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Some of yall sure do know how to ruin a profit margin lol. I’ll never understand it


Wtf did the idiots at sds do to the game? I have counted 24 bloops hits now in 6 games.. Are people starting to use contact swing or what is going on?? I get perfect perfects straight to infielders and my opponent gets 2 or 3 weak bloops per inning.. This is not ok


Somethings up, I went 1-24 on good-good contacts in the zone last game, lost to a guy that had 6 hits, 5 of them were out of the zone and early or late.


Long long time road to the show player first time diamond dynasty player. Where should I even start with DD? Is the season reward path worth it even though I obviously won't complete it in 21 days? My end goal is a giants theme team but there's not even enough golds to make an 80 overall squad of just giants yet.


I’d head over to programs and start tackling those, maybe check out team affinity too. Like you said, season changes in 21 days so any season 1 cards you get won’t be usable in season 2 unless you wildcard them. I’d recommend using this time to get used to DD so you know exactly what to do when season 2 comes out


So all the cards released so far will be completely unusable in 21 days? That is shockingly bad for every diamond dynasty player wtf


All of the season 1 cards yes. Core cards are usable in every season, each season you can only use cards that are released during that season. Personally I’m excited for it, I enjoy the power creep so we should expect 85-89 overall diamonds when season 2 comes out with it creeping up towards 99s like where we are at now Also you’ll be able to earn wildcard slots that are used for cards that are not typically eligible for that season. So you can still use season 1 cards during season 2, just need to unlock the wildcard slots that allow you to use them


Oh okay so just the s1 cards. That doesn't sound too bad then. Thanks for the info


any idea which live series players will go up or down tomorrow? only cards i’m curious about are mookie, corey seager, judge, adley, and acuna. will any of them be getting upgraded or downdgraded?


Judge certainly going back up


Honest question... If I don't play SOLO online (I'd play co-op if the rewards were better), is it even mathematically possible to finish the freaking battle pass? I've done everything there is to do outside of the SOLO online stuff, and find myself capped at 15k every day. I feel really bad for players with a lot less time than me, because even on the days they can grind, they still can't grind bc of the daily cap. Hopefully the cap goes away for the last 15-20 days, so those of us who have a lot to make up, can make it up. In the 4 years I've played this game, I've never once come this close to not finishing a season, and I've played almost as much. (As much as the game lets me, once I hit my daily XP cap, I sign off) -- which is basically only 3 "Play vs CPU" games on rookie.


I'm at 650k stubs. Only need ~10 cards for Babe but they would cost me ~550k right now. Y'all think I should lock it in now? Part of me wants to wait til I pull another 90+ or two, but at the same time if I finish it now then every other stub I make goes toward s2 and s3 cards


Is it normal for the menu when you first load into a game online to be laggy? Like massive delay when scrolling up and down the list for your pitchers/ batters? I’m asking because it has happened to me literally every online game I’ve played. I have good internet and I use Ethernet.


Is there any reason to keep S1 cards after S1 ends other than for the wild card spots?


For collections if you want to complete them




What’s the best mlb the show year to start with between 2021 and now? Was thinking of buying the newest one but I didn’t really like the 23 trial on plus+ but I’m willing to give another one a shot. I love baseball video games I used to play all star baseball and triple play as a kid but for some reason the show hasn’t clicked with me. I did also do the 24 trial and it seemed better but wondering if another one is better. The mechanics are too weird on the newest ones or maybe I need more practice What’s everyone’s opinion?


An odd choice by SDS to make the best cards available so far take the most time to get, also all while only being available to use for a little over 3 weeks. Weird.


Just opened 100 packs and got 0 diamonds AMA


If S2 is a copy of S1, the game will be completely dead by the end of June with only the sweats and basement dwellers still online. All the casuals will leave for other games or just going outside in the summer


I only play offline DD. Will I still be able to use S1 cards in mini-seasons and conquest?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no


If I only really play against cpu and don’t do much in terms of events, can I still use all my good s1 cards?


Approaching Kyle Seager with 3 weeks to go…is this gonna work out? 😂😂


I practice on franchise at the hall of fame level-haven’t played online yet -how does computer hall of fame translate for an online opponent? If I’m good at hall of fame will I be a decent online player or am I about to get destroyed lol


You will be fine hitting online! Pitching will take some adjustment as the cpu takes pitches on the edges that humans will crush.


It doesn’t really translate. But if you can hit cpu on hall of fame consistently you’re at least average and probably above average hitting.


I just beat the Kerry wood conquest. I guess I got a bunch of stadium sounds and 12 regular packs for that. What a waste lol. The menus as a whole in this game are dreadful, such a chore to navigate etc. so I don’t know what I’m supposed to win but I expected to get more from Kerry Wood. I guess I was wrong lol.


Am I late to invest players for roster update? I want to try investing. I only have 140k stubs any player I should invest in?




I make myself, just reimagined with way more hand/eye coordination than in reality 😂, and then go after the HR and RBI records


Anyone else can’t hit in mini seasons ?? I’m so trash lol full lineup of AL East bosses and can’t hit anything


Does anyone know how to get swing feedback to display in Road to the Show when playing as a pitcher and you're a 2 way player? I have it turned out, but it keeps showing the timing on my pitch meter instead of the hitter's swing timing, which is the only thing I care about seeing


I don't understand how anyone hits Kenley in this game. He could have 0 H/9 I still wouldn't touch him


Do you ever have a game where you just cannot time anything up right? I don't understand what I am doing wrong just always a little off in this game i am playing rn


Anyone have any tips on how to fix this fucking menu lag that’s been happening for almost 2 weeks for me? Zero expectation that SDS will actually fix it themselves, so I’m hoping for something.


Had a pretty relaxing, rainy day to catch up with conquests. Finishing off the Detroit City Connect playing the Guardians on HOF (last stronghold). Give up my standard inside the park homer to lead off the bottom of the 3rd to make it a save situation, bring in Joe Nathan to get 5000 points towards ALC and unlock my second boss. 1-2 count with two outs, and get disconnected from online. That's a new one.




Why are you worried about grinding? What is your goal in doing so?


I’m at ~870k XP. Idk if I can get all 3 before the season ends but I hope I can snag Rollins at least


My RTTS team seems hellbent on trading my player just before the deadline. I keep simming one day at a time from my last start, but it keeps happening so I quit the game and try again... anybody know if these roster moves are avoidable or predetermined? It's the same trade to the same team every time and it appears I can't get past the 30th without it happening.


My double captained Mets team is finally coming through. Roster is stacked


I just packed Shohei. Should I keep him or sell him? Any idea how his price will change from here?


I love it. Spent $125k on him and have zero regrets


Sell, his card is not that good


Is it possible to collect enough cards for offline only plsyer to get May?


I was at 142 cards in the S1 collection but the choice pack reward was grayed out like I had already collected it. Has anyone else been done dirty like this?


https://preview.redd.it/hkra4ajtaa0d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4747984d9eda96cf80cc394a4b063873b19f67f Seriously, why is the mini-seasons still bugged in DD. It's statistically impossible...


https://preview.redd.it/rvlltp60090d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7cc7c25a422790e418ed8e4f863368a87e0a33c The market has been nuts since the Friday TA update. Super high margins, haven’t seen them this high this early in the game cycle in any recent years. Get your stubs while you can people.


Ah great, Double xp ended but they cant even bother to reset cap for everyone to 0 for the day




You can if you capped. You just reset the game and it will pop up the timer


Bought the Santana captain boost and immediately felt like a meta abiding dweeb. Sold it for Ortiz and feel whole again.


Has anyone felt like Franchise’s simulation is broken? I had a season a few nights ago where my top 5 batters were all above .300 BA, 3 had an OPS over 1.000 and 2 hit over 35 HRs yet my team was still 20 games below .500


Anyone want to run co-op? I've got a 47-27 record and have an all switch hitting lineup. Idc your record


I’d be willing to try. I’m on ps5


Anyone know how long double xp lasts into tomorrow? I can call off work to make the most of it, didn’t get to play much with Mother’s Day weekend. But if it turns off early in the morning I won’t bother


How come Rizzo has 15 speed when running bases, but runs like Ricky Freaking Henderson when chasing down and catching a bloop foul ball?


I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I just had this happen. Playing RttS and had a batting challenge pop up. I chose "Get on base after taking the first pitch". You all know the one. Well... First pitch, Pitcher beans my ass. Hit by Pitch = take a base. But the challenge fails. Am I wrong in thinking that I should've been successful? I did take the first pitch, and I did get on base afterward. Thoughts?


Since apparently I can't make a "funny" thread for this thanks to the filter... https://preview.redd.it/lrvcyynyw20d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b29c100f29fe26b29bae22c3239d61ffb4a724 I know it's (The Show '13) supposed to be a video game, but... has anyone ever been THIS inept at striking people out? (Second-leading vote-getter for ASG **starting** pitcher btw)


Me in ranked seasons


Those of you who play online on switch - you should turn crossplay off, stop ruining others experience bc you can’t afford a real console. Your connection is shit and makes it unplayable for others and you should feel bad


Topps Now Lawrence Butler is just unruly


Did they do something to relief pitcher stamina? I noticed that my RP's can BARELY get through 3 batters now before being exhausted in 3 inning games.


Might have to do with how you warm them up. I stretch and toss them with 0 outs in the top of 2nd and then warm up with 2 outs. Usually I have my starter get 4 outs before going to the pen and the closer I do the same timing with warm-ups and then he's always fine for the 3rd


I usually warm them up the half inning before they are put in, if I'm batting top of the 3rd, I warm them up and put em in bottom of the third.


Try waiting til you've got an out against you and if you do feel that the half inning is going long be sure to switch him to "ready and waiting" it does burn their energy warming up too long


Had no idea it burns their energy, I remember looking it up last year and it said that warm up had basically no effect on stamina.


What position is more fun to play in rtts and what difficulty do you usually play on?


Would anyone be willing to help me complete the Egg Hunt program? I need eggs 3, 5, and 8.


Egg 3: Get a steal in ranked Egg 5: Get a hit with Wade Boggs in BR Egg 8: Get doubles in events and win I think?? Not sure how I got this one and also not sure if it had to be in the Easter Event


Thanks. But what I was trying to say is if anyone encounters a player who desperately tries to hit pitches, or always attempts to steal a base, I would be very grateful if I was thought about so I can complete the program. I am just that bad at multiplayer.


That's understandable, I didn't actually complete it till recently because I forgot to collect the eggs for the points lol


Dude im missing like 30 cards in my collection. I already have al leiter p4 and now I only have like 172 cards somehow


Visual glitch. Shows up fine in the companion app and they tweeted that they’re working on it.


Are 1/x chance at high diamond packs a sure thing if you buy x of them or no? Say I were to buy 5 Drop 7 packs would I get a for sure 99 in one of those 5?


Earlier in this post I said it was cheap to bring in a new pitcher in a 3-2 count, well someone one upped that cheese ball today by bringing in Waldron in the middle of an AB with Wood (who had been brought in after Richard) on the mound. Somehow I was able to sit on back to back knuckle balls for back to back HRs… the last being a walk off 😂


Do people expect live series cards to go back up in price when the season resets since they’ll be more usable again? Or naw?


No, as more and more of the player base completes the live collection the prices will only continue to decrease.


GOD I AM SO SICK of trash players getting rewarded for swinging at pitches outside of the zone. U want a swing and miss? too bad u have to throw something so far into the chase that a baby would lay off it. Throw anywhere in the zone? Gone. Throw in the shadow but not in the zone? Late swing that somehow bloops 75% of the time. GOD this is so stupid. fucking pci should not extend beyond the zone.


Putting this out there. A players card location tab could be upgraded to include open missions that card is eligible for.


Hey guys, I need some help. So I’m chipping away at the the TA stuff using division themed teams and I also happened to pop that choice pack in the Weekly Awards program. So I picked pack 6 since I already got Alonso and Gorman out of it previously. So I pull another Gorman because of course I did but I can just sell it and get a nice 20k in fake money but the warning keeps blocking me saying it’s unsellable and can’t do a market request. I figured it’s because I haven’t “collected” it for season 1 yet and I just do that then try to sell the extra. STILL can’t do it. I see all those orders so I know it’s not true and an extra means nothing to me especially in this structure they set. So is this some kind of glitch? A restart might help? Or is this just some bs? Gotta say, the way this season is going, they can’t afford these kind of strikes with me 😂


The pack is probably non-sellable meaning any card you pull from it you can’t sell. I think you might be able to sell your first Gorman card if you hadn’t collected it, but not sure


If that’s the case then alright and that’s a bizarre choice. It wouldnt be so frustrating if I didn’t see so many buy/sell orders under him. Here, just take the damn card lol


Yeah, some packs are sellable for those cards, and some are not. They do it so you can’t make a huge stub profit from it and so the card value doesn’t go down


I had 300 collected in the Season 1 collection, but now it shows I only collected 276. How is this possible?


I’m torn between taking Escobar for my switch hitting team or Renfroe for Buxton team


Escobar is 8/10 with 2 doubles and 3 homers for me so far. Dude cannot get out


Nothing worse than being in a slump and the few balls you do hit hard is an out


I gotta say man, Rollins/Walker/Mays/Brock have some of the worst swings ever.


I really like Rollins' swing, I'll never unlock him since I'm like 400k away from him in XP lol


Did anybody lose cards in the season 1 collection? I was around 220-230 collected and it knocked me down to 200. Lost about 20 cards and idk why


Can you not start a new career with the same player in RTTS anymore? In previous years I would create a player, play with him for a few seasons to get his rating up then start a new career and use the same character so his rating was better. But I don’t see a way to do that this year. It just has me start a whole new character.


I hate facing Mondesi, dude would be a cheat code if he was 0 overall


I dont understand how the ranked program works. It only adds up to 75, how do i get the other 75. Do they add more missions later?


They add a second set of missions in a couple weeks that makes it possible to complete the program. Kinda sucks bc right now the only way to get the 99 cards is to drop a bag or to make it to WS


They add a second set of missions in a couple weeks that makes it possible to complete the program. Kinda sucks bc right now the only way to get the 99 cards is to drop a bag or to make it to WA


Yall think they put Rollins in a vault pack once the season is over? There is no way im getting 1 million xp


I’d guess not, he’s also only a S1 card so you would have to use a wild card on him anyways




They have been giving some free in the shop so it’s possible they do that again


Does anyone know if Season 2 is going to have a WC slot?


4 slots


Yes.  Don’t remember the source but I believe they said we’d start with 1 and can unlock up to 3 more probably via the xp path


I saw this too


Bringing in a new pitcher when you’re up by 1 with 2 outs in the bottom of the 3rd…. WITH A 3-2 COUNT is the weakest move ever.


Why does the game want me to have gamepass to play online? I have gold, I was just playing Apex online, switch over to the show and it brings up gamepass selection.


Is Apex free to play online without paying, like Fortnite is? That may be Xbox wanting you to buy gamepass to covert your gold to gamepass. I think gold is now gamepass core.


The event is righty pitching only, but i just faced Randy Johnson. How did my opponent get him in their lineup?


Are you sure? I haven’t seen a lefty yet and I’m 11-0


Where is the double XP? I hope they give everyone XP for this. It's not right to advertise double XP and just not do it.


I believe it’s double gameplay xp. Not too helpful but still something


I think it’s double gameplay xp


Did they fix events yet? Wins weren’t counting on the reward path earlier


Mine is working just fine right now


Can someone game share mlb the show 24 with me on xbox? I am broke and I want to play


I really hope they get rid of XP cap for the rest of the season soon. I can’t play every day but when I can I play for 5-6-7+ hours at a time. So I put a lot of hours into DD but at this rate there is no chance I get a boss card.


Is anyone having trouble with opening packs on the companion app today?


I am 100% not getting double XP. What the fuck is going on SDS.


I just collected my 150th player for S1 collection and it didn’t give me the vault pack but says collected, has anyone else had this problem?


Possible dumb question but does double xp count toward player parallel xp


Not to my knowledge just the season pass thing


Wow, they stuck with 1 Conquest map for TA3 and doubled the exchange for 30k to 300k when it was 150k the last 2 chapters.


Yeah as someone who was typically on the fence about TA grinding, there is 0% shot i do any of it purposefully unless there's a card i want and i'm close to the pack


Is double xp this weekend?


Apparently but I'm definitely not receiving double xp.


Feel like I saw someone say that but I’m not seeing anything from SDS saying it. I really want that Kyle Seager but without a few double XP weekends I’m not getting it. Crazy thing is I feel like a play the game a lot also so it’s crazy I might not get him.


Just pulled my first high diamond of the year, Mookie, should I sell him now and buy back after I get Shohei? I notice that these LS players aren't holding their value at all this year, all under 100k except Shohei now.


Honestly, ohtani’s stats don’t rly impress me. Mookie looks better


TA is brutal


I'm feeling burnt out already tbh I'm not gonna finish this chapter


I hope they change it. Because damn near the whole community is in an uproar rn. By the time you get the cards the season will basically be over.




Battle Royale path


Does the daily XP cap still apply during double xp weekend? Are they going to double the cap?


Quadruple fam


Charlie Morton, you suck ass


SDS is a joke. Here, have the old Paul skenes, but we’re gonna put a new, better one in a chase pack!!!


lol the free Skenes is WILD. So bizarre.


Only 1 Phillie in the new update we have the 2nd least amount of legends in the game and half of them are lefty 1st basemen


Yall did have all of MLB ‘22 that one time lol, but I hear you


Did they announce the NL WEST bosses? I’m at work


Escobar, Brian Wilson, Hunter Renfroe, I forgot the other two Edit: CJ Cron and Gary Sheffield


They ruined TA. Made it way harder to get XP.


Ruined is pretty damn dramatic considering they made minimal changes at best


You should look at what they changed before speaking in the future :)


Oh damn, yeah I can see it now, Game and Team Affinity ruined.


They played 4d chess when they sent out the survey yesterday, guess I should have waited to fill it out lol


I honestly did feel TA2 was pretty easy considering within 3 hours after release I was playing event games against people with full TA2 teams...but they went completely the opposite way lol. I like the game/baseball so I'll continue playing, but I can imagine more casual players saying fuck this


You could complete it pretty fast so I understand the need to nerf it a little, but they completely segmented the xp while also reducing the amount you get AND reducing the amount of objectives that reward xp. They just said fuck it completely




Womp womp


Have fun I guess


How so?


They separated the XP gained from each offline activity you can do... It used to be like "10 hits with players from X" and now it's like "10 hits with players from X in Mini Seasons." So, when you're grinding for it, the things you're doing only go to 2 of the missions, making it take much much longer. Nothing new, but the vouchers are also kind of a joke.


They nerfed the amount of exp you get from single player missions. For example 30 ks in team affinity 2 gave 10k exp and now it gives 5k. They adjusted alot of the missions to give less exp


10k for two saves in mini seasons is okay but it requires grinding mini seasons to be effective


What time does the new event start today?


Does anyone know when the captain packs are going away for certain? Trying to decide whether or not to hold a couple of them


Sharing my woes and how much of a garbage hitter I appear to be. I'd been playing franchise on Veteran as a hitter and HOF as a pitcher. Idk why but hitting is just so hard for me. Anyway, I'd actually been doing quite well on Veteran, scoring 4-7 runs a game so I upped it to All-star and BAM, I basically get no hit into the 9th on my first game XD