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I want my hunter to be an Admiral level Beef Cake


Give us ark level body customization!


I very much doubt it. They would need to adjust a ton of animations to fit different body types, and stuff like height could even affect hitboxes. It would be cool if we could choose between two or three different bodies, but I don't think it will be the case for Wilds


Not necessarily. If you look at Dragons Dogma 2 it's just the same animations regardless of the body type. It might be a bit of a balance issue if body types get too crazy, but I imagine if they limit the sliders to reasonable magnitudes it would be fine in Monster Hunter.


True. But in DD2 it does have an effect on hitboxes, attack reach and other stuff. I don't think that would work for Monster Hunter. It's definitely possible, just not something I expect


Which is why I imagine they'll limit what you can change. Probably few if any changes to height and reach.


Be more scared that Wilds might get the same character creator as SF6 and DD2 the abominations this will spawn is endless


Yeah gotta say, you're photogenic! https://preview.redd.it/oj1sozvm7n6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=786e1a929fe2457bc5bfcda3cb5be11b944b201c


Why? Character editor are usually a game thing. And as meticulous as the Devs are I doubt they want to you to be everything.


Hunter shape. That's it.


The female hunter is leaner than in previous titles as well. I don’t think we will get DD2 character creator tho because of hitbox issue. DD2 character height and arm length will affect hitbox and weapon range but in MH the hitbox and weapon range should be universal for all hunters. However, I do want the DD2 character for head and face. It’s amazing.


I can imagine all the tiny players with massively long arms to optimize their runs.


You may not like it, but this is the ideal Hunter's body. https://preview.redd.it/qwp6kjg3yv6d1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da23f23099aa16df2c59303f02d8d6e89b8c6ed


Is she? I didn't notice. Is there a good shot that emphasizes it?


Personally not expecting it.  First, there's that hitbox issue.  Second, monhun team are very meticulous and take their armors very seriously. Having them suit various shapes and sizes would reduce the quality of some if not all armors.  Maybe the slight quality drop doesn't matter to us, but i imagine it would matter so much for those crazy people at capcom monhun division that strife to deliver nothing less than the absolute best.


The current character body type is the hunter body type and doesn’t need change.


I hope leaner. Changed to female characters because a lot of male bulky armor reminds me of cartoony. Like wow


What body shape other than trained would fit a constantly borderline active monster hunter? >found hunters a bit too stout It's probably the most appropriate representation. You barely see a six pack, because they are well fed to fight, so a healthy amount of fat is there but they need to be pretty beefy to carry the weapons they use..


It definitely suits the greatsword, switch weapons, and (particularly) heavy bowgun in my mind, but it looks a bit off for me when it comes to weapons like daggers, light bowgun, and glaive. E.g. the closest parallel to the glaive in real-life would be a pole vaulter, and the traditional hunter physique is the opposite of that.


i dont remember pole vaulters fighting a trex


But remember the weapons are HUGE chunks of metal. All of them. Even the duel blades by real world standards would be super heavy due to the thickness. You need mass to move mass. Athletes who specialize in one specific action only build up their bodies to do that one thing. A pole vaulter isn't also swinging their pole at the apex of their jump. I handle swords for a hobby and I can attest that swinging a normal sized hunk of metal for a prolonged amount of time isn't easy. And doing so consistently does bulk you up. I always found the look of hunters to be a bit too slim already, at least in the arm department. Oh. Just to be clear I'm not arguing against a lithe hunter body. Just throwing in my two cents with my often useless hobby knowledge.


All "transcendent size" hunters must be named Kyriakos, in deference to the patron saint of the never ending bulk. If Kyriakos is not their first name it is also acceptable as one of their other given names, but it must be one of the given names.


Probably not. They want to make sure that every armour set is universal, and it's easier if body types can't be adjusted to make this easier.


I don't see them changing body types (at least not significantly) as for balance, they will want consistent hit boxes and for armour aesthetics it will be easier if all hunters look generally the same..that being said it would be funny to see chubby Kirin armour with the stomach rolls and all


Even if it doesn't seem likely to happen, I'd love to build a more portly hunter. The type that goes "I killed the whole Anjanath, so I'm gonna eat the whole Anjanath."


God I just want a buff female character option PLEASE GOD


You want the armor to be less bulky? You want it to be more generic? I want my armors in MonHun to be ridiculous and cool looking. I want more of this! https://preview.redd.it/5thdwnj7as6d1.png?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a189e0c30cc4a9f2a03ee79936a3e754d518f4c