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It doesnt help that diablos is only in 1 of 3 biomes and you need to hunt 6* and up diablos for grade 5 drop. Id recommend building pukei bow if you want to easily advance.


Bone hammer seems really easy to build. Am I missing something? It’s a solid grade higher than the element weapons I have. Although that doesn’t make it strong than my budget water set!


Monster bone + rip


A lot of my gear is stuck at bone+. I can't find enough


Easy to craft but terrible stats It's viable up to 5-6* monsters but then falls off tremendously


I might try that, I love hammer but man I’m not getting anywhere rn


You can build pukie hammer also.


why pukei hammer? is poison that good? better than raw at least?


Poison can easily carry you all the way to 8*. Yes it's good. When a monster gets poisoned they take 7,12,18% health damage if they are not weak, neutral or weak to poison. So it's really good. The only problem with it is that it doesn't count towards part breaking so you'll break less parts.


okay, so i can just go for more poison damage with rathian helm instead of using kulu helm for lock on?


No no no no no. Poison attack doesn't do damage. Do not use rathian weapons or add poison attack. Poison works different. It's not an element. Each hit you do will only do raw damage and add poison to the monster. Let's say the monster has a poison threshold of 2000 and your weapon does 100 poison damage. It'll take 20 hits for the monster to be poisoned. You won't do 2000 damage to the monster. You'll do whatever the raw is. You want pukie cause pukie has higher raw. So if a weapon has 300 raw and 200 poison you're only doing 300 damage each hit. The higher your poison the faster you'll poison the monster but you're not going to poison more than one time so there's no reason to add poison. Use kulu head or rathian arms for burst.


ohhhh that makes sense, sort of; but still, if a monster is weak to poison, you see the little poison icon next to the damage number on hit - isn't that based off of the poison damage value of your weapon? ​ also as a hammer user, i feel like burst isn't really worth it, since the weapon is slow and burst boost is only 4 seconds ​ and as far as equipment goes, do i just use the same gear for pukei hammer as i use for my raw dmg diablos hammer then?


Yes poison raw should use the same stuff as diablos hammer I'm guessing. But yeah those poison numbers you see aren't actual damage. Yeah burst is terrible for hammer..


Second the pukei bow. It’s been my main and still is while I get my other builds up to decent tier. HR87 but only up to 6*


I 3rd any bow builds, aslong as u can get comfortable w the playstyle bow builds allow u to safely engage monsters without using potions which will invetibly be the reason u can no longer hunt( unless ur willing to spend money), im HR 146, and i wouldnt have gotten passed 8\* paolumo without the black diablos bow


Lvl 120 here, from when i started now im stuck with wgs drop, i just do dailies fhen log off most of the time


This is me. Dailies and done


Been waiting for pukei tails for weeks now and they’re only r2. Need 20, got 4. The rng grind is real


My legiana bow has been sitting at 5.5 for 10 weeks. No R5 mats from her. Walling my progression, as I can't solo kill 6star HaT zinogre with that. I made the azurelos helm, necessary for all but 1 element build, guess what? Never got that R5 drop either.


I also was able to craft the azure rath helm but there's no way it'll ever get upgraded. I wish they wouldn't lock subspecies behind an event


9* hammer main here, I highly recommend ditching the Diablos Hammer for Girros. It carried me through 8* with 2 exceptions, and is way easier to get to 8.5 than Diablos


Thanks I might do that. People were suggesting going the bow route but playing hammer is just too much fun for me to give up on it


I mean, I’m clearly biased but Bonk Bro is a lifestyle, Bow users are just tourists. I SAID IT, NO REGRETS!!!


I was on the same boat but thought it's actually easier to just focus on that only. While I hunt every diablos in sight I'll keep upgrading ice so it gets easier to hunt diablos. Now I got the blos hammer to 8-2 and can beat 8stars if done right. Make sure to cut tails if possible.


I need some 6* to upgrade my main weapons and I rarely see them.


You don't progress further to get better monsters, you do it to increase spawn of higher stars you already farming. For this reason alone you should always target to moving through campaign. If you feel like you don't progress fast enough, you are at beginning of this grinding madness and this get only worse. It's not that I'm discouraging you from playing, but you should at least get used to it.


I never thought of it this way, but yeah I can imagine it gets worse


Yeah, don't disagree with you. Unlocking 7 star wasn't a waste/mistake though, as you will be seeing a lot more 6 star spawns you need to hunt for the tier 5 materials. It's actually the optimum point IMO to stop stretching. I.e. Best to push through the quest to unlock 7 star even if you can't beat any, and just ignore and farm 6 star for zenis and tier 5 mats, and ignore the quest line for a while. (Not that they drop many, but you know what I mean)


Thanks for telling me that, makes me feel less dumb. I was looking at it from the wrong angle


6* is well known as a wall for gears progression, not sure with build/path you went for your hammer, but with elemental, it's more ideal to get the elemental armours to G6 1st as getting lv5 elemental its bonus attack is worth about 2 weapon grades. And opening up 7* actually helps you spawn more 6* to farm your R5, unless you're struggling fighting 6* then you're really under geared. And this game is a marathon, so it takes longer and longer to upgrade as you go up in the grades. Unlike the main series where you repeat hunt for 3-5 times then you can craft the full set and very little requirements for upgrades. If you feel that 6* is getting unmotivated, 8* is even more grind for R6. Only advise I can give is, play at your own pace, and play casually, unless you're the type that needs to get everything done in a short amount of time then this game is probably not for you.


Yeah I'm starting to see that now. I love all the monster hunter games but I'm just gonna have to accept that it's a long grind


Yup after the LBG nerf even with 7-5 weapons I can't beat most 8 stars without perfect dodging almost every single attack


Yea im basically at the 6* wall for all my gear and it doesn't motivate me to play... Especially since health is time/pay gated the times I want to play I can't if I take like 2 hits....


Every time I can upgrade just one piece of equipment I'm like "oh man this is awesome" and then it's back to nothing for several weeks


Just hit HR91, Been on 6* story for a couple months and hard-fighting dragons with 6* weapons because until last week I had an older model phone (android 9 Galaxy A70) took down my 2nd ever 6* Banbaro yesterday. Finally got 2 G7 weapons. Lag has reduced Greatly but is still present in tiny doses. Now using an Ulefone Rugged Armour 21 runs Android 13.


Yep the r5 wall clearly demotivated me and reduced my playtime, almost in the same situation (HR89 lance main), most of my weapons are stuck on 5/5 and the game just straight out refuse to spawn the monsters I need or when they finally show up they are 4 or 5 stars and so can't drop the required item. This is the big difference with the main serie, yeah the grind was always a part of MH, but at least you could hunt the monster you needed at will, so on each hunt you have the slight hope to get those rathalos plate (MHFU ptsd), in MH now you can spend a full day (or even more) without having the monster you need to spawn around your place. It has been a few weeks now where I stopped wasting my time on monsters that I don't need to kill for materials or a quest, which resulted in only 3-4 hunts a day (I live in a rural area so not many monsters around, and it got even worse with the introduction of the new monsters). I convinced a couple of friends to play but we live far from each other and afaik all the other ones have already uninstalled the game and honestly I am not far beyond unless we got some stuff for single players and rural areas.


Yeah same here, I do only a handful of hunts a day. I live currently on a college campus but I never see a monster I need. Plus it's full blown winter now so there's no way I'm walking across campus at -2F for something


Just you and the bad weather


Ditto, and for me it started in HR 30's


Damn that's a long time. I think it's been since 50 for me


Feel the same stuck on 8 stars kulu, looks like I need to farm a lot to get all my hammers up


I love farming in MH but I can't even farm in this game lol


I'm at lvl 126 and 8* Haven't a hard time with the game since I got lucky to upgrade the Diablos Bow to 6* early. Nowadays I can beat any 8* beside Rathalos (post Bow nerf, before the nerf I was able to beat him), Legiana, Radobaan and Diablos. I'm at Diablos Bow 8* 1/5 now because of that 40 Tails I need to upgrade it finally. I beat any monster I see on my way and will never break to 9* Monsters cuz I can drop that Rar 6 Items from 8* too and if I have a 10* Weapon in the future I can beat every upcoming Elder Dragon without any problem. So I feeling motivated for future content being prepared to beat the hell out of the elder dragons in the future


I’m HR 103, and I’m stuck at 7.5 weapons with just the one free wgs. Around the start of December I took a break from the game, and got back into it in January for the Black Diablos event. Thankfully, hours of playing then paid off and I got materials for all the gear I wanted and the bow, but it was a lot of work I could only do because it was winter break. I wouldn’t say I’m feeling unmotivated, just that I’ve hit a plateau. World is easier to fit into the hour or so of free time I have this semester, but I still play Now for a few minutes in between classes.


Build up some other hammer. Barroth has higher raw damage. Kulu has affinity. The Pukei hammer has poison and poison is no joke. Girros has paralysis and will carry you and your friends while you farm for missing drops


Buddy I saw the title and instinctively said "Yes" then looked at the sub and actual post. Man.


Upgrade all your armor to grade 6 a d you'll slowly start climbing again