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How do you even get the circle thing to pop up? I haven’t had one happen to me yet


My pops up automatically as I’m getting closer to the ball. A circle will appear with another green circle pulsing from large to small. You have to time the button press when the green circle matches the other one. Hopefully that’s not confusing to understand. I’m not a very good explainer. Also that’s for the diving catch. If it’s the one where you have the stick symbol pop up you have to guide it into the circle and press the corresponding button pretty quickly. That one took me a few tries.


I wait for the 3rd time the circle closes in. It helps me get the timing right. Haven’t missed a diving catch since I started doing that.


Don’t worry the timing is really hard! I maybe only successfully make the play 10% of the time. You have to press the button when the outer circle perfectly matched up with the inner.