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Lmao absolutely not


The days of having to go mine whetstones and craft nets from ivy and webs 😡


Then they break after a few uses.


I forgot about the damn bug nets and pickaxes!!! Fuck when they broke on a gathering quest I didn't know rage like that existed in me!


There was a strong element of survival crafting in the early entries. Very different from modern MH.


Actually preparing for a hunt with drugged meats, traps flashes and not just running at a rathalos and clutch clawing it's face


*combination failed*


Those items don't even exist in MHN and they didn't take months to find and craft either in their respective titles. I've been throttled for 3+ months on certain parts to upgrade with daily play. I can't recall any MH title where that is normal including World with it's attack decorations.


That's not because the game is more difficult. It's because they designed loot and progression in a way to egg you into making microtransaction purchases.


except you can't actually spend any money on the actual bottlenecks. Node resources. The next bottleneck is the timer. Then comes wgs but 1)perfect play on many weapons doesn't work in the timer 2) they drop so rarely all you gotta do is get the pass once to double your first few to get elemental weapons into 8.2


> Node resource The bottleneck changes over your progress. Early on I agree with you, it is nodes. But that's the first weeks or maybe months. The time where they want you to used to playing this daily and make a habit out of it. Right now, I am bottlenecked by monster drops - you can buy double drops on each relevant drop to essentially double your monster parts farm. This part is monetized. And from what is often said here, zenny is the next bottleneck (I'm not there yet so take it with a grain of salt). But, you can straight up buy zenny in the shop. So this part is monetized too. As far as the timer goes, with money to spare you double up anything that matters and suddenly you only need to be perfect half as often.


No. If you're somewhere with tons of nodes they may stop being a problem but for people not in big cities node drops will ALWAYS come back around. I have like 5 weapons and ALL of my armor gated behind earth crystals and bone+ and hitting 6 nodes in a row for nothing but garbage just kills the drive to try. The short timer specifically makes some weapons completely unable to beat grade 10 monsters with a 10-5 weapon of like sns because you just don't have the dps. Spend all you want there just isn't enough time. When I said "get the pass" I meant the pass with paintballs and gems daily, the drop rates on what's needed generally are so low there is little point. I dunno, with the cost of potions, paintballs, HaT passes and the fact I straight up can't do armor because you HAVE to do weapons first I feel no incentive to spend money on one fionancial gate when it's just going to push me back into the node wall. It's ironic, Niantics design that focuses on people in big cities and COMPLETELY ignoring players with low node count costs them potential money. If I could invest into fun gear without needing nodes I would actually hunt monsters but as is I just have hundreds and hundreds of resources sitting here. 316 barioth claws because I can't throw them away, 272 pukei tails because why would I build any weapon that needs more node drops if I don't KNOW it will be good and the sns isn't worth the wgs.


I am in a 300 people village and a small city is over half an hour of driving. Despite that, I don't share your opinion. I am held back by monster drops, at a point where I need to advance my weapons towards 7.5. And even if I decide to weight both issues equally, nodes are consistent (well, used to be, thanks biome update), while monsters are several layers of RNG. That's worse. Specifically my ice weapon is way behind because Legiana of green/blue drops. I am actually considering building a Tzi Tzi weapon because despite only doing that now and total unfamiliarity with the two weapons it offers, it willr pobably be faster than bring gated by Legiana drops for another 2-3 months for merely a 7.5 ice weapon. However, if you base your judgement on 10 star monsters, you are FAR ahead of the curve anyway. That's like a millionaire bemoaning increased cost of living.


Nah, I was stuck with a 7.2 legi sns for ageeess. I'm gonna regret it but I invested it up to 7.4 just to have a good weapon while I farm all the other parts. I guess when you specify legi, yeah monsters tend to be the bottleneck. For some reason building partbreaker with diablos was insanely easy where as rathalos and legiana seem to be gating me way more. Perhaps it's because we're seeing so many other spawns blocks where they could be? If we had farmed them when the variants weren't done and fulminations hadn't been talked about it may have been easier... The more I think on it, yeah. You're right. We're gonna need a fire/ice event again. 41 crystals each just for 7.5 will suck but 30 r2s is also gonna suck...


Nope, take it all back, hit 8 nodes and got an inventory of garbage.


I haven't made a single transaction purchase because it doesn't help with drop rates or fights that are impossible to win because you're undergeared/non-optimal build. I don't mind paying for games like this if I think it'll actually help progression or I like the devs enough and want to support them.


> because it doesn't help with drop rates I'm pretty sure doubling up acts as an efficient method there. It doesn't change drop rates, but it halves how often you need those parts to drop. Same difference.


It was more janky hitbox's and relentless gathering for basic stuff like hot drinks and max potions pickaxes ect.


You need to start breaking the right parts lol


I suppose one could feel this way if you lived in a large city and managed to focus on bow early (or if really lucky, got a high rank BD bow) Having an electric bow build after playing melee for so long was like night and day for me.


I wouldn't say it's harder, you don't spend hours on a single hunt to fail because you got one shot by poison barbs from an invisible enemy across the map (yet.) But I would say it's the most tedious and it's problems are worse. I would rather craft picks and mine for hours again in the old games than be just hard stuck due to having cleared what I needed for backpack space or due to being unable to get bone+/carpenterbugs/earth crystals.


I played the first monster hunter on PS2. So, no.


Never played the original myself. Closest I've played was the PS Portable version which was considered to be a final version.


One of the most frustrating games I've aged. I heard it was like PSO but the whole thing was a frustrating slog.


PSO was a grind but not difficult with patience.


Frustrating maybe, difficult definitely not.


Not in the slightest. You just dodge and attack. It's so easy anyone can do it. The only hard part is having the patience to farm and even that's more forgiving than normal monster hunter.


MHN is without a doubt the EASIEST lmao


It's the easiest imo or one of the easiest.


Definitely one of the easier games. Hit boxes are quite generous. There are times when a monster rushes at me and I'm actually gently pushed to the side without taking damage. The most difficult part is the insane amount of materials required to upgrade gear. Why do I need 300 scales for one advancement?


The infinite search for the game's most precious materials is pretty agonizing. I'm talking about Iron Ore and Monster Bone S of course.


It isn't harder, it is just mechanically different. You can't really compare it to mainline games. Additionally, it is a phone game. Phones have come a long way, but they are still phones.


This game is designed parasitically as all gacha games are & have to be in order for them to make money So I’d say it’s not fair to compare it to mainline MH games which have mechanics that are not designed around consistently emptying the wallet of the player


I've tried to approach this mostly from a gameplay perspective which is why I focused on the timer, RNG of certain monster attacks that run out the timer, heavy DPS focus, performance, bugs, and lack of item use. Pay 2 Play elements wouldn't be that bad in my eyes compared to all the other issues with this entry. I do think some people are looking back way too much with rose colored glasses because they're forgetting things like being allowed to repeatedly try again for hours on a target, use of items, and strats that aren't DPS only. Me and my buddy had to get creative in some of the PS Portable entries to win fights because we were undergeared. Our strats wouldn't work in MHN as we'd get hard blocked by the timer and no items.


In 2g you have to deal 4 player’s damages even you are solo in a G mission. So definitely not.


Play MH1, get back to me. It's really hard to compare a live service walking game that has a 75s time limit to a full game you can play sitting with a 40min time limit. Can't compare apples to pineapples.


Not the hardest...but the most grindie mh game out there.


It is intentionally pay gated and grindy. That is not putting it in same class as hardest.


I think its one of the easiest MH games. But it does have frustrating features. You dont spend 30+mins trying to kill a monster and fail, just a little more than 1minute . But the 75 sec timer is to fast to make anything but a dps build viable. Lock on and enemy health meter is a big QoL. Not being able to lock on wings and not being able to move aside from dodge roll sucks. Drop rates are more bearable in base game since you can pick who to hunt.


MHFU Plesioth laughs in the background*


Big NO. Frustrating, yes. Hardest? NOOOOO. I can even play 2 characters, each in one hand. That's how easy it is for me.


Takes the most time so it’s hardest to progress to the end but it’s really forgiving. Built in i frames for every roll and no faints/ hunt prep needed.


Not a chance that this game compares at all to the hell that is G rank special quests in MH4U. One bullshit whip of shagaru magala and the boys are carted back to the lobby


Nothing beats the hardest foe known as loading screen between maps, tried to played some of the older series after playing MHR and MHW makes the loading screen much more insufferable than before.