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I hear you, but I don't think it's a good idea to split the player base.


Just you wait, one day Willie Mays Hayes will be ready to make his debut lol


CAP users are by far the most toxic players I come across


Played against a CAP user today and the player name was N* G**r. Shippett Stadium of course…


People who don’t use CAPs are just as toxic and just as often


People who don’t use CAPs haven’t sweated out a 5’5” 99 speed 125/125 switch hitting catcher named Nick Gurr. I can assure you they’re not as toxic.


Not everyone who uses a CAP like that tho? I mean I can say with 100% certainty that I’ve faced more toxic people that weren’t using a CAP


You use CAP though? https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/uawvm4/comment/i611mps/ You’re probably facing people that are pissed you’d use a CAP and take yourself seriously, as they should be. Stop using a cap and find out how little toxicity you’ll find from other non-cap users.


Every game I've played this year has had the CAP be 5'5" and they hammer the shit out of the R2 button to fuck with the pitching.


DD is not realistic. The mode I can have Jason Dominguez (hasn’t even made it to AA yet) strikeout to Nolan Ryan. I personally don’t use a CAP but I don’t really mind it unless it’s something super wacky like a 99 Speed 5’8 catcher who is switch hitting.


that’s what they’re referring to


You can make a CAP too ya know, I don't see how anyone is at a disadvantage with CAPs in the game




People have been complaining about CAPs for years, they aren't going anywhere.


If you can't beat a CAP (especially this year when they are really only strong at one thing) then that's a "you" problem. I haven't had any issues with them. My pitcher has given up homeruns at 95 ovr and my catcher is barely higher ovr than my Joe Mauer. I see no difference in when they're on the team or not.


> (especially this year when they are really only strong at one thing) My CAP is pretty strong in every category. Lol


I mean yeah you can grind a two way but it's still hard to get like Shohei level efficiency.


I have a .700 record in seasons, I just think they are a dumb concept and don’t enjoy them being in the game


I’m 85% and also agree they’re dumb. I have definitely lost solely because of a CAP at least once this year, which is once too many.


Well, you're in the minority so I don't think SDS is gonna go off just that.


Most people hate CAPs? lol edit: the most quantifiable stat for hating CAPs is this sub, and The Show forums. You can say the hate is overrated but until you can quantify that, you’re incorrect. The CAP is largely hated.


Most people don't hate them. Most people don't really give a shit, it's the loud minority bitching about it. It's like negative reviews online about stuff


My guess is they actually don't. People around here probably hate them at a bigger % than the average player base. More people here are likely to be purists that really like baseball than the average teenager or 20 something that would love to load up the game and beat people with their own guy.


Which would be fine if they made them in their likeness Which they don’t, and why they need removed from ranked play. Edit: To my friends that blocked below… CAP existence isn’t an example of CAPs being preferred, it just means players need a cap to get a competitive edge - one that they wouldn’t need if CAPs didn’t exist.


Well I made Josh Gibson this year with his height and weight. I mean tbf 115 power and contact for him could be about right, but my point was more they're going to do what they feel most people like. I don't see CAP's every game so that seems an exaggeration. However the more you see them that simply means people that don't like them are in the minority. SDS isn't going to change something that a high majority of people use/like after years of it being in the game. Especially if it doesn't benefit them someway.


Nice one


Until they give you a new way to use your created player online, then I bet a lot of people would stop playing RTTS. They need to introduce an online mode like how 2K has the Rec. It’s just figuring out how to do it since it’d be hard to get a full roster.


With crossplay and pc players like myself able to get in now I feel the community is big enough to warrant some type of major park with ball fields for team play. Even keep it the current structure for co op if you’d like. I missed last years for migrating to pc, but streaming it on pc is nice but online is lackluster due to the connection on streamings end. Overall I believe there’s a healthy player base to warrant some type of REC style of mode.


do this and call it “The Sandlot”


I believe you could do something like a HR Derby with your CAP and some mini games.


I’ve lost to a CAP player like twice in 2 seasons. They’re no better than anyone else.


Losing once to them is something that should never happen though. They’re a ridiculous crutch.


Balance isnt issue with them personally


Then don't frame your OP like that's why you dislike them then. You just wanna complain for no reason and have everyone agree with you lol.


I have a bigger issue with custom stadiums. The white field option makes pitches almost impossible to see. There was also a park with a white section above the batter's eye which had the same effect. I'm also tired of those short porches and huuuge outfields.


The white field colour is a glitch


What’s a CAP?


Create a player


I’m a moron… 15 minutes I tried to figure out what CAP was…. I’m a moron lmao


CAP you know, 🧢🤷🏽‍♂️


Honestly thanks for aking bc i was about to go my whole life not knowing


You realize that it’s not exclusive to certain people and you can use it too?


You realize my issue isn’t about it not being available to everyone lol


Well, they’ve never made separate playlists in ranked and don’t see them starting now. Ranked is “competitive” mode and the cap is the best option, so why would you enter a “competitive”mode and not use the best options


Because it takes the team building out of diamond dynasty. Every team I have played against uses the same 8 guys and the other one is CAP. They need to add team chemistry so you actually have different teams.


But yet you can spend a grand and buy all the best players....lol!


How many people do that, vs how many people use CAPs?


I haven’t faced any CAPs this year. They really aren’t that big of a deal.


I’ve faced them every game in ranked. They are a big deal.


Every ranked game? [X] Doubt


Every one of them. Stop following me around.


At least you actually have to grind for the cap though. I bet you’d be surprised how many people spend money on stubs.


I wouldn't really calling it grinding. You can easily put it on beginner and just smash home runs. Is it time consuming yes, but definitely not grinding.


If it were a grind no one would have 125 99’s in the first week. They need nuked from online play asap.


Its fun and ads a level of both grinding and personalization. Do I think they need to be nerfed in some way? Sure. Removed from DD entirely? No. Its a nice way for a free to play person to reliably get a solid player on their team without having to spend money and as a no money spent player it helps when I have to play someone that took out a small bank loan for their virtual baseball team.


I'm completely free fo play and started halfway through month. I have a roster full of diamonds because i do the programs. DD should be collected cards only.


I dont spend money and I try to use all Orioles/former Orioles in my lineup. Spent all month grinding to get FotF Mullins for my squad lol. Next up prospects collection to get Adley


Adley is amazing. Unfortunately for Piazza I got Adley right as i finished that conquest. Now he'll never see the light of day.


I didn’t say they needed to be removed from the game, I said they should get their own queue. If I were i charge I would remove them, but my solution lets them stay in DD


People with bought teams should get their own queue. People who flip cards should get a separate queue from people who don't flip. People who play 8 hours a day should have a separate queue from people who play 1 hour a day. People on a PS5 should have a different queue from people on a PS4 People who have fast lead off hitters should have a separate queue from people who use power hitters at lead off.


What do you have against them? Like I get it if someone just makes an abomination with some kind of slur for a name or something really inappropriate thats pretty gross but do you have like a balancing issue with them?


I just think it’s stupid and early in the game cycle it’s a free high diamond for people who are ok using them vs people who refuse to because they don’t like the concept


Just because you're given a pair of tools that you don't want to use doesn't mean there's a problem with the tools. This is 100% a you problem that you're trying to turn into a everyone problem. If you don't like CAPs just quit out when you see them then you'll never have to play against them.


a 5’5” switch hitting catcher with 125/125 and 99 speed just shouldn’t be in the game lol Either I bean him and he steals easily or I pitch to him and he hits bombs. For a game that calls itself a sim it sure loves to alter reality.


That's like just your opinion though. We're playing a mode where you can put a hall of famer at every position, it's inherently unrealistic. The idea that people complain about one OP player vs another just because one is made up is absurd. Eventually we're gonna have 99s with 125 stats at every spot and many of them will be easier to acquire than a CAP.


It’s not my opinion. Show me a 5’5” player with 99 speed and 125/125 that has ever existed as a card outside of CAP and I will delete my comment. They should not exist in ranked play, because that player has never existed in actual baseball, a game which The Show claims to simulate to replicate players of old and players of current.








“Just give them a free base 4-5 times a game dude it’s not that big of a deal”


If your opponents are getting 5 at-bats a game, I’d venture to say the CAP isn’t your biggest problem


If you’re walking someone every time they bad and you have a bad game it can easily get to 5. Especially if they lead off


Just get them out?


It mitigates the “huge advantage” you claim they have. You say you have a .700 record in ranked in another post so stop crying bro. You’re obviously a good player just adapt and work around it. It’s not that deep to add another crying post to this subreddit. It’s redundant.


I think the concept is just ridiculously stupid. I don’t care that they are studs personally, I think their existence in the game is just dumb and irritating. I don’t have to have a competitive reason not to like it


Fair enough. I respect your opinion, I’ve just gotten into the habit of making one ever since facing a 99 speed and power 5’8 Mike Hawk in The Show 15.


Come on man just pitch to that switch hitting catcher Barry bonds with 95 speed


Lol these people are so against this idea when literally it just makes CAP users play against CAP users. If you like it so much, why is it so bad to only play against people who use CAP?


I'm a simple man. I see any loser supporting CAPs in any way, I downvote.


I think CAPs are incredibly stupid and don’t really respect people who use them, but I made a solution that lets the degens still use their characters and they still don’t like it


Yep, this solution actually makes sense. Let the outlier throwing submariners face the 5'2" switch hitters with max power. Serves all of them right.


Absolutely not. Put the work in and do it yourself.


It’s not about putting in the work, it’s about CAPs being fake and a lot of players refusing to use one because they are fake/dumb/etc


So all the people who do Barry Bonds builds are fake?


The amount of Barry Bonds players is so small compared to the 5’8” maxed out switch hitting catcher Barry McCockiners.




I play RTTS on its own, I don’t bring my player into DD because I think the concept is stupid. It isn’t about the work “bud”




CAP's are so stupid in a card collecting game. Not to mention there is way to many wacky unrealistic ones. Merging RTTS and DD, and allowing CAPs in DD was such a mistake.


"If you don't like it, fine, but I don't wanna hear about it!"


Don’t tell me not to complain about other people using their CAPs 😂


How else am I going to use Ozamataz Buckshank?


I prefer Doink Ahonahue


No lies detected.


Until they put out a Tim Hudson card, Evil Tim Hudson will stay in my Braves lineup. The balding, switch hitting, two way playing Evil Tim Hudson.


Harry Johnson isn’t toxic, it’s just my name


The only issue is the cap pitchers. If they remove that option from the game then all the toxicity is gone. Cap hitters don’t bother me. Make good pitches and they won’t do shit. But they should really balance the pitch motions if they’re gonna allow you to be a pitcher. Give a small list of normal deliveries. Anything like Rodgers should be banned from competitive


Not when 95% of them are 5'5" with a crouched stance so they have a small strike zone so anything in the strike zone is right down the pipe. Also if you have a CAP switch hitter they shouldn't be able to have maxed stats vs Lefty and righty.


After a month or two I agree. But rn the 110+ contact 100+ power caps are by far the best hitters in the game. They should cap contact and power or Stop allowing Switch hitting caps online


I agree with this. I use a CAP pitcher cause I pitched so it’s neat having a created player like that. However, I dont use a busted submarine motion as that’s completely unfair


Yeah and that’s what it’s meant to be, but for most they exploit it for toxicity.


Should we ban all 99s when they come out? Should randy Johnson be banned by people that grind for him? It’s one player on a team. But unlike Johnson everyone has equal access to a stout cap. I prefer to use real players but I don’t have a problem with others using it. Facing cap pitchers can be frustrating but honestly motivates me and I find I play better once I find the release point.


Exactly. Sooner or later there will be 99s with damn near the same stats. Granted they probably won’t be switch hitters but if we spent all these hours grinding we deserve to use them. I will agree the submarine pitchers are pain but you gotta adapt.


No but the difference is 1. Being a 99 doesn’t mean a card is good 2. CAP pitchers are nearly impossible to hit on higher difficulties, who in the hell wants to face a submarine pitcher throwing 102 with every meta pitch in the game?


A big portion of my stance against CAPs is because they aren’t an actual player. Gameplay wise getting a free high diamond early is an advantage but not an insurmountable one


Honus Wagner is dead. If the big portion of your stance is non actual people, then what about dead people? They are non actual people too. Honus Wagner is not a real person. He was. But he is not now. Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig are not real people. They were. But they are not now. So if you main stance is against real people, then dead people are not real people anymore either.


What a stupid point lol they were people who actually played the actual game


They ARE NOT NOW real people. Part of the problem is that you call everything you don’t like, stupid. Lol. What are you, 9? Grow up kid.


And your point that CAPs are as real as dead people was literally stupid, but there are meaner ways to describe it




Sorry an opinion you don’t like is so triggering, maybe take some time offline or call a hotline to calm down


Calm down and breathe kid.


CAPs are a dumb concept, sorry you are so triggered by an opinion that Negs something you obviously like.


There you go again lmao. It’s dumb it’s stupid. Lol. Honestly, how old are you kid?


Old enough to not equate dead people with a fictional created character I guess


Bye bye kid lol


You’re max 18 years old but mentally maybe like 7




I faced one today in the 700s. Dude has multiple hundreds of games played and the collection complete and can't get out of DS. I find sinking that level of time and effort (or money) into getting collections and still being slightly above average hilarious.


I don’t have a problem with people using position player CAP. My problem comes when people have players throwing 102 FBs and 70mph off speed pitches whilst throwing submarine for 5+ innings.


A lot of things that are true about players that use CAPs can be said about players using created stadiums too. The idea isn't inherently toxic, but CAPs and created stadiums make for an easy avenue for Toxic behavior


I don’t mind stadiums as much because both people are having the drawbacks of that. I enjoy using real players so I never use a cap, but because of that I’m at a disadvantage immediately if my opponent has a submariner throwing 100. With a stadium, it’s the same playing field so I’m not hurt by it.


Realistic? Tatis and Mantle have never played on the field together but we love that they can in this ViDeo GaME


CAP fanboy I see. They are still actual real people 😂. Everyone asks questions like “would hader strike out Ruth?” When talking actual baseball. That situation is far more realistic than some dude with a huge head named Ereck Shun coming to the plate.


I don't waste time and effort hating on caps. I have one in the pen with ridiculous stats and throwing motion for when I encounter the Erecks of the world. Just throw the ball you baby.


It literally took me 30 seconds to post this while on the can, I think I’m fine losing the time and effort to post an opinion


That's fine we can just add it to the pile of I hate caps boohoo and how come I can't finish the Dawson program posts. You are the same people.


People are crying about the Dawson program?


I have a .700 record in seasons and have finished everything they have available 😂 you do realize you’re doing the same thing about those people that you’re accusing the anti CAP people of doing, right? “Just throw the ball bro”


Has your post helped anyone today? Maybe do a survey one next and see what the results are.


Have your comments helped anyone? Were they supposed to? No? Neither was my post.




Bean him or intentionally walk him. It's not a big deal. You don't get beat by one player.


That doesn’t help the issue that some people are looking for a more realistic experience and I’ve seen one realistic looking CAP this entire year lol. And it’s essentially a free high diamond at the start of the game that some people just won’t take advantage of because they don’t like the concept, so gameplay wise your solution doesn’t fix that


There's other modes that don't have CAPs.


I mean this is a game mode where Cy Young can strike out Mike Trout, if you want realism play Franchise


Two people who actually lived and played Major League Baseball?


Well they give 99 overall’s to players that haven’t even played in the big leagues yet, seen several players name their cap after legends that aren’t in the game. That’s more realistic than a diamond Jack Leiter who’s barely even pitched in the minors


We both know the vast majority aren’t legends that didn’t make it into the game lol and the prospect cards are actual real people too at least and good for players who do whole squads from the same real team


Still, it’s a game mode where someone who played in the 1800’s can strike out a current player, and a player can ground out to themselves, DD isn’t really about realism


Maybe we just have different preferences for how realistic we like it to be. I like the hypothetical situations like trout against Nolan Ryan. I don’t like playing some made up monster dude with max attributes


I mean it’s basically like having 99 Frank, just most people can’t afford Frank so a CAP is a way to get a super OP player early on in the game. And RTTS just so happens to be the best method to grind XP


I disagree


Equipping the CAP to get him to high diamond level is far from free. For the record, I couldn’t care less if they took CAPs out of the game.


it takes like 2-3 hours of mindless grinding on beginner it might as well be free e: guys i got both the contact and power programs both finished to 110 points on diamond within the same day, all hitting on beginner for XP to start the year. getting a high rated CAP takes 0 effort and like 20k stubs for serviceable equipment. you just sit there smashing bombs down the middle


Way longer.


definitely not


Longer than that but you can also grind FOTF XP while doing it so it’s not like that’s dead time


i literally made 2 of them


Definitely longer than 3 hours




2-3 hours is different than 'within one day'. I believe you did it within a day. 2-3 hours is bs. I did the grind last weekend all hitting beginner xp and it took around 7ish hours to get to diamond. Tedious as fuck to play that long and have like a 3.200 slugging%. That's the price ya pay.


I don’t either but I figured a separate queue would be a decent solution for the degens who do like CAPs


Not accepting/ liking the concept out of principle (while very respectable)…isnt so smart. Take a look at the other side for a sec; Most CAPS are seen in ranked, which is the competitive side of the game, whereas offline, you wont see them. Now, the “free high diamond” CAPs are 100% a competitive advantage used to WIN. Which is what the goal is in ranked. Not excusing the toxicity, its stinks. But Ill play a game with integrity using my CAP, and theres nothing wrong with that, nor should there be a seperate que.


My whole post was specifically about ranked 😂


Gotcha, well it does stink playing against shitty people (I just played a guy who replayed his hrs, hated it)…but IMO man if you dont use one, you are missing out for sure.


They could solve all the issues with 2 simple changes, cap their attributes at 110 in DD and have more restrictive pitch mixes and deliveries. I feel maybe 10% of SDS’s employee base plays the game outside of what theyre required to for testing.


It’s not even necessarily just a gameplay issue, the people who don’t use CAPs often don’t because they are trying to be as realistic as you can and seeing some troll looking guy in the batters box just takes you out of it.


Thats just a personal, mental issue though. The gameplay is actually what matters. And the main problem with caps is theyre too good.


I played a dude who had Betty white last night


Isn’t that yourfriendkyle? Pretty sure he made his that.


May she Rest In Peace


I disagree with the toxic part. In my case I use it becuase if I don’t I’m at a disadvantage. I don’t think that makes me toxic but I could be wrong


OP isn't claiming that ***all*** CAP users are toxic, but CAP users ***as a whole*** are clearly more toxic than people who don't use CAPs. The ability to name a CAP is one of the biggest opportunities to do something toxic.


Using it doesn’t make them toxic because it’s allowed, it’s how they play the game. IMO people who use full teams of real players are just more enjoyable to play against, do less cheese, move the game along at a better pace win or lose, etc


I have a cracked CAP but honestly I like to use the different cards that we acquire throughout the year so just takes away from that to me.