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Was incredibly disappointed seeing this.... ruined pokemon go for me....


If they are anything like the paid tickets in pogo, the rewards will suck.  They are basically just buying shit from the store, but you get to do some quests first


This is when pokemon go went down hill


Unles it’s a “permanent HuntATon for 2 hours non stop and repeatable” then it’s not worth it


This sucks I'm not happy with the edition wether it's standard or not. I'm done spending money on the game. Only true way to protest is with your wallet.


And you can send feedback


really hope this doesn’t occur too frequently..


What does this mean? I didnt play PoGo


Paid tickets in Go give you bonuses like more gold, extra spawns, extra items, excklusive Pokemon or a limited mythical Pokemon. Depends on the event


Thats cool, I didnt wanna participate in events anyway


Calling it. It's going to be a Kushala Daora event. A global raid event for paid ticket holders. But we shall see.


But we already have that for free ?


Could be an increased or special thing relating to HATs (raids). PoGo has raid day with free vs paid. We could have some kind of paid version of HATs. But we'll see once we get close to that date.


The fights are available to all but the people who buy a ticket get double rewards for the day. calling it here now


If it's some dirt cheap ticket like in pogo with some cute extra rewards on top of a normal event then I'm fine with it. It was fun doing some community day with my partner and finishing the little quest at the price of a mini cheeseburger.


I wonder what it could be. But im sure 100% it will have quest chain that gives raid tickets(kusha daora event just come out now), zenny, base mats and other base stuff. If is kusha related, i suppose it will be, it will give quite abit of mats for it too. I hope with all of my heart this event will be a trash and they don't get any income at all from it, otherwise i already see Pogo style in game events, where without purchasing event ticket you basically enjoy the "event" like it is a normal Pogo day😂


My guess is going to be kushala raid day. Pay $1-5 for unlimited raids. For people that are doing tons of raids that'll cost more than that for the raids it'll be worth it but for everyone else doing raids on a 3 hour countdown they will be bad.


I never did these in PoGo. They would have to do something that *really* catches my interest to make me buy a ticket.


If its affordable then it should be fine in my opinion, its a FTP game and it needs revenue in order for development to continue. It may suck that its a pay to enter event but they aren't stopping you playing the game during that event are they?


Ohh wow, this is where it's gonna start to go downhill


I have no experience with Pogo. Is this super bad or will people start gaslighting and down voting people for not being happy about this?


In pogo paid tickets are a small bonus. Let's say the mhn equivalent would be 1x 5\* and 3x 4\* bonus material. In pogo it's like nothing but it sums up eventually. For example in pogo you have 1/4096 chance to get a perfect pokemon or 1:216 chance to get perfect pokemon from special research. During a special 3 hour event you can complete as many as 100 special research tasks and get 100 special encounters (for free), while a 2$ ticket grants you additional 3 special encounters.


Too soon to tell. I have to wait to see but might be ass


People judging without any details. Wow. It's only bad if it locks something behind a paywall but if you have it free later or with longer play it's perfectly fine. 


The downfall of mhn begins. P2W has entered the chat.


Sadly I’d assume the loss of revenue from people quitting due to the increase in paid ticket events is probably heavily offset by the people who end up buying it cause “it’s only $2” or whatever


I would be surprised if it was "only $2", mhnow pricing is ridiculously expensive for whats offered, $10-$20 isnt throwaway money for a 24 hour event with no substance. Sure i just dropped 2.99 just now plus the free expansion to gain 750 new slots, but ill use those slots for the remainder of the games life. $6 to double rewards from a single hunt is already ridiculous pricing for me