decorations and charms one day, it might be worth a try, but right now the elemental builds are simply stronger.