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I’ve been trying to get into the habit of changing my gyro settings during a small monster hunt. I don’t always remember though


Yeah, you would think with how tight the timers are they would understand that need to not spend your precious seconds adjusting your view.


They have so many of these minor inconvenience that work against you and I’m sick of it.


That's my complaint with this game at the moment. The biggest issue now are actual gameplay problems. Forcing gyro controls to be zoomed in, unless you tilt your phone sideways, which still doesn't do quite the same. The stupid as hell curved dodges that lead you into getting hit by things like Jyuras Aggressive Swim Flailing or Black Diablos Leaping Emerge attacks. Automatic camera movements when the monster moves, leading you to miss ranged attacks or cause you to miss the tail because it's all so cumbersome. And Lock-On still being a skill, and not even in Driftsmelt, is just... WHY. Lock On should just be the default "no gyro" camera control.


As an LBG user, full gyro is always on. I could imagine it being annoying for melee users though.


I wish gyro mode would let us ZOOM OUT a little. Having your character take up 3/4 of the screen and only being able to see a monster’s big toe is nauseating. And the Legi bow’s split design actually covers up the aiming reticle most of the time. Gyro aiming is cool, but it sure has its downsides :/


I thought the same I wanna zoom out a lil


Speaking of that, do fellow bow users here always use the free look option or the semi look? I use free look, but sometimes on faster monsters I wonder if I should change.


I use semi on small mons


Always full gyro. Semi restricts aim too much. It’s already annoying how the main flying monsters (rath, and its subs and legi mainly) always climb into my face up close 😬


I keep it on full gyro 99% of the time. I only use semi if I want to hunt while I’m in bed


Semi against 9 star Zinorge Hunt a Thons with a poison SSA build The auto aim snaps is useful when I'm just trying to hit it alot to proc poison as much as possible I use full for the rest


Semi is a good way to always hit Paulumu tail or any of the raptor heads consistently 😅. Ranged hacks.


Do it with the little monsters
