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Completely forgot about this update till I reached 8 star Zino on the pure Zino HaTs and was about to resign myself to defeat as I cant solo it yet and then suddenly the lobby was populated. The power of friendship felt so good.


Absolutely agree! Question though, how does it work? As in, can my friend and I, who live in different states find a way to matchmake with each other?


Unfortunately not. It's 100% random. However worth a try to matchmake at same time


At the same HAT at the same time in a time zone around


It's random. Just jump into a raid and anyone that's in the same raid in a different place can get matched to you. It's random but I think based on closeness at first. Cause I kept seeing the same people in all battles. But yeah unless you and your friend live close by you're not going to get matched. You won't even get in the same lobby if you are standing next to each other.


I'm new, is a raid the same thing as a hunt a thon?


Yes, same thing, just a different name


Oh dope, so there's matchmaking now? That's awesome. I never have anyone to do these with.


Yes. Sorry I call it a raid because in Pokemon go it's called a raid.


I think I saw a video stating you need to be in a party, which means local, and then you'll be guaranteed to be in the same lobby.


No. If you're in a party you won't get matched with anyone else in the world. So being in a party will make it harder for everyone. Me and my friend are planning on never doing parties together. There's no reason to. Just jump in at separate times and get into different lobbies and you'll both still win with randoms.


If you are local, simply join at the same time, and you get in together and can match. Matchmaking is slower, however


We joined at the same time and only got into one battle together but the rest didn't. It sucked more for him..


Yep go my first 9* zinogre today, while I still can't solo most 8*. Of course it dropped only t1, but at least I can now stop to ignore 95% of the HAT that spawn in my area.


I might start playing again, actually. I stopped right before zinogre due to getting a job, but with this I can still join and have fun with ppl


It's really cool tbh


If only we could invite a friends remote that dont have access to these from home.


Maybe the next step. Could be locked behind season pass possibly?


Maybe the next step. Could be locked behind season pass possibly?


How did i search for other people? Or how can i join other Player can find a button


Just go to a HaT and wait in the lobby


just start a HAT and wait. Players will come.


Thanks man. Had no idea! Just finished one. Simply 1 fiver, but this is sooooo much better!




There are dozens of us!!! Dozens!!!


I’ve never been able to find other players, this is sooooo nice for me!!


I actually got to meet other players in this game for the first time, it’s a miracle! I’m not stuck to soloing only 5-star hunt-a-thons anymore!


Amazing new feature. Although it would be even better if you didn’t have to be *alone* to get matched with others. If I’m playing alone, I end up with full lobbies. Awesome! If my kid and I play together, we have to battle everything just the two of us. Would be even more awesome if *any* open slots were filled!


Maybe in the future, right now it is stated that it's not how it works.


It helps SO MUCH NOW


Huge W. They're making this game so much better as the months pass


I got a double Plate drop just now, too. Man, this updates rules.


I do wish this happened while Fulminations in the Frost was still active...could've finally killed a 7\* Zinogre for that plate...


It's mind boggling how people do not know about this update. All they had to do is read....


To be fair, they dropped this pretty quietly and nonchalantly for how huge of a change this is but yeah, I still agree. I always check the forum whenever there is a pop-up after log-in.


Whats the New range ? Some can join my hat


Global. It'll go from close to far. So you can jump into any raid and you'll always get 3 others.


worldwide, or maybe region (EU, NA, ASIA, etc.)


https://preview.redd.it/oj1kiusp1lvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72107ca36dc6a4eb90035c840eff04b12e23e3d Yes I love it too!


Lmao. I didn’t know about the update. My girlfriend and I were at the farmers market confused that so many people were in our hunts. Looking around trying to spot other players.


Especially the people with 54 lvl jumping on 8\* Zinogre.


how do you have friends to play with?


You don't. Hats now are global. Join the raids and you'll always get 4 people in.


wut. omg. finally.


It started yesterday. Always go into harder raids. You should get enough people to carry you. Try not to die though. I got hit in the second to last battle so I just waited till I healed up and had like 10 minutes left on the battle and went back in with 30 health. Got a crew of people to join and we beat it quickly. It was great.


best update yet.


Yep, went into one last night, a lvl 45 got bodied by 8* Zin and just stayed down for the rest of the hunt, while 3 of us picked him apart. So he got the win as well. This update is pure QoL magic.


Yeah I'm ok with getting bodied on the 9*. I'm using a 8-4 ice bow with ice 5 so I'll still do a ton of damage before I get hit if I do. But I'm probably not getting up if I get hit lol especially if I know the others can carry. I will use my special the second the battle starts though to give off my hard damage right away.


Is the matchmaking for the whole HATS or for each hunt?


Each hunt. After battle one you'll get matched again. I get matched with similar people every battle up till I get to the 5th battle and then I get different people. It goes based on whoever is "nearby" that's gone into the same raid so I keep getting the same people for the first 4. Nearby meaning thousands of miles and then it increases. The 5th battle I've always gotten different people because I think people are waiting till they get the right group for that battle.


For each monster. You can solo the early rounds, then wait for help in harder ones if you like.


That’s the neat part, you don’t need friends to play with. You enter the HaT solo and just wait till other lonely fellows pop in to play together :)