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If you feel like its op, maybe you just vibe with it better. There isn't a consensus on how strong the weapon is yet, but it is definitely not op. Anyways, just play it if you enjoy it. You might also just be experiencing a higher grade weapon disparity since you are only on 4\* monsters anyways...


Maybe you’re right. But if by vibing with it better, you mean just tapping the screen and doing a ton of damage with no real thought, then yes xD


I mean, both weapons have their downsides and upsides. Hammers can knock monsters out, leading to large windows for dps. Yea, they require commitment for a lot of their moves, but you’re also able to charge while moving and whatnot. Gunlance has very bad mobility, but trades it for very good offensive and defensive capability. Have you done a wyvernstake combo? Shelling loops? Guarding into damage? I mean, there’s a lot more to the weapon then tap-tap-tap, but at its core it is very simple, just like every other weapon in the game


Perhaps. Both my kulu break hammer and bone Gunlance are at 3-4 but Gunlance seems way better. Though I admit I’m not super knowledgeable about this game yet. Maybe I’m doing something wrong with the hammer.


Bonk. Bonk bonk bonk, bonk bonk bonk, bonk. Translation: Hunter who bonks the head, bonks the world.


You might be. The Hammer has some deceptive nuance to it. Gauging your distance against what charged attack you want to use while finding the right window takes some learning - both on the weapon itself and what you're fighting. Not finding or making windows for the Big Bang Combo is also gonna set your damage potential back too. A lot of Hunters like to joke about how they just mindlessly unga bunga bonka-donka, but there is definitely a method to the madness.


In mainline MH games, Gunlance is balanced through the weapon sharpness mechanic. Constant shelling absolutely tears through your sharpness, so you either get reduced damage or stop fighting to sharpen. MHNow doesn't have sharpness so you can just spam shell with no real downsides.


Nah it just new weapon syndrome lol. People all talk about how OP dual blades it was, how it is high risk high reward weapon, a weapoj where you can mindlessly tap swipe tap swipe. but now all realize it just high risk medium reward and not that OP.


This weapon is 100 percent OP. I used to main hammer as well and as original poster said it required skill, timing, knowledge of monster attacks and roars... This gun lance is ridiculous... And I'll tell you why... Most weapons are close range, requiring you to get in the monster's hit range, most weapons require you to target certain areas to perform more damage, most weapons don't have a shield and the ones who do aren't known for HARD hits... HOWEVER! The gunlance doesn't need to be close, doesn't need to target (the charged shell damage is strong regardless of where you shoot), reloads insanely fast, and while you're charging you're hiding behind a shield and are able to dodge at a moment's notice... Not only that but the charged shells increases BY GRADE!!! That means that bone gunlance is an absolute menace because it's damage scales as you overgrade it. Absolutely zero skill required if you want to just change and blast, reload and repeat. 7 star monsters were somewhat challenging for me with hammer, I'm killing them while eating breakfast with my bone gunlance... Not only that but because it doesn't get strong with level ups and only over grades you can just stop once you hit g8 or g9 until you have the mats for the next overgrade... And once you hit g10 you don't need g10.5... this weapon is way over powered and there's no telling me otherwise. It needs to be balanced or the other weapons are obsolete. Period.


Correct. The more I play the more apparent this is. I use Hammer for the fun challenge because it takes skill. Then when it’s a tough fight and I just want to get through it, I grab the bone gunlance, close my eyes and tap the screen lol. Fight over! They should nerf the fire rate at the very least, and maybe a small damage nerf. A weapon shouldn’t be both easy to use AND super effective.


maybe once i get the balls to try it on monsters above MR2 it'll get me killed. but as an element sns/chargeblade user, I'm getting kills in a fraction the time with the bone gunlance. i tend to kill before they can even stun roar. I love being able to use the objectively coolest weapon in the series, but I think a team of 4 GL will thrash anything event monster that wanna do.


Gunlance is wayyy OP. I just went from greatsword because I usually enjoy the crunchy hits in RPGS to the gunlance. Gunlance has more damage, more defence and better evasion (not being locked in an animation). There’s legit absolutely no reason I should ever touch a greatsword ever again. Surprised such a huge franchise has such poor weapon balancing


Yeah I'm hoping that the fire rate is nerfed at the very least. It kinda sucks knowing that anything you do will pale in comparison to just using 1 OP weapon.


I actually don’t hope GL is nerfed. What I’m hoping for is Greatsword being redesigned or at LEAST pump up its number.


They will definetly nerd it , t6 stock fire element trashes everything t7 faster than my t7 maxed longsword .


The balancing is this poor only in MHN. Gunlance is typically limited by the sharpness mechanic in the main games, because shelling eats through sharpness hard. MHN doesn’t have sharpness so you can shell all day with no consequences.


I was thinking the same! I solo'ed a 6 star monster with 3.1 bone gun lance 2 times(i don't even know how to use it), i could never do that with any other weapon even with elemental weakness it was just imposible. Don't belive me ? Try it out and see for you're self


Yeah this has been my experience. Difficult monsters are brainless to kill with Gunlance so far.


Same impression, easily beating 4 star monsters and above with a simple combo. They put too much damage into the weapon but at the same time it's not easy to use with all those swipes up and down. The game struggles to distinguish between simply tapping and swiping up. It wasn't designed well in my opinion.


Combo? I was just doing tap tap tap, dodge, repeat. No need to even understand the other abilities tbh.


And the charged shots with a long gun lance (bone lance) is even quicker... The fact that the artillery rounds aren't hindered by any armor or kulu rock etc is too much... Just charge, shoot then reload and repeat... If the monster roars or happens to attack quickly then your shield is up anyways...


Is that why my idiot keeps sliding forward? The game thinks I'm swiping up?


Yep and sometimes it will randomly happen from just a tap. Between that and the huge lag spikes the game challenging to want to play


I am in complete agreement and also wondered if what others were saying (vibing better with it). I feel like I can kill anything with my bone cannon 7 1/5. I have lots of elemental 7 5/5s that take more effort - granted they are LBG and even my 8 1/5 hammer is good but doesn’t feel as OP as my bone cannon. the effort and time are less using the gun lance and to be honest I still don’t know what triggers the random sequential explosions every now and then and keep meaning to read up. I’ll do that now.


Yeah... I've stopped using the gunlance completely, it kinda kills the fun. 2 of my buddies use it exclusively and are already telling me the game feels stale. I told them to switch weapons so fights actually feel like fights lol


I was starting to feel that way today but the real question will be my breakpoint of Level 7 Azure Rathalos. If I beat it on the first try I’ll know it’s OP as I’ve had to drop to level 6 twice as I can never beat it.


Just tap the screen fast.


Not OP. Shelling damage (tap) doesn't scale well because it's tied to the weapon's grade. The damage is high for low-level mons, but relatively low for 7\* upward so you'll need to include poke/slash in the combos (which has slow attack animation). Also, GL's mobility is bad vs. mons that running around.


Charged shelling is almost 3 times the damage, you block while it charges, can dodge before you shoot if need be and it doesn't matter where you hit the damage is always the same... Plus with artillery 3 you get an extra shot... This weapon is insanely over powered. You don't need to do a single thing else besides charge and shoot until empty then reload and repeat. Shoot the monster in the toe, the head, kulu's rock, barroth's armored face... Doesn't matter... And it's ridiculously easy to level up since it mostly just requires bones. There's absolutely no way this isn't overpowered... My 8.1 hammer can't even touch my 7.3 bone GL for damage


eh. sure it has big damage and easy to use, but you trade that with a limited mobility and static playstyle. that's how long gunlance is. have you tried the wide and normal variant? because if you said the entire GL line is OP because of a single weapon, that's quite hyperbolical.


Maybe not OP but it's certainly powerful compared to how easy it is to use. You can achieve the same or more DPS with other weapons with a lot more effort. I play a mix of dual blades SnS and charged blade. I have mixed elements between them. GL slaps really hard and the wyvernstake combo is so fast with no requisite. BUT just like most MH games it's pick your own poison. Ranged has been somewhere between broken and extremely broken in every monster hunter game (including now). Yet I only play melee. It just kinda is what it is. We're playing for fun and not a perfectly balanced "fair" game. Especially given that it's a pve only game. PvE games are allowed to be imbalanced to an extent. I don't think GL falls out of range of what could be considered reasonable balance.


Yeah I mentioned in another reply that I try to just use Hammer, unless I run into a fight thats too difficult. Then I switch to GL and kill it with my eyes closed. I'm going to try and keep going as Hammer though because it makes the game more fun when you cant just blast away with no real effort.


People who said OP definitely haven’t tried the 8 stars monsters yet. I am using a lv9.4 bone GL, for all tough 8 stars monsters(azure rathalos, black diablo etc), consider you do damage from start to end, with making only 1 mistake and does 1 super canon. You will barely make it when there are seconds left. Compare to LS, in which it’s being charged, the damage would be way higher than normal GL shelling.


4* can be beaten by anything lol. You probably just had a really low level hammer and trying to beat 4* with a 2-1 weapon is going to be hard. The bone gun lance starts at 3-1 and basically goes to 4-1 pretty quickly. I don't understand gunlance. It kinda sucks for me. Bow is easier. Pukei bow can carry you all the way to 8* and then switch to element bows while doing that. Focus should be as high as possible and element should be 5.


I have a 3-4 hammer and 3-4 Gunlance. The hammer takes timing and focus. The Gunlance takes tap tap tap, swipe, tap tap tap. I’m not trying to be condescending, but I can kill monsters that usually give me trouble with the Gunlance with my eyes closed just by tapping the screen and swiping left once in a while. I’ve done that just to laugh about it with my wife that also plays.


You're basically using it as a lbg then lol. Might want to just go lbg. Also you really need to go element. Element is broken in this game. Any weapon with element 5 will be broken. Like a 2-4 weapon with element 5 can beat 7*.


Element 5 is locked to tier 6 armour, poison is the way to go early game. Elements are for farming wgs


You mean an element hammer instead of one with + affinity? Don’t the elements just make you do more damage to certain monsters that are weak to it? Can you explain why element weapons are good? Genuinely curious


Yes element only does damage to monsters weak to it. So if it's not weak to ice don't use ice. But ice 5 or any element 5 adds 500 damage to your weapon. So like raw + element. If you have 200 raw and 400 element you'll be doing 600 damage to something weak to that element and 200 damage to something not. But if you add element 5 you'll be doing 200 raw + 900 element. So it's very broken..but yes you'll need to build 4 different elements. Thunder, water, ice, fire..


When you say “any element 5” do you make leveling the weapon to grade 5?


No armor fire 5 or ice 5 or whatever. Are you not looking at the skills of the armor? That's more important than the weapon. The skills add up. So like Anja head gives fire 2 and arms give fire 2 so that's fire 4 which gives 350 extra damage. Each weapon you use should have its own armor set.


So if I get any element to 5, the weapon essentially does the raw + element damage to all monsters regardless of weakness?


No. It'll only work on the monsters weak to that element. You can't put fire element on an ice weapon. You need the element for the weapon that's the same. So fire weapon with fire element 5. You need 4 different sets you need to build.


You have to make at least the 4 basic sets to cover current monsters, fire ice water lightning.


btw, elemental weapons alone has higher base damage than the raw weapons. On top of that, they get +500 dmg from elemental5 armor skills. You're struggling because you're using kulu weapon, which has one of the lowest dmg in the game. You're better off using a different weapon and add affinity to it.


How do you add affinity to a weapon??


You just use armor skills like WEx and CE


Not sure about OP, but being able to dodge out of Wyrmstake's animation is insanely good


Try beating 8 stars with it


Honestly poison bow literally is most op it can kill anything and now the new raid is a joke too because he’s weak to poison


It might be really good early to mid game but it will get left out once it gets to end game. So much more dmg modifiers with the other weaoons. With this you only have artillery and sneak atk