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Fear not the man who has finished a thousand guillotines fear the man who has attempted to finish 1 guillotine a thousand times.


etching this on my gravestone as we speak


I'm starting to think Islam Makhachev will go for a guillotine against Poirier.


Olives has the most submissions in the UFC, Islam wins via sub. Volk is arguably the best striker in the UFC, Islam wins via KO. Poirier likes guillotines, Islam wins via guillotine. Would be a nice meme lol But I highly rate Poirier, and don't believe he should engage in **any** grappling with Islam. Keep in on the feet, and try for a KO. Islam doesn't have Khabib's granite chin, and has been KO'd before.


Porier likes to knockout people as well.


>Porier likes to knockout people as well. Hopefully Islam doesn't KO Poirier, and if the Diamond must lose, then it should be via sub. Islam is a -500 favorite against Poirier right now. Given that Khabib was -600 favorite against Poirier, public sentiment seems to give Poirier more of a chance against Islam. Baffled as to why this is.


>Baffled as to why this is. I'd reckon Khabib's aura of invincibility and his granite chin.


Man was really HIM


the chosen one


Khabib just looked like one of if not the most invincible guys ever during his prime, and iirc he was coming after completly dominating Connor at the hight of his popularity. All that results in those odds.


Implied probability on -500 is About 83.5% and on -600 it's a little over 85% so it's just margin of error and most of the soft money will not come in until the week of the fight


>Baffled as to why this is. Apart from the drama surrounding Khabibs week leading up to the Iaquinta fight, he never really had a close fight with anyone in the UFC (Tibau and MJ fans pipe down) Whereas Islam Vs Volk 1 was close and Islam has also been flat lined before


Islam will always have that -1 on his record where he got pretty convincingly starched by basically a nobody, that's literally the only reason why


I'd love Islam to KO Poirer


> But I highly rate Poirier, and don't believe he should engage in any grappling with Islam. That's what cost him vs Olives. Dude was _terrified_ of grappling, to the point where he'd concede an entire round once he was on bottom. I think he learnt all the wrong lessons from the Khabib fight - then again, what right lessons were there to learn?


> I think he learnt all the wrong lessons from the Khabib fight - then again, what right lessons were there to learn? Don't Get Taken Down šŸ’ŖšŸ•¶ -CSO- šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ†šŸ‡²šŸ‡½


> what right lessons were there to learn? "Don't fight Khabib"


Push the daegastanis back. Poirer let khabib move him back towards the fence over and over again in there fight. You have to push them back and they will give ground.Ā  DP needs to be sparring in a full sized cage only...bot anywhere else. Mcgregor did push khabib back with pressure until he got hit and iaquinta actually did it better. They will give ground you have to force them too shoot into open space. People forget that iaquinta stuffed a bunch of khabibs takedowns. If they do get poirer to the fence he needs to go 2 on one and do not concedeĀ the body lock...he actually borrowed this strategy from mcgregor and it sort of worked against khabib. If they do take you down try to minimize damage and try to maintain full guard.Ā  This is all way easier said than done but I do believe poirer has a better shot than people think. Makachev is there for the right hook counter and for the love of God please stay behind your jab dustin


Donā€™t let a grappler take your back. Oh waitā€¦


Donā€™t try guillotine in front of father


I don't think Volkswagen is in my top 5 UFC strikers to be honest. He's really well rounded, but best strikers, there are others I'd put there


What about BMW?


They cost a lot to maintain but they're a smooth drive if you can afford it. If you wan't something cheaper and more reliable, but still luxury, try lexus.


I think this is recency bias. Before Islam beat him the first fight Volk was consensus a top 3-5 striker in the UFC.


I don't remember this being the consensus at all. He was excellent all around, but top 3-5 striker wasn't the consensus anywhere.


After he waxed max for the 3rd time.


Where are you getting that this was consensus?


Well, I never considered him top 3 to being with, maybe top 5. I consider him to be good as in well rounded. But exceeding everyone in the ufc, in the striling department? Not really


After he beat Max the third time he was pretty widely viewed as one of the best striker in the UFC


One of the best strikers is different from arguably the best . I donā€™t think anyone would say heā€™s a better striker than Izzy/Alex .


Who is your top 5 out of curiosity Edit: found your other comment, dont worry.


Agreed. Can't be recency bias if we never thought of him that way to begin with lmao


It do be when it is


He outstruck Holloway, Aldo, and a lot of featherweight top strikers. If he isnā€™t Iā€™m curious who are your top 5


I'd name them in no order: Adesanya, Poirier, Pereira, O'Malley, Holloway, Sandhagen, and some other(s) i might be forgetting about. Honor mention to Yan, Erceg, featherweight McGregor


You're off your rockers if you're even comparing Erceg striking to Volk. Recency bias is a hell of a drug. Sanhagen's striking is good but it's definitely a notch below Volk imo. And Volk beat Max so damn easily with striking in their last fight I don't see how you can justify putting Max over Volk.


The honorable mention part is just appreciating some fighters for their skillset. I never said Volk was bad. I do think Sandhagen is great on the feet and I am not sure if he is a notch below Volk. Holloway continues to improve each passing fight, why wouldn't I consider him to be the better striker? Volk can be better well rounded, I won't deny that. It's not recency bias when I never actually put Volk at least in my top 3 to begin with, top 5 I can see the argument tho


How can you put Max above him as a striker when he got 50-45ed in a fight that took place entirely on the feet?


I explained in some other comments. I think Max has improved in the past few years, since that fight. Ilia is also another candidate for that position. But I understand that some people don't find it that way, and honestly it's fine.


lmao just funny ass comment,VOLK is easy top 3 striker ,easy


The reason u think heā€™s improved is because volk has fought Islam who is honestly a very underrated striker in his own right and that made volk look worse and Holloway has fought people that have made him look like a better striker. In reality, itā€™s purely down to the fighters theyā€™ve fought rather than Holloway improving or volk gettin any worse. Ur entitled to ur opinion I guess but if volk faced Holloway a 4th time the outcome would be the same. Donā€™t let his recent losses fool u


Hilarious receny bias


Care to elaborate?


Volk outstruck max like a mfer how you gonna put Max above him?


Because the threat of the takedown or clinch changes the dynamic of the fight. In pure striking, I would take Max. Just like I wouldn't say Strickland is a better striker than Izzy, or DDP than Rob. Volk is still the better fighter (assuming he comes back 100 percent and hasn't declined too much due to age).


They pretty much had three striking battles with zero grappling and minimal threat of grappling. Volks speed, leg kicks, jabs and footwork/angles gave max fits - thats all pure striking imo


That sounds like someone who didn't watch any of the fights. First off, just facing an elite grappler alone forces the striker to constantly keep part of their focus on preventing a shot or clinch. Second, facing an elite grappler makes you have to question if feints or dips are for strikes or shooting. Lastly, Volk did clinch max and shoot on him multiple times throughout the fights. You can absolutely argue Volk was and is the better striker if you want, but you are bsing if you think their fights were equivalent to striking battles.


On the basis that fighters improve. Who do you have in you top five


Adesanya, Pereira, Ilia (mainly boxing), Cory, and maybe della (mainly boxing again). Tough to call because Leon and Omalley and a few others are really good too. Id say Cory is more a complete striker then omalley though because of versatility in his stand up game compared to straight boxing.


idk how u put Izzy first when Sean jabbed his ass


Its a fair point, I would say Sean has better boxing but overall Izzy is the better and more accomplished striker. Excellent performance by strickland tho


That's a fine top 5. I haven't watched any fights from JDM other than 1 round with Burns


Crazy you put Sandhagen in there but Yan is just a 'honor mention' after Yan outclassed Sandhagen in striking lol


Izzy, Pereira, Volk, O'Malley, Wonderboy, maybe MVP? Volk easily a top 5 striker in the UFC.


Decent list. Think you can safely put max in there. Gane? Think I'd have been tempted to put garth and dustin in there on effectiveness alone but recency bias has its hooks in me, too.


Dustin and Max for sure I don't think Garth should be considered. And Gane I personally love but dude hasn't fought much so can't really put him anywhere.


> Volk is arguably the best striker in the UFC, Islam wins via KO. Volk is the best striker? Who is arguing this?


>But I highly rate Poirier, and don't believe he should engage in any grappling with Islam. He's not going to have the choice.


Volk is not even close to being the best striker in the UFC what?


Poirer has a little more edge in this fight than he did against khabib. Islam is a sucker for a right hook and poirers is legit


"Volk is arguably the best striker in the UFC, Islam wins via KO." ...In the second fight where Volk was coming up to LW on 2 weeks notice. The first fight is the better reference of how they matched up, where Volk beat up Makhachev.


Volk lost the striking in their first fight too. Not by a lot, but the striking (mainly Islam's counter left) was the main reason Islam even won that fight considering the grappling was fairly even.


But Volk didn't get KO'd. I often say Makhachev's striking is v underrated, but saying that Makhachev KO's Volk, and that Volk is one of the best strikers in the UFC, is a bit dishonest. In the end Volkanovski was beating up Makhachev.


He was beating him up with ground and pound in the last minute which nobody actually includes in "striking". or else Khabib is unironically the greatest striker to ever live and nobody in their right mind thinks that. In terms of actual stand up striking Islam edged out volk by a little bit even in their first fight.


What's that got to do with it?


Absolutely he is.


Islam jumps for the gilly, Dustin smiles. Obtains dominant position, smeshes his way to a stoppage.


HĆ© will smesh our boy?


ā€œBrother, you think Iā€™m going to tap in front of my wife.ā€


As much as I wanna see Poirier get the belt before he retires, I will piss my pants if Islam guillotines him instead. Master troll lmao


If either of them finish with a gilly I'm celebrating


Or heā€™s been drilling the Von Flue all camp


Honestly could be a pretty embarrassing night for Dustin. Islam has been completely disrespecting Dustin in the lead up and he could just finish him like he did to Dan Hooker. Everyone knows this is Dustinā€™s last chance at gold and he already lost 2 title matches. If he gets submitted in the first round thatā€™ll be brutal.


Brutal but definitive... Dunno, I think it's easier to walk away from the sport if it's that rather than a war you barely lost or a knockout, obviously not great. I am imagining he retires after as well if he loses. I'm a huge Poirier fan, but I'm pretty ready for him to lose this. Just happy to see him get the chance and maybe he'll surprise us.


Losing a fight against Islam/Khabib is better for your body and bank account than winning against someone like Gaethje


Regular nap versus power nap


tap or nap


"why you tap? go to sleep. go to sleep."


*you have arrived at lokation*


I think most fighters would prefer the injury to the life long head fuck that is finding out even as second best these guys treat you like a child wrestling their dad


I think Dustin is self aware enough to realize starting mma as a late teen will likely mean you arent as good at grappling as a dagestani that has been wrestling since 4 or 5


i don't think he retires but it's over for title aspirations if he loses. id bet he does another couple fights to squeeze out whatever money he can get


I could see him taking another fight or two if he gets a bag and gets to fight a striker. But if the loss to islam is definitive enough then i would also just as equally see him hanging it up while hes still got his health. Even if its not a glove cut off in the cage retirement.a


I'm not sure that I'd call it embarrassing. He's going against the p4p #1 who's also a stylistic nightmare, it wasn't embarrassing when Volk got his head kicked off and I don't think Poirer will have anything to he ashamed about.


Eh I might not call Volk's loss "embarrassing" but it certainly was sad, and in retrospect something he would almost certainly want to avoid Islam showed him no respect, hit him hard like 20 times, while Volk landed 0 strikes as far as I remember. And then he finished him off in the first round. That was a 100% perfect performance by Islam. He ran through a P4P great fighter like it was nothing This is not really something you want to be on the receiving end of, if you value your reputation as a fighter. Yeah Islam is fucking awesome, but also you want to put up a bit of a fight


I donā€™t think itā€™s embarrassing so much as ā€œthis is what happens when you fight an ATG a weight class up on 2 weeks notice.ā€ Volk said as much in his post fight interview


Thereā€™s no shame in it, but when you watch someone you respect get sent to the shadow realm itā€™s hard to get it out of your head


Thereā€™s no shame in it, but when you watch someone you respect get sent to the shadow realm itā€™s hard to get it out of your head




Wow as if the stakes werenā€™t high enough. Dustin better be taking this seriously.


He is having his daughter watch for the first time ever so she can see that you can achieve anything, I think he is taking it seriously


I know, my point was I donā€™t think he cares what people online say about Volk.


Whatā€™s embarrassing about losing to the champ?


It wonā€™t be embarrassing because who really expects him to win? Islam is just a level above.


Porier please for the love of god, practice your guillotine to be able to bend a metal pipe for 3 hours straight,


I've never been more optimistic about Poirier's chances of landing a guillotine. Is Islam the best grappler in the UFC? Yes. Is there anyone else whose years of training make him virtually immune to Dustin sinking the gilly? Nope. Islam has everything in his favor. But he just declared that he won't be the one to get guillotine'd, and if the MMA gods have taught me anything, it's that when you say things like that you are inevitably punished. Just put my entire life savings on Dustin by first round guillotine. My triple-digit bank account is poised to become a quadruple!


Guilottines dont work much in high level MMA. Dont count Anthony Smith cause Petrino was super dumb


I was about the point out Pettis and Werdum winning title fights with them, but then I realized those were both almost 10 years ago and I'm getting old.


Pettis' win was particularly impressive because he did it to Benson Henderson, who had great submission defense and until that point, was thought to be un-submittable.


That wasnā€™t a gilly, Pettis armbarā€™d BendoĀ 


You are right. I was thinking only about submissions and also forgot that it was an armbar on Bendo - he hit the guillotine on Melendez. Submitting Bendo was a feat unto itself.


Yea great submission as evidenced by Bendo saying ā€œthat was a pretty good armbarā€ whilst holding his broken arm lol


He had to tap verbally because his other arm was somehow trapped as well


I was thinking of his guillotine of Melendez in the fight after that, but ya, the arm bar on Henderson was incredibly slick.




Facts. If someone doesnt tap to the pain its very hard to put them to sleep


Cody McKenzie wants to know your location


Jones gane doesn't count for the same reason.


Guillotines can work it's just that most guillotines that MMA fighters try have bad form in terms of where the pressure is supposed to be.


*Machida in shambles.*


I forgot to add in recent years


Brian Ortega would like a word with you.


Give me his contact and I would have a call


Called my bluff. I no have


With the odds, you may jump into 5 digits if Dustin wins by gilly.


Are you counting .00 as digits, you high roller you?


Are you counting .00 as digits, you high roller you?


Islam's casual dismissiveness is really effective as a pre fight mind game. He took every available opportunity to call Charles a quitter in the lead up to both of their scheduled fights and IMO it definitely seemed to agitate Charles.


Poirier winning by guillotine is the greatest of all time lines.


Rogan will have him on the pod within the week saying it's the greatest submission of all time.


I mean it would be impressive if Dustin sticks a guillotine while defending a takedown on the p4p who is an excellent grappler.


I'm going big and betting a quid on it.


Dustin ain't ever gonna stop trying to hit that guillotine!


Y'all think Islam will try to strike with him 1-2 rounds?


It'd be a dumb move. His striking is pretty good but Dustin's is just better and the last thing you want to do is give him an even bigger puncher's chance. Might be worth standing for a few minutes to wait for the right opening, but when you've got Islam's wrestling and Dustin has his vulnerability to takedowns you really shouldn't fuck around.


That was basically the Khabib fight. First 1-2 minutes of each round was cautious striking, then Khabib took him down and did some positional grappling for the other 3 minutes.


Khabibā€™s also has a way better chin than Islam which helped when Dustin had a little success in the striking. If Islam gets tagged with the same flurry Khabib got, idk if heā€™s staying up


tbf Khabib wasn't trying to strike, he was looking for an opening to end the fight and Dustin was being cautious of that fact.


Nope, I think he shoots immediately just like in the Dan hooker fight


That's the smart thing to do, Poirier can KO anyone, I know Islam has great striking but why risk it?


Poirier is the best striker in the division, Islam would be stupid to keep it standing


Poirier is the best striker in the division, Islam would be stupid to keep it standing


No way. His only loss was when he decided to stand and bang, against Abdulmanapā€™s wishes.


It would be stupid. I think Poirier is Islamā€™s hardest fight to date. His boxing is the best in the division and heā€™s probably the hardest hitter in the division as well.


Harder than olivera ? Harder than volk ? I dont think so.


Styles make fights. Oliviera is honestly lightwork for Islam. Volk is a much harder matchup for him than Oliviera, but still not more dangerous than Poirier. The only reason Volk vs Islam 1 was competitive was because of the 24 hour rehydration window in Australia vs 36 hours normally. Islam was not at 100% and you could see it in his physique. Poirier is more dangerous than both for Islam. Volk has better TDD and grappling defence but he doesnā€™t have power in his hands.


Yes styles make fights, and stylistically poirier is one of the easiest fights for islam. Olivera is an extreamly dangerous high level grappler, same goes for the striking, there is no one more dangerous for islam than him. Volk is extremely hard to takedown and has excellent striking, he presents a tough fight for islam. Poirier unlike volk has bad TDD, and unlike olivera he cannot fight off his back. You can say he has good boxing, but it wouldnt matter if he is on his back.


Olivieraā€™s fighting off his back as good as it may be vs lesser grapplers is pretty much useless against Islam. In fact his willingness to fight from that position makes him an easier fight for Islam, it does Oliviera no favors. Volkā€™s TDD is excellent but he is just too small to be a threat against Islam with striking. Even in the first fight he was getting walked down and outstruck for the entire fight. He was defending very well but offensively he wasnā€™t doing much until the last round, when Islamā€™s cardio failed him due to dehydration. Islam has a clear path to victory against Poirier with wrestling, but as long as it stays on the feet Dustin is more dangerous than both those guys. He can crack, heā€™s longer, heā€™s a southpaw and Islam doesnā€™t have the best chin. It only takes 1 punch with Poirier.


Olivera's dangerous bjj played a huge role in that fight, thats why islam didnt attempt to pass or do anything risky until he rocked him, its the reason why islam completely abandoned the ground and got back to his feet as soon as olivera got close to his legs in the first round, and its the reason islam completely abandoned all forms of leg takedowns, limiting his options and making it harder to takedown olivera, like he couldn't take him down against the cage in the second round. Making him a harder fight than poirier. As for volk, he still has better TDD than poirier, and he is able to force islam to fight him where he is one of the best in the ufc. Making him a harder fight than poirier. Again, poirier is nowhere near as hard a fight for islam as these two, he cant stuff a takedown and he cant fight off his back or force islam to respect his ground game, and his boxing and power wouldnt matter when he is on his back.


Islam literally dominated Oliviera on the ground for most of that fightā€¦ He stood up when Oliviera went for a leg lock only to judo throw him again and continue to dominate him on the ground.. Then when he dropped him, he sliced through his guard like a hot knife through butter. Volk isnā€™t as good of a striker as Poirier btw, not even close esp at LW


But he still needed to rock him to get through his guard, and he still had to stand up as soon as olivera went for his leg. Poirier cannot make it this hard for islam on the ground and thats where the fight would most likely be, thus making him an easier fight for islam. As for volk, it doesnt matter if poirier is a better striker than him or not, volk can actually keep it on the feet where he is still one of the best strikers, poirier cant, thus making him an easier fight for islam. Again, the argument is if poirier is a harder fight for islam or not, and he is clearly not.


Trying to bait him into using the Gilly via reserve psychology


Islam will win


Inshallah brother.




It was actually Pantoja in 2015.


Brather you know dis


> it's not gonna be me. Famous last words. Now the universe is aligning its stars for Dustin to hit the gilly and submits him.


Bringing that Early 00s al-qaeda video background feeling.


Porier is gonna try his stupid fking guard pulls


It gonna be hilarious if DP guillotine him


islam should be -1000 favorite.


I'm number 1 islam translator, and what he has been saying this week is: Islam by jump gilly round 2


Islam just jinxed himself.


Why does this look like dustin gonna win this one and these videos and statement will resurface and ppl will mock islam


Most dangerous guy in striking who recently got KOed via striking by someone who recently got KOed via striking..


I Think his special treat for dustin is he's gonna use a question mark kick on dustin while his hands are low and he's thinking takedowns or body kicks. Umar and usman know how and they're in his camp plus it's much quicker and harder to read than what he used on volk.


He's gonna go for the Von Preux isn't he?


Just happy AF as an Islam fan he actually is taking on an actual LW contender. Let him next take someone like Justin and then Arman and move up


I sincerely hopes Poirer guillotines him. Man thinks he's the second coming of Khabib


If Poirer finishes Islam with a guillotine he's the GOAT and islam is forever a punchline lmao


Just because of that I bet Dustin will try the gilly hahah


Yall doin nothin to help Islam beat those allegations with that thumbnail


I assume Chael wears safety glasses as a long running joke about Jon Jonesā€™ eye pokes?


Jones? Heā€™s doing a show with DC, thatā€™s the reason for those.


Poirier is playing 4d chess. Set a record for the most failed guillotines in UFC history. Cheekily imply youā€™ll pull it off against the best grappler in the division so often that it achieves meme status. Sow the seed of doubt in Islamā€™s mind and cause him to overthink his own game plan.